################################################################################ # # omniorb # ################################################################################ OMNIORB_VERSION = 4.1.6 OMNIORB_SITE = http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/omniorb/omniORB/omniORB-$(OMNIORB_VERSION) OMNIORB_SOURCE = omniORB-$(OMNIORB_VERSION).tar.bz2 OMNIORB_INSTALL_STAGING = YES OMNIORB_LICENSE = GPL2+ LGPLv2.1+ OMNIORB_LICENSE_FILES = COPYING COPYING.LIB # Required for internal code generation scripts OMNIORB_DEPENDENCIES = host-python ifeq ($(BR2_PACKAGE_PYTHON),y) OMNIORB_DEPENDENCIES += python OMNIORB_CONF_OPT += --enable-python-bindings else OMNIORB_CONF_OPT += --disable-python-bindings endif # omniORB is currently not cross-compile friendly and has some assumptions # where a couple host tools are built in place and then used during the # build. The tools generate code from the IDL description language, which # is then built into the cross compiled OMNIORB application. # So this first hook builds the tools required for the host side # generation of code. Then the second hook cleans up before the install. define OMNIORB_BUILD_TOOLS $(HOST_MAKE_ENV) $(MAKE) $(HOST_CONFIGURE_OPTS) \ -C $(@D)/src/tool export endef OMNIORB_POST_CONFIGURE_HOOKS += OMNIORB_BUILD_TOOLS define OMNIORB_CLEAN_TOOLS $(HOST_MAKE_ENV) $(MAKE) $(HOST_CONFIGURE_OPTS) \ -C $(@D)/src/tool clean endef OMNIORB_POST_BUILD_HOOKS += OMNIORB_CLEAN_TOOLS define OMNIORB_FIXUP_FILE_PATHS_HOOK $(SED) "s:$(HOST_DIR)/usr:/usr:g" $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/bin/omniidl endef OMNIORB_POST_INSTALL_STAGING_HOOKS += OMNIORB_FIXUP_FILE_PATHS_HOOK $(eval $(autotools-package))