{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: with lib; { options.systemd.services = lib.mkOption { type = types.attrsOf (types.submodule ({ name, config, ... }: { options.genode = { enable = lib.mkEnableOption "systemd unit to a Genode subsystem translation"; interface = lib.mkOption { type = with types; nullOr str; default = null; example = "eth0"; description = '' Grant access to an IP stack for this interface. Only UDP and TCP are supported. No raw device access. ''; }; extraVfs = lib.mkOption { type = with types; nullOr path; default = null; description = '' Extra configuration to be appended to the VFS of the service. Dhall type is Prelude/XML/Type. ''; }; ramQuota = lib.mkOption { type = types.ints.unsigned; default = 16; description = "RAM quota in MiB"; }; fsPersistence = lib.mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; description = '' Whether this service will have access to mutable and persistent storage. This space is shared among all services for which this option is available and UNIX permission bits are not honored. ''; }; }; })); }; config = { services.klogd.enable = false; # The default is determined by checking the Linux version # which cannot be evaluated here. genode.init.children = mapAttrs' (name: service: let name' = "services." + name; in { name = name'; value = rec { extraInputs = with pkgs; with genodePackages; [ bash cached_fs_rom libc posix vfs vfs_pipe ]; inherit (service.genode) fsPersistence; binary = builtins.head args; configFile = let args = lib.strings.splitString " " (toString service.serviceConfig.ExecStart); args' = ''[ "${concatStringsSep ''", "'' (builtins.tail args)}" ]''; # TODO: service.environment; interface = if service.genode.interface == null then "None Text" else ''Some "${service.genode.interface}"''; toBool = cond: if cond then "True" else "False"; in pkgs.writeText "${name'}.dhall" '' ${./systemd-runner.dhall} { , args = ${args'} , binary = "${binary}" , coreutils = "${pkgs.coreutils}" , extraVfs = ${ if service.genode.extraVfs == null then "[] : List (env:DHALL_SIGIL).Prelude.XML.Type" else service.genode.extraVfs } , fsPersistence = ${toBool service.genode.fsPersistence} , interface = ${interface} , ramQuotaMiB = ${toString service.genode.ramQuota} } ''; }; }) (filterAttrs (name: service: service.genode.enable) config.systemd.services); }; }