[[Kategorie:Projekt]] =Ruby= ==Telnet-Haltestellenmonitor== {{Broken| Reason=Die Struktur der WAP-Seiten war nicht permanent und wurde in der Zwischenzeit geändert. Jemand muss auf die neuen URLs anpassen.|}} #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'net/http' require 'socket' require 'rexml/document' class MultipleStations < RuntimeError def initialize(stations) @stations = stations end def to_s "Mehrere mögliche Haltestellen: " + @stations.join(', ') end end class StationResult def initialize(card) strong_n = 0 card.each_element('p/strong') { |e| case strong_n when 0 @name = e.text when 1 @time = e.text end strong_n += 1 } @trams = [] card.to_s.scan(/br\/>(\d+:\d+\*?) (.+?)-> (.+?) column_widths[i] } } "\n\n#{@name}, #{@time}:\n\n" + 'Zeit'.ljust(column_widths[0]) + ' | ' + 'Linie'.ljust(column_widths[1]) + ' | ' + 'Ziel'.ljust(column_widths[2]) + "\n" + ('-' * column_widths[0]) + '-+-' + ('-' * column_widths[1]) + '-+-' + ('-' * column_widths[2]) + "\n" + @trams.collect { |time,tram,direction| time.ljust(column_widths[0]) + ' | ' + tram.ljust(column_widths[1]) + ' | ' + direction.ljust(column_widths[2]) }.join("\n") end end class ClientHandler def initialize(socket) @socket = socket puts "#{address} connected" Thread.new { begin handle rescue Exception => e @socket.puts("Fehler: #{e}") ensure @socket.close end } end def address if @socket.peeraddr[0] == 'AF_INET6' "[#{@socket.peeraddr[3]}]" else "#{@socket.peeraddr[3]}" end + ":#{@socket.peeraddr[1]}" end def ask_haltestellenmonitor(station) param = { :station => station, :action => :check, :time => Time.new.strftime('%H:%M'), :date => Time.new.strftime('%d.%m.%Y') } param_s = param.collect { |k,v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join('&') param_s.gsub!(/ /, '+') res = Net::HTTP.start('wap.dvbag.de') { |http| http.get('/wapVVO/wap-rbl.php?' + param_s) } if res.kind_of? Net::HTTPSuccess wml = REXML::Document.new(res.body).root card = nil wml.each_element('/wml/card') { |c| card = c } if card if card.attributes['id'] == 'liste' stations = [] card.each_element('p/select/option') { |option| stations << option.text } raise MultipleStations.new(stations) elsif card.attributes['id'] == 'result' StationResult.new(card).to_s else raise "Unexpected card/@id: #{card.attributes['id']}" end else raise "No card found in result document" end else raise "#{res.class}" end end def handle @socket.print "Hallo #{address}\n\nHaltestelle: " @socket.flush haltestelle = @socket.gets if haltestelle haltestelle.strip! puts "#{address} asks for #{haltestelle.inspect}" @socket.puts "Anfrage nach #{haltestelle}..." @socket.puts ask_haltestellenmonitor(haltestelle) end end end serv = TCPServer.new('', 65023) while client = serv.accept ClientHandler.new(client) end Und dann: telnet localhost 65023 ==NCurses Monitor== Der VVO stellt jetzt ja für seine Widgets eine JSON(?)-Variante der Daten zur Verfügung. require 'net/http' require 'ncurses' class DvbAbfahrt def initialize @BASEURI = "http://widgets.vvo-online.de/abfahrtsmonitor/Abfahrten.do?ort=ORT&hst=HST&vz=VZ" end def fetch(ort, hst, vz=0) # TODO exceptionhandling: timeout vz = vz.to_s ort = URI.escape ort hst = URI.escape hst uri = @BASEURI.gsub(/ORT/, ort).gsub(/HST/,hst).gsub(/VZ/, vz) res = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(uri)) res = umlauts_hack res arr = res.scan(/(\d+),([^,]{1,}),(\d+)/) end def umlauts_hack(s) repl = [ [""", ''], ["ü", "ü"], ["ö", "ö"], ["ß", "ß"] ] repl.each do |r| s.gsub!(r[0], r[1]) end return s end end class Monitor def initialize(ort, hst, vz=0) Ncurses::initscr Ncurses::start_color Ncurses::init_pair(1, Ncurses::COLOR_YELLOW, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK); Ncurses::attron(Ncurses::COLOR_PAIR(1)); Ncurses::curs_set(0) Ncurses::move(0,0) Ncurses::printw "Loading..." Ncurses::refresh @sep = "|" @timeout = 30 @wlno = 3 @wlname = 20 @weta = 3 @ort = ort @hst = hst @vz = vz @dvb = DvbAbfahrt.new @lines = 0 end def print_title Ncurses::attron(Ncurses::A_REVERSE | Ncurses::A_BOLD); Ncurses::mvprintw(0,0, @hst.center(@wlno+@wlname+@weta+2)) # +2 seperators Ncurses::attroff(Ncurses::A_REVERSE | Ncurses::A_BOLD); end def mainloop print_title while true info = @dvb.fetch(@ort, @hst, @vz) # clearing old lines if needed if @lines >= info.size Ncurses::clear print_title end @lines = info.size info.each_index do |i| Ncurses::mvprintw(i+1, 0, info[i][0].rjust(@wlno) + @sep + info[i][1][0..@wlname].center(@wlname) + @sep + info[i][2].rjust(@weta)) end Ncurses::refresh Ncurses::move(0,0) sleep @timeout end end end if __FILE__ == $0 begin if !ARGV.empty? m = Monitor.new("Dresden", ARGV[0]) m.mainloop else puts "USAGE #{$0} " end ensure Ncurses::attroff(Ncurses::COLOR_PAIR(1)); Ncurses::endwin end end ==awk (gawk!)== 1.) DVB Stationsmonitor, Usage: ./pnv [station] (z.B. ./pnv Bischofsweg) #!/bin/bash station=${@:-Mockritzer Strasse} awk -vRS='\\],\\[|\r\n\r\n' -vFS='"(,")*' -vstation="${station/ /%20}" 'BEGIN { s="/inet/tcp/0/widgets.vvo-online.de/80"; print "GET /abfahrtsmonitor/Abfahrten.do?ort=Dresden&hst=" station "&vz=5 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: widgets.vvo-online.de\r\nAccept: */*\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n" |& s; print "Nr. Min. Richtung"; while (s |& getline) { if ($0 ~ /quot/) { printf ("%3s %4s %s\n", $2, $4, $3); } } }' | perl -npe 's/&#(\d*);/($1 & ~0x7f ? chr(0xc0 | (($1 >> 6) & 0x3f)).chr(0x80 | ($1 & 0x3f)) : chr($1))/eg' 2.) DVB Routenplanung, Usage: ./t [destination [station]] (z.B. `./t "Max Muster Strasse" HBF', `./t HBF' oder `./t') #!/bin/bash dststation=${1:-My default target} srcstation=${2:-My default station} awk -vrequest="http://efa.vvo-online.de:8080/dvb/XSLT_TRIP_REQUEST2?sessionID=0&requestID=0&language=de&usage=xslt_trip&execInst=normal&command=&ptOptionsActive=-1&itOptionsActive=&itDateDay=`date +%d`&itDateMonth=`date +%m`&itDateYear=`date +%y`&place_origin=Dresden&placeState_origin=empty&type_origin=stop&name_origin=${srcstation/ /%20}&nameState_origin=empty&place_destination=Dresden&placeState_destination=empty&type_destination=stop&name_destination=${dststation/ /%20}&nameState_destination=empty&itdTripDateTimeDepArr=dep&itdTimeHour=`date +%H`&idtTimeMinute=`date +%M`" -vRS="]*>|" -vFS=']*>||\\("|"\\)' 'BEGIN { isDest=0; route=0; curr=0; s="/inet/tcp/0/efa.vvo-online.de/8080"; print "GET " request " HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: efa.vvo-online.de\r\nUser-Agent: akts!zr\r\nAccept: */*\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n" |& s; while (s |& getline) { if($0 ~ /option value="[0-9]+:[0-9]+"/) { if($0 ~ /name_destination/) isDest = 1; split($0, a, /]*>|<\/option>/); if(isDest) for(pos = 2; a[pos]; pos += 2) dest = dest (dest ? ", " : "") a[pos]; else for(pos = 2; a[pos]; pos += 2) src = src (src ? ", " : "") a[pos]; continue; } if($0 ~ /#ROUTE/) { split($0, a, /]*>|<\/a>/); routes[++route]=a[2]; continue; } if($0 ~ /"ROUTE_[0-9]"/) { print routes[++curr]; print " Zeit Linie Station"; continue; } if($2 ~ /^[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]/) { split($11, a, / /); line=a[2]; printf (" %s %5s %s\n", $2, line, $4 " " $6); } } if(src || dest) { print "Gehts etwas genauer?"; if(src) print "Einstieg: " src "?"; if(dest) print "Ausstieg: " dest "?"; } }' | perl -npe 's/([\x80-\xff])/(chr(0xc0 | ((ord($1) >> 6) & 0x3f)).chr(0x80 | (ord($1) & 0x3f)))/eg' =Python= ==CLI-Interface== #!/usr/bin/python import sys from urllib import urlencode, urlopen from optparse import OptionParser from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulStoneSoup import simplejson widgets_base_url = "http://widgets.vvo-online.de/abfahrtsmonitor/" def get_connections(stop=None, town=None, time=None): """ Get the next connections at *stop* in *town* *time* minutes from now. """ query_params = [] if stop is not None: query_params.append(("hst", stop)) if town is not None: query_params.append(("ort", town)) if time is not None: query_params.append(("vz", time)) query_url = widgets_base_url + "Abfahrten.do?" + urlencode(query_params) page_data = urlopen(query_url).read() connections_soup = BeautifulStoneSoup(page_data, convertEntities="html") connections_data = connections_soup.contents[0] connections = simplejson.loads(connections_data) return connections def find_stops(stop, town=None): """ Get stops with the given name in *town*. """ query_params = [("hst", stop)] if town is not None: query_params.append(("ort", town)) query_url = widgets_base_url + "Haltestelle.do?" + urlencode(query_params) page_data = urlopen(query_url).read() stops_soup = BeautifulStoneSoup(page_data, convertEntities="html") stops_data = stops_soup.contents[0] towns, stops = simplejson.loads(stops_data) return towns, stops def format_connections(connections): """ Format a list of connections into a nice table. Returns a generator for table's rows. """ destination_column_length = max(23, *(len(d) for _, d, _ in connections)) line_name_column_length = max(5, *(len(l) for l, _, _ in connections)) line_format = "%-" + str(line_name_column_length) + "s | %" \ + str(destination_column_length) + "s | %7s" header_line = line_format % ("line", "destination", "arrival") yield header_line yield "-" * line_name_column_length + "-+-" \ + "-" * destination_column_length + "-+-" \ + "-" * 7 for line_name, destination, time in connections: yield line_format % (line_name, destination, time) def print_connections(stop, town, connections, limit=None): """ Print *connections* at *stop* in *town* to stdout. If a limit is given only that many connections are printed otherwise all. """ if len(connections) == 0: print "No connections at %s in %s." % (stop, town) sys.exit(1) if town is not None: print "Next connections at %s in %s:" % (stop, town) else: print "Next connections at %s:" % (stop,) print if limit: connections_table = format_connections(connections[:limit]) else: connections_table = format_connections(connections) for line in connections_table: print line def main(): """ Main function. """ option_parser = OptionParser( usage="%prog [options] [] ") option_parser.add_option("-l", "--limit", help="maximum number of connections to display", type="int", default=5) option_parser.add_option("-t", "--time", help="minimum time to departure", type="int", default=None) option_parser.add_option("-k", "--no-lookup", help="do not look up stop name", action="store_false", dest="lookup_stop", default=True) options, args = option_parser.parse_args() # sanitize options if options.limit < 0: options.limit = None if options.time < 0: options.time = None if len(args) == 1: stop = args[0] town = None elif len(args) == 2: town, stop = args else: option_parser.error("Not enough arguments") if options.lookup_stop: towns, stops = find_stops(stop, town) if len(towns) == 0: print "No town named '%s'." % (town,) sys.exit(1) if len(stops) == 0: print "No stop named '%s' in the following towns:" % (stop,) print "\n".join(" "+t[0] for t in towns) sys.exit(1) for stop_name, town, stop_id in stops: connections = get_connections(stop_id, time=options.time) print_connections(stop_name, town, connections, options.limit) print else: connections = get_connections(stop, town, options.time) print_connections(stop, town, connections, options.limit) if __name__ == "__main__": main() [[Kategorie:Ruby]] {{Rübÿ Spëëd Mëtäl Cödïng}}