
250 lines
6.8 KiB

{ flake }:
final: prev:
with prev;
# Helper functions to override package dependant
# on whether the host or target system is Genode.
overrideHost = attrs: drv:
if hostPlatform.isGenode then drv.override attrs else drv;
overrideTarget = attrs: drv:
if targetPlatform.isGenode then drv.override attrs else drv;
overrideAttrsHost = f: drv:
if hostPlatform.isGenode then drv.overrideAttrs f else drv;
overrideAttrsTarget = f: drv:
if targetPlatform.isGenode then drv.overrideAttrs f else drv;
addPatches' = patches: attrs: { patches = attrs.patches or [ ] ++ patches; };
addPatchesHost = ps: overrideAttrsHost (addPatches' ps);
addPatchesTarget = ps: overrideAttrsTarget (addPatches' ps);
autoreconfHost = overrideAttrsHost
(attrs: { nativeBuildInputs = [ final.autoreconfHook ]; });
nullPkgs =
# Nullify these packages to find problems early.
if hostPlatform.isGenode then
builtins.listToAttrs (map (name: {
inherit name;
value = null;
}) [ "iproute2" ])
{ };
in nullPkgs // {
bash = overrideAttrsTarget (attrs: {
configureFlags = attrs.configureFlags
++ [ "--without-bash-malloc" ]; # no sbrk please
postPatch = "sed '/check_dev_tty/d' shell.c";
}) bash;
binutils-unwrapped = overrideAttrsTarget (attrs: {
patches = attrs.patches ++ [
# Upstreamed, remove at next release.
nativeBuildInputs = attrs.nativeBuildInputs
++ [ final.updateAutotoolsGnuConfigScriptsHook ];
}) binutils-unwrapped;
cmake =
# TODO: upstream
overrideAttrsTarget (attrs: {
postInstall = with stdenv; ''
local MODULE="$out/share/cmake-${
lib.versions.majorMinor attrs.version
if [ -e "$MODULE" ]; then
echo "Upstream provides $MODULE!"
exit 1
cp ${./cmake/Genode.cmake} $MODULE
}) cmake;
coreutils = overrideHost {
gmp = null;
libiconv = null;
} (overrideAttrsHost (attrs: {
configureFlags = [
LDFLAGS = [ "-Wl,--no-as-needed" ];
# keep libposix NEEDED
}) coreutils);
erisPatchHook = final.callPackage ./eris-patch-hook {
patchelf = prev.patchelf.overrideAttrs (attrs: {
patches = attrs.patched or [ ] ++ [
gdb = addPatchesTarget [
# Upstreamed, remove at next release.
] gdb;
genodeLibcCross = callPackage ./libc { };
genodePackages =
# The Genode-only packages.
import ../packages {
inherit flake;
pkgs = final;
grub2 =
# No need for a Genode build of GRUB.
if stdenv.targetPlatform.isGenode then
libcCrossChooser = name:
if stdenv.targetPlatform.isGenode then
prev.libcCrossChooser name;
libsodium = overrideAttrsHost (attrs: {
patches = (attrs.patches or [ ]) ++ [
}) libsodium;
libkrb5 =
# Do not want.
autoreconfHost libkrb5;
libtool =
# Autotools related nonesense. Better to compile
# everything static than to deal with this one.
overrideAttrsTarget (attrs: {
nativeBuildInputs = with final;
attrs.nativeBuildInputs ++ [ autoconf automake115x ];
patches = ./libtool/genode.patch;
}) libtool;
libtoxcore = overrideHost {
libopus = null;
libvpx = null;
} libtoxcore;
linuxPackages =
# Dummy package.
if hostPlatform.isGenode then {
extend = _: final.linuxPackages;
features = { };
kernel.config = {
isEnabled = _: false;
isYes = _: false;
} else
llvmPackages_11 =
# A copy of the LLVM expressions from Nixpkgs.
# Nothing here is upstreamed.
callPackage ./llvm-11 ({
inherit (stdenvAdapters) overrideCC;
buildLlvmTools =;
targetLlvmLibraries = targetPackages.llvmPackages_11.libraries;
} // lib.optionalAttrs
(stdenv.hostPlatform.isi686 && {
stdenv = gcc7Stdenv;
ncurses =
# Stay clear of upstream on this one.
addPatchesHost [ ./ncurses/genode.patch ] ncurses;
nim-unwrapped =
# Fixes to the compiler and standard libary.
(attrs: { patches = attrs.patches ++ [ ./nim/genode.patch ]; });
nimblePackages =
# Packages from the Nimble flake with adjustments.
let pkgs' = flake.inputs.nimble.overlay (final // pkgs') final;
in pkgs'.nimblePackages.extend (final: prev: {
genode = prev.genode.overrideAttrs (attrs: {
src = fetchgit {
inherit (attrs.src) url;
rev = "27ab40d6cb8870ae306be5d09b7513db14bf4343";
sha256 = "1hzvyk6djnb65sl2x0sxc57vwaghvzyynp0pxvmnfbj08vp99v0m";
openssl =
overrideHost { static = true; } # shared library comes out stupid big
(overrideAttrsHost (attrs: {
outputs = [ "out" ]
++ builtins.filter (x: x != "bin" && x != "out") attrs.outputs;
patches = attrs.patches or [ ] ++ [ ./openssl/genode.patch ];
configureScript = {
x86_64-genode = "./Configure Genode-x86_64";
}.${stdenv.hostPlatform.system} or (throw
"Not sure what configuration to use for ${stdenv.hostPlatform.config}");
configureFlags = attrs.configureFlags ++ [ "no-devcryptoeng" ];
postInstall =
"rm $out/bin/c_rehash"; # eliminate the perl runtime dependency
}) openssl);
patchelf = addPatchesTarget [
# Patch to fix a bug in rewriting the .dynstr section.
] prev.patchelf;
rsync = overrideHost {
enableACLs = false;
popt = null;
} (overrideAttrsHost (attrs: { outputs = [ "out" "man" ]; }) rsync);
solo5-tools = callPackage ./solo5-tools { };
stdenv = overrideHost (old: {
extraNativeBuildInputs = old.extraNativeBuildInputs
++ [ final.buildPackages.erisPatchHook ];
}) prev.stdenv;
tor = overrideAttrsHost (attrs: {
configureFlags = attrs.configureFlags or [ ]
++ [ "--disable-tool-name-check" ];
patches = attrs.patches or [ ] ++ [
# We don't do users and groups here.
postPatch = null; # Avoid torsocks patching
}) tor;
zlib = overrideAttrsHost (attrs: {
postInstall = attrs.postInstall or "" + ''
pushd ''${!outputLib}/lib
find . -type l -delete
}) zlib;