Archiv der Mai Sendung

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Herr flupke 2009-06-03 13:14:08 +00:00
parent 169945d9c0
commit df6ff6b3a0

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@ -1 +1,54 @@
=[[pentaradio_2009_05 | 26.5.2009: Bring your Towel. Travelling Hackerspaces]]=
This month we are happy to welcome hellekin of /tmp/lab. He tells us about his experiences exploring the hackerspace universe.
What are hackerspaces? What can you do there? Where are they located?
We also have something to announce: [ The Hackerspace Festival, 26-30 June, /tmp/lab, Paris].
* [ hellekin]
==Hack des Monats==
* [ ACDC - ROCK N ROLL TRAIN in an excel spreadsheet]
* [ Use Your G1 As… A Metal Detector?]
* [ Time Mag Worldss most influential person is moot ] auch [ explanation ]
== Softwarepatent des Monats ==
* [,536,726 Microsoft Patents the Crippling of Operating Systems]
* [ Warner Music claims Lessig is a pirate, has his presentation taken off YouTube]
* [ NoScript = Malware?]
* [ StudiVZ Profil der Piratenpartei gelöscht]
* [ Britain's secret spy-on-every-call-and-email plan already well underway] und [ Agency denies internet spy plans]
* [ ODF Spreadsheet Interoperability]
* [ London cops catch and search a potential terrorist every three minutes]
* [ New Web Censor Evasion Toolkit Launches:] [ Psiphon] - [ critique from a crypto community member]
* [ Strafanzeige gegen Zensursula wegen Besitzes und Verbreitung kinderpornographischer Schriften]
* [ EU kills "3-strikes" Internet rule, affirms Internet is a fundamental right]
* [ MPAA to teachers: don't rip DVDs, just record your television with a camcorder]
* [ Fed Kontrolle ohne kontrolle und verstand]
* [ ddo$ attacke gegen Anwalt der Musikindustrie im PirateBay Prozess]
* [ Grafikfähiges Display für Blinde]
* [,0,5890193.story Warrantless GPS Tracking Is Legal,] [ Says WI Court]
* [ Canadian MPs don't want Parliament videos in the hands of citizens]
* [ Canada Gov't Censors Parliament Hearings On YouTube]
* [ Danger Mouse's EMI-killed CD will be released as a] [ blank CD-R, just add download] - [ stream]
* [ NYPD directive] [ on the legality of public photography to print and carry]
* [ Congress proposes anti-DRM-Right-to-Repair Law Proposed ... for Cars]
* [ Police shoot stuffed animal with Taser]
* [ Bob Graham's much-scoffed-at little notebooks are more reliable than the CIA's records]
* [ UK towns move to extend abusive license plate surveillance grid] und [ English schoolkids go on strike until CCTVs are removed from classes]
* [ user data sent to RIAA]
* [ Canadian think-tax spends tax dollars to plagiarize and regurgitate talking points from US entertainment lobby group]
==Links zur Sendung==
* [ Cory Doctorow Draws the Line On Net Neutrality]
* [ SIGINT 2009]
* []
* [ RepRap]
* [ buy nothing day]
# [ pentaradio24 vom 26. Mai 2009 (Ogg Vorbis, 68.4 MB)]
# [ pentaradio24 vom 26. Mai 2009 (MPEG-Audio, 84.0 MB)]