{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: let toDhall = lib.generators.toDhall { }; cfg = config.genode.gui; domains' = lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList (mapKey: attrs: { inherit mapKey; mapValue = lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList (mapKey: mapValue: { inherit mapKey mapValue; }) attrs; }) cfg.domains; in { options.genode.gui = { enable = lib.mkEnableOption "Genode Gui service"; consoleLog = { enable = lib.mkEnableOption "console log"; layer = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.ints.positive; default = 1; }; }; policies = lib.mkOption { type = with lib.types; listOf path; default = [ ]; description = '' List of policies to append to the Genode GUI server. Type is Init.Config.Policy.Type. ''; }; domains = lib.mkOption { type = with lib.types; attrsOf (attrsOf str); description = '' List of domains to configure at the Gui server. Partially documented at the Nitpicker README, consult the implementation when in doubt. ''; example = { pointer = { layer = "1"; content = "client"; label = "no"; origin = "pointer"; }; default = { layer = "2"; color = "#052944"; hover = "always"; focus = "click"; }; }; }; }; config = { genode.gui.enable = lib.mkDefault cfg.consoleLog.enable; genode.gui.policies = lib.optional cfg.consoleLog.enable (builtins.toFile ("consoleLog-gui-policy.dhall") '' let Init = (env:DHALL_SIGIL).Init in Init.Config.Policy::{ , service = "Gui" , label = Init.LabelSelector.prefix "consoleLog" , attributes = toMap { domain = "consoleLog" } } ''); genode.gui.domains.consoleLog = lib.mkIf cfg.consoleLog.enable { layer = toString cfg.consoleLog.layer; label = "no"; content = "client"; }; hardware.genode.framebuffer.enable = cfg.enable; genode.core.children.nitpicker = lib.mkIf cfg.enable (let nitpicker' = lib.getEris' "bin" pkgs.genodePackages.nitpicker "nitpicker"; in { binary = nitpicker'.cap; extraErisInputs = [ nitpicker' ]; configFile = pkgs.writeText "nitpicker.dhall" '' ${./nitpicker.dhall} {domains = ${toDhall domains'}, policies = [ ${ lib.strings.concatStringsSep ", " cfg.policies } ] } ''; }); genode.core.romModules = lib.mkIf cfg.consoleLog.enable { "FiraCode-VF.ttf" = pkgs.buildPackages.fira-code + "/share/fonts/truetype/FiraCode-VF.ttf"; }; genode.core.children.consoleLog = lib.mkIf cfg.consoleLog.enable (let erisInputs = (lib.attrsets.mapAttrs (_: lib.getEris "bin") { inherit (pkgs.genodePackages) gui_fb log_core terminal terminal_log; }) // (lib.attrsets.mapAttrs (_: lib.getEris "lib") { inherit (pkgs.genodePackages) vfs_ttf; }); in { package = pkgs.genodePackages.init; coreROMs = [ "core_log" "kernel_log" ]; extraErisInputs = builtins.attrValues erisInputs; configFile = pkgs.writeText "consoleLog.dhall" '' ${./consoleLog.dhall} ${ toDhall (lib.attrsets.mapAttrs (_: builtins.getAttr "cap") erisInputs // { fontFile = "FiraCode-VF.ttf"; }) } ''; }); }; }