woring pins = woring netlines

This commit is contained in:
Eri - 2019-02-13 02:14:11 +01:00
parent 6dba479277
commit ad9a76ce3a
9 changed files with 1319 additions and 758 deletions

View File

@ -72,13 +72,13 @@ ENDDEF
# #
# Deffekt-rescue_SWITCH-3PDT-SparkFun-Electromechanical-Deffekt-rescue # Deffekt-rescue_SWITCH-3PDT-SparkFun-Electromechanical-Deffekt-rescue
# #
DEF Deffekt-rescue_SWITCH-3PDT-SparkFun-Electromechanical-Deffekt-rescue S 0 40 N N 3 L N DEF Deffekt-rescue_SWITCH-3PDT-SparkFun-Electromechanical-Deffekt-rescue S 0 40 Y N 3 L N
F0 "S" -175 -250 50 H V L BNN F0 "S" -175 -250 50 H V L BNN
F1 "Deffekt-rescue_SWITCH-3PDT-SparkFun-Electromechanical-Deffekt-rescue" -200 150 50 H V L BNN F1 "Deffekt-rescue_SWITCH-3PDT-SparkFun-Electromechanical-Deffekt-rescue" -200 150 50 H V L BNN
F2 "STOMP-SWITCH-3PDT" 30 150 20 H I C CNN F2 "STOMP-SWITCH-3PDT" 30 150 20 H I C CNN
F3 "" 0 0 60 H I C CNN F3 "" 0 0 60 H I C CNN
C -100 0 14 1 1 0 N C -100 0 14 1 1 0 N

Deffekt-rescue.bck Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
EESchema-DOCLIB Version 2.0
#End Doc Library

View File

@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ EESchema-LIBRARY Version 2.4
# #
# SWITCH-3PDT-SparkFun-Electromechanical-Deffekt-rescue # SWITCH-3PDT-SparkFun-Electromechanical-Deffekt-rescue
# #
DEF SWITCH-3PDT-SparkFun-Electromechanical-Deffekt-rescue S 0 40 N N 3 L N DEF SWITCH-3PDT-SparkFun-Electromechanical-Deffekt-rescue S 0 40 Y N 3 L N
F0 "S" -175 -250 50 H V L BNN F0 "S" -175 -250 50 H V L BNN
F1 "SWITCH-3PDT-SparkFun-Electromechanical-Deffekt-rescue" -200 150 50 H V L BNN F1 "SWITCH-3PDT-SparkFun-Electromechanical-Deffekt-rescue" -200 150 50 H V L BNN
F2 "STOMP-SWITCH-3PDT" 30 150 20 H I C CNN F2 "STOMP-SWITCH-3PDT" 30 150 20 H I C CNN
F3 "" 0 0 60 H I C CNN F3 "" 0 0 60 H I C CNN
C -100 0 14 1 1 0 N C -100 0 14 1 1 0 N
@ -42,15 +42,15 @@ P 2 3 0 0 -50 80 -60 50 N
P 2 3 0 0 -40 50 -50 80 N P 2 3 0 0 -40 50 -50 80 N
P 2 3 0 0 0 -100 25 -100 N P 2 3 0 0 0 -100 25 -100 N
P 2 3 0 0 0 100 25 100 N P 2 3 0 0 0 100 25 100 N
X O P$1 100 100 100 L 40 40 1 1 P X O 1 100 100 100 L 40 40 1 1 P
X P P$2 -200 0 100 R 40 40 1 1 P X P 2 -200 0 100 R 40 40 1 1 P
X S P$3 100 -100 100 L 40 40 1 1 P X S 3 100 -100 100 L 40 40 1 1 P
X O P$4 100 100 100 L 40 40 2 1 P X O 4 100 100 100 L 40 40 2 1 P
X P P$5 -200 0 100 R 40 40 2 1 P X P 5 -200 0 100 R 40 40 2 1 P
X S P$6 100 -100 100 L 40 40 2 1 P X S 6 100 -100 100 L 40 40 2 1 P
X O P$7 100 100 100 L 40 40 3 1 P X O 7 100 100 100 L 40 40 3 1 P
X P P$8 -200 0 100 R 40 40 3 1 P X P 8 -200 0 100 R 40 40 3 1 P
X S P$9 100 -100 100 L 40 40 3 1 P X S 9 100 -100 100 L 40 40 3 1 P
# #

View File

@ -433,48 +433,48 @@ $EndComp
$Comp $Comp
L Device:C C8b1 L Device:C C8b1
U 1 1 59D8860E U 1 1 59D8860E
P 9080 4340 P 9070 4310
F 0 "C8b1" V 9020 4130 50 0000 L CNN F 0 "C8b1" V 9010 4100 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "0.0056µF" V 9240 4140 50 0000 L CNN F 1 "0.0056µF" V 9230 4110 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_THT:C_Rect_L7.2mm_W4.5mm_P5.00mm_FKS2_FKP2_MKS2_MKP2" H 9118 4190 50 0001 C CNN F 2 "Capacitors_THT:C_Rect_L7.2mm_W4.5mm_P5.00mm_FKS2_FKP2_MKS2_MKP2" H 9108 4160 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 9080 4340 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 9070 4310 50 0001 C CNN
F 4 "Wima FKP2" H 9080 4340 60 0001 C CNN "Type" F 4 "Wima FKP2" H 9070 4310 60 0001 C CNN "Type"
1 9080 4340 1 9070 4310
0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
$EndComp $EndComp
$Comp $Comp
L Device:C C9a1 L Device:C C9a1
U 1 1 59D8CA79 U 1 1 59D8CA79
P 8620 2800 P 8620 3060
F 0 "C9a1" V 8670 2610 50 0000 L CNN F 0 "C9a1" V 8670 2870 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "0.004µF" V 8470 2660 50 0000 L CNN F 1 "0.004µF" V 8470 2920 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_THT:C_Rect_L7.2mm_W5.5mm_P5.00mm_FKS2_FKP2_MKS2_MKP2" H 8658 2650 50 0001 C CNN F 2 "Capacitors_THT:C_Rect_L7.2mm_W5.5mm_P5.00mm_FKS2_FKP2_MKS2_MKP2" H 8658 2910 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8620 2800 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 8620 3060 50 0001 C CNN
F 4 "Wima FKP2" V 8620 2800 60 0001 C CNN "Type" F 4 "Wima FKP2" V 8620 3060 60 0001 C CNN "Type"
1 8620 2800 1 8620 3060
0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
$EndComp $EndComp
$Comp $Comp
L Device:C C9b1 L Device:C C9b1
U 1 1 59D8CDB4 U 1 1 59D8CDB4
P 8620 3030 P 8620 3260
F 0 "C9b1" V 8560 2840 50 0000 L CNN F 0 "C9b1" V 8560 3070 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "0.01µF" V 8790 2930 50 0000 L CNN F 1 "0.01µF" V 8790 3160 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_THT:C_Rect_L7.2mm_W8.5mm_P5.00mm_FKP2_FKP2_MKS2_MKP2" H 8658 2880 50 0001 C CNN F 2 "Capacitors_THT:C_Rect_L7.2mm_W8.5mm_P5.00mm_FKP2_FKP2_MKS2_MKP2" H 8658 3110 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8620 3030 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 8620 3260 50 0001 C CNN
F 4 "Wima FKP2" H 8620 3030 60 0001 C CNN "Type" F 4 "Wima FKP2" H 8620 3260 60 0001 C CNN "Type"
1 8620 3030 1 8620 3260
0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
$EndComp $EndComp
$Comp $Comp
L Device:R R5 L Device:R R5
U 1 1 59D8E71F U 1 1 59D8E71F
P 9170 3030 P 9170 3260
F 0 "R5" V 9250 3030 50 0000 C CNN F 0 "R5" V 9250 3260 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "22k" V 9170 3030 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "22k" V 9170 3260 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal" V 9100 3030 50 0001 C CNN F 2 "Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal" V 9100 3260 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 9170 3030 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 9170 3260 50 0001 C CNN
1 9170 3030 1 9170 3260
0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
$EndComp $EndComp
$Comp $Comp
@ -559,23 +559,23 @@ $EndComp
$Comp $Comp
L Connector:AudioJack3_Ground J1 L Connector:AudioJack3_Ground J1
U 1 1 59DA1CC8 U 1 1 59DA1CC8
P 980 5360 P 980 5520
F 0 "J1" H 930 5535 50 0000 C CNN F 0 "J1" H 930 5695 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "In" H 1080 5290 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "In" H 1080 5450 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 1230 5460 50 0001 C CNN F 2 "" H 1230 5620 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 1230 5460 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 1230 5620 50 0001 C CNN
1 980 5360 1 980 5520
1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -1
$EndComp $EndComp
$Comp $Comp
L Connector:AudioJack2_Ground J2 L Connector:AudioJack2_Ground J2
U 1 1 59DA4599 U 1 1 59DA4599
P 10610 5330 P 10610 5620
F 0 "J2" H 10585 5405 50 0000 C CNN F 0 "J2" H 10585 5695 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "Out" H 10585 5155 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "Out" H 10585 5445 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 10860 5330 50 0001 C CNN F 2 "" H 10860 5620 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 10860 5330 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 10860 5620 50 0001 C CNN
1 10610 5330 1 10610 5620
-1 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 -1
$EndComp $EndComp
$Comp $Comp
@ -866,24 +866,20 @@ Wire Wire Line
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
5050 2680 5000 2680 5050 2680 5000 2680
Connection ~ 5050 2680 Connection ~ 5050 2680
Wire Wire Line
7870 2920 7870 3380
Connection ~ 7870 3380 Connection ~ 7870 3380
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
9320 4110 9220 4110 9320 4110 9220 4110
Wire Wire Line
9320 4640 9320 4340
Connection ~ 7480 4640 Connection ~ 7480 4640
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
9230 4340 9320 4340 9220 4310 9320 4310
Connection ~ 9320 4340 Connection ~ 9320 4310
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
8770 2800 8830 2800 8770 3060 8830 3060
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
8830 2800 8830 3030 8830 3060 8830 3260
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
8770 3030 8830 3030 8770 3260 8830 3260
Connection ~ 8830 3030 Connection ~ 8830 3260
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
9280 3630 9650 3630 9280 3630 9650 3630
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
@ -923,26 +919,18 @@ Wire Wire Line
2190 1920 2190 2130 2190 1920 2190 2130
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
2120 2130 2190 2130 2120 2130 2190 2130
Wire Wire Line
1180 5460 4940 5460
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
2040 3630 2040 4850 2040 3630 2040 4850
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
2040 4850 5970 4850 2040 4850 6060 4850
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
5970 4850 5970 5520 6060 4850 6060 5520
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
5150 5170 5150 5330 6570 5720 5860 5720
Wire Wire Line
5740 5270 5900 5270
Wire Wire Line
5900 5270 5900 5720
Wire Wire Line
5900 5720 5760 5720
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
2750 4640 3250 4640 2750 4640 3250 4640
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
10800 5070 10800 3630 10800 4850 10800 3630
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
10610 6160 10310 6160 10610 6160 10310 6160
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
@ -950,8 +938,6 @@ Wire Wire Line
Connection ~ 6210 2130 Connection ~ 6210 2130
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
6210 2990 6210 5960 6210 2990 6210 5960
Wire Wire Line
6210 5960 5750 5960
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
6210 2530 6210 2690 6210 2530 6210 2690
Connection ~ 10310 6160 Connection ~ 10310 6160
@ -967,36 +953,18 @@ Wire Wire Line
2430 2250 2430 2130 2430 2250 2430 2130
Connection ~ 2430 2130 Connection ~ 2430 2130
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
8350 3920 8920 3920 8450 4110 8920 4110
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
8920 3920 8920 4110 8470 3260 8270 3260
Wire Wire Line
8930 4460 8930 4340
Wire Wire Line
8110 4460 8930 4460
Wire Wire Line
8470 3030 8350 3030
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
7870 3770 7870 3800 7870 3770 7870 3800
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
7870 3800 8230 3800 7870 3800 8050 3800
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
8830 3800 8830 3780 8830 3800 8830 3780
Connection ~ 8050 3800
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
8230 3700 8230 3800 6060 5520 5860 5520
Connection ~ 8230 3800
Wire Wire Line
8350 3920 8350 3700
Wire Wire Line
8110 3700 8110 4460
Wire Wire Line
5150 5170 5440 5170
Wire Wire Line
4940 5460 4940 5620
Wire Wire Line
4940 5620 5460 5620
Wire Wire Line
5970 5520 5760 5520
NoConn ~ 7850 4360 NoConn ~ 7850 4360
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
3250 2680 3250 3080 3250 2680 3250 3080
@ -1060,16 +1028,14 @@ Wire Wire Line
7030 2680 7030 2830 7030 2680 7030 2830
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
5050 2680 5050 2830 5050 2680 5050 2830
Wire Wire Line
7870 3380 7870 3470
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
7480 4640 9320 4640 7480 4640 9320 4640
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
9320 4340 9320 4110 9320 4310 9320 4110
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
8830 3030 8830 3480 8830 3260 8830 3480
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
8830 3030 9020 3030 8830 3260 9020 3260
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
9650 3630 9750 3630 9650 3630 9750 3630
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
@ -1082,8 +1048,6 @@ Wire Wire Line
10050 3190 10050 3430 10050 3190 10050 3430
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
10050 4640 10650 4640 10050 4640 10650 4640
Wire Wire Line
9320 4110 9320 3030
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
9650 2130 10050 2130 9650 2130 10050 2130
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
@ -1099,11 +1063,11 @@ Wire Wire Line
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
2190 2700 2430 2700 2190 2700 2430 2700
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
2750 6060 5450 6060 2750 6060 5910 6060
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
2430 2130 3250 2130 2430 2130 3250 2130
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
8230 3800 8830 3800 8050 3800 8830 3800
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
1380 2230 1170 2230 1380 2230 1170 2230
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
@ -1130,69 +1094,69 @@ Wire Wire Line
1380 2230 1380 2400 1380 2230 1380 2400
$Comp $Comp
L Deffekt-rescue:SWITCH-3PDT-SparkFun-Electromechanical-Deffekt-rescue S1 L Deffekt-rescue:SWITCH-3PDT-SparkFun-Electromechanical-Deffekt-rescue S1
U 1 1 5C539AEE U 3 1 5C539AEE
P 5640 5170 P 6670 5620
F 0 "S1" H 5590 5449 50 0000 C CNN F 0 "S1" H 6620 5899 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "SWITCH-3PDT" H 5590 5358 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "SWITCH-3PDT" H 6620 5808 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "STOMP-SWITCH-3PDT" H 5670 5320 20 0001 C CNN F 2 "Buttons_Switches_THT:3PDT" H 6700 5770 20 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5640 5170 60 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 6670 5620 60 0001 C CNN
1 5640 5170 3 6670 5620
1 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 -1
$EndComp $EndComp
$Comp $Comp
L Deffekt-rescue:SWITCH-3PDT-SparkFun-Electromechanical-Deffekt-rescue S1 L Deffekt-rescue:SWITCH-3PDT-SparkFun-Electromechanical-Deffekt-rescue S1
U 2 1 5C539F66 U 2 1 5C539F66
P 5650 6060 P 6110 6060
F 0 "S1" H 5600 6339 50 0000 C CNN F 0 "S1" H 6060 6339 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "SWITCH-3PDT" H 5600 6248 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "SWITCH-3PDT" H 6060 6248 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "STOMP-SWITCH-3PDT" H 5680 6210 20 0001 C CNN F 2 "Buttons_Switches_THT:3PDT" H 6140 6210 20 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5650 6060 60 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 6110 6060 60 0001 C CNN
2 5650 6060 2 6110 6060
1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -1
$EndComp $EndComp
$Comp $Comp
L Deffekt-rescue:SWITCH-3PDT-SparkFun-Electromechanical-Deffekt-rescue S1 L Deffekt-rescue:SWITCH-3PDT-SparkFun-Electromechanical-Deffekt-rescue S1
U 3 1 5C53A05D U 1 1 5C53A05D
P 5660 5620 P 5760 5620
F 0 "S1" H 5610 5899 50 0000 C CNN F 0 "S1" H 5710 5899 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "SWITCH-3PDT" H 5610 5808 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "SWITCH-3PDT" H 5710 5808 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "STOMP-SWITCH-3PDT" H 5690 5770 20 0001 C CNN F 2 "Buttons_Switches_THT:3PDT" H 5790 5770 20 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5660 5620 60 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 5760 5620 60 0001 C CNN
3 5660 5620 1 5760 5620
1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -1
$EndComp $EndComp
$Comp $Comp
L Switch:SW_DPDT_x2 SW1 L Switch:SW_DPDT_x2 SW1
U 1 1 5C53C33E U 1 1 5C53C33E
P 8100 2940 P 8070 3160
F 0 "SW1" H 8100 3225 50 0000 C CNN F 0 "SW1" H 8070 3445 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "SW_DPDT_x2" H 8100 3134 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "SW_DPDT_x2" H 8070 3354 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 8100 2940 50 0001 C CNN F 2 "" H 8070 3160 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8100 2940 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 8070 3160 50 0001 C CNN
1 8100 2940 1 8070 3160
1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -1
$EndComp $EndComp
$Comp $Comp
L Switch:SW_DPDT_x2 SW1 L Switch:SW_DPDT_x2 SW1
U 2 1 5C53CBF7 U 2 1 5C53CBF7
P 8250 3440 P 8250 4210
F 0 "SW1" H 8250 3725 50 0000 C CNN F 0 "SW1" H 8250 4495 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "SW_DPDT_x2" H 8250 3634 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "SW_DPDT_x2" H 8250 4404 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 8250 3440 50 0001 C CNN F 2 "" H 8250 4210 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8250 3440 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 8250 4210 50 0001 C CNN
2 8250 3440 2 8250 4210
1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -1
$EndComp $EndComp
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
10610 6160 10610 5530 10610 6160 10610 5820
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
10410 5230 10310 5230 10410 5520 10310 5520
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
1320 5360 1180 5360 1320 5520 1180 5520
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
1320 2700 1320 5360 1320 2700 1320 5520
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
1180 5260 1240 5260 1180 5420 1240 5420
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
1240 6060 2750 6060 1240 6060 2750 6060
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
@ -1200,18 +1164,38 @@ Wire Wire Line
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
1170 2330 1320 2330 1170 2330 1320 2330
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
5750 6160 10310 6160 6210 6160 10310 6160
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
5740 5070 10800 5070 980 5820 980 6060
Wire Wire Line
5150 5330 10410 5330
Wire Wire Line
980 5660 980 6060
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
980 6060 1240 6060 980 6060 1240 6060
Connection ~ 1240 6060 Connection ~ 1240 6060
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
1240 5260 1240 6060 1240 5420 1240 6060
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
10310 5230 10310 6160 10310 5520 10310 6160
Wire Wire Line
1180 5620 5560 5620
Wire Wire Line
8050 4210 8050 3800
Wire Wire Line
8450 4310 8920 4310
Wire Wire Line
7870 3160 7870 3380
Wire Wire Line
8270 3060 8470 3060
Wire Wire Line
9320 4110 9320 3260
Wire Wire Line
9320 4310 9320 4640
Wire Wire Line
7870 3380 7870 3470
Wire Wire Line
6870 5620 10410 5620
Wire Wire Line
6350 4850 6350 5520
Wire Wire Line
6350 5520 6570 5520
Wire Wire Line
6350 4850 10800 4850

Deffekt.cmp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
Cmp-Mod V01 Created by PcbNew date = Wed 13 Feb 2019 01:04:52 AM CET
TimeStamp = 5C5BAC0E
Path = /5C539AEE
Reference = S1;
ValeurCmp = SWITCH-3PDT;
IdModule = Buttons_Switches_THT:3PDT;
TimeStamp = 59ED11E7
Path = /59D5E492
Reference = Q4;
ValeurCmp = BC550C;
IdModule = TO_SOT_Packages_THT:TO-92_Inline_Wide;
TimeStamp = 59EE6B9E
Path = /59E1758A
Reference = BT1;
ValeurCmp = 9V;
IdModule = Kicad_GSM_Footprint:SolderWirePad_2x_1-2mmDrill;
TimeStamp = 59EE6345
Path = /59E13C16
Reference = J3;
ValeurCmp = Jack-DC;
IdModule = Kicad_GSM_Footprint:SolderWirePad_3x_1-2mmDrill;
TimeStamp = 59ED1299
Path = /59EB7B94
Reference = R28;
ValeurCmp = 3.3k;
IdModule = Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal;
TimeStamp = 59ED1293
Path = /59EA3323
Reference = R27;
ValeurCmp = 100;
IdModule = Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0617_L17.0mm_D6.0mm_P20.32mm_Horizontal;
TimeStamp = 59ED128D
Path = /59D9398C
Reference = R26;
ValeurCmp = 100k;
IdModule = Kicad_GSM_Footprint:POT;
TimeStamp = 59ED1286
Path = /59D866C7
Reference = R25;
ValeurCmp = 100k;
IdModule = Kicad_GSM_Footprint:POT;
TimeStamp = 59ED127F
Path = /59D7C9EC
Reference = R24;
ValeurCmp = 100k;
IdModule = Kicad_GSM_Footprint:POT;
TimeStamp = 59ED1278
Path = /59D7CA93
Reference = R23;
ValeurCmp = 1k;
IdModule = Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal;
TimeStamp = 59ED1272
Path = /59D7C852
Reference = R22;
ValeurCmp = 120;
IdModule = Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal;
TimeStamp = 59ED126C
Path = /59D7E756
Reference = R21;
ValeurCmp = 150k;
IdModule = Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal;
TimeStamp = 59ED1266
Path = /59D7E4FA
Reference = R20;
ValeurCmp = 100k;
IdModule = Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal;
TimeStamp = 59ED1260
Path = /59D7CD55
Reference = R19;
ValeurCmp = 10k;
IdModule = Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal;
TimeStamp = 59ED125A
Path = /59D7DEF4
Reference = R18;
ValeurCmp = 10k;
IdModule = Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal;
TimeStamp = 59ED1254
Path = /59D7D143
Reference = R17;
ValeurCmp = 470k;
IdModule = Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal;
TimeStamp = 59ED124E
Path = /59D7FAAC
Reference = R16;
ValeurCmp = 100k;
IdModule = Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal;
TimeStamp = 59ED1248
Path = /59D7FA7C
Reference = R15;
ValeurCmp = 470k;
IdModule = Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal;
TimeStamp = 59ED1242
Path = /59D7BC56
Reference = R14;
ValeurCmp = 47k;
IdModule = Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal;
TimeStamp = 59ED123C
Path = /59D7B711
Reference = R13;
ValeurCmp = 10k;
IdModule = Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal;
TimeStamp = 59ED1236
Path = /59D7FA75
Reference = R12;
ValeurCmp = 10k;
IdModule = Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal;
TimeStamp = 59ED1230
Path = /59D7FA9F
Reference = R11;
ValeurCmp = 15k;
IdModule = Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal;
TimeStamp = 59ED122A
Path = /59D7FAB3
Reference = R10;
ValeurCmp = 150k;
IdModule = Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal;
TimeStamp = 59ED1224
Path = /59D7BB68
Reference = R9;
ValeurCmp = 470k;
IdModule = Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal;
TimeStamp = 59ED121E
Path = /59D863A5
Reference = R8;
ValeurCmp = 33k;
IdModule = Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal;
TimeStamp = 59ED1218
Path = /59D91739
Reference = R7;
ValeurCmp = 430k;
IdModule = Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal;
TimeStamp = 59ED1212
Path = /59D92E3C
Reference = R6;
ValeurCmp = 15k;
IdModule = Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal;
TimeStamp = 59ED120C
Path = /59D8E71F
Reference = R5;
ValeurCmp = 22k;
IdModule = Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal;
TimeStamp = 59ED1206
Path = /59D92708
Reference = R4;
ValeurCmp = 3k3;
IdModule = Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal;
TimeStamp = 59ED1200
Path = /59D91E8D
Reference = R3;
ValeurCmp = 100k;
IdModule = Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal;
TimeStamp = 59ED11FA
Path = /59D7BFBD
Reference = R2;
ValeurCmp = 33k;
IdModule = Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal;
TimeStamp = 59ED11A9
Path = /59EB5D9D
Reference = D6;
ValeurCmp = LED 1.8V;
IdModule = LEDs:LED_D5.0mm;
TimeStamp = 59ED11A3
Path = /59E92029
Reference = D5;
ValeurCmp = 1N4001;
IdModule = Diodes_THT:D_DO-41_SOD81_P2.54mm_Vertical_AnodeUp;
TimeStamp = 59ED119D
Path = /59D7D8BD
Reference = D4;
ValeurCmp = 1N914;
IdModule = Diodes_THT:D_DO-41_SOD81_P2.54mm_Vertical_KathodeUp;
TimeStamp = 59ED1197
Path = /59D7D7EC
Reference = D3;
ValeurCmp = 1N914;
IdModule = Diodes_THT:D_DO-41_SOD81_P2.54mm_Vertical_AnodeUp;
TimeStamp = 59ED1191
Path = /59D7FA98
Reference = D2;
ValeurCmp = 1N914;
IdModule = Diodes_THT:D_DO-41_SOD81_P2.54mm_Vertical_KathodeUp;
TimeStamp = 59ED118B
Path = /59D7FA91
Reference = D1;
ValeurCmp = 1N914;
IdModule = Diodes_THT:D_DO-41_SOD81_P2.54mm_Vertical_AnodeUp;
TimeStamp = 59ED1185
Path = /59E9510F
Reference = C14;
ValeurCmp = 470µF;
IdModule = Capacitors_THT:CP_Radial_D13.0mm_P5.00mm;
TimeStamp = 59ED117F
Path = /59D7FA6E
Reference = C13;
ValeurCmp = 0.1µF;
IdModule = Capacitors_THT:C_Rect_L4.6mm_W2.5mm_P2.50mm_MKS02_FKP02;
TimeStamp = 59ED1179
Path = /59D7D1E6
Reference = C12;
ValeurCmp = 470pF;
IdModule = Capacitors_THT:C_Rect_L7.2mm_W4.5mm_P5.00mm_FKS2_FKP2_MKS2_MKP2;
TimeStamp = 59ED1173
Path = /59D7FA83
Reference = C11;
ValeurCmp = 470pF;
IdModule = Capacitors_THT:C_Rect_L7.2mm_W4.5mm_P5.00mm_FKS2_FKP2_MKS2_MKP2;
TimeStamp = 59ED116D
Path = /59D7B9C6
Reference = C10;
ValeurCmp = 470pF;
IdModule = Capacitors_THT:C_Rect_L7.2mm_W4.5mm_P5.00mm_FKS2_FKP2_MKS2_MKP2;
TimeStamp = 59ED1167
Path = /59D8CDB4
Reference = C9b1;
ValeurCmp = 0.01µF;
IdModule = Capacitors_THT:C_Rect_L7.2mm_W8.5mm_P5.00mm_FKP2_FKP2_MKS2_MKP2;
TimeStamp = 59ED1161
Path = /59D8CA79
Reference = C9a1;
ValeurCmp = 0.004µF;
IdModule = Capacitors_THT:C_Rect_L7.2mm_W5.5mm_P5.00mm_FKS2_FKP2_MKS2_MKP2;
TimeStamp = 59ED115B
Path = /59D8860E
Reference = C8b1;
ValeurCmp = 0.0056µF;
IdModule = Capacitors_THT:C_Rect_L7.2mm_W4.5mm_P5.00mm_FKS2_FKP2_MKS2_MKP2;
TimeStamp = 59ED1155
Path = /59D87D85
Reference = C8a1;
ValeurCmp = 0.01µF;
IdModule = Capacitors_THT:C_Rect_L7.2mm_W8.5mm_P5.00mm_FKP2_FKP2_MKS2_MKP2;
TimeStamp = 59ED114F
Path = /59D7FA8A
Reference = C7;
ValeurCmp = 1µF;
IdModule = Capacitors_THT:CP_Radial_D5.0mm_P2.00mm;
TimeStamp = 59ED1149
Path = /59D7D2A1
Reference = C6;
ValeurCmp = 1µF;
IdModule = Capacitors_THT:CP_Radial_D5.0mm_P2.00mm;
TimeStamp = 59ED1143
Path = /59D7CC75
Reference = C5;
ValeurCmp = 0.1µF;
IdModule = Capacitors_THT:C_Rect_L4.6mm_W2.5mm_P2.50mm_MKS02_FKP02;
TimeStamp = 59ED113D
Path = /59D7C93F
Reference = C4;
ValeurCmp = 0.1µF;
IdModule = Capacitors_THT:C_Rect_L4.6mm_W2.5mm_P2.50mm_MKS02_FKP02;
TimeStamp = 59ED1137
Path = /59D90B52
Reference = C3;
ValeurCmp = 0.1µF;
IdModule = Capacitors_THT:C_Rect_L4.6mm_W2.5mm_P2.50mm_MKS02_FKP02;
TimeStamp = 59ED1131
Path = /59D937BB
Reference = C2;
ValeurCmp = 1µF;
IdModule = Capacitors_THT:CP_Radial_D5.0mm_P2.00mm;
TimeStamp = 59ED112B
Path = /59D7BD49
Reference = C1;
ValeurCmp = 10µF;
IdModule = Capacitors_THT:CP_Radial_D6.3mm_P2.50mm;
TimeStamp = 59ED11E0
Path = /59D5E4BF
Reference = Q3;
ValeurCmp = BC550C;
IdModule = TO_SOT_Packages_THT:TO-92_Inline_Wide;
TimeStamp = 59ED11D9
Path = /59D7FA67
Reference = Q2;
ValeurCmp = BC550C;
IdModule = TO_SOT_Packages_THT:TO-92_Inline_Wide;
TimeStamp = 59ED11D2
Path = /59D5E535
Reference = Q1;
ValeurCmp = BC550C;
IdModule = TO_SOT_Packages_THT:TO-92_Inline_Wide;
TimeStamp = 5C635FFF
Path = /59DA1CC8
Reference = J1;
ValeurCmp = In;
IdModule = Kicad_GSM_Footprint:SolderWirePad_3x_1-2mmDrill;
TimeStamp = 5C636005
Path = /59DA4599
Reference = J2;
ValeurCmp = Out;
IdModule = Kicad_GSM_Footprint:SolderWirePad_2x_1-2mmDrill;
TimeStamp = 5C636021
Path = /5C53C33E
Reference = SW1;
ValeurCmp = SW_DPDT_x2;
IdModule = Buttons_Switches_THT:SW_CuK_JS202011CQN_DPDT_Straight;

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
(kicad_pcb (version 20171130) (host pcbnew "(5.0.0-rc3)") (kicad_pcb (version 20171130) (host pcbnew 5.0.2+dfsg1-1)
(general (general
(thickness 1.6) (thickness 1.6)
(drawings 0) (drawings 0)
(tracks 197) (tracks 191)
(zones 0) (zones 0)
(modules 56) (modules 59)
(nets 40) (nets 42)
) )
(page A4) (page A4)
@ -123,13 +123,15 @@
(net 30 "Net-(Q2-Pad3)") (net 30 "Net-(Q2-Pad3)")
(net 31 "Net-(Q3-Pad3)") (net 31 "Net-(Q3-Pad3)")
(net 32 "Net-(Q4-Pad3)") (net 32 "Net-(Q4-Pad3)")
(net 33 "Net-(Q5-Pad3)") (net 33 "Net-(R23-Pad1)")
(net 34 "Net-(R23-Pad1)") (net 34 "Net-(J3-Pad2)")
(net 35 "Net-(J3-Pad2)") (net 35 "Net-(R25-Pad3)")
(net 36 "Net-(R25-Pad3)") (net 36 "Net-(R2-Pad2)")
(net 37 "Net-(R2-Pad2)") (net 37 "Net-(C14-Pad2)")
(net 38 "Net-(C14-Pad2)") (net 38 "Net-(R26-Pad2)")
(net 39 "Net-(R26-Pad2)") (net 39 "Net-(J1-PadT)")
(net 40 "Net-(S1-Pad3)")
(net 41 "Net-(J2-PadT)")
(net_class Default "This is the default net class." (net_class Default "This is the default net class."
(clearance 0.5) (clearance 0.5)
@ -167,20 +169,110 @@
(add_net "Net-(C9b1-Pad2)") (add_net "Net-(C9b1-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(D6-Pad1)") (add_net "Net-(D6-Pad1)")
(add_net "Net-(D6-Pad2)") (add_net "Net-(D6-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(J1-PadT)")
(add_net "Net-(J2-PadT)")
(add_net "Net-(J3-Pad2)") (add_net "Net-(J3-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(Q1-Pad3)") (add_net "Net-(Q1-Pad3)")
(add_net "Net-(Q2-Pad3)") (add_net "Net-(Q2-Pad3)")
(add_net "Net-(Q3-Pad3)") (add_net "Net-(Q3-Pad3)")
(add_net "Net-(Q4-Pad3)") (add_net "Net-(Q4-Pad3)")
(add_net "Net-(Q5-Pad3)")
(add_net "Net-(R2-Pad2)") (add_net "Net-(R2-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(R23-Pad1)") (add_net "Net-(R23-Pad1)")
(add_net "Net-(R25-Pad3)") (add_net "Net-(R25-Pad3)")
(add_net "Net-(R26-Pad2)") (add_net "Net-(R26-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(S1-Pad3)")
) )
(module Kicad_GSM_Footprint:3PDT (layer F.Cu) (tedit 570516D6) (tstamp 5C5236AC) (module Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5874F706) (tstamp 59ED121E)
(at 154.56 137.02) (at 157.099 92.71 90)
(descr "Resistor, Axial_DIN0204 series, Axial, Horizontal, pin pitch=7.62mm, 0.16666666666666666W = 1/6W, length*diameter=3.6*1.6mm^2, http://cdn-reichelt.de/documents/datenblatt/B400/1_4W%23YAG.pdf")
(tags "Resistor Axial_DIN0204 series Axial Horizontal pin pitch 7.62mm 0.16666666666666666W = 1/6W length 3.6mm diameter 1.6mm")
(path /59D863A5)
(fp_text reference R8 (at 3.81 -1.86 90) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 33k (at 3.81 1.86 90) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 2.01 -0.8) (end 2.01 0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 2.01 0.8) (end 5.61 0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 5.61 0.8) (end 5.61 -0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 5.61 -0.8) (end 2.01 -0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 0) (end 2.01 0) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 7.62 0) (end 5.61 0) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 -0.86) (end 1.95 0.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.95 0.86) (end 5.67 0.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 5.67 0.86) (end 5.67 -0.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 5.67 -0.86) (end 1.95 -0.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.88 0) (end 1.95 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 6.74 0) (end 5.67 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.95 -1.15) (end -0.95 1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -0.95 1.15) (end 8.6 1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 8.6 1.15) (end 8.6 -1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 8.6 -1.15) (end -0.95 -1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(pad 1 thru_hole circle (at 0 0 90) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 22 "Net-(C11-Pad1)"))
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 7.62 0 90) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 35 "Net-(R25-Pad3)"))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Resistors_THT.3dshapes/R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 0.393701 0.393701 0.393701))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Buttons_Switches_THT:SW_CuK_JS202011CQN_DPDT_Straight (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5C63695E) (tstamp 5C636021)
(at 145.923 91.567 90)
(descr "CuK sub miniature slide switch, JS series, DPDT, right angle, http://www.ckswitches.com/media/1422/js.pdf")
(tags "switch DPDT")
(path /5C53C33E)
(fp_text reference SW1 (at 2.75 -1.6 90) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value SW_DPDT_x2 (at 3 5 90) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -1 -0.35) (end -2 0.65) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -2.25 4.25) (end -2.25 -0.95) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 7.25 4.25) (end -2.25 4.25) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 7.25 -0.95) (end 7.25 4.25) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -2.25 -0.95) (end 7.25 -0.95) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -2.4 -0.75) (end -2.4 0.45) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -1.2 -0.75) (end -2.4 -0.75) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 7.1 3.75) (end 5.9 3.75) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 7.1 -0.45) (end 7.1 3.75) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 5.9 -0.45) (end 7.1 -0.45) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -2.1 3.75) (end -0.9 3.75) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -2.1 -0.45) (end -2.1 3.75) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.9 -0.45) (end -2.1 -0.45) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_text user %R (at 2 1.65 90) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -2 3.65) (end -2 0.65) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 7 3.65) (end -2 3.65) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 7 -0.35) (end 7 3.65) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start -1 -0.35) (end 7 -0.35) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 0 0 90) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.9) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 20 "Net-(C9a1-Pad2)"))
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 2.5 0 90) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.9) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 22 "Net-(C11-Pad1)"))
(pad 3 thru_hole circle (at 5 0 90) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.9) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 21 "Net-(C9b1-Pad2)"))
(pad 4 thru_hole circle (at 0 3.3 90) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.9) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 17 "Net-(C8a1-Pad2)"))
(pad 5 thru_hole circle (at 2.5 3.3 90) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.9) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 35 "Net-(R25-Pad3)"))
(pad 6 thru_hole circle (at 5 3.3 90) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.9) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 18 "Net-(C8b1-Pad2)"))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Buttons_Switches_THT.3dshapes/SW_CuK_JS202011CQN_DPDT_Straight.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Buttons_Switches_THT:3PDT (layer F.Cu) (tedit 570516D6) (tstamp 5C5BAC0E)
(at 166.243 117.348)
(path /5C539AEE) (path /5C539AEE)
(fp_text reference S1 (at 0 7.3) (layer F.SilkS) (fp_text reference S1 (at 0 7.3) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
@ -199,15 +291,24 @@
(fp_line (start 9.8 0) (end 9.8 8.6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1)) (fp_line (start 9.8 0) (end 9.8 8.6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 9.8 8.6) (end 0 8.6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1)) (fp_line (start 9.8 8.6) (end 0 8.6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 8.6) (end -8.6 8.6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1)) (fp_line (start 0 8.6) (end -8.6 8.6) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.1))
(pad 5 thru_hole rect (at 0 0) (size 3.2 2) (drill oval 2.8 0.762) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) (pad 5 thru_hole rect (at 0 0) (size 3.2 2) (drill oval 2.8 0.762) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at -5.3 -4.7) (size 3.2 2) (drill oval 2.8 0.9525) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) (net 16 Earth))
(pad 2 thru_hole rect (at -5.3 0) (size 3.2 2) (drill oval 2.8 0.762) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) (pad 1 thru_hole rect (at -5.3 -4.7) (size 3.2 2) (drill oval 2.8 0.9525) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(pad 3 thru_hole rect (at -5.3 4.7) (size 3.2 2) (drill oval 2.8 0.762) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) (net 36 "Net-(R2-Pad2)"))
(pad 4 thru_hole rect (at 0 -4.7) (size 3.2 2) (drill oval 2.8 0.762) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) (pad 2 thru_hole rect (at -5.3 0) (size 3.2 2) (drill oval 2.8 0.762) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(pad 6 thru_hole rect (at 0 4.7) (size 3.2 2) (drill oval 2.8 0.762) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) (net 39 "Net-(J1-PadT)"))
(pad 7 thru_hole rect (at 5.3 -4.7) (size 3.2 2) (drill oval 2.8 0.762) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) (pad 3 thru_hole rect (at -5.3 4.7) (size 3.2 2) (drill oval 2.8 0.762) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(pad 8 thru_hole rect (at 5.3 0) (size 3.2 2) (drill oval 2.8 0.762) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) (net 40 "Net-(S1-Pad3)"))
(pad 9 thru_hole rect (at 5.3 4.7) (size 3.2 2) (drill oval 2.8 0.762) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)) (pad 4 thru_hole rect (at 0 -4.7) (size 3.2 2) (drill oval 2.8 0.762) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 27 "Net-(D6-Pad1)"))
(pad 6 thru_hole rect (at 0 4.7) (size 3.2 2) (drill oval 2.8 0.762) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 16 Earth))
(pad 7 thru_hole rect (at 5.3 -4.7) (size 3.2 2) (drill oval 2.8 0.762) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 38 "Net-(R26-Pad2)"))
(pad 8 thru_hole rect (at 5.3 0) (size 3.2 2) (drill oval 2.8 0.762) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 41 "Net-(J2-PadT)"))
(pad 9 thru_hole rect (at 5.3 4.7) (size 3.2 2) (drill oval 2.8 0.762) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 40 "Net-(S1-Pad3)"))
(model ${KIPRJMOD}/3D/3PDT.step (model ${KIPRJMOD}/3D/3PDT.step
(offset (xyz -9 -6.5 0)) (offset (xyz -9 -6.5 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1)) (scale (xyz 1 1 1))
@ -286,7 +387,7 @@
(pad 1 thru_hole circle (at -3.81 0 180) (size 2.99974 2.99974) (drill 1.19888) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (pad 1 thru_hole circle (at -3.81 0 180) (size 2.99974 2.99974) (drill 1.19888) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 1 "Net-(BT1-Pad1)")) (net 1 "Net-(BT1-Pad1)"))
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 0 0 180) (size 2.99974 2.99974) (drill 1.19888) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 0 0 180) (size 2.99974 2.99974) (drill 1.19888) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 38 "Net-(C14-Pad2)")) (net 37 "Net-(C14-Pad2)"))
(pad 3 thru_hole circle (at 3.81 0 180) (size 2.99974 2.99974) (drill 1.19888) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (pad 3 thru_hole circle (at 3.81 0 180) (size 2.99974 2.99974) (drill 1.19888) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 26 "Net-(BT1-Pad2)")) (net 26 "Net-(BT1-Pad2)"))
) )
@ -383,7 +484,7 @@
(pad 1 thru_hole circle (at -2.54 0 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.762) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS) (pad 1 thru_hole circle (at -2.54 0 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.762) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 5 "Net-(C2-Pad2)")) (net 5 "Net-(C2-Pad2)"))
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 0 0 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.762) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS) (pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 0 0 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.762) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 39 "Net-(R26-Pad2)")) (net 38 "Net-(R26-Pad2)"))
(pad 3 thru_hole circle (at 2.54 0 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.762) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS) (pad 3 thru_hole circle (at 2.54 0 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.762) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 16 Earth)) (net 16 Earth))
) )
@ -406,7 +507,7 @@
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 0 0) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.762) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS) (pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 0 0) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.762) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 7 "Net-(C3-Pad2)")) (net 7 "Net-(C3-Pad2)"))
(pad 3 thru_hole circle (at 2.54 0) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.762) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS) (pad 3 thru_hole circle (at 2.54 0) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.762) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 36 "Net-(R25-Pad3)")) (net 35 "Net-(R25-Pad3)"))
) )
(module Kicad_GSM_Footprint:POT (layer F.Cu) (tedit 56F58C9D) (tstamp 59ED127F) (module Kicad_GSM_Footprint:POT (layer F.Cu) (tedit 56F58C9D) (tstamp 59ED127F)
@ -427,7 +528,7 @@
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 0 0 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.762) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS) (pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 0 0 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.762) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 11 "Net-(C5-Pad2)")) (net 11 "Net-(C5-Pad2)"))
(pad 3 thru_hole circle (at 2.54 0 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.762) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS) (pad 3 thru_hole circle (at 2.54 0 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.762) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 34 "Net-(R23-Pad1)")) (net 33 "Net-(R23-Pad1)"))
) )
(module Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5874F706) (tstamp 59ED1278) (module Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5874F706) (tstamp 59ED1278)
@ -458,7 +559,7 @@
(fp_line (start 8.6 1.15) (end 8.6 -1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) (fp_line (start 8.6 1.15) (end 8.6 -1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 8.6 -1.15) (end -0.95 -1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) (fp_line (start 8.6 -1.15) (end -0.95 -1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(pad 1 thru_hole circle (at 0 0 90) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (pad 1 thru_hole circle (at 0 0 90) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 34 "Net-(R23-Pad1)")) (net 33 "Net-(R23-Pad1)"))
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 7.62 0 90) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 7.62 0 90) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 16 Earth)) (net 16 Earth))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Resistors_THT.3dshapes/R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal.wrl (model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Resistors_THT.3dshapes/R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal.wrl
@ -1000,44 +1101,6 @@
) )
) )
(module Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5874F706) (tstamp 59ED121E)
(at 157.099 92.71 90)
(descr "Resistor, Axial_DIN0204 series, Axial, Horizontal, pin pitch=7.62mm, 0.16666666666666666W = 1/6W, length*diameter=3.6*1.6mm^2, http://cdn-reichelt.de/documents/datenblatt/B400/1_4W%23YAG.pdf")
(tags "Resistor Axial_DIN0204 series Axial Horizontal pin pitch 7.62mm 0.16666666666666666W = 1/6W length 3.6mm diameter 1.6mm")
(path /59D863A5)
(fp_text reference R8 (at 3.81 -1.86 90) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 33k (at 3.81 1.86 90) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 2.01 -0.8) (end 2.01 0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 2.01 0.8) (end 5.61 0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 5.61 0.8) (end 5.61 -0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 5.61 -0.8) (end 2.01 -0.8) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 0 0) (end 2.01 0) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 7.62 0) (end 5.61 0) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
(fp_line (start 1.95 -0.86) (end 1.95 0.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 1.95 0.86) (end 5.67 0.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 5.67 0.86) (end 5.67 -0.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 5.67 -0.86) (end 1.95 -0.86) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 0.88 0) (end 1.95 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start 6.74 0) (end 5.67 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.12))
(fp_line (start -0.95 -1.15) (end -0.95 1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -0.95 1.15) (end 8.6 1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 8.6 1.15) (end 8.6 -1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 8.6 -1.15) (end -0.95 -1.15) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(pad 1 thru_hole circle (at 0 0 90) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 22 "Net-(C11-Pad1)"))
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 7.62 0 90) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 36 "Net-(R25-Pad3)"))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Resistors_THT.3dshapes/R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 0.393701 0.393701 0.393701))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5874F706) (tstamp 59ED1218) (module Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5874F706) (tstamp 59ED1218)
(at 130.048 85.979 90) (at 130.048 85.979 90)
(descr "Resistor, Axial_DIN0204 series, Axial, Horizontal, pin pitch=7.62mm, 0.16666666666666666W = 1/6W, length*diameter=3.6*1.6mm^2, http://cdn-reichelt.de/documents/datenblatt/B400/1_4W%23YAG.pdf") (descr "Resistor, Axial_DIN0204 series, Axial, Horizontal, pin pitch=7.62mm, 0.16666666666666666W = 1/6W, length*diameter=3.6*1.6mm^2, http://cdn-reichelt.de/documents/datenblatt/B400/1_4W%23YAG.pdf")
@ -1114,8 +1177,8 @@
) )
) )
(module Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5874F706) (tstamp 59ED120C) (module Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5874F706) (tstamp 5C64077C)
(at 166.37 75.057 180) (at 166.243 68.326 180)
(descr "Resistor, Axial_DIN0204 series, Axial, Horizontal, pin pitch=7.62mm, 0.16666666666666666W = 1/6W, length*diameter=3.6*1.6mm^2, http://cdn-reichelt.de/documents/datenblatt/B400/1_4W%23YAG.pdf") (descr "Resistor, Axial_DIN0204 series, Axial, Horizontal, pin pitch=7.62mm, 0.16666666666666666W = 1/6W, length*diameter=3.6*1.6mm^2, http://cdn-reichelt.de/documents/datenblatt/B400/1_4W%23YAG.pdf")
(tags "Resistor Axial_DIN0204 series Axial Horizontal pin pitch 7.62mm 0.16666666666666666W = 1/6W length 3.6mm diameter 1.6mm") (tags "Resistor Axial_DIN0204 series Axial Horizontal pin pitch 7.62mm 0.16666666666666666W = 1/6W length 3.6mm diameter 1.6mm")
(path /59D8E71F) (path /59D8E71F)
@ -1258,7 +1321,7 @@
(pad 1 thru_hole circle (at 0 0 270) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (pad 1 thru_hole circle (at 0 0 270) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 3 "Net-(C1-Pad2)")) (net 3 "Net-(C1-Pad2)"))
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 7.62 0 270) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 7.62 0 270) (size 1.4 1.4) (drill 0.7) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 37 "Net-(R2-Pad2)")) (net 36 "Net-(R2-Pad2)"))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Resistors_THT.3dshapes/R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal.wrl (model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Resistors_THT.3dshapes/R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0)) (at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 0.393701 0.393701 0.393701)) (scale (xyz 0.393701 0.393701 0.393701))
@ -1333,7 +1396,7 @@
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 0 0 270) (size 2.2 2.2) (drill 1.1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 0 0 270) (size 2.2 2.2) (drill 1.1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 25 +9V)) (net 25 +9V))
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 2.54 0 270) (size 2.2 2.2) (drill 1.1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 2.54 0 270) (size 2.2 2.2) (drill 1.1) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 38 "Net-(C14-Pad2)")) (net 37 "Net-(C14-Pad2)"))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Diodes_THT.3dshapes/D_DO-41_SOD81_P2.54mm_Vertical_AnodeUp.wrl (model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Diodes_THT.3dshapes/D_DO-41_SOD81_P2.54mm_Vertical_AnodeUp.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0)) (at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 0.393701 0.393701 0.393701)) (scale (xyz 0.393701 0.393701 0.393701))
@ -1758,7 +1821,7 @@
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 0 0 270) (size 2.4 2.4) (drill 1.2) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 0 0 270) (size 2.4 2.4) (drill 1.2) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 25 +9V)) (net 25 +9V))
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 5 0 270) (size 2.4 2.4) (drill 1.2) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 5 0 270) (size 2.4 2.4) (drill 1.2) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 38 "Net-(C14-Pad2)")) (net 37 "Net-(C14-Pad2)"))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Capacitors_THT.3dshapes/CP_Radial_D13.0mm_P5.00mm.wrl (model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Capacitors_THT.3dshapes/CP_Radial_D13.0mm_P5.00mm.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0)) (at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1)) (scale (xyz 1 1 1))
@ -1988,15 +2051,15 @@
) )
) )
(module Capacitors_THT:C_Rect_L7.2mm_W4.5mm_P5.00mm_FKS2_FKP2_MKS2_MKP2 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 597BC7C2) (tstamp 59ED115B) (module Capacitors_THT:C_Rect_L7.2mm_W4.5mm_P5.00mm_FKS2_FKP2_MKS2_MKP2 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5C636DC9) (tstamp 5C640ABD)
(at 162.56 87.249 270) (at 166.243 82.677 180)
(descr "C, Rect series, Radial, pin pitch=5.00mm, , length*width=7.2*4.5mm^2, Capacitor, http://www.wima.com/EN/WIMA_FKS_2.pdf") (descr "C, Rect series, Radial, pin pitch=5.00mm, , length*width=7.2*4.5mm^2, Capacitor, http://www.wima.com/EN/WIMA_FKS_2.pdf")
(tags "C Rect series Radial pin pitch 5.00mm length 7.2mm width 4.5mm Capacitor") (tags "C Rect series Radial pin pitch 5.00mm length 7.2mm width 4.5mm Capacitor")
(path /59D8860E) (path /59D8860E)
(fp_text reference C8b1 (at 2.5 -3.56 270) (layer F.SilkS) (fp_text reference C8b1 (at 2.5 -3.56 180) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
) )
(fp_text value 0.0056µF (at 2.5 3.56 270) (layer F.Fab) (fp_text value 0.0056µF (at 2.5 3.56 180) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
) )
(fp_line (start -1.1 -2.25) (end -1.1 2.25) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1)) (fp_line (start -1.1 -2.25) (end -1.1 2.25) (layer F.Fab) (width 0.1))
@ -2011,12 +2074,12 @@
(fp_line (start -1.45 2.6) (end 6.45 2.6) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) (fp_line (start -1.45 2.6) (end 6.45 2.6) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 6.45 2.6) (end 6.45 -2.6) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) (fp_line (start 6.45 2.6) (end 6.45 -2.6) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 6.45 -2.6) (end -1.45 -2.6) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05)) (fp_line (start 6.45 -2.6) (end -1.45 -2.6) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_text user %R (at 2.5 0 270) (layer F.Fab) (fp_text user %R (at 2.5 0 180) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15))) (effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
) )
(pad 1 thru_hole circle (at 0 0 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 0.8) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (pad 1 thru_hole circle (at 0 0 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 0.8) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 16 Earth)) (net 16 Earth))
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 5 0 270) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 0.8) (layers *.Cu *.Mask) (pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 5 0 180) (size 1.6 1.6) (drill 0.8) (layers *.Cu *.Mask)
(net 18 "Net-(C8b1-Pad2)")) (net 18 "Net-(C8b1-Pad2)"))
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Capacitors_THT.3dshapes/C_Rect_L7.2mm_W4.5mm_P5.00mm_FKS2_FKP2_MKS2_MKP2.wrl (model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Capacitors_THT.3dshapes/C_Rect_L7.2mm_W4.5mm_P5.00mm_FKS2_FKP2_MKS2_MKP2.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0)) (at (xyz 0 0 0))
@ -2025,8 +2088,8 @@
) )
) )
(module Capacitors_THT:C_Rect_L7.2mm_W8.5mm_P5.00mm_FKP2_FKP2_MKS2_MKP2 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 597BC7C2) (tstamp 59ED1155) (module Capacitors_THT:C_Rect_L7.2mm_W8.5mm_P5.00mm_FKP2_FKP2_MKS2_MKP2 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 597BC7C2) (tstamp 5C64086B)
(at 166.37 81.026 180) (at 166.243 75.184 180)
(descr "C, Rect series, Radial, pin pitch=5.00mm, , length*width=7.2*8.5mm^2, Capacitor, http://www.wima.com/EN/WIMA_FKS_2.pdf") (descr "C, Rect series, Radial, pin pitch=5.00mm, , length*width=7.2*8.5mm^2, Capacitor, http://www.wima.com/EN/WIMA_FKS_2.pdf")
(tags "C Rect series Radial pin pitch 5.00mm length 7.2mm width 8.5mm Capacitor") (tags "C Rect series Radial pin pitch 5.00mm length 7.2mm width 8.5mm Capacitor")
(path /59D87D85) (path /59D87D85)
@ -2910,6 +2973,33 @@
) )
) )
(module Kicad_GSM_Footprint:SolderWirePad_3x_1-2mmDrill (layer F.Cu) (tedit 59EE6176) (tstamp 5C635FFF)
(at 74.01687 44.55287)
(path /59DA1CC8)
(fp_text reference J1 (at 0 -3.81) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value In (at 1.27 3.81) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(pad 1 thru_hole circle (at -3.81 0) (size 2.99974 2.99974) (drill 1.19888) (layers *.Cu *.Mask))
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 0 0) (size 2.99974 2.99974) (drill 1.19888) (layers *.Cu *.Mask))
(pad 3 thru_hole circle (at 3.81 0) (size 2.99974 2.99974) (drill 1.19888) (layers *.Cu *.Mask))
(module Kicad_GSM_Footprint:SolderWirePad_2x_1-2mmDrill (layer F.Cu) (tedit 59EE6AF5) (tstamp 5C636005)
(at 82.72187 44.55287)
(path /59DA4599)
(fp_text reference J2 (at 0 -3.81) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value Out (at 0.635 3.81) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(pad 1 thru_hole circle (at -1.905 0) (size 2.99974 2.99974) (drill 1.19888) (layers *.Cu *.Mask))
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 1.905 0) (size 2.99974 2.99974) (drill 1.19888) (layers *.Cu *.Mask))
(segment (start 142.875 9.779) (end 142.8496 9.8044) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 0) (tstamp 59EE7625) (status 30)) (segment (start 142.875 9.779) (end 142.8496 9.8044) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 0) (tstamp 59EE7625) (status 30))
(segment (start 123.698 101.219) (end 123.698 107.569) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 1)) (segment (start 123.698 101.219) (end 123.698 107.569) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 123.698 107.569) (end 123.063 108.204) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 1) (tstamp 59F1E11B)) (segment (start 123.698 107.569) (end 123.063 108.204) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 1) (tstamp 59F1E11B))
@ -2986,10 +3076,6 @@
(segment (start 165.481 61.087) (end 171.958 61.087) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 16) (tstamp 5A0A2D86)) (segment (start 165.481 61.087) (end 171.958 61.087) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 16) (tstamp 5A0A2D86))
(segment (start 171.958 61.087) (end 167.132 61.087) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 16)) (segment (start 171.958 61.087) (end 167.132 61.087) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 16))
(segment (start 166.37 61.849) (end 166.37 75.057) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 16) (tstamp 5A0A2CB2)) (segment (start 166.37 61.849) (end 166.37 75.057) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 16) (tstamp 5A0A2CB2))
(segment (start 166.37 71.882) (end 166.37 81.026) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 16))
(segment (start 166.37 71.882) (end 166.37 61.849) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 16))
(segment (start 166.37 81.026) (end 162.56 84.836) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 16) (tstamp 5A0A2C8D))
(segment (start 162.56 84.836) (end 162.56 87.249) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 16) (tstamp 5A0A2C8E))
(segment (start 166.37 61.849) (end 167.132 61.087) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 16) (tstamp 5A0A2B52)) (segment (start 166.37 61.849) (end 167.132 61.087) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 16) (tstamp 5A0A2B52))
(segment (start 174.498 61.087) (end 186.69 61.087) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 16)) (segment (start 174.498 61.087) (end 186.69 61.087) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 16))
(segment (start 189.23 61.087) (end 191.77 61.087) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 16)) (segment (start 189.23 61.087) (end 191.77 61.087) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 16))
@ -2998,42 +3084,43 @@
(segment (start 172.2882 61.087) (end 174.879 61.087) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 16)) (segment (start 172.2882 61.087) (end 174.879 61.087) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 16))
(segment (start 206.375 61.087) (end 203.835 61.087) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 16)) (segment (start 206.375 61.087) (end 203.835 61.087) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 16))
(segment (start 166.37 61.849) (end 167.132 61.087) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 16) (tstamp 5A0A2A71)) (segment (start 166.37 61.849) (end 167.132 61.087) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 16) (tstamp 5A0A2A71))
(segment (start 161.37 81.026) (end 153.749 81.026) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 17)) (segment (start 166.243 81.153) (end 166.243 82.677) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 16))
(segment (start 153.749 81.026) (end 150.585 84.19) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 17) (tstamp 5A0A31B5)) (segment (start 166.37 61.849) (end 166.37 81.026) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 16))
(segment (start 161.37 81.026) (end 161.37 81.2) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 17)) (segment (start 166.37 81.026) (end 166.243 81.153) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 16))
(segment (start 150.585 93.59) (end 150.613 93.59) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 18)) (segment (start 147.622999 89.966999) (end 149.223 91.567) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 17))
(segment (start 150.613 93.59) (end 152.654 95.631) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 18) (tstamp 5A0A31E9)) (segment (start 147.622999 85.699001) (end 147.622999 89.966999) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 17))
(segment (start 152.654 95.631) (end 159.178 95.631) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 18) (tstamp 5A0A31EA)) (segment (start 161.243 75.184) (end 158.138 75.184) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 17))
(segment (start 159.178 95.631) (end 162.56 92.249) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 18) (tstamp 5A0A31EB)) (segment (start 158.138 75.184) (end 147.622999 85.699001) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 17))
(segment (start 150.368 75.057) (end 150.241 75.057) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19)) (segment (start 160.430001 83.489999) (end 161.243 82.677) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 18))
(segment (start 150.241 75.057) (end 149.352 74.168) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19) (tstamp 5A0A3524)) (segment (start 149.223 86.567) (end 152.300001 83.489999) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 18))
(segment (start 148.336 75.057) (end 149.352 74.041) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19)) (segment (start 152.300001 83.489999) (end 160.430001 83.489999) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 18))
(segment (start 149.352 74.041) (end 149.352 74.168) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19) (tstamp 5A0A350F))
(segment (start 149.352 65.913) (end 149.352 74.168) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19))
(segment (start 149.352 74.168) (end 149.352 75.057) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19) (tstamp 5A0A3512))
(segment (start 136.144 89.281) (end 134.112 87.249) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19))
(segment (start 136.017 75.057) (end 145.669 75.057) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19) (tstamp 5A0A31B0))
(segment (start 145.669 75.057) (end 146.812 75.057) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19) (tstamp 5A0A322E))
(segment (start 146.812 75.057) (end 148.336 75.057) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19) (tstamp 5A0A322C))
(segment (start 148.336 75.057) (end 149.352 75.057) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19) (tstamp 5A0A3247))
(segment (start 149.352 75.057) (end 150.368 75.057) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19) (tstamp 5A0A34FE))
(segment (start 150.368 75.057) (end 158.75 75.057) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19) (tstamp 5A0A3522))
(segment (start 134.112 76.962) (end 136.017 75.057) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19) (tstamp 5A0A31AF))
(segment (start 134.112 87.249) (end 134.112 76.962) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19) (tstamp 5A0A31AE))
(segment (start 134.112 93.98) (end 134.112 91.313) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19)) (segment (start 134.112 93.98) (end 134.112 91.313) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19))
(segment (start 134.112 91.313) (end 136.144 89.281) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19) (tstamp 5A0A31AB)) (segment (start 134.112 91.313) (end 136.144 89.281) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19) (tstamp 5A0A31AB))
(segment (start 145.285 93.59) (end 139.502 93.59) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 20)) (segment (start 134.248001 85.344) (end 134.502001 87.639001) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19))
(segment (start 134.248001 70.983999) (end 134.248001 85.344) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19))
(segment (start 136.206001 69.025999) (end 134.248001 70.983999) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19))
(segment (start 134.502001 87.639001) (end 136.144 89.281) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19))
(segment (start 158.623 68.326) (end 157.923001 69.025999) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19))
(segment (start 149.352 65.913) (end 149.352 66.99063) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19))
(segment (start 149.352 68.136999) (end 150.241 69.025999) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19))
(segment (start 157.923001 69.025999) (end 150.241 69.025999) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19))
(segment (start 149.352 68.072) (end 149.352 69.025999) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19))
(segment (start 150.241 69.025999) (end 149.352 69.025999) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19))
(segment (start 149.352 66.99063) (end 149.352 68.072) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19))
(segment (start 149.352 68.136999) (end 148.463 69.025999) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19))
(segment (start 149.352 68.072) (end 149.352 68.136999) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19))
(segment (start 149.352 69.025999) (end 148.463 69.025999) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19))
(segment (start 148.463 69.025999) (end 136.206001 69.025999) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 19))
(segment (start 139.502 93.59) (end 139.112 93.98) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 20) (tstamp 5A0A31A5)) (segment (start 139.502 93.59) (end 139.112 93.98) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 20) (tstamp 5A0A31A5))
(segment (start 136.144 84.281) (end 145.194 84.281) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 21)) (segment (start 145.923 93.067) (end 145.923 91.567) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 20))
(segment (start 145.194 84.281) (end 145.285 84.19) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 21) (tstamp 5A0A31A8)) (segment (start 145.01 93.98) (end 145.923 93.067) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 20))
(segment (start 139.112 93.98) (end 145.01 93.98) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 20))
(segment (start 143.637 84.281) (end 145.923 86.567) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 21))
(segment (start 136.144 84.281) (end 143.637 84.281) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 21))
(segment (start 157.099 92.71) (end 158.75 92.71) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 22)) (segment (start 157.099 92.71) (end 158.75 92.71) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 22))
(segment (start 164.211 89.662) (end 166.497 87.376) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 22) (tstamp 5A0A3484)) (segment (start 164.211 89.662) (end 166.497 87.376) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 22) (tstamp 5A0A3484))
(segment (start 161.798 89.662) (end 164.211 89.662) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 22) (tstamp 5A0A3483)) (segment (start 161.798 89.662) (end 164.211 89.662) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 22) (tstamp 5A0A3483))
(segment (start 158.75 92.71) (end 161.798 89.662) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 22) (tstamp 5A0A3482)) (segment (start 158.75 92.71) (end 161.798 89.662) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 22) (tstamp 5A0A3482))
(segment (start 157.099 92.71) (end 154.94 92.71) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 22) (status 10))
(segment (start 147.581 91.186) (end 145.285 88.89) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 22) (tstamp 5A0A31F1))
(segment (start 153.416 91.186) (end 147.581 91.186) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 22) (tstamp 5A0A31F0))
(segment (start 154.94 92.71) (end 153.416 91.186) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 22) (tstamp 5A0A31EF))
(segment (start 169.418 87.376) (end 166.497 87.376) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 22)) (segment (start 169.418 87.376) (end 166.497 87.376) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 22))
(segment (start 169.418 87.376) (end 169.418 91.44) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 22)) (segment (start 169.418 87.376) (end 169.418 91.44) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 22))
(segment (start 169.418 83.947) (end 169.418 87.376) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 22)) (segment (start 169.418 83.947) (end 169.418 87.376) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 22))
@ -3077,35 +3164,32 @@
(segment (start 174.498 68.707) (end 174.498 75.311) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 30)) (segment (start 174.498 68.707) (end 174.498 75.311) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 30))
(segment (start 189.23 68.707) (end 189.23 75.311) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 31)) (segment (start 189.23 68.707) (end 189.23 75.311) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 31))
(segment (start 206.375 72.517) (end 206.375 68.707) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 32)) (segment (start 206.375 72.517) (end 206.375 68.707) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 32))
(segment (start 160.943 121.413) (end 160.943 123.097) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 33)) (segment (start 160.943 121.413) (end 160.943 123.097) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 40))
(segment (start 171.543 123.224) (end 171.543 121.413) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 33) (tstamp 5A0A33EC)) (segment (start 171.543 123.224) (end 171.543 121.413) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 40) (tstamp 5A0A33EC))
(segment (start 170.434 124.333) (end 171.543 123.224) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 33) (tstamp 5A0A33EB)) (segment (start 170.434 124.333) (end 171.543 123.224) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 40) (tstamp 5A0A33EB))
(segment (start 162.179 124.333) (end 170.434 124.333) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 33) (tstamp 5A0A33EA)) (segment (start 162.179 124.333) (end 170.434 124.333) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 40) (tstamp 5A0A33EA))
(segment (start 160.943 123.097) (end 162.179 124.333) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 33) (tstamp 5A0A33E9)) (segment (start 160.943 123.097) (end 162.179 124.333) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 40) (tstamp 5A0A33E9))
(segment (start 195.326 65.913) (end 194.564 65.913) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 34)) (segment (start 195.326 65.913) (end 194.564 65.913) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 33))
(segment (start 194.564 65.913) (end 191.77 68.707) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 34) (tstamp 59F1D29D)) (segment (start 194.564 65.913) (end 191.77 68.707) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 33) (tstamp 59F1D29D))
(segment (start 126.873 108.204) (end 126.873 110.363) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 35)) (segment (start 126.873 108.204) (end 126.873 110.363) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 34))
(segment (start 134.493 110.49) (end 134.493 101.092) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 35) (tstamp 5A0A352D)) (segment (start 134.493 110.49) (end 134.493 101.092) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 34) (tstamp 5A0A352D))
(segment (start 133.096 111.887) (end 134.493 110.49) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 35) (tstamp 5A0A352C)) (segment (start 133.096 111.887) (end 134.493 110.49) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 34) (tstamp 5A0A352C))
(segment (start 128.397 111.887) (end 133.096 111.887) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 35) (tstamp 5A0A352B)) (segment (start 128.397 111.887) (end 133.096 111.887) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 34) (tstamp 5A0A352B))
(segment (start 126.873 110.363) (end 128.397 111.887) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 35) (tstamp 5A0A352A)) (segment (start 126.873 110.363) (end 128.397 111.887) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 34) (tstamp 5A0A352A))
(segment (start 154.432 65.913) (end 161.798 65.913) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 36)) (segment (start 153.122 89.067) (end 149.223 89.067) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 35))
(segment (start 161.798 65.913) (end 163.83 67.945) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 36) (tstamp 5A0A336D)) (segment (start 157.099 85.09) (end 153.122 89.067) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 35))
(segment (start 163.83 67.945) (end 163.83 81.534) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 36) (tstamp 5A0A336E)) (segment (start 162.687 85.09) (end 157.099 85.09) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 35))
(segment (start 163.83 81.534) (end 160.274 85.09) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 36) (tstamp 5A0A336F)) (segment (start 163.83 67.945) (end 163.957 83.82) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 35))
(segment (start 160.274 85.09) (end 157.099 85.09) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 36) (tstamp 5A0A3371) (status 20)) (segment (start 154.432 65.913) (end 161.798 65.913) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 35))
(segment (start 150.585 88.89) (end 150.585 88.302) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 36)) (segment (start 163.957 83.82) (end 162.687 85.09) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 35))
(segment (start 150.585 88.302) (end 152.4 86.487) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 36) (tstamp 5A0A31F4)) (segment (start 161.798 65.913) (end 163.83 67.945) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 35))
(segment (start 152.4 86.487) (end 154.686 86.487) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 36) (tstamp 5A0A31F5)) (segment (start 171.543 112.013) (end 199.264 112.013) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 36))
(segment (start 154.686 86.487) (end 156.083 85.09) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 36) (tstamp 5A0A31F6)) (segment (start 206.375 104.902) (end 206.375 91.44) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 36) (tstamp 5A0A33C5))
(segment (start 156.083 85.09) (end 157.099 85.09) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 36) (tstamp 5A0A31F7) (status 20)) (segment (start 199.264 112.013) (end 206.375 104.902) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 36) (tstamp 5A0A33C3))
(segment (start 171.543 112.013) (end 199.264 112.013) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 37)) (segment (start 160.943 112.013) (end 160.943 112.488) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 38))
(segment (start 206.375 104.902) (end 206.375 91.44) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 37) (tstamp 5A0A33C5)) (segment (start 160.943 112.488) (end 159.131 114.3) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 38) (tstamp 5A0A3418))
(segment (start 199.264 112.013) (end 206.375 104.902) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 37) (tstamp 5A0A33C3)) (segment (start 159.131 114.3) (end 119.888 114.3) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 38) (tstamp 5A0A3419))
(segment (start 160.943 112.013) (end 160.943 112.488) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 39)) (segment (start 119.888 114.3) (end 112.649 107.061) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 38) (tstamp 5A0A341A))
(segment (start 160.943 112.488) (end 159.131 114.3) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 39) (tstamp 5A0A3418)) (segment (start 112.649 107.061) (end 112.649 65.913) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 38) (tstamp 5A0A341C))
(segment (start 159.131 114.3) (end 119.888 114.3) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 39) (tstamp 5A0A3419))
(segment (start 119.888 114.3) (end 112.649 107.061) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 39) (tstamp 5A0A341A))
(segment (start 112.649 107.061) (end 112.649 65.913) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 39) (tstamp 5A0A341C))
) )

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
(kicad_pcb (version 20171130) (host pcbnew "(5.0.0-rc3)") (kicad_pcb (version 20171130) (host pcbnew 5.0.2+dfsg1-1)
(general (general
(thickness 1.6) (thickness 1.6)
(drawings 0) (drawings 0)
(tracks 200) (tracks 197)
(zones 0) (zones 0)
(modules 56) (modules 56)
(nets 40) (nets 40)
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
(add_net "Net-(R26-Pad2)") (add_net "Net-(R26-Pad2)")
) )
(module Kicad_GSM_Footprint:3PDT (layer F.Cu) (tedit 570516D6) (tstamp 5C5236AC) (module Buttons_Switches_THT:3PDT (layer F.Cu) (tedit 570516D6) (tstamp 5C5BAC0E)
(at 154.56 137.02) (at 154.56 137.02)
(path /5C539AEE) (path /5C539AEE)
(fp_text reference S1 (at 0 7.3) (layer F.SilkS) (fp_text reference S1 (at 0 7.3) (layer F.SilkS)
@ -2911,9 +2911,6 @@
) )
(segment (start 142.875 9.779) (end 142.8496 9.8044) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 0) (tstamp 59EE7625) (status 30)) (segment (start 142.875 9.779) (end 142.8496 9.8044) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 0) (tstamp 59EE7625) (status 30))
(segment (start 193.5099 322.9864) (end 193.4845 322.961) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 0) (tstamp 59EE7627))
(segment (start 125.349 132.1308) (end 125.3236 132.1054) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 0) (tstamp 59EE762A))
(segment (start 67.437 56.6674) (end 67.4116 56.642) (width 0.25) (layer F.Cu) (net 0) (tstamp 59EE83DA))
(segment (start 123.698 101.219) (end 123.698 107.569) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 1)) (segment (start 123.698 101.219) (end 123.698 107.569) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 123.698 107.569) (end 123.063 108.204) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 1) (tstamp 59F1E11B)) (segment (start 123.698 107.569) (end 123.063 108.204) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 1) (tstamp 59F1E11B))
(segment (start 203.835 88.519) (end 203.835 84.535) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 2)) (segment (start 203.835 88.519) (end 203.835 84.535) (width 0.8) (layer F.Cu) (net 2))

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -433,48 +433,48 @@ $EndComp
$Comp $Comp
L Device:C C8b1 L Device:C C8b1
U 1 1 59D8860E U 1 1 59D8860E
P 9080 4340 P 9070 4310
F 0 "C8b1" V 9020 4130 50 0000 L CNN F 0 "C8b1" V 9010 4100 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "0.0056µF" V 9240 4140 50 0000 L CNN F 1 "0.0056µF" V 9230 4110 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_THT:C_Rect_L7.2mm_W4.5mm_P5.00mm_FKS2_FKP2_MKS2_MKP2" H 9118 4190 50 0001 C CNN F 2 "Capacitors_THT:C_Rect_L7.2mm_W4.5mm_P5.00mm_FKS2_FKP2_MKS2_MKP2" H 9108 4160 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 9080 4340 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 9070 4310 50 0001 C CNN
F 4 "Wima FKP2" H 9080 4340 60 0001 C CNN "Type" F 4 "Wima FKP2" H 9070 4310 60 0001 C CNN "Type"
1 9080 4340 1 9070 4310
0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
$EndComp $EndComp
$Comp $Comp
L Device:C C9a1 L Device:C C9a1
U 1 1 59D8CA79 U 1 1 59D8CA79
P 8620 2800 P 8620 3060
F 0 "C9a1" V 8670 2610 50 0000 L CNN F 0 "C9a1" V 8670 2870 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "0.004µF" V 8470 2660 50 0000 L CNN F 1 "0.004µF" V 8470 2920 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_THT:C_Rect_L7.2mm_W5.5mm_P5.00mm_FKS2_FKP2_MKS2_MKP2" H 8658 2650 50 0001 C CNN F 2 "Capacitors_THT:C_Rect_L7.2mm_W5.5mm_P5.00mm_FKS2_FKP2_MKS2_MKP2" H 8658 2910 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8620 2800 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 8620 3060 50 0001 C CNN
F 4 "Wima FKP2" V 8620 2800 60 0001 C CNN "Type" F 4 "Wima FKP2" V 8620 3060 60 0001 C CNN "Type"
1 8620 2800 1 8620 3060
0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
$EndComp $EndComp
$Comp $Comp
L Device:C C9b1 L Device:C C9b1
U 1 1 59D8CDB4 U 1 1 59D8CDB4
P 8620 3030 P 8620 3260
F 0 "C9b1" V 8560 2840 50 0000 L CNN F 0 "C9b1" V 8560 3070 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "0.01µF" V 8790 2930 50 0000 L CNN F 1 "0.01µF" V 8790 3160 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_THT:C_Rect_L7.2mm_W8.5mm_P5.00mm_FKP2_FKP2_MKS2_MKP2" H 8658 2880 50 0001 C CNN F 2 "Capacitors_THT:C_Rect_L7.2mm_W8.5mm_P5.00mm_FKP2_FKP2_MKS2_MKP2" H 8658 3110 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8620 3030 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 8620 3260 50 0001 C CNN
F 4 "Wima FKP2" H 8620 3030 60 0001 C CNN "Type" F 4 "Wima FKP2" H 8620 3260 60 0001 C CNN "Type"
1 8620 3030 1 8620 3260
0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
$EndComp $EndComp
$Comp $Comp
L Device:R R5 L Device:R R5
U 1 1 59D8E71F U 1 1 59D8E71F
P 9170 3030 P 9170 3260
F 0 "R5" V 9250 3030 50 0000 C CNN F 0 "R5" V 9250 3260 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "22k" V 9170 3030 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "22k" V 9170 3260 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal" V 9100 3030 50 0001 C CNN F 2 "Resistors_THT:R_Axial_DIN0204_L3.6mm_D1.6mm_P7.62mm_Horizontal" V 9100 3260 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 9170 3030 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 9170 3260 50 0001 C CNN
1 9170 3030 1 9170 3260
0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
$EndComp $EndComp
$Comp $Comp
@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ U 1 1 59DA1CC8
P 980 5520 P 980 5520
F 0 "J1" H 930 5695 50 0000 C CNN F 0 "J1" H 930 5695 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "In" H 1080 5450 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "In" H 1080 5450 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 1230 5620 50 0001 C CNN F 2 "Kicad_GSM_Footprint:SolderWirePad_3x_1-2mmDrill" H 1230 5620 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 1230 5620 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 1230 5620 50 0001 C CNN
1 980 5520 1 980 5520
1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -1
@ -570,12 +570,12 @@ $EndComp
$Comp $Comp
L Connector:AudioJack2_Ground J2 L Connector:AudioJack2_Ground J2
U 1 1 59DA4599 U 1 1 59DA4599
P 10610 5330 P 10610 5620
F 0 "J2" H 10585 5405 50 0000 C CNN F 0 "J2" H 10585 5695 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "Out" H 10585 5155 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "Out" H 10585 5445 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 10860 5330 50 0001 C CNN F 2 "Kicad_GSM_Footprint:SolderWirePad_2x_1-2mmDrill" H 10860 5620 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 10860 5330 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 10860 5620 50 0001 C CNN
1 10610 5330 1 10610 5620
-1 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 -1
$EndComp $EndComp
$Comp $Comp
@ -866,24 +866,20 @@ Wire Wire Line
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
5050 2680 5000 2680 5050 2680 5000 2680
Connection ~ 5050 2680 Connection ~ 5050 2680
Wire Wire Line
7870 2920 7870 3380
Connection ~ 7870 3380 Connection ~ 7870 3380
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
9320 4110 9220 4110 9320 4110 9220 4110
Wire Wire Line
9320 4640 9320 4340
Connection ~ 7480 4640 Connection ~ 7480 4640
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
9230 4340 9320 4340 9220 4310 9320 4310
Connection ~ 9320 4340 Connection ~ 9320 4310
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
8770 2800 8830 2800 8770 3060 8830 3060
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
8830 2800 8830 3030 8830 3060 8830 3260
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
8770 3030 8830 3030 8770 3260 8830 3260
Connection ~ 8830 3030 Connection ~ 8830 3260
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
9280 3630 9650 3630 9280 3630 9650 3630
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
@ -926,21 +922,15 @@ Wire Wire Line
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
2040 3630 2040 4850 2040 3630 2040 4850
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
2040 4850 5970 4850 2040 4850 6060 4850
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
5970 4850 5970 5520 6060 4850 6060 5520
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
5150 5170 5150 5330 6570 5720 5860 5720
Wire Wire Line
5740 5270 5900 5270
Wire Wire Line
5900 5270 5900 5720
Wire Wire Line
5900 5720 5760 5720
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
2750 4640 3250 4640 2750 4640 3250 4640
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
10800 5070 10800 3630 10800 4850 10800 3630
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
10610 6160 10310 6160 10610 6160 10310 6160
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
@ -948,8 +938,6 @@ Wire Wire Line
Connection ~ 6210 2130 Connection ~ 6210 2130
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
6210 2990 6210 5960 6210 2990 6210 5960
Wire Wire Line
6210 5960 5750 5960
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
6210 2530 6210 2690 6210 2530 6210 2690
Connection ~ 10310 6160 Connection ~ 10310 6160
@ -965,32 +953,18 @@ Wire Wire Line
2430 2250 2430 2130 2430 2250 2430 2130
Connection ~ 2430 2130 Connection ~ 2430 2130
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
8350 3920 8920 3920 8450 4110 8920 4110
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
8920 3920 8920 4110 8470 3260 8270 3260
Wire Wire Line
8930 4460 8930 4340
Wire Wire Line
8110 4460 8930 4460
Wire Wire Line
8470 3030 8350 3030
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
7870 3770 7870 3800 7870 3770 7870 3800
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
7870 3800 8230 3800 7870 3800 8050 3800
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
8830 3800 8830 3780 8830 3800 8830 3780
Connection ~ 8050 3800
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
8230 3700 8230 3800 6060 5520 5860 5520
Connection ~ 8230 3800
Wire Wire Line
8350 3920 8350 3700
Wire Wire Line
8110 3700 8110 4460
Wire Wire Line
5150 5170 5440 5170
Wire Wire Line
5970 5520 5760 5520
NoConn ~ 7850 4360 NoConn ~ 7850 4360
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
3250 2680 3250 3080 3250 2680 3250 3080
@ -1054,16 +1028,14 @@ Wire Wire Line
7030 2680 7030 2830 7030 2680 7030 2830
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
5050 2680 5050 2830 5050 2680 5050 2830
Wire Wire Line
7870 3380 7870 3470
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
7480 4640 9320 4640 7480 4640 9320 4640
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
9320 4340 9320 4110 9320 4310 9320 4110
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
8830 3030 8830 3480 8830 3260 8830 3480
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
8830 3030 9020 3030 8830 3260 9020 3260
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
9650 3630 9750 3630 9650 3630 9750 3630
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
@ -1076,8 +1048,6 @@ Wire Wire Line
10050 3190 10050 3430 10050 3190 10050 3430
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
10050 4640 10650 4640 10050 4640 10650 4640
Wire Wire Line
9320 4110 9320 3030
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
9650 2130 10050 2130 9650 2130 10050 2130
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
@ -1093,11 +1063,11 @@ Wire Wire Line
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
2190 2700 2430 2700 2190 2700 2430 2700
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
2750 6060 5450 6060 2750 6060 5910 6060
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
2430 2130 3250 2130 2430 2130 3250 2130
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
8230 3800 8830 3800 8050 3800 8830 3800
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
1380 2230 1170 2230 1380 2230 1170 2230
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
@ -1124,63 +1094,63 @@ Wire Wire Line
1380 2230 1380 2400 1380 2230 1380 2400
$Comp $Comp
L Deffekt-rescue:SWITCH-3PDT-SparkFun-Electromechanical-Deffekt-rescue S1 L Deffekt-rescue:SWITCH-3PDT-SparkFun-Electromechanical-Deffekt-rescue S1
U 1 1 5C539AEE U 3 1 5C539AEE
P 5640 5170 P 6670 5620
F 0 "S1" H 5590 5449 50 0000 C CNN F 0 "S1" H 6620 5899 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "SWITCH-3PDT" H 5590 5358 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "SWITCH-3PDT" H 6620 5808 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "STOMP-SWITCH-3PDT" H 5670 5320 20 0001 C CNN F 2 "Kicad_GSM_Footprint:3PDT" H 6700 5770 20 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5640 5170 60 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 6670 5620 60 0001 C CNN
1 5640 5170 3 6670 5620
1 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 -1
$EndComp $EndComp
$Comp $Comp
L Deffekt-rescue:SWITCH-3PDT-SparkFun-Electromechanical-Deffekt-rescue S1 L Deffekt-rescue:SWITCH-3PDT-SparkFun-Electromechanical-Deffekt-rescue S1
U 2 1 5C539F66 U 2 1 5C539F66
P 5650 6060 P 6110 6060
F 0 "S1" H 5600 6339 50 0000 C CNN F 0 "S1" H 6060 6339 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "SWITCH-3PDT" H 5600 6248 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "SWITCH-3PDT" H 6060 6248 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "STOMP-SWITCH-3PDT" H 5680 6210 20 0001 C CNN F 2 "Kicad_GSM_Footprint:3PDT" H 6140 6210 20 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5650 6060 60 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 6110 6060 60 0001 C CNN
2 5650 6060 2 6110 6060
1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -1
$EndComp $EndComp
$Comp $Comp
L Deffekt-rescue:SWITCH-3PDT-SparkFun-Electromechanical-Deffekt-rescue S1 L Deffekt-rescue:SWITCH-3PDT-SparkFun-Electromechanical-Deffekt-rescue S1
U 3 1 5C53A05D U 1 1 5C53A05D
P 5660 5620 P 5760 5620
F 0 "S1" H 5610 5899 50 0000 C CNN F 0 "S1" H 5710 5899 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "SWITCH-3PDT" H 5610 5808 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "SWITCH-3PDT" H 5710 5808 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "STOMP-SWITCH-3PDT" H 5690 5770 20 0001 C CNN F 2 "Kicad_GSM_Footprint:3PDT" H 5790 5770 20 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5660 5620 60 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 5760 5620 60 0001 C CNN
3 5660 5620 1 5760 5620
1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -1
$EndComp $EndComp
$Comp $Comp
L Switch:SW_DPDT_x2 SW1 L Switch:SW_DPDT_x2 SW1
U 1 1 5C53C33E U 1 1 5C53C33E
P 8100 2940 P 8070 3160
F 0 "SW1" H 8100 3225 50 0000 C CNN F 0 "SW1" H 8070 3445 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "SW_DPDT_x2" H 8100 3134 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "SW_DPDT_x2" H 8070 3354 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 8100 2940 50 0001 C CNN F 2 "Buttons_Switches_THT:SW_CuK_JS202011CQN_DPDT_Straight" H 8070 3160 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8100 2940 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 8070 3160 50 0001 C CNN
1 8100 2940 1 8070 3160
1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -1
$EndComp $EndComp
$Comp $Comp
L Switch:SW_DPDT_x2 SW1 L Switch:SW_DPDT_x2 SW1
U 2 1 5C53CBF7 U 2 1 5C53CBF7
P 8250 3440 P 8250 4210
F 0 "SW1" H 8250 3725 50 0000 C CNN F 0 "SW1" H 8250 4495 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "SW_DPDT_x2" H 8250 3634 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "SW_DPDT_x2" H 8250 4404 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 8250 3440 50 0001 C CNN F 2 "Buttons_Switches_THT:SW_CuK_JS202011CQN_DPDT_Straight" H 8250 4210 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8250 3440 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 8250 4210 50 0001 C CNN
2 8250 3440 2 8250 4210
1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -1
$EndComp $EndComp
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
10610 6160 10610 5530 10610 6160 10610 5820
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
10410 5230 10310 5230 10410 5520 10310 5520
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
1320 5520 1180 5520 1320 5520 1180 5520
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
@ -1194,11 +1164,7 @@ Wire Wire Line
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
1170 2330 1320 2330 1170 2330 1320 2330
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
5750 6160 10310 6160 6210 6160 10310 6160
Wire Wire Line
5740 5070 10800 5070
Wire Wire Line
5150 5330 10410 5330
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
980 5820 980 6060 980 5820 980 6060
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
@ -1207,7 +1173,29 @@ Connection ~ 1240 6060
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
1240 5420 1240 6060 1240 5420 1240 6060
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
10310 5230 10310 6160 10310 5520 10310 6160
Wire Wire Line Wire Wire Line
1180 5620 5460 5620 1180 5620 5560 5620
Wire Wire Line
8050 4210 8050 3800
Wire Wire Line
8450 4310 8920 4310
Wire Wire Line
7870 3160 7870 3380
Wire Wire Line
8270 3060 8470 3060
Wire Wire Line
9320 4110 9320 3260
Wire Wire Line
9320 4310 9320 4640
Wire Wire Line
7870 3380 7870 3470
Wire Wire Line
6870 5620 10410 5620
Wire Wire Line
6350 4850 6350 5520
Wire Wire Line
6350 5520 6570 5520
Wire Wire Line
6350 4850 10800 4850