
141 lines
4.4 KiB

# Copyright (C) Dominik Picheta. All rights reserved.
# BSD License. Look at license.txt for more info.
import json
proc newJObjectIfKeyNotExists(obj: JsonNode, key: string): JsonNode =
assert obj.kind == JObject
if not obj.hasKey(key):
let newObj = newJObject()
obj.add(key, newObj)
return newObj
return obj[key]
proc addIfNotExist*(obj: JsonNode, keys: varargs[string],
val: JsonNode): JsonNode =
# If the path in the `obj` json tree described by `keys` does not exist create
# it, add the node `val` to it and return the added node, otherwise return the
# value of the existing object at the end of the path.
assert obj.kind == JObject
var obj = obj
for i in 0 ..< keys.len() - 1:
obj = obj.newJObjectIfKeyNotExists(keys[i])
if not obj.hasKey(keys[^1]):
obj.add(keys[^1], val)
return val
return obj[keys[^1]]
proc cleanUpEmptyObjects*(obj: JsonNode): JsonNode =
if obj.kind == JObject:
result = newJObject()
for key, value in obj:
var newValue = cleanUpEmptyObjects(value)
if newValue.kind notin {JObject, JArray} or newValue.len != 0:
result.add(key, newValue)
elif obj.kind == JArray:
result = newJArray()
for value in obj:
var newValue = cleanUpEmptyObjects(value)
if newValue.kind notin {JObject, JArray} or newValue.len != 0:
result = obj
when isMainModule:
import unittest
test "bewJObjectIfKeyNotExists":
proc testProc(testedJson, key, expectedResult: string) =
let testedJson = parseJson(testedJson)
let expectedResult = parseJson(expectedResult)
let actualResult = newJObjectIfKeyNotExists(testedJson, key)
check actualResult == expectedResult
testProc("{}", "key", "{}")
testProc("{ \"key1\": \"value1\", \"key2\": {} }", "key3", "{}")
testProc("{ \"key1\": \"value1\", \"key2\": {} }", "key1", "\"value1\"")
testProc("{ \"key1\": \"value1\", \"key2\": { \"key3\": [ 2, 3, 5] } }",
"key2", "{ \"key3\": [ 2, 3, 5] }")
test "addIfNotExist":
proc testProc(testedJson: string, keys: varargs[string],
jsonToAdd, expectedResult, expectedEndObject: string) =
let expectedResult = parseJson(expectedResult)
let jsonToAdd = parseJson(jsonToAdd)
let actualResult = parseJson(testedJson)
let expectedEndObject = parseJson(expectedEndObject)
let addedOrOldNode =actualResult.addIfNotExist(keys, jsonToAdd)
check actualResult == expectedResult
check addedOrOldNode == expectedEndObject
testProc("{}", "key", "[]", "{ \"key\": [] }", "[]")
testProc("{}", "key1", "key2", "{}", "{ \"key1\": { \"key2\": {} } }", "{}")
testProc("{ \"key\": {} }", "key", "[]", "{ \"key\": {} }", "{}")
testProc("{ \"key1\": { \"key2\": {} } }", "key1", "key2", "[1, 2, 3]",
"{ \"key1\": { \"key2\": {} } }", "{}")
testProc("{ \"key1\": {}, \"key2\": {} }", "key2", "key3",
"{ \"key4\": [1] }",
"{ \"key1\": {}, \"key2\": { \"key3\": { \"key4\": [1] } } }",
"{ \"key4\": [1] }")
test "cleanUpEmptyObjects":
proc testProc(testedJson, expectedJson: string) =
let testedJsonNode = parseJson(testedJson)
let expectedResult = parseJson(expectedJson)
let actualResult = cleanUpEmptyObjects(testedJsonNode)
check actualResult == expectedResult
testProc("{}", "{}")
testProc("[]", "[]")
testProc("{ \"key\": \"value\" }", "{ \"key\": \"value\" }")
testProc("[ 3, 1415 ]", "[ 3, 1415 ]")
testProc("{ \"key\": [ \"value1\", \"value2\" ] }",
"{ \"key\": [ \"value1\", \"value2\" ] }")
testProc("{ \"key\": {} }", "{}")
testProc("[ [], [] ]", "[]")
testProc("[ { \"key1\": [ { \"key1.1\": [] } ] }, { \"key2\": [] } ]", "[]")
testProc(""" {
"key1": {
"key1.1": "value1.1",
"key1.2": "value1.2"
"key2": {},
"key3": [
"key3.1": "value3.1",
"key3.2": "value3.2"
"key3.3": "value3.3"
"key4": {
"key4.1": {},
"key4.2": []
"key5": 5
}""", """ {
"key1": {
"key1.1": "value1.1",
"key1.2": "value1.2"
"key3": [
"key3.1": "value3.1",
"key3.2": "value3.2"
"key3.3": "value3.3"
"key5": 5