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=[[pentaradio_2010_01 | 26.1.2010: #TBA#]]=
==TKO (20. Januar 2010)==
==Hack des Monats==
==Patent des Monats==
* [http://www.lossofprivacy.com/index.php/2010/01/irish-blasphemy-law-goes-into-effect/ Irish blasphemy law goes into effect]
* [http://www.designboom.com/weblog/cat/16/view/8672/hydrofill-fuel-cell.html hydrofill fuel cell]
* [http://torrentfreak.com/pirate-bays-ipredator-vpn-opens-to-the-public-090120/ Pirate Bay's VPN goes public:] [https://www.ipredator.se/?lang=en Ipredator]
* [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/18/AR2010011803982_pf.html Report: FBI abused authority] [http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2010/01/report-confirms-fbi-misuse-authority to obtain US phone] [http://ilt.eff.org/index.php/Privacy:_Statutory_Protections#Electronic_Communications_Privacy_Act_of_1986 call records]
* [http://www.boingboing.net/2010/01/19/google-vs-china-vs-g.html Google vs. China vs. Google: update roundup]
* [http://www.colorlines.com/article.php?ID=673 New Orleans cops use ancient "unnatural copulation" law to turn prostitutes into sex-offenders]
* [http://photographernotaterrorist.org/2009/12/mass-photo-gathering/ Mass photo-shoot in Trafalgar Square]
* [http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2010-01-16-updated-bin-laden-photo_N.htm?csp=usat.me FBI uses Internet photo of Spanish lawmaker to create aged Osama Bin Laden photo]
* [http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2010/01/german_tv_on_th.html Naked airport scanner catches cellphone, misses bomb components] und [http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2010/jan/04/new-scanners-child-porn-laws Creepy "naked scanners" violate child porn laws in UK]
* [http://toc.oreilly.com/2010/01/2009-oreilly-ebook-revenue-up-104-percent.html O'Reilly drops ebook DRM, sees 104% increase in sales]
* [http://criticapura.com/cronica-de-la-reunion-en-el-impi-por-geraldine-juarez/2010/01/&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&usg=ALkJrhhz2UXWFQht_ALCSiVS5ro2sIkdRQ/ Activist ejected from "public"] [http://pisanty.blogspot.com/2010/01/acta-consulta-del-impi-en-mexico.html meeting on secret copyright treaty for tweeting]
<!-- news-2010-01 -->
==Links zum Thema==
=[[pentaradio_2010_02 | 23.2.2010: #TBA#]]=
==TKO (23.02.)==
==Hack des Monats==
==Patent des Monats==
<!-- news-2010-02 -->
==Links zum Thema==
=[[pentaradio_2010_03 | 23.3.2010: #TBA#]]=
==TKO (23.03.)==
==Hack des Monats==
==Patent des Monats==
<!-- news-2010-03 -->
==Links zum Thema==
=[[pentaradio_2010_04 |27.4.2010: #TBA#]]=
==TKO (27.04.)==
==Hack des Monats==
==Patent des Monats==
<!-- news-2010-04 -->
==Links zum Thema==
=[[pentaradio_2010_05 | 25.5.2010: #TBA#]]=
==Hack des Monats==
==Patent des Monats==
<!-- news-2010-05 -->
==Links zum Thema==
=[[pentaradio_2010_06 | 22.6.2009: #TBA#]]=
==Hack des Monats==
==Patent des Monats==
<!-- news-2010-06 -->
==Links zum Thema==
=[[pentaradio_2010_07 | 27.7.2010: #TBA#]]=
==Hack des Monats==
==Patent des Monats==
<!-- news-2010-07 -->
==Links zum Thema==
=[[pentaradio_2010_08 | 24.8.2010: #TBA#]]=
==Hack des Monats==
==Patent des Monats==
<!-- news-2010-08 -->
==Links zum Thema==
=[[pentaradio_2010_09 | 21.9.2010: #TBA#]]=
==Hack des Monats==
==Patent des Monats==
<!-- news-2010-09 -->
==Links zum Thema==
=[[pentaradio_2010_10 | 26.10.2010: #TBA#]]=
==Hack des Monats==
==Patent des Monats==
<!-- news-2010-10 -->
==Links zum Thema==
=[[pentaradio_2010_11 | 23.11.2010: #TBA#]]=
==Hack des Monats==
==Patent des Monats==
<!-- news-2010-11 -->
==Links zum Thema==
=[[pentaradio_2010_12 | 28.12.2010: #TBA#]]=
==Hack des Monats==
==Patent des Monats==
<!-- news-2010-12 -->
==Links zum Thema==