Add inline documentation

This commit is contained in:
Ehmry - 2021-03-09 21:43:23 +01:00
parent 707ec1828c
commit 4c0a6e94f4
5 changed files with 260 additions and 186 deletions

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@ -6,15 +6,22 @@
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, nimble }:
systems = {
localSystem = [ "x86_64-linux" ];
crossSystem = [ "aarch64-genode" "x86_64-genode" ];
localSystem = [ "x86_64-linux" ]; # build platforms
crossSystem = [ "aarch64-genode" "x86_64-genode" ]; # target platforms
systemSpace = nixpkgs.lib.cartesianProductOfSets systems;
forAllLocalSystems = f:
systemSpace =
# All combinations of build and target systems
nixpkgs.lib.cartesianProductOfSets systems;
forAllLocalSystems =
# Apply a function over all self-hosting (Linux) systems.
nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs systems.localSystem (system: f system);
forAllCrossSystems = f:
forAllCrossSystems =
# Apply a function over all cross-compiled systems (Genode).
with builtins;
f' = { localSystem, crossSystem }:
@ -27,7 +34,9 @@
attrSet = listToAttrs list;
in attrSet;
forAllSystems = f:
forAllSystems =
# Apply a function over all Linux and Genode systems.
(forAllCrossSystems f) // (forAllLocalSystems (system:
f {
inherit system;
@ -38,7 +47,9 @@
in rec {
overlay =
# Overlay of fixes applied to Nixpkgs
# Overlay of adjustments applied to Nixpkgs as well as
# the "genodePackages" set which the "packages"
# output of this flake is taken.
import ./overlay { flake = self; };
lib =
@ -46,16 +57,16 @@
nixpkgs.lib.extend (final: prev: {
inherit forAllSystems forAllLocalSystems forAllCrossSystems;
/* For a the name of a derivation output and a derivation,
generate a set of { cap, closure, and path } for a singular
file found within the subdirectory of the output with the
same name as that output. In the case that the derivation
does not have this named output, the subdirectory will be
taken from the default output. This subdirectory must
contain a single file, and the output must contain an
ERIS manifest file.
getEris = output: pkg:
getEris =
# For a the name of a derivation output and a derivation,
# generate a set of { cap, closure, and path } for a singular
# file found within the subdirectory of the output with the
# same name as that output. In the case that the derivation
# does not have this named output, the subdirectory will be
# taken from the default output. This subdirectory must
# contain a single file, and the output must contain an
# ERIS manifest file.
output: pkg:
with builtins;
pkg' = prev.getOutput output pkg;
@ -72,7 +83,10 @@
}) erisInfo);
in assert length caps == 1; head caps;
nixosSystem = { modules, ... }@args:
nixosSystem =
# A derivative of the function for generating Linux NixOS systems.
# This one is not so well tested…
{ modules, ... }@args:
import "${nixpkgs}/nixos/lib/eval-config.nix" (args // {
lib = final;
@ -147,10 +161,9 @@
/* The nixpkgs.legacyPackages after overlaying
and with some additional Genode packages.
legacyPackages = let f = import nixpkgs;
legacyPackages =
# The nixpkgs.legacyPackages set after overlaying.
let f = import nixpkgs;
in forAllSystems ({ system, localSystem, crossSystem }:
if localSystem == crossSystem then
f {
@ -170,14 +183,16 @@
packages =
# Genode native packages, not packages in the traditional
# sense in that these cannot be installed within a profile
# sense in that these cannot be installed within a profile.
forAllCrossSystems ({ system, localSystem, crossSystem }:
nixpkgs.lib.filterAttrs (n: v: v != null)
devShell =
# Development shell for working with the
# upstream Genode source repositories
# upstream Genode source repositories. Some
# things are missing but everything referred
# to by way of #!/usr/bin/ should be here.
forAllLocalSystems (system:
pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
@ -217,11 +232,11 @@
nixosModules =
# Modules for composing Genode and NixOS
# Modules for composing Genode and NixOS.
import ./nixos-modules { flake = self; };
checks =
# Checks for continous testing
# Checks for continous testing.
let tests = import ./tests;
in with (forAllCrossSystems ({ system, localSystem, crossSystem }:
tests {

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ let
(attrs: { nativeBuildInputs = [ final.autoreconfHook ]; });
nullPkgs =
# Nullify this packages to find problems early
# Nullify these packages to find problems early.
if hostPlatform.isGenode then
builtins.listToAttrs (map (name: {
inherit name;
@ -46,12 +46,17 @@ in nullPkgs // {
}) bash;
binutils-unwrapped = overrideAttrsTarget (attrs: {
patches = attrs.patches ++ [ ./binutils/support-genode.patch ];
patches = attrs.patches ++ [
# Upstreamed, remove at next release.
nativeBuildInputs = attrs.nativeBuildInputs
++ [ final.updateAutotoolsGnuConfigScriptsHook ];
}) binutils-unwrapped;
cmake = overrideAttrsTarget (attrs: {
cmake =
# TODO: upstream
overrideAttrsTarget (attrs: {
postInstall = with stdenv; ''
local MODULE="$out/share/cmake-${
lib.versions.majorMinor attrs.version
@ -85,21 +90,23 @@ in nullPkgs // {
gccForLibs = if targetPlatform.isGenode then
gdb = addPatchesTarget [ ./gdb/genode.patch ] gdb;
gdb = addPatchesTarget [
# Upstreamed, remove at next release.
] gdb;
genodeLibcCross = callPackage ./libc { };
genodePackages = import ../packages {
genodePackages =
# The Genode-only packages.
import ../packages {
inherit flake;
pkgs = final;
grub2 = if stdenv.targetPlatform.isGenode then
grub2 =
# No need for a Genode build of GRUB.
if stdenv.targetPlatform.isGenode then
@ -111,12 +118,20 @@ in nullPkgs // {
prev.libcCrossChooser name;
libsodium = overrideAttrsHost (attrs: {
patches = (attrs.patches or [ ]) ++ [ ./libsodium/genode.patch ];
patches = (attrs.patches or [ ]) ++ [
}) libsodium;
libkrb5 = autoreconfHost libkrb5;
libkrb5 =
# Do not want.
autoreconfHost libkrb5;
libtool = overrideAttrsTarget (attrs: {
libtool =
# Autotools related nonesense. Better to compile
# everything static than to deal with this one.
overrideAttrsTarget (attrs: {
nativeBuildInputs = with final;
attrs.nativeBuildInputs ++ [ autoconf automake115x ];
patches = ./libtool/genode.patch;
@ -127,7 +142,9 @@ in nullPkgs // {
libvpx = null;
} libtoxcore;
linuxPackages = if hostPlatform.isGenode then {
linuxPackages =
# Dummy package.
if hostPlatform.isGenode then {
extend = _: final.linuxPackages;
features = { };
kernel.config = {
@ -137,7 +154,10 @@ in nullPkgs // {
} else
llvmPackages_11 = callPackage ./llvm-11 ({
llvmPackages_11 =
# A copy of the LLVM expressions from Nixpkgs.
# Nothing here is upstreamed.
callPackage ./llvm-11 ({
inherit (stdenvAdapters) overrideCC;
buildLlvmTools =;
targetLlvmLibraries = targetPackages.llvmPackages_11.libraries;
@ -146,9 +166,14 @@ in nullPkgs // {
stdenv = gcc7Stdenv;
ncurses = addPatchesHost [ ./ncurses/genode.patch ] ncurses;
ncurses =
# Stay clear of upstream on this one.
addPatchesHost [ ./ncurses/genode.patch ] ncurses;
nim = overrideAttrsTarget (attrs: {
nim =
# Nim is configured to build Genode with GCC.
overrideAttrsTarget (attrs: {
postInstall = ''
sed \
-e '/cc = gcc/d' \
@ -156,7 +181,10 @@ in nullPkgs // {
}) prev.nim;
nim-unwrapped = addPatchesTarget [ ./nim/genode.patch ] prev.nim-unwrapped;
nim-unwrapped = addPatchesTarget [
# Fixes to the compiler and standard libary.
] prev.nim-unwrapped;
openssl =
overrideHost { static = true; } # shared library comes out stupid big
@ -173,7 +201,10 @@ in nullPkgs // {
"rm $out/bin/c_rehash"; # eliminate the perl runtime dependency
}) openssl);
patchelf = addPatchesTarget [ ./patchelf/dynstr.patch ] prev.patchelf;
patchelf = addPatchesTarget [
# Patch to fix a bug in rewriting the .dynstr section.
] prev.patchelf;
rsync = overrideHost {
enableACLs = false;
@ -190,7 +221,10 @@ in nullPkgs // {
tor = overrideAttrsHost (attrs: {
configureFlags = attrs.configureFlags or [ ]
++ [ "--disable-tool-name-check" ];
patches = attrs.patches or [ ] ++ [ ./tor/genode.patch ];
patches = attrs.patches or [ ] ++ [
# We don't do users and groups here.
postPatch = null; # Avoid torsocks patching
}) tor;

View File

@ -13,7 +13,10 @@ let
throw "unknown Genode arch for platform ${platform.system}";
upstreamSources = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
upstreamSources =
# This is where the Genode source tree is defined.
# Must be updated with ./patches/sources.patch.
pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "genodelabs";
repo = "genode";
rev = "3fac8b106d83721914797c202793ec1d8ea02d2f";
@ -21,7 +24,7 @@ let
genodeSources =
# The Genode source repository
# The Genode source repository after patching.
toolPrefix = if platform.isx86 then
@ -56,10 +59,16 @@ let
installPhase = "cp -a . $out";
portVersions = import "${genodeSources}/ports.nix";
portVersions =
# Port versions are taken from the sources to force
# updates of the port fixed-output derivations.
import "${genodeSources}/ports.nix";
preparePort =
# Prepare a "port" of source code declared in the Genode sources
# Prepare a "port" of source code declared in the Genode sources.
# This is fragile because breakage can appear when the packages
# used in preparation are updated, but previously successful
# builds will cache.
, patches ? [ ], extraRepos ? [ ], ... }@args:
@ -122,20 +131,26 @@ let
dontFixup = true;
ports = lib.mapAttrs preparePort (import ./ports.nix {
ports =
# The "ports" mechanism is hardly deterministic, so prepare with
# a pinned nixpkgs revision for a pinned platform for consistency.
lib.mapAttrs preparePort (import ./ports.nix {
pkgs = flake.inputs.nixpkgs.legacyPackages.x86_64-linux // {
inherit (pkgs) genodePackages;
# The "ports" mechanism is hardly deterministic, so prepare with
# a pinned nixpkgs revision for a pinned platform.
toolchain = buildPackages.buildPackages.callPackage ./toolchain.nix { };
toolchain =
# Patched GCC build from upstream.
buildPackages.buildPackages.callPackage ./toolchain.nix { };
stdenv' = pkgs.stdenvAdapters.overrideCC pkgs.stdenv toolchain;
stdenv' =
# Special stdenv for use within the upstream sources.
# TODO: build with Clang.
pkgs.stdenvAdapters.overrideCC pkgs.stdenv toolchain;
buildUpstream =
# Build from the Genode sources
# Build from the Genode sources using the least recursive make.
{ name, targets, portInputs ? [ ], nativeBuildInputs ? [ ], patches ? [ ]
, enableParallelBuilding ? true, meta ? { }, ... }@extraAttrs:
let havePatches = patches != [ ];
@ -185,7 +200,7 @@ let
buildDepot =
# Build a Depot target from the Genode sources
# Build from the Genode sources using the depot build system.
# WARNING: buildDepot can produce artifacts with broken linkage
# to their inputs. The Genode depot mechanism links programs and
# libraries to facsimilie stub libraries which are not guaranteed
@ -209,8 +224,7 @@ let
enableParallelBuilding = true;
nativeBuildInputs = with buildPackages.buildPackages;
[ binutils bison flex tcl which ]
++ nativeBuildInputs
[ binutils bison flex tcl which ] ++ nativeBuildInputs
++ lib.optional (!stdenv.hostPlatform.isGenode) erisPatchHook;
buildInputs = buildInputs ++ depotInputs';
@ -277,7 +291,9 @@ let
in self;
makePackages = let
makePackages =
# Build everything in ./make-targets.nix.
overrides = import ./make-targets.nix {
inherit (pkgs) buildPackages genodePackages;
inherit ports;
@ -286,6 +302,7 @@ let
(name: value: (buildUpstream ({ inherit name; } // value))) overrides;
depotPackages = lib.attrsets.mapAttrs
# Build everything in ./depot-targets.nix.
(name: value: (buildDepot ({ inherit name; } // value)))
(import ./depot-targets.nix {
inherit (pkgs) genodePackages;
@ -313,7 +330,8 @@ let
++ lib.optional isx86_64 "x86_64";
genodeBase =
# A package containing the Genode C++ headers, a stub and
# A package containing the Genode C++ headers
# and a stub and
buildUpstream {
name = "base";
targets = [ "LIB=vfs" ];
@ -342,10 +360,16 @@ let
in makePackages // depotPackages // {
genodeSources = genodeSources // {
genodeSources =
# Expose genodeSources and tuck some extras in with it.
genodeSources // {
inherit arch buildUpstream buildDepot genodeBase ports specs toolchain;
# Builds of the Genode base-systems follow.
# These contain the hardware and kernel specific core program,
# the loader and base-library, and a timer driver.
base-hw-pc = buildUpstream {
name = "base-hw-pc";
outputs = [ "out" "coreObj" "bootstrapObj" ];

View File

@ -1,11 +1,6 @@
# Shameless plagiarism of Blitz's toolchain expression:
# WARNING: these binaries are from sourceforge and
# have not been publicly verified by Genode Labs.
{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, ncurses5, expat, makeWrapper, wrapCC }:

View File

@ -5,9 +5,13 @@ let
nixpkgs = flake.legacyPackages.${system};
legacyPackages = flake.legacyPackages.${system};
testingPython = import ./lib/testing-python.nix;
testingPython =
# Mostly lifted from Nixpkgs.
import ./lib/testing-python.nix;
testSpace = lib.cartesianProductOfSets {
testSpace =
# Run all tests on all defined Genode platforms
lib.cartesianProductOfSets {
test = map (p: import p) [
@ -20,7 +24,8 @@ let
core = builtins.filter (core:
builtins.any (x: x == pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.system) core.platforms) [
/* {
/* # Need to fix the QEMU boot parameters?
prefix = "hw-pc-";
testingPython = testingPython {
inherit flake system localSystem crossSystem pkgs;
@ -30,7 +35,8 @@ let
platforms = [ "x86_64-genode" ];
/* {
/* # Need to fix the QEMU boot parameters?
prefix = "hw-virt_qemu-";
testingPython = testingPython {
inherit flake system localSystem crossSystem pkgs;