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2009-02-07 16:35:09 +01:00
=[[pentaradio_2009_01 | 27.1.2009: Multi User Chat]]=
2009-03-07 12:00:37 +01:00
=[[pentaradio_2009_02 | 24.2.2009: FPGA]]=
2009-02-19 21:46:52 +01:00
2009-03-24 14:04:19 +01:00
=[[pentaradio_2009_03 | 24.3.2009: Killerspiele in den Medien]]=
2009-04-29 20:47:43 +02:00
=[[pentaradio_2009_04 |28.4.2009: It's Summertime - Die Blümchenwiese blüht wieder]]=
2009-05-26 21:43:45 +02:00
=[[pentaradio_2009_05 | 26.5.2009: Bring your Towel. Travelling Hackerspaces]]=
2009-06-22 06:58:54 +02:00
=[[pentaradio_2009_06 | 23.6.2009: Unix Geburtstagsparty]]=
2009-07-20 10:34:59 +02:00
=[[pentaradio_2009_07 | 28.7.2009: Netzneutralität]]=
=[[pentaradio_2009_08 | 25.8.2009: Landtagskandidatencheck check]]=
2009-09-22 12:55:54 +02:00
=[[pentaradio_2009_09 | 22.9.2009: Datenspuren 2009]]=
2009-03-07 12:11:40 +01:00
=[[pentaradio_2009_10 | 27.10.2009: #TBA#]]=
==Hack des Monats==
* [http://www.stfj.net/art/2009/loselose/ lose/lose - a computer game that destroys your files]
2009-09-24 14:42:23 +02:00
* [http://www.miket.co.uk/blood_lamp.html Lamp that runs on human blood]
2009-10-05 20:07:16 +02:00
* [http://www.p2pnet.net/story/29439 Mit WiFi-Wellen durch Wände sehen]
* [http://www.laquadrature.net/en/yet-another-adoption-of-liberty-killer-three-strikes-law-in-france France adopts law that lets entertainment goons take your family off the net if one member is accused (without evidence) of violating copyright]
2009-09-25 14:22:07 +02:00
* [http://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/4170632954 wikileaks no longer blocked in Iran]
* [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8274200.stm British Airways adds a "fly next to your children" fee]
2009-09-28 20:03:29 +02:00
* [http://www.boingboing.net/2009/09/28/here-come-the-airpor.html Here come the airport rectal exams!]
* [http://www.heise.de/newsticker/China-blockiert-Anonymisierungdienst-Tor--/meldung/146007 China blockiert Anonymisierungdienst Tor]
* [http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2009/09/android-community-aims-to-replace-googles-proprietary-bits.ars?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=rss Android developers pledge to make open equivalents to Google's proprietary apps]
* [http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2009/sep/29/bbc-hd-encryption BBC wants to encrypt "free" TV -- talking points debunked]
* [http://www.boingboing.net/2009/09/30/uk-border-agencys-ps.html UK Border Agency's pseudoscientific "race-detection" DNA/isotope tests has scientific experts "horrified"]
* [http://www.reuters.com/article/domesticNews/idUSTRE58247Y20090903 Bank of America demands thumbprint from man with no arms]
* [http://www.theagitator.com/2009/10/05/federal-swat-raid-over-orchids/ Swat team raids orchid grower for improperly filling out import paperwork]
2009-10-07 19:13:08 +02:00
* [http://blog.makerbot.com/2009/10/06/makerbot-love/ MakerBot LOVE]
* [http://serendipity.ruwenzori.net/index.php/2009/10/08/french-presidency-makes-400-unauthorized-copies-of-dvd Nicolas "Copyright" Sarkozy mass-pirates DVDs]
2009-10-08 20:47:16 +02:00
* [http://munews.missouri.edu/news-releases/2009/1007-mu-researchers-create-smaller-and-more-efficient-nuclear-battery/ nuclear battery the size of a penny]
<!-- news-2009-10 -->
==Links zum Thema==
=[[pentaradio_2009_11 | 24.11.2009: Nichts zu verbergen unterm Weihnachtsbaum]]=
2008-12-20 21:10:35 +01:00
Weihnachten und der damit verbundene Warenaustausch nähert sich. Wir zeigen einige Geschenke auf, welche die inneren Werte würdigen, einladen diese zu erkunden und bei denen nicht die Kontrolle verliert.
==Hack des Monats==
<!-- news-2009-11 -->
==Links zum Thema==
2009-05-05 16:11:21 +02:00
* [http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rockbox wikipedia: rockbox]
* [http://butterflymp3.sourceforge.net/ Butterfly open source mp3 Player]
2009-09-23 02:12:18 +02:00
* [http://www.magnatune.com/ magnatune]
2009-09-23 01:37:32 +02:00
* [http://openpandora.org/ pandora game handheld]
2009-09-23 01:42:15 +02:00
* [http://www.belogic.com/uzebox/ uzebox]
2009-09-23 01:40:56 +02:00
* [http://www.adafruit.com/ adafruit industries]
2009-09-23 01:43:10 +02:00
* [http://www.buglabs.com buglabs]
2009-09-23 01:48:30 +02:00
* [http://www.arduino.cc/ arduino]
2009-09-23 01:51:11 +02:00
* [http://www.chumby.com/ chumby]
2009-09-23 01:54:56 +02:00
* [http://www.crunchpad.com/ crunchpad]
* [http://www.openmoko.com/ openmoko], [http://www.opencellphone.org/index.php?title=Main_Page tuxphone], [http://code.google.com/android/ Google Android]
2009-09-23 01:54:56 +02:00
* [http://www.e-puck.org/ e-puck]
* [http://reprap.org/ RepRap]
* [http://monome.org/ monome]
* [http://shop.tuxgraphics.org/electronic/microcontroller.html?id=2b93dd open ATMEL kits]
* [http://openprosthetics.org/ openprosthetics]
* [http://www.ubuntu.com/support/paid ubuntu + support]
* [http://www.neurosaudio.com/osd/osd.asp NEUROS OSD - Open Source Linux embedded media center]
* [http://www.dd-wrt.com/dd-wrtv2/index.php Open source firmware + wireless router... Buffalo WHR-HP-G54]
2009-09-23 02:12:18 +02:00
* [http://www.fsf.org/ fsf][http://www.fsf.org/ (e)], [http://www.eff.org eff]
* [http://gumstix.com/ gumstix]
* [http://mindstorms.lego.com/ lego mindstorms nxt]
* [http://touchkit.nortd.com/ nortd touchkit]
2009-05-05 16:11:21 +02:00
2009-03-07 12:12:39 +01:00
=[[pentaradio_2009_12 | 22.12.2009: #TBA#]]=
==Hack des Monats==
<!-- news-2009-12 -->
==Links zum Thema==
2009-07-03 12:29:57 +02:00