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2009-02-07 16:35:09 +01:00
=[[pentaradio_2009_01 | 27.1.2009: Multi User Chat]]=
2009-03-07 12:00:37 +01:00
=[[pentaradio_2009_02 | 24.2.2009: FPGA]]=
2009-02-19 21:46:52 +01:00
2009-03-24 14:04:19 +01:00
=[[pentaradio_2009_03 | 24.3.2009: Killerspiele in den Medien]]=
2009-04-29 20:47:43 +02:00
=[[pentaradio_2009_04 |28.4.2009: It's Summertime - Die Blümchenwiese blüht wieder]]=
2009-05-26 21:43:45 +02:00
=[[pentaradio_2009_05 | 26.5.2009: Bring your Towel. Travelling Hackerspaces]]=
2009-06-22 06:58:54 +02:00
=[[pentaradio_2009_06 | 23.6.2009: Unix Geburtstagsparty]]=
2009-07-20 10:34:59 +02:00
=[[pentaradio_2009_07 | 28.7.2009: Netzneutralität]]=
2009-03-07 12:10:54 +01:00
=[[pentaradio_2009_08 | 25.8.2009: #TBA#]]=
==Hack des Monats==
2009-07-30 18:56:17 +02:00
* [http://www.isa.org/Content/ContentGroups/News/2009/July40/Need_battery_power__Just_print_it_out.htm Printable batteries]
2009-07-31 12:44:42 +02:00
* [http://science.slashdot.org/story/09/07/30/2344222/Malaria-Vaccine-Via-Mosquito Malaria Vaccine, Via Mosquito]
2009-08-07 17:50:18 +02:00
* [http://www.alab.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~siggraph/09/TouchableHolography/SIGGRAPH09-TH.html Touchable Holography]
2009-07-30 18:56:17 +02:00
* [http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2009/07/drm-for-news-inside-the-aps-plan-to-wrap-its-content.ars DRM for news? Inside the AP's plan to "wrap" its content]
* [http://arstechnica.com/microsoft/news/2009/07/eu-vista-xp-users-will-also-get-to-vote-ie-off-the-island.ars EU Vista, XP users will also get to vote IE off the island]
* [http://www.inhabitat.com/2009/07/28/mits-10-minute-charge-electric-vehicle/ MIT Developing Electric Vehicle that Charges in 10 Minutes Flat]
2009-07-30 18:55:08 +02:00
* [http://news.zdnet.co.uk/security/0,1000000189,39700487,00.htm MI5 Website Breached By Hacker]
* [http://www.prnewschannel.com/pdf/Amazon_Complaint.pdf High school student suing Amazon over book-deletions which rendered his study-notes useless (pdf)]
* [http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2009/07/book-vs-kindle The Book vs. The Kindle: funny videos about the Kindle's user rights shortcomings]
* [http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/the_web/article6718560.ece#cid=OTC-RSS&attr=1063742 British fraud cop quits job, buys huge databse of stolen identities, charges fees to people who want to know if their details are in the database]
* [http://www.theobserver.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=1680060 Canadians vow mass-mooning of US spy-blimp]
2009-07-31 12:45:34 +02:00
* [http://tech.slashdot.org/story/09/07/30/1854243/Emacs-Hits-Version-23 Emacs Hits Version 23]
* [http://www.heise.de/security/Router-Web-Filter-umgeht-zugangserschwerte-DNS-Server--/news/meldung/142859 Router-Web-Filter umgeht "zugangserschwerte" DNS-Server]
* [http://techdirt.com/articles/20090730/1747055719.shtml Wolfram Wants to Copyright Software Output]
* [http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2009/08/hidden-gay-slur-search-terms-get-campaign-site-blacklisted.ars Senator's campaign website suffers search-engine death penalty for embedding invisible homophobic slur against opponent]
2009-08-04 08:47:17 +02:00
* [http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn17551-guerrilla-stem-cell-clinic-raided-by-police.html?DCMP=OTC-rss&nsref=online-news Black-market stem-cell clinic raided]
<!-- news-2009-08 -->
==Links zum Thema==
2009-03-07 12:11:19 +01:00
=[[pentaradio_2009_09 | 22.9.2009: #TBA#]]=
==Hack des Monats==
<!-- news-2009-09 -->
==Links zum Thema==
2009-03-07 12:11:40 +01:00
=[[pentaradio_2009_10 | 27.10.2009: #TBA#]]=
==Hack des Monats==
<!-- news-2009-10 -->
==Links zum Thema==
=[[pentaradio_2009_11 | 24.11.2009: Nichts zu verbergen unterm Weihnachtsbaum]]=
2008-12-20 21:10:35 +01:00
Weihnachten und der damit verbundene Warenaustausch nähert sich. Wir zeigen einige Geschenke auf, welche die inneren Werte würdigen, einladen diese zu erkunden und bei denen nicht die Kontrolle verliert.
==Hack des Monats==
<!-- news-2009-11 -->
==Links zum Thema==
2009-05-05 16:11:21 +02:00
* [http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rockbox wikipedia: rockbox]
2009-03-07 12:12:39 +01:00
=[[pentaradio_2009_12 | 22.12.2009: #TBA#]]=
==Hack des Monats==
<!-- news-2009-12 -->
==Links zum Thema==
2009-07-03 12:29:57 +02:00