Add buildall script for testing many/most packages separately with build logs and documentation for this and mkpkg

This commit is contained in:
Ulf Samuelsson 2009-01-11 21:13:02 +00:00
parent 06b9e7abe7
commit 062da366e0
2 changed files with 527 additions and 0 deletions

docs/TESTING.html Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
<!--#include file="header.html" -->
<h2>Testing Buildroot for an Architecture</h2>
<h4>scripts/mkpkg script</h4>
If you want to test the build of a single package you can use the mkpkg script.
<li>$ scripts/mkpkg PACKAGE</li>
Will make the board, and save the result in a log file.
The log file resides in
<li>$ log/OK/PACKAGE.log.OK</li>
if the build succeeds and in
<li>$ log/OK/PACKAGE.log.FAIL</li>
if it cannot complete.
By creating an alias
<li>alias mk=scripts/mkpkg</li>
it is enough to type
<li>$ mk PACKAGE</li>
mkpkg will only print out the <h4>{PACKAGE}......OK</h4> or <h4>{PACKAGE}......FAIL</h4>
depending on success or failure making it easy to get an overview
of the status of this specific architecture.
It is recommended to build a simple board before running the test
to get some basic things done.
<h4>scripts/ script</h4>
By running this script you will run scripts/mkpkg on
a lot of the packages available in Buildroot.
You need to run the script while in the TOP directory.
I.E: Where you typically run make.
There are a few lacking, for no very good reason,
but these can be easily added.
Note that some packages will not build properly
if you do not enable them using makeconfig.
Examples are:
<!--#include file="footer.html" -->

scripts/ Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
alias mk="scripts/mkpkg"
function nmk()
echo Not building $1
if [ ${already-done} == 1 ] ; then
nmk busybox
if [ ${busybox-tools} == 1 ] ; then
mk bash
mk bzip2
mk coreutils
mk diffutils
mk findutils
mk flex
if [ ${busybox-tools} == 1 ] ; then
mk gawk
if [ ${busybox-tools} == 1 ] ; then
mk grep
mk make
if [ ${busybox-tools} == 1 ] ; then
mk patch
mk sed
mk tar
echo "Other development stuff"
mk autoconf
mk automake
mk bison
mk cvs
mk distcc
mk dmalloc
mk fakeroot
mk gettext
mk libgmp
mk gperf
mk libmpfr
mk libtool
mk m4
mk mpatrol
mk oprofile
mk pkgconfig
mk readline
mk valgrind
mk pcre
echo "Other stuff"
mk at
mk beecrypt
mk berkeleydb
mk bsdiff
if [ ${busybox-tools} == 1 ] ; then
mk bootutils
mk cups
mk customize
if [ ${busybox-tools} == 1 ] ; then
mk dash
mk file
mk gamin
mk icu
mk kexec
if [ ${busybox-tools} == 1 ] ; then
mk less
mk libconfig
mk libconfuse
mk libdaemon
mk libelf
mk libevent
mk libfloat
mk libgcrypt
mk libgpg-error
mk libiconv
mk liblockfile
mk liboil
mk libsysfs
mk lockfile-progs
mk logrotate
mk lsof
nmk ltp-testsuite
mk ltrace
mk ltt
mk memstat
if [ ${busybox-tools} == 1 ] ; then
mk module-init-tools
mk modutils
mk ng-spice-rework
mk popt
if [ ${busybox-tools} == 1 ] ; then
mk procps
if [ ${busybox-tools} == 1 ] ; then
mk psmisc
mk screen
mk startup-notification
mk strace
mk sudo
if [ ${busybox-tools} == 1 ] ; then
mk sysklogd
# busybox has init and the runit stuff
mk sysvinit
mk tinylogin
mk util-linux
mk which
mk database
if [ ${busybox-tools} == 1 ] ; then
# busybox has an editor
# text editors
mk editors
echo "Networking applications"
mk argus
mk avahi
mk axel
if [ ${busybox-tools} == 1 ] ; then
mk boa
mk bind
mk bridge
if [ ${busybox-tools} == 1 ] ; then
mk dhcp
mk dnsmasq
mk dropbear
mk ethtool
mk haserl
mk hostap
mk ifplugd
mk irda-utils
mk iperf
mk iproute2
mk ipsec-tools
mk iptables
mk kismet
mk l2tp
mk libcgi
mk libcgicc
mk libcurl
mk libeXosip2
mk libosip2
mk libpcap
mk libupnp
if [ ${busybox-tools} == 1 ] ; then
mk lighttpd
mk links
mk lrzsz
mk mdnsresponder
if [ ${busybox-tools} == 1 ] ; then
mk microcom
mk mii-diag
mk mrouted
mk mutt
mk nbd
mk ncftp
mk neon
if [ ${busybox-tools} == 1 ] ; then
mk netcat
mk netkitbase
mk netkittelnet
mk netplug
mk netsnmp
mk nfs-utils
mk ntp
mk olsr
mk openntpd
mk openssh
mk openssl
mk openvpn
mk openswan
mk portmap
mk pppd
mk rp-pppoe
mk pptp-linux
mk proftpd
nmk quagga
mk rsync
mk samba
mk socat
mk stunnel
mk tcpdump
mk tftpd
if [ ${busybox-tools} == 1 ] ; then
mk thttpd
mk tinyhttpd
mk tn5250
mk ttcp
if [ ${busybox-tools} == 1 ] ; then
# ATTENTION! This was merged into busybox!
nmk udhcp
mk udpcast
mk vpnc
mk vsftpd
mk vtun
mk webif
if [ ${busybox-tools} == 1 ] ; then
mk wget
mk wireless-tools
echo "Hardware handling / blockdevices and filesystem maintenance"
mk acpid
mk dbus
mk dbus-glib
mk devmem2
mk dm
mk dmraid
mk e2fsprogs
mk eeprog
mk fconfig
mk fis
mk libfuse
mk gadgetfs-test
mk hal
if [ ${busybox-tools} == 1 ] ; then
mk hdparm
mk hotplug
mk hwdata
mk i2c-tools
mk input-tools
mk iostat
mk libaio
mk libraw1394
mk libusb
mk lm-sensors
mk lvm2
mk mdadm
mk memtester
mk mkdosfs
mk mtd
mk ntfs-3g
mk pciutils
mk pcmcia
mk raidtools
mk setserial
if [ ${busybox-tools} == 1 ] ; then
# busybox has fdisk
mk sfdisk
mk smartmontools
if [ ${busybox-tools} == 1 ] ; then
# mdev
mk udev
mk usbmount
mk usbutils
mk wipe
nmk xfsprogs
echo " text rendering applications"
mk dialog
# Audio/Video support
echo "Audio and video libraries and applications"
mk alsa-lib
mk alsa-utils
mk asterisk
fi # ********* already-done
mk aumix
mk gstreamer
mk gst-plugins-base
mk gst-plugins-good
mk gst-plugins-ugly
mk libid3tag
mk libmad
mk libmpd
mk libogg
mk libsndfile
mk libtheora
mk libvorbis
mk madplay
mk mpg123
mk mplayer
mk speex
mk festival
mk vlc
echo "Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text)"
echo " text rendering libraries"
mk ncurses
mk newt
mk slang
echo " graphic libraries"
mk directfb
mk directfb-examples
mk fbdump
mk fusion
mk imagemagick
mk jpeg
mk libart
mk libpng
mk libungif
mk lite
mk pixman
mk sawman
mk sdl
mk sdl_image
mk sdl_mixer
mk sdl_net
mk sdl_ttf
mk tiff
echo "busybox graphic applications"
echo "--> May be broken in busybox"
mk fbv
mk fbset
echo "other GUIs"
mk qte
mk qtopia4
if [ ${X-WIN} == 1 ] ; then
mk x11r7
echo "X libraries and helper libraries"
echo "maybe some of these should depend on !BR2_PACKAGE_XSERVER_none"
mk atk
mk cairo
mk pango
mk libdrm
mk liberation
mk libglade
mk libglib12
mk libglib2
mk libgtk12
mk libgtk2
mk gtk2-engines
mk gtk2-themes
mk libsexy
mk fltk
mk openmotif
mk fontconfig
mk freetype
mk tslib
mk webkit
echo "X Window managers"
mk matchbox
mk metacity
mk blackbox
echo "X applications"
mk alsamixergui
mk dillo
mk docker
mk gqview
mk gmpc
mk gtkperf
mk leafpad
mk midori
mk pcmanfm
mk rdesktop
mk rxvt
mk sylpheed
mk synergy
mk torsmo
mk x11vnc
mk xpdf
mk xstroke
mk xvkbd
echo "Compressors / decompressors"
if [ ${busybox-tools} == 1 ] ; then
mk gzip
mk lzo
mk lzma-host
mk lzma-target
mk zlib
echo "Package managers"
mk ipkg
nmk portage
if [ ${busybox-tools} == 1 ] ; then
mk rpm
echo "Interpreter languages / Scripting"
mk lua
mk microperl
mk python
mk ruby
mk tcl
mk php
echo "XML handling"
mk expat
mk ezxml
mk libxml2
mk libxslt
mk xerces
# java support
nmk java
# various games packages
nmk games