
534 lines
18 KiB

# Copyright (C) Dominik Picheta. All rights reserved.
# BSD License. Look at license.txt for more info.
import json, strutils, os, parseopt, strtabs, uri, tables, terminal
import sequtils, sugar
import std/options as std_opt
from httpclient import Proxy, newProxy
import config, version, common, cli
Options* = object
forcePrompts*: ForcePrompt
depsOnly*: bool
uninstallRevDeps*: bool
queryVersions*: bool
queryInstalled*: bool
nimbleDir*: string
verbosity*: cli.Priority
action*: Action
config*: Config
nimbleData*: JsonNode ## Nimbledata.json
pkgInfoCache*: TableRef[string, PackageInfo]
showHelp*: bool
showVersion*: bool
noColor*: bool
disableValidation*: bool
continueTestsOnFailure*: bool
## Whether packages' repos should always be downloaded with their history.
forceFullClone*: bool
# Temporary storage of flags that have not been captured by any specific Action.
unknownFlags*: seq[(CmdLineKind, string, string)]
ActionType* = enum
actionNil, actionRefresh, actionInit, actionDump, actionPublish,
actionInstall, actionSearch,
actionList, actionBuild, actionPath, actionUninstall, actionCompile,
actionDoc, actionCustom, actionTasks, actionDevelop, actionCheck,
Action* = object
case typ*: ActionType
of actionNil, actionList, actionPublish, actionTasks, actionCheck: nil
of actionRefresh:
optionalURL*: string # Overrides default package list.
of actionInstall, actionPath, actionUninstall, actionDevelop:
packages*: seq[PkgTuple] # Optional only for actionInstall
# and actionDevelop.
passNimFlags*: seq[string]
of actionSearch:
search*: seq[string] # Search string.
of actionInit, actionDump:
projName*: string
of actionCompile, actionDoc, actionBuild:
file*: string
backend*: string
compileOptions: seq[string]
of actionRun:
runFile: string
compileFlags: seq[string]
runFlags*: seq[string]
of actionCustom:
command*: string
arguments*: seq[string]
flags*: StringTableRef
help* = """
Usage: nimble COMMAND [opts]
install [pkgname, ...] Installs a list of packages.
[-d, --depsOnly] Install only dependencies.
[-p, --passNim] Forward specified flag to compiler.
develop [pkgname, ...] Clones a list of packages for development.
Symlinks the cloned packages or any package
in the current working directory.
check Verifies the validity of a package in the
current working directory.
init [pkgname] Initializes a new Nimble project in the
current directory or if a name is provided a
new directory of the same name.
publish Publishes a package on nim-lang/packages.
The current working directory needs to be the
toplevel directory of the Nimble package.
uninstall [pkgname, ...] Uninstalls a list of packages.
[-i, --inclDeps] Uninstall package and dependent package(s).
build [opts, ...] [bin] Builds a package.
run [opts, ...] bin Builds and runs a package.
A binary name needs
to be specified after any compilation options,
any flags after the binary name are passed to
the binary when it is run.
c, cc, js [opts, ...] f.nim Builds a file inside a package. Passes options
to the Nim compiler.
test Compiles and executes tests
[-c, --continue] Don't stop execution on a failed test.
doc, doc2 [opts, ...] f.nim Builds documentation for a file inside a
package. Passes options to the Nim compiler.
refresh [url] Refreshes the package list. A package list URL
can be optionally specified.
search pkg/tag Searches for a specified package. Search is
performed by tag and by name.
[--json] Format output as JSON.
[--ver] Query remote server for package version.
list Lists all packages.
[--json] Format output as JSON.
[--ver] Query remote server for package version.
[-i, --installed] Lists all installed packages.
tasks Lists the tasks specified in the Nimble
package's Nimble file.
path pkgname ... Shows absolute path to the installed packages
dump [pkgname] Outputs Nimble package information for
external tools. The argument can be a
.nimble file, a project directory or
the name of an installed package.
-h, --help Print this help message.
-v, --version Print version information.
-y, --accept Accept all interactive prompts.
-n, --reject Reject all interactive prompts.
--json Produce JSON formatted output when
searching or listing packages
--ver Query remote server for package version
information when searching or listing packages
--nimbleDir:dirname Set the Nimble directory.
--verbose Show all non-debug output.
--debug Show all output including debug messages.
--noColor Don't colorise output.
For more information read the Github readme:
const noHookActions* = {actionCheck}
proc writeHelp*(quit=true) =
if quit:
raise NimbleQuit(msg: "")
proc writeVersion*() =
echo("nimble v$# compiled at $# $#" %
[nimbleVersion, CompileDate, CompileTime])
const execResult = gorgeEx("git rev-parse HEAD")
when execResult[0].len > 0 and execResult[1] == QuitSuccess:
echo "git hash: ", execResult[0]
{.warning: "Couldn't determine GIT hash: " & execResult[0].}
echo "git hash: couldn't determine git hash"
raise NimbleQuit(msg: "")
proc parseActionType*(action: string): ActionType =
case action.normalize()
of "install":
result = actionInstall
of "path":
result = actionPath
of "build":
result = actionBuild
of "run":
result = actionRun
of "c", "compile", "js", "cpp", "cc":
result = actionCompile
of "doc", "doc2":
result = actionDoc
of "init":
result = actionInit
of "dump":
result = actionDump
of "update", "refresh":
result = actionRefresh
of "search":
result = actionSearch
of "list":
result = actionList
of "uninstall", "remove", "delete", "del", "rm":
result = actionUninstall
of "publish":
result = actionPublish
of "tasks":
result = actionTasks
of "develop":
result = actionDevelop
of "check":
result = actionCheck
result = actionCustom
proc initAction*(options: var Options, key: string) =
## Intialises `options.actions` fields based on `options.actions.typ` and
## `key`.
let keyNorm = key.normalize()
case options.action.typ
of actionInstall, actionPath, actionDevelop, actionUninstall:
options.action.packages = @[]
options.action.passNimFlags = @[]
of actionCompile, actionDoc, actionBuild:
options.action.compileOptions = @[]
options.action.file = ""
if keyNorm == "c" or keyNorm == "compile": options.action.backend = ""
else: options.action.backend = keyNorm
of actionInit:
options.action.projName = ""
of actionDump:
options.action.projName = ""
options.forcePrompts = forcePromptYes
of actionRefresh:
options.action.optionalURL = ""
of actionSearch: = @[]
of actionCustom:
options.action.command = key
options.action.arguments = @[]
options.action.flags = newStringTable()
of actionPublish, actionList, actionTasks, actionCheck, actionRun,
actionNil: discard
proc prompt*(options: Options, question: string): bool =
## Asks an interactive question and returns the result.
## The proc will return immediately without asking the user if the global
## forcePrompts has a value different than dontForcePrompt.
return prompt(options.forcePrompts, question)
proc promptCustom*(options: Options, question, default: string): string =
## Asks an interactive question and returns the result.
## The proc will return "default" without asking the user if the global
## forcePrompts is forcePromptYes.
return promptCustom(options.forcePrompts, question, default)
proc promptList*(options: Options, question: string, args: openarray[string]): string =
## Asks an interactive question and returns the result.
## The proc will return one of the provided args. If not prompting the first
## options is selected.
return promptList(options.forcePrompts, question, args)
proc getNimbleDir*(options: Options): string =
result = options.config.nimbleDir
if options.nimbleDir.len != 0:
# --nimbleDir:<dir> takes priority...
result = options.nimbleDir
# ...followed by the environment variable.
let env = getEnv("NIMBLE_DIR")
if env.len != 0:
display("Warning:", "Using the environment variable: NIMBLE_DIR='" &
env & "'", Warning)
result = env
return expandTilde(result)
proc getPkgsDir*(options: Options): string =
options.getNimbleDir() / "pkgs"
proc getBinDir*(options: Options): string =
options.getNimbleDir() / "bin"
proc parseCommand*(key: string, result: var Options) =
result.action = Action(typ: parseActionType(key))
initAction(result, key)
proc parseArgument*(key: string, result: var Options) =
case result.action.typ
of actionNil:
assert false
of actionInstall, actionPath, actionDevelop, actionUninstall:
# Parse pkg@verRange
if '@' in key:
let i = find(key, '@')
let (pkgName, pkgVer) = (key[0 .. i-1], key[i+1 .. key.len-1])
if pkgVer.len == 0:
raise newException(NimbleError, "Version range expected after '@'.")
result.action.packages.add((pkgName, pkgVer.parseVersionRange()))
result.action.packages.add((key, VersionRange(kind: verAny)))
of actionRefresh:
result.action.optionalURL = key
of actionSearch:
of actionInit, actionDump:
if result.action.projName != "":
raise newException(
NimbleError, "Can only perform this action on one package at a time."
result.action.projName = key
of actionCompile, actionDoc:
result.action.file = key
of actionList, actionPublish:
result.showHelp = true
of actionBuild:
result.action.file = key
of actionRun:
if result.action.runFile.len == 0:
result.action.runFile = key
of actionCustom:
proc getFlagString(kind: CmdLineKind, flag, val: string): string =
let prefix =
case kind
of cmdShortOption: "-"
of cmdLongOption: "--"
else: ""
if val == "":
return prefix & flag
return prefix & flag & ":" & val
proc parseFlag*(flag, val: string, result: var Options, kind = cmdLongOption) =
let f = flag.normalize()
# Global flags.
var isGlobalFlag = true
case f
of "help", "h": result.showHelp = true
of "version", "v": result.showVersion = true
of "accept", "y": result.forcePrompts = forcePromptYes
of "reject", "n": result.forcePrompts = forcePromptNo
of "nimbledir": result.nimbleDir = val
of "verbose": result.verbosity = LowPriority
of "debug": result.verbosity = DebugPriority
of "nocolor": result.noColor = true
of "disablevalidation": result.disableValidation = true
else: isGlobalFlag = false
var wasFlagHandled = true
# Action-specific flags.
case result.action.typ
of actionSearch, actionList:
case f
of "installed", "i":
result.queryInstalled = true
of "ver":
result.queryVersions = true
of "json":
result.jsonOutput = true
wasFlagHandled = false
of actionInstall:
case f
of "depsonly", "d":
result.depsOnly = true
of "passnim", "p":
wasFlagHandled = false
of actionUninstall:
case f
of "incldeps", "i":
result.uninstallRevDeps = true
wasFlagHandled = false
of actionCompile, actionDoc, actionBuild:
if not isGlobalFlag:
result.action.compileOptions.add(getFlagString(kind, flag, val))
of actionRun:
result.action.runFlags.add(getFlagString(kind, flag, val))
of actionCustom:
if result.action.command.normalize == "test":
if f == "continue" or f == "c":
result.continueTestsOnFailure = true
result.action.flags[flag] = val
wasFlagHandled = false
if not wasFlagHandled and not isGlobalFlag:
result.unknownFlags.add((kind, flag, val))
proc initOptions(): Options =
action: Action(typ: actionNil),
pkgInfoCache: newTable[string, PackageInfo](),
verbosity: HighPriority,
noColor: not isatty(stdout)
proc parseMisc(options: var Options) =
# Load nimbledata.json
let nimbledataFilename = options.getNimbleDir() / "nimbledata.json"
if fileExists(nimbledataFilename):
options.nimbleData = parseFile(nimbledataFilename)
raise newException(NimbleError, "Couldn't parse nimbledata.json file " &
"located at " & nimbledataFilename)
options.nimbleData = %{"reverseDeps": newJObject()}
proc handleUnknownFlags(options: var Options) =
if options.action.typ == actionRun:
# ActionRun uses flags that come before the command as compilation flags
# and flags that come after as run flags.
options.action.compileFlags =
map(options.unknownFlags, x => getFlagString(x[0], x[1], x[2]))
options.unknownFlags = @[]
# For everything else, handle the flags that came before the command
# normally.
let unknownFlags = options.unknownFlags
options.unknownFlags = @[]
for flag in unknownFlags:
parseFlag(flag[1], flag[2], options, flag[0])
# Any unhandled flags?
if options.unknownFlags.len > 0:
let flag = options.unknownFlags[0]
raise newException(
"Unknown option: " & getFlagString(flag[0], flag[1], flag[2])
proc parseCmdLine*(): Options =
result = initOptions()
# Parse command line params first. A simple `--version` shouldn't require
# a config to be parsed.
for kind, key, val in getOpt():
case kind
of cmdArgument:
if result.action.typ == actionNil:
parseCommand(key, result)
parseArgument(key, result)
of cmdLongOption, cmdShortOption:
parseFlag(key, val, result, kind)
of cmdEnd: assert(false) # cannot happen
# Set verbosity level.
# Set whether color should be shown.
setShowColor(not result.noColor)
# Parse config.
result.config = parseConfig()
# Parse other things, for example the nimbledata.json file.
if result.action.typ == actionNil and not result.showVersion:
result.showHelp = true
if result.action.typ != actionNil and result.showVersion:
# We've got another command that should be handled. For example:
# nimble run foobar -v
result.showVersion = false
proc getProxy*(options: Options): Proxy =
## Returns ``nil`` if no proxy is specified.
var url = ""
if ($options.config.httpProxy).len > 0:
url = $options.config.httpProxy
if existsEnv("http_proxy"):
url = getEnv("http_proxy")
elif existsEnv("https_proxy"):
url = getEnv("https_proxy")
elif existsEnv("HTTP_PROXY"):
url = getEnv("HTTP_PROXY")
elif existsEnv("HTTPS_PROXY"):
url = getEnv("HTTPS_PROXY")
except ValueError:
display("Warning:", "Unable to parse proxy from environment: " &
getCurrentExceptionMsg(), Warning, HighPriority)
if url.len > 0:
var parsed = parseUri(url)
if parsed.scheme.len == 0 or parsed.hostname.len == 0:
parsed = parseUri("http://" & url)
let auth =
if parsed.username.len > 0: parsed.username & ":" & parsed.password
else: ""
return newProxy($parsed, auth)
return nil
proc briefClone*(options: Options): Options =
## Clones the few important fields and creates a new Options object.
var newOptions = initOptions()
newOptions.config = options.config
newOptions.nimbleData = options.nimbleData
newOptions.nimbleDir = options.nimbleDir
newOptions.forcePrompts = options.forcePrompts
newOptions.pkgInfoCache = options.pkgInfoCache
return newOptions
proc shouldRemoveTmp*(options: Options, file: string): bool =
result = true
if options.verbosity <= DebugPriority:
let msg = "Not removing temporary path because of debug verbosity: " & file
display("Warning:", msg, Warning, MediumPriority)
return false
proc getCompilationFlags*(options: var Options): var seq[string] =
case options.action.typ
of actionBuild, actionDoc, actionCompile:
return options.action.compileOptions
of actionRun:
return options.action.compileFlags
assert false
proc getCompilationFlags*(options: Options): seq[string] =
var opt = options
return opt.getCompilationFlags()
proc getCompilationBinary*(options: Options): Option[string] =
case options.action.typ
of actionBuild, actionDoc, actionCompile:
let file = options.action.file.changeFileExt("")
if file.len > 0:
return some(file)
of actionRun:
let runFile = options.action.runFile.changeFileExt(ExeExt)
if runFile.len > 0:
return some(runFile)