
67 lines
2.2 KiB

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Emery Hemingway
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Hippocratic-1.1
{ system, nixpkgs, depot, genode, dhallApps }:
toolchainOverlay = import ./toolchain-overlay;
# Overlay of toolchain patches
super = builtins.getAttr system nixpkgs.legacyPackages;
inherit (super) callPackage;
dhallPackages = super.dhallPackages // (callPackage ./dhall { });
genode' = with builtins;
mkDhallManifest = drv:
super.runCommand "${}.dhall" {
inherit drv;
dhall = dhallApps.dhall.program;
} ''
echo '{' >> manifest.tmp
if [ -d $drv/bin ]; then
echo ', bin = {' >> manifest.tmp
find $drv/bin/ -type f -printf '%f "%p"\n' \
| awk '{print ", "gensub(/\..*/, "", 1, $1)" = { mapKey = \""$1"\", mapValue = "$2" }" }'>> manifest.tmp
echo '}' >> manifest.tmp
if [ -d $drv/lib ]; then
echo ', lib = {' >> manifest.tmp
find $drv/lib/ -type f -name '*' -printf '%f "%p"\n' \
| awk '{print ", "gensub(/\..*/, "", 1, $1)" = { mapKey = \""$1"\", mapValue = "$2" }" }'>> manifest.tmp
echo '}' >> manifest.tmp
if [ -d $drv/tar ]; then
echo ', tar = {' >> manifest.tmp
find $drv/tar/ -type f -name '*.tar' -printf '%f "%p"\n' \
| awk '{print ""gensub(/\..*/, "", 1, $1)" = { mapKey = \""$1"\", mapValue = "$2" }" }'>> manifest.tmp
echo '}' >> manifest.tmp
echo '}' >> manifest.tmp
$dhall < manifest.tmp > $out
genodeRepoNames = attrNames genode;
f = name:
let drv = getAttr name genode;
in {
inherit name;
value = drv // { manifest = mkDhallManifest drv; };
list = map f genodeRepoNames;
attrs = listToAttrs list;
in attrs;
in rec {
inherit (super) stdenv;
dhallGenode = dhallPackages.genode;
dhallPrelude = dhallPackages.prelude;
libc = callPackage ./pkgs/libc { inherit depot; };
nic_bus = callPackage ./pkgs/nic_bus { inherit (genode) base os; };
solo5 = callPackage ./pkgs/solo5 { inherit (genode) base os; };
stdcxx = callPackage ./pkgs/stdcxx { };
} // genode'