{ lib, ... }: { lib = { # Type of a declaration of init children. types.children = { extraOptions }: with lib; mkOption { default = { }; type = with types; attrsOf (submodule { options = { binary = mkOption { description = "Program binary for this child. Must be an ERIS URN."; default = null; type = types.nullOr (types.str // { check = lib.strings.hasPrefix "urn:erisx2:"; }); example = "urn:erisx2:AEAU4KT7AGJLA5BHPWFZ7HX2OVVNVFGDM2SIS726OPZBGXDED64QIDPHN2M5P5HIMOG3YDSWBGDPNUMZKCG4CRVU4DI5BOS5IJRFCSLQQY"; }; coreROMs = mkOption { type = with types; listOf str; default = [ ]; description = '' List of label suffixes that when matched against ROM requests shall be forwared to the core. ''; example = [ "platform_info" ]; }; configFile = mkOption { type = types.path; description = '' Dhall configuration of child. See https://git.sr.ht/~ehmry/dhall-genode/tree/master/Init/Child/Type ''; }; extraErisInputs = mkOption { description = "List of ERIS inputs to add to the init closure."; default = [ ]; type = types.listOf types.attrs; }; extraInputs = # TODO: deprecated? mkOption { description = "List of packages to build a ROM store with."; default = [ ]; type = types.listOf types.package; }; package = mkOption { description = "Package to source the binary for this child."; type = lib.types.package; example = literalExample "pkg.genodePackages.init"; }; uplinks = import ./uplinks-option.nix { inherit lib; }; } // extraOptions; }); }; /* Map a set of children to the config and ROM closure of each child. */ children.freeze = children: with builtins; lib.attrsets.mapAttrs (_: { binary, configFile, extraErisInputs, package, ... }: let toRoms = { cap, closure, path }: [{ name = cap; value = path; }] ++ (lib.mapAttrsToList (value: name: { inherit name value; }) closure); extraRoms = map toRoms extraErisInputs; in if binary != null then { config = ''${configFile} "${binary}"''; roms = extraRoms; } else let bin = lib.getEris "bin" package; in { config = ''${configFile} "${bin.cap}"''; roms = toRoms bin ++ extraRoms; }) children; }; }