2022-04-30 01:31:10 +02:00

87 lines
2.3 KiB

{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}
# OpenWRT release
, release ? "21.02.3"
# OpenWRT target
, target
# Hardware model
, profile
, variant ? "generic"
# Checksum of the `sha256sums` file
, sha256 ?
import ./hashes/${release}.nix
# Checksum of a feed's `Packages` file
, feedsSha256 ?
import ./hashes/${release}.nix
# Manually specify packages' arch for OpenWRT<19 releases without profiles.json
, packagesArch ? null
# Extra OpenWRT packages (can be prefixed with "-")
, packages ? []
# Include extra files
, files ? null
# Which services in /etc/init.d/ should be disabled
, disabledServices ? []
# Add to output name
, extraImageName ? "nix"
with pkgs;
inherit (import ./files.nix {
inherit pkgs release target variant sha256 feedsSha256 packagesArch;
}) arch variantPackages variantFiles feedsPackages;
stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = lib.concatStringsSep "-" ([
"openwrt" release
] ++
lib.optional (extraImageName != null) extraImageName ++
[ target variant profile ]);
src = variantFiles."openwrt-imagebuilder-${release}-${target}-${variant}.${hostPlatform.uname.system}-${hostPlatform.uname.processor}.tar.xz";
patchPhase = ''
patchShebangs scripts staging_dir/host/bin
substituteInPlace \
--replace "SHELL:=/usr/bin/env bash" "SHELL:=${runtimeShell}"
grep -r usr/bin/env
configurePhase = ''
cat >repositories.conf <<EOF
src imagebuilder file:${variantPackages}
${lib.concatMapStrings (feed: ''
src openwrt_${feed} file:${feedsPackages.${feed}}
'') (builtins.attrNames feedsPackages)}
cat repositories.conf
nativeBuildInputs =
zlib unzip bzip2
ncurses which rsync git file getopt wget
bash perl python3
] ++
lib.optional (!lib.versionAtLeast release "21") python2;
buildPhase = ''
make image SHELL=${runtimeShell} \
PROFILE="${profile}" \
PACKAGES="${lib.concatStringsSep " " packages}" \
${lib.optionalString (files != null)
} \
DISABLED_SERVICES="${lib.concatStringsSep " " disabledServices}" \
installPhase = ''
cp -ar bin/targets/${target}/${variant} $out
dontFixup = true;