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Demos 2015-06-19 12:50:51 +00:00
parent 9f5c8a139d
commit 657039f064

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@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
[https://wiki.c3d2.de/Echt_Dezentrales_Netz/ Deutsch]
: '''Unite for High Level Secure Communication'''
: '''Secure Communication for everyone'''
== Welcome ==
This is the official wiki of the research and software project '''''[[Echt Dezentrales Netz|EDN]]''''' ([[Echt Dezentrales Netz]] - real decentralized network).
We verify the applicability of existing technologies (see [[Echt Dezentrales Netz/Recherche | Recherche]]) and aim to integrate them into a comprehensive product.
We verify the applicability of existing technologies (see [[Echt Dezentrales Netz#Recherche | Recherche]]) and aim to integrate them into a comprehensive product.
: '''High Level Secure Communication via an Open Wireless Meshnet including several [[Echt_Dezentrales_Netz#Services | services]].<br>
For that purpose we will deploy a testing network and help projects EDN will depend on.
For that purpose we will deploy a testbed and help projects EDN will depend on.
== News ==
@ -108,6 +108,46 @@ The following criteria should be met:
* blogging (where location has to be discussed)
* Private communication with embedded devices (?)
== Recherche ==
[http://youbroketheinternet.org/map Here] is a helpful overview including a part of the following projects
'''Current list of relevant projects'''
* [https://www.torproject.org/about/overview.html.en '''TOR''']
* [http://retroshare.sourceforge.net/index_de.html '''Retroshare''']: Secure communication. Chat, mail, forums,telephony and filesharing based on a Friend-to-Friend(F2F) network
* [https://projectmeshnet.org '''cjdns, Hyperboria & the Project Meshnet''']: encrypted IPv6 network using public-key cryptography for address allocation and a distributed hash table for routing
* [https://gnunet.org/ '''Gnunet''']: Secure, fully decentralized P2P network, extensible component-oriented framework, a possible future Internet architecture.
* [http://www.secushare.org/ '''Secushare''']: Distributed pubsub and multicast architecture on top of GNUnet intended to provide advanced communication capabilities and distributed social networking
* [https://briarproject.org/ '''Briar''']: Delay-tolerant network for secure messaging (one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many), capable of operating over a diverse mixture of transports including Tor, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and portable storage devices
* [https://www.bitmessage.org/wiki/Main_Page '''Bitmessage''']: decentralized, encrypted, peer-to-peer, trustless communications protocol
* [https://www.tox.im/ '''Tox''']: Skype Replacement: encrypted Peer-to-Peer Messenger/Phone and Video
* [http://ball.askemos.org/ '''BALL''']: autonomous, persistent execution environment to realize integrity protection of data and operations, authenticated timestamps, compliance auditing
* [http://qaul.net/text_de.html '''Qaul.net''']: Provider independent, self-configuring, multiplatform communication network that integrates services
* [https://www.zerotier.com/ '''ZeroTier One''']: hybrid peer to peer protocol that creates virtual Ethernet networks
* [https://commotionwireless.net/ '''Commotion Wireless''']
* [http://developer.servalproject.org/dokuwiki/doku.php#serval_mesh '''Servalproject''']
* [http://michaelblizek.twilightparadox.com/projects/cor/index.html '''COR''' Connection oriented routing]: a layer 3+4 mesh protocol for zero administration networks, implemented as a linux kernel patch
* [http://qmp.cat/Home<nowiki/> '''Quick Mesh Project''' (qMp)]: Firmware for embedded network devices based on OpenWRT Linux operating system
* [https://www.ethereum.org/ '''ethereum''']: Programmable blockchain agent framework
* [http://maidsafe.net/ '''Maidsafe''']: GNUnet-like Internet replacement stack, focused on distributed data storage, replication and high latency interaction
* [https://ind.ie/about/vision/ '''Ind.ie''']
* [http://www.tribler.org/ '''Tribler''']
* [http://zeromq.org/'''Zyre''']
* [http://rina.tssg.org/ '''RINA'''] Another internet stack
* [http://invisible.im/ '''Invisible''']: filetransfer and conversation without trace/evidence
* [https://geti2p.net/en/ '''I2P''']
* [https://freenetproject.org/ '''Freenet''']
* [https://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox '''FreedomBox''']: Project to develop, design and promote personal servers running free software for private, personal, communications.
* [https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs '''Tahoe-LAFS'''] high latency tool: decentralized cloud storage system. It distributes data across multiple servers. Iff some of the servers fail or are taken over by an attacker, the entire file store continues to function correctly
* [https://github.com/ssbc/secure-scuttlebutt '''Secure Scuttlebutt'''] high latency tool
== Threat model ==
We presume a global active attacker that does automated intrusion such
as traffic [http://7ywdkxkpi7kk55by.onion/trac/wiki/DeanonymizingTheInternet shaping].
We draw the line before targeted operations.
== Contribute ==
Everyone can contribute according to his/her skills.
@ -123,9 +163,10 @@ Developers of [http://7ywdkxkpi7kk55by.onion/trac/wiki/ProjectsFeatureList relev
You know your project best and which parts (maybe the hole) could be helpful and how.<br>
'''''Note''': .onion adresses can be accessed via [https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en TOR Browser Bundle]''
=== short term ===
Building the EDN-testbed -> See [[Echt_Dezentrales_Netz/en#Contribute | contribute]].
Building the EDN-testbed, Recherche, Finding sponsors -> See [[Echt_Dezentrales_Netz/en#Contribute | contribute]].
=== medium-term ===
@ -145,50 +186,22 @@ http://www.federation.network
== Contact ==
'''Easy way '''to subscribe to the ''encrypted'' EDN-mailinglist
Subscribe to the ''encrypted'' EDN-mailinglist
* get the list's public key by [mailto:edn-sendkey@schleuder.notraces.net sending] an empty unsigned message
* send your public key to the [mailto:edn@schleuder.notraces.net EDN-mailinglist]
'''Longer, but privacy enhancing way:'''
''(Every step may be overkill for non tech people. But you can consider to take certain steps described below and skip others)''
'''if you want to add anonymity for meta-data-protection:'''
* make sure you have an emailadress that
** is not connected to your name
** never used your name or other identifiers in an unencrypted email
** ''only accessed the mailbox via TOR''
*** per webinterface: [https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en TOR Browser Bundle]
*** per webinterface: [https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en TOR Browser Bundle]
*** per mailclient [plugin torbirdy]
***or at least per proxy
*** or at least per proxy
* possible email providers are:
**[https://posteo.de/de Posteo] which does not need your name
** or [https://www.openmailbox.org Openmailbox]
* [mailto:edn-sendkey@schleuder.notraces.net ask] the list for its public key in an empty unsigned message
* get it and send your public key to the [mailto:edn@schleuder.notraces.net EDN-mailinglist]
'''Why all this efford to stay anonymous?'''
''We want our helpers to be as save as possible against possible counter measures such as repression or zersetzung or just being targeted to be surveilled by possible enemies of easy privacy enhancing technology.''
== Links on the topic Surveillance and Democracy ==
Mostly German only:
* Einschränkungen der Pressevielfalt und Bedrohung der Demokratie durch Überwachung:
*: https://www.reporter-ohne-grenzen.de/pressemitteilungen/meldung/reporter-ohne-grenzen-veroeffentlicht-aktuelle-rangliste-der-pressefreiheit/
* Offener Brief Schriftsteller zur Verteidigung unserer Demokratie
*: http://www.faz.net/aktuell/feuilleton/debatten/ueberwachung/offener-brief-an-angela-merkel-deutschland-ist-ein-ueberwachungsstaat-12304732.html
* Geheimdienste und Bürgerrechte
*: https://www.boell.de/de/2014/07/21/geheimdienste-und-buergerrechte
* Überwachung/Demokratie
*: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DcC-cMPRJ0
* Sasha Lobo zu Überwachung/Demokratie
*: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxkuRDUfCOw
* Der Ausspähskandal Weckruf für die Demokratie
*: http://pressefreiheit-in-deutschland.de/der-ausspaehskandal-weckruf-fuer-die-demokratie/
* Mass U.S. Surveillance Targeting Journalists and Lawyers Seen as Threat to American Democracy
*: http://www.democracynow.org/2014/7/29/mass_us_surveillance_targeting_journalists_and
* Geheime Vorgänge
*: https://netzpolitik.org/2014/neue-digitale-ueberwachungsmethoden-von-bka-bfv-bnd-und-mad/
* Bürgerrechte: Oberster Verfassungsrichter warnt vor GAU beim Datenschutz
*: http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/buergerrechte-oberster-verfassungsrichter-warnt-vor-gau-beim-datenschutz-a-622528.html
** [https://posteo.de/de Posteo] which does not need your name
** or [https://www.openmailbox.org Openmailbox]