erisPatchHook: generate a Dhall manifest

This commit is contained in:
Ehmry - 2022-05-24 10:07:41 -05:00
parent 7bd3ce4e07
commit 20281a8420
3 changed files with 37 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -168,6 +168,18 @@ in nullPkgs // {
# Packages from the Nimble flake with adjustments.
prev.nimPackages.overrideScope' (_: prev': {
dhall = with prev'; buildNimPackage rec {
name = "dhall";
version = "0.1.0";
src = prev.fetchFromSourcehut {
owner = "~ehmry";
repo = "dhall-nim";
rev = version;
hash = "sha256-AhGD/h61Yqiq80woD8bfrvwuTjqCPGYCmUFhK5xFur4=";
buildInputs = [ bigints cbor ];
genode = prev'.genode.overrideAttrs (attrs: rec {
version = "20.11.1";
src = fetchgit {

View File

@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
{ buildNimPackage, patchelf, base32, eris }:
{ buildNimPackage, patchelf, base32, bigints, cbor, dhall, eris }:
buildNimPackage {
name = "eris_patch";
buildInputs = [ base32 eris ];
buildInputs = [ base32 bigints cbor dhall eris ];
inherit patchelf;
unpackPhase = "install -D ${./eris_patch.nim} ./src/eris_patch.nim";
nimBinOnly = true;
preConfigure = ''
cat << EOF > eris_patch.nimble
bin = @[ "src/eris_patch"]

View File

@ -1,14 +1,25 @@
import std/[asyncdispatch, deques, json, os, osproc, streams, strutils, tables]
import dhall/[render, terms]
import eris
import std/asyncdispatch, std/deques, std/json, std/os, std/osproc, std/streams,
std/strutils, std/tables
proc toDhall(js: JsonNode): Value =
case js.kind
of JString:
result = newValue(js.str)
of JObject:
result = newRecordLiteral(js.fields.len)
for key, val in js.fields.pairs:
result.table[key] = val.toDhall
raiseAssert "unhandled JSON value"
if getEnv("dontErisPatch") != "": quit 0
patchelf = getEnv("ERIS_PATCHELF", "patchelf")
nixStore = getEnv("NIX_STORE", "/nix/store")
manifestSubPath = "nix-support" / "eris-manifest.json"
jsonManifestSubPath = "nix-support" / "eris-manifest.json"
dhallManifestSubPath = "nix-support" / "eris-manifest.dhall"
proc isElf(path: string): bool =
var magic: array[4, char]
@ -27,7 +38,7 @@ var
failed = false
for outputName in getEnv("outputs").splitWhitespace:
let outputRoot = getEnv(outputName)
if fileExists(outputRoot / manifestSubPath):
if fileExists(outputRoot / jsonManifestSubPath):
echo "Not running ERIS patch hook again"
quit 0
outputManifests[outputRoot] = newJObject()
@ -103,7 +114,7 @@ proc fileClosure(filePath: string): TableRef[string, string] =
storePath = p
if storePath.startsWith nixStore:
# read the closure manifest of the dependency
let manifestPath = storePath / manifestSubPath
let manifestPath = storePath / jsonManifestSubPath
if fileExists(manifestPath):
manifest = parseFile(manifestPath)
@ -117,7 +128,7 @@ proc fileClosure(filePath: string): TableRef[string, string] =
closureCache[filePath] = result
for outputRoot in outputManifests.keys:
let manifestPath = outputRoot / manifestSubPath
let manifestPath = outputRoot / jsonManifestSubPath
if fileExists manifestPath: continue
for filePath in walkDirRec(outputRoot, relative = false):
# Populate the queue of files to patch
@ -185,5 +196,8 @@ if failed:
quit -1
for outputRoot, manifest in outputManifests:
createDir(outputRoot / "nix-support")
writeFile(outputRoot / manifestSubPath, $manifest)
let supportDir = outputRoot / "nix-support"
writeFile(outputRoot / jsonManifestSubPath, $manifest)
for path, attrs in manifest.pairs:
writeFile(supportDir / path.extractFilename & ".eris.dhall", $(attrs.toDhall))