Yann E. MORIN 12c5e68ea8 support/graph-depends: add option to limit the depth of the graph
Currently, the complete dependency chain of a package is used to
generate the dependency graph. When this dependency chain is long,
the generated graph becomes almost unreadable.

However, it is often sufficient to get the first few levels of
dependency of a package.

Add a new variable BR2_GRAPH_DEPTH, that the user can set to limit
the depth of the dependency list.

Signed-off-by: "Yann E. MORIN" <>
Cc: Thomas Petazzoni <>
Signed-off-by: Thomas Petazzoni <>
2014-04-14 20:56:20 +02:00

252 lines
7.9 KiB
Executable File

# Usage (the graphviz package must be installed in your distribution)
# ./support/scripts/graph-depends [-p package-name] >
# dot -Tpdf -o test.pdf
# With no arguments, graph-depends will draw a complete graph of
# dependencies for the current configuration.
# If '-p <package-name>' is specified, graph-depends will draw a graph
# of dependencies for the given package name.
# If '-d <depth>' is specified, graph-depends will limit the depth of
# the dependency graph to 'depth' levels.
# Limitations
# * Some packages have dependencies that depend on the Buildroot
# configuration. For example, many packages have a dependency on
# openssl if openssl has been enabled. This tool will graph the
# dependencies as they are with the current Buildroot
# configuration.
# Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Thomas Petazzoni <>
import sys
import subprocess
import argparse
# In FULL_MODE, we draw the full dependency graph for all selected
# packages
# In PKG_MODE, we only draw the dependency graph for a given package
mode = 0
max_depth = 0
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Graph pacakges dependencies")
parser.add_argument("--package", '-p', metavar="PACKAGE",
help="Graph the dependencies of PACKAGE")
parser.add_argument("--depth", '-d', metavar="DEPTH",
help="Limit the dependency graph to DEPTH levels")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.package == None:
mode = FULL_MODE
mode = PKG_MODE
rootpkg = args.package
if args.depth != None:
max_depth = int(args.depth)
allpkgs = []
# Execute the "make show-targets" command to get the list of the main
# Buildroot TARGETS and return it formatted as a Python list. This
# list is used as the starting point for full dependency graphs
def get_targets():
sys.stderr.write("Getting targets\n")
cmd = ["make", "-s", "show-targets"]
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
output = p.communicate()[0].strip()
if p.returncode != 0:
return None
if output == '':
return []
return output.split(' ')
# Execute the "make <pkg>-show-depends" command to get the list of
# dependencies of a given list of packages, and return the list of
# dependencies formatted as a Python dictionary.
def get_depends(pkgs):
sys.stderr.write("Getting dependencies for %s\n" % pkgs)
cmd = ["make", "-s" ]
for pkg in pkgs:
cmd.append("%s-show-depends" % pkg)
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
output = p.communicate()[0]
if p.returncode != 0:
sys.stderr.write("Error getting dependencies %s\n" % pkgs)
output = output.split("\n")
if len(output) != len(pkgs) + 1:
sys.stderr.write("Error getting dependencies\n")
deps = {}
for i in range(0, len(pkgs)):
pkg = pkgs[i]
pkg_deps = output[i].split(" ")
if pkg_deps == ['']:
deps[pkg] = []
deps[pkg] = pkg_deps
return deps
# Recursive function that builds the tree of dependencies for a given
# list of packages. The dependencies are built in a list called
# 'dependencies', which contains tuples of the form (pkg1 ->
# pkg2_on_which_pkg1_depends, pkg3 -> pkg4_on_which_pkg3_depends) and
# the function finally returns this list.
def get_all_depends(pkgs):
dependencies = []
# Filter the packages for which we already have the dependencies
filtered_pkgs = []
for pkg in pkgs:
if pkg in allpkgs:
if len(filtered_pkgs) == 0:
return []
depends = get_depends(filtered_pkgs)
deps = set()
for pkg in filtered_pkgs:
pkg_deps = depends[pkg]
# This package has no dependency.
if pkg_deps == []:
# Add dependencies to the list of dependencies
for dep in pkg_deps:
dependencies.append((pkg, dep))
if len(deps) != 0:
newdeps = get_all_depends(deps)
if newdeps != None:
dependencies += newdeps
return dependencies
# The Graphviz "dot" utility doesn't like dashes in node names. So for
# node names, we strip all dashes.
def pkg_node_name(pkg):
return pkg.replace("-","")
# Helper function for remove_redundant_deps(). This function tells
# whether package "pkg" is the dependency of another package that is
# not the special "all" package.
def has_redundant_deps(deps, pkg):
for dep in deps:
if dep[0] != "all" and dep[1] == pkg:
return True
return False
# This function removes redundant dependencies of the special "all"
# package. This "all" package is created to reflect the origin of the
# selection for all packages that are not themselves selected by any
# other package. So for example if you enable libpng, zlib is enabled
# as a dependency. But zlib being selected by libpng, it also appears
# as a dependency of the "all" package. This needlessly complicates
# the generated dependency graph. So when we have the dependency list
# (all -> zlib, all -> libpn, libpng -> zlib), we get rid of the 'all
# -> zlib' dependency, because zlib is already a dependency of a
# regular package.
def remove_redundant_deps(deps):
newdeps = []
for dep in deps:
if dep[0] != "all":
if not has_redundant_deps(deps, dep[1]):
sys.stderr.write("Removing redundant dep all -> %s\n" % dep[1])
return newdeps
# In full mode, start with the result of get_targets() to get the main
# targets and then use get_all_depends() for all targets
if mode == FULL_MODE:
targets = get_targets()
dependencies = []
filtered_targets = []
for tg in targets:
# Skip uninteresting targets
dependencies.append(('all', tg))
deps = get_all_depends(filtered_targets)
if deps != None:
dependencies += deps
rootpkg = 'all'
# In pkg mode, start directly with get_all_depends() on the requested
# package
elif mode == PKG_MODE:
dependencies = get_all_depends([rootpkg])
dependencies = remove_redundant_deps(dependencies)
# Make the dependencies a dictionnary { 'pkg':[dep1, dep2, ...] }
dict_deps = {}
for dep in dependencies:
if not dict_deps.has_key(dep[0]):
dict_deps[dep[0]] = []
# Print the attributes of a node: label and fill-color
def print_attrs(pkg):
if pkg == 'all':
print "all [label = \"ALL\"]"
print "all [color=lightblue,style=filled]"
print "%s [label = \"%s\"]" % (pkg_node_name(pkg), pkg)
if mode == PKG_MODE and pkg == rootpkg:
print "%s [color=lightblue,style=filled]" % pkg_node_name(rootpkg)
print "%s [color=grey,style=filled]" % pkg_node_name(pkg)
# Print the dependency graph of a package
def print_pkg_deps(depth, pkg):
if pkg in done_deps:
if not dict_deps.has_key(pkg):
if max_depth == 0 or depth < max_depth:
for d in dict_deps[pkg]:
print "%s -> %s" % (pkg_node_name(pkg), pkg_node_name(d))
print_pkg_deps(depth+1, d)
# Start printing the graph data
print "digraph G {"
done_deps = []
print_pkg_deps(0, rootpkg)
print "}"