'''UseCases''' (x is good to have in EDN because we need it for y) Those use cases will double as draft for the "why EDN" documentation of the final product. They should focus on the situation of a human using the product.Avoid technical terms if possible. Don't focus on mass, concise, prepare for a couple of iterations. x = "A Glossary" y = "to be clear about important concepts for developers and users." This should only contain terms required for EDN. Furthermore it should avoid references to implementations. Even for concepts which eventually map 1:1 to EDN space. We'll need this later when defining which APIs to map to plugins for flexibility. x = "To avoid any language suggesting that any particular data item represents (or identifies) a human being" y = "two reasons:" a) This data item would accumulate reputation over time. While this is something needed in certain context, "reputation" is meta data collected elsewhere. Certainly it would be used as a key in "big data". Since we need some reputation to connect humans, make always clear that this data item (e.g. address) designates something the human possesses at the moment. If EDN grows big enough, the language which has manifested itself at that time, will be used in court. This could really fire back. b) It is an offense to the end user: When explaining the product, we should be sure that rarely any end user having just understood how the product works will advertise it to a technology-avers friend, point to the screen showing anything other than the friends face and say "this is you". Teach them from the beginning to say: "this is quasi the your phone's number here".