# This file contains overrides necessary to build some Make and Depot targets. # Many targets can be built with the default attributes, and are not listed here. # However, any package listed here with empty overrides ({ }) will be added to # the package attributes of this flake. { buildPackages, genodePackages, ports }: let self = genodePackages; includeDir = pkg: buildPackages.lib.getDev pkg + "/include"; hostLibcInc = includeDir buildPackages.glibc; # TODO: does this need to be glibc? in { acpi_drv = { }; acpica = { }; ahci_drv.patches = [ ./patches/config-update.patch ]; backdrop = { depotInputs = with self; [ libpng ]; }; bash-minimal = { enableParallelBuilding = false; nativeBuildInputs = with buildPackages; [ autoconf ]; portInputs = with ports; [ bash libc ]; postInstall = '' find depot/genodelabs/bin/ -name '*.tar' -exec tar xf {} -C $out \; rm "''${!outputBin}/bin/bashbug" ''; }; binutils_x86 = { }; block_cache = { }; block_tester = { }; boot_fb_drv.patches = [ ./patches/boot_fb_drv.patch ]; bsd_audio_drv.portInputs = with ports; [ dde_bsd ]; cached_fs_rom.patches = [ ./patches/cached_fs_rom.patch ]; chroot = { }; clipboard = { }; coreutils-minimal = { enableParallelBuilding = false; depotInputs = with self; [ libc ]; portInputs = with ports; [ coreutils ]; postInstall = '' find depot/genodelabs/bin/ -name '*.tar' -exec tar xf {} -C $out \; ''; }; cpu_burner = { }; cpu_load_display = { }; curl = { depotInputs = with self; [ libcrypto libssh libssl zlib ]; portInputs = with ports; [ curl ]; }; decorator = { }; demo = { }; depot_deploy = { }; depot_download_manager = { }; depot_query = { }; driver_manager = { }; drm = { }; dummy = { }; dynamic_rom = { }; e2fsprogs = { }; e2fsprogs-minimal = { }; event_filter.patches = [ ./patches/event_filter.patch ]; exec_terminal = { }; expat = { }; extract = { }; fb_sdl = with buildPackages; { nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig ]; buildInputs = [ SDL ]; HOST_INC_DIR = [ hostLibcInc (includeDir SDL) ]; }; fec_nic_drv = { }; fetchurl = { }; file_terminal = { }; findutils = { }; freetype = { }; fs_log = { }; fs_query = { }; fs_report = { }; fs_rom = { }; fs_tool = { }; fs_utils = { }; gcc_x86 = { }; gcov = { }; global_keys_handler = { }; gmp = { }; gnumake = { }; gpt_write.portInputs = with ports; [ jitterentropy ]; grep = { }; gui_fader = { }; gui_fb.patches = [ ./patches/gui_fb.patch ]; icu = { }; imx53_qsb_drivers = { }; imx8_fb_drv = { }; imx8q_evk_drivers = { }; init = { }; input_event_bridge = { }; intel_fb_drv = { BOARD = "pc"; portInputs = with ports; [ dde_linux ]; }; ipxe_nic_drv.portInputs = with ports; [ dde_ipxe ]; jbig2dec = { }; jitter_sponge = { portInputs = with ports; [ jitterentropy xkcp ]; preConfigure = "cp -r ${self.worldSources} repos/world"; }; jpeg = { }; lan9118_nic_drv = { }; libarchive = { }; libc = { depotInputs = with self; [ vfs ]; portInputs = with ports; [ libc ]; }; libcrypto = { depotInputs = with self; [ libc ]; portInputs = with ports; [ openssl ]; }; libiconv = { depotInputs = with self; [ libc ]; portInputs = with ports; [ libiconv ]; }; liblzma = { }; libpng = { depotInputs = with self; [ zlib ]; portInputs = with ports; [ libpng ]; }; libqgenodeviewwidget = { }; libqpluginwidget = { }; libsparkcrypto = { }; libssh = { depotInputs = with self; [ libcrypto zlib ]; portInputs = with ports; [ libssh ]; }; libssl = { depotInputs = with self; [ libcrypto ]; portInputs = with ports; [ openssl ]; }; lighttpd = { }; linux_nic_drv.HOST_INC_DIR = [ hostLibcInc ]; linux_rtc_drv = { }; loader = { }; log_core = { }; log_terminal = { }; lx_block.HOST_INC_DIR = [ hostLibcInc ]; lx_fs = { }; menu_view = { }; mesa = { }; mixer = { }; mixer_gui_qt = { }; mpc = { }; mpfr = { }; mupdf = { }; nano3d = { }; ncurses = { depotInputs = with self; [ libc ]; portInputs = with ports; [ ncurses ]; }; nic_bridge = { }; nic_loopback = { }; nic_router = { }; nit_focus = { }; nitpicker.patches = [ ./patches/nitpicker.patch ]; nvme_drv = { }; openjpeg = { }; part_block.patches = [ ./patches/config-update.patch ]; pbxa9_drivers = { }; pcre = { }; pcre16 = { }; pdf_view = { }; platform_drv.patches = [ ./patches/platform_drv.patch ]; posix.depotInputs = with self; [ libc ]; ps2_drv = { }; qt5_base = { }; qt5_calculatorform = { }; qt5_component = { }; qt5_declarative = { }; qt5_launchpad = { }; qt5_openglwindow = { }; qt5_quickcontrols = { }; qt5_quickcontrols2 = { }; qt5_samegame = { }; qt5_svg = { }; qt5_testqstring = { }; qt5_tetrix = { }; qt5_textedit = { }; qt5_virtualkeyboard = { }; qt5_virtualkeyboard_example = { }; report_rom = { }; rom_filter = { }; rom_logger = { }; rom_reporter = { }; rom_to_file = { }; rpi_fb_drv = { }; rtc_drv = { }; rump = { portInputs = with ports; [ dde_rump ]; buildInputs = with buildPackages; [ zlib ]; patches = [ ./patches/rump-libs.patch ]; }; sandbox = { }; sanitizer = { }; sculpt_manager = { }; sed = { }; seoul.portInputs = with ports; [ libc seoul ]; sequence = { }; spark = { }; ssh_terminal = { depotInputs = with self; [ libssh ]; }; stdcxx = { depotInputs = with self; [ libc ]; portInputs = with ports; [ stdcxx ]; }; stdin2out = { }; system_rtc = { }; tar = { }; tclsh = { }; terminal.depotInputs = with self; [ vfs ]; terminal_crosslink = { }; terminal_log.patches = [ ./patches/terminal_log.patch ]; test-block = { }; test-bomb = { }; test-clipboard = { }; test-ds_ownership = { }; test-dynamic_config = { }; test-entrypoint = { }; test-expat = { }; test-fault_detection = { }; test-fs_packet = { }; test-fs_report = { }; test-immutable_rom = { }; test-init = { }; test-init_loop = { }; test-ldso = { }; test-libc = { }; test-libc_connect = { }; test-libc_counter = { }; test-libc_execve = { }; test-libc_fork = { }; test-libc_getenv = { }; test-libc_pipe = { }; test-libc_vfs = { }; test-libc_vfs_block = { }; test-log.patches = [ ./patches/test-log.patch ]; test-magic_ring_buffer = { }; test-mmio = { }; test-netty = { }; test-new_delete = { }; test-nic_loopback = { }; test-pthread = { }; test-qpluginwidget = { }; test-qt_core = { }; test-qt_quick = { }; test-ram_fs_chunk = { }; test-reconstructible = { }; test-registry = { }; test-report_rom = { }; test-resource_request = { }; test-resource_yield = { }; test-rm_fault = { }; test-rm_nested = { }; test-rm_stress = { }; test-rtc = { }; test-sanitizer = { }; test-segfault = { }; test-signal.patches = [ ./patches/test-signal.patch ]; test-slab = { }; test-spark = { }; test-spark_exception = { }; test-spark_secondary_stack = { }; test-stack_smash = { }; test-stdcxx = { }; test-synced_interface = { }; test-tcp = { }; test-terminal_crosslink = { }; test-tiled_wm = { }; test-timer = { }; test-tls = { }; test-token = { }; test-trace = { }; test-trace_logger = { }; test-utf8 = { }; test-vfs_stress = { }; test-weak_ptr = { }; test-xml_generator = { }; test-xml_node = { }; text_area = { }; themed_decorator = { }; top = { }; trace_logger = { }; trace_policy = { }; trace_subject_reporter = { }; usb_block_drv = { }; usb_drv = { portInputs = with ports; [ dde_linux ]; meta.broken = builtins.trace "usb_drv is broken! Use usb_host_drv!" true; }; usb_hid_drv.portInputs = with ports; [ dde_linux ]; usb_host_drv = { patches = [ ./patches/usb_host_drv.patch ]; portInputs = with ports; [ dde_linux ]; }; verify = { }; vesa_drv.portInputs = with ports; [ libc x86emu ]; vfs = { }; vfs_audit = { }; vfs_block = { }; vfs_fatfs = { }; vfs_import.patches = [ ./patches/vfs_import.patch ]; vfs_jitterentropy.portInputs = with ports; [ jitterentropy libc ]; vfs_lwip = { patches = [ ./patches/lwip.patch ]; portInputs = with ports; [ lwip ]; }; vfs_lxip.portInputs = with ports; [ dde_linux ]; vfs_oss = { }; vfs_pipe = { }; vfs_trace = { }; vfs_ttf = { depotInputs = with self; [ libc ]; portInputs = with ports; [ stb ]; }; vim = { }; vim-minimal = { }; virtdev_rom = { }; virtio_nic_drv = { patches = [ ./patches/virtio_net.patch ]; postInstall = "mv $out/bin/virtio_*_nic $out/bin/$pname"; }; which = { }; wifi_drv = { depotInputs = with self; [ libcrypto ]; portInputs = with ports; [ dde_linux ]; }; window_layouter = { }; wm = { }; zlib = { depotInputs = with self; [ libc ]; portInputs = with ports; [ zlib ]; }; zynq_nic_drv = { }; }