Add excludes to examples in readme

This commit is contained in:
Ehmry - 2023-10-08 14:26:58 +01:00
parent 39b552c831
commit 2e2129e873
2 changed files with 13 additions and 332 deletions

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@ -12,13 +12,16 @@ nim_lk > lock.json
These lock files contain Nix FOD store paths that can be converted to `nim.cfg` files. These lock files contain Nix FOD store paths that can be converted to `nim.cfg` files.
```nix ```nix
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> { }, lockPath }: { pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> { }, lockPath, excludes ? [ ] }:
let inherit (pkgs) lib; let inherit (pkgs) lib;
in lib.pipe lockPath [ in with builtins;
builtins.readFile lib.pipe lockPath [
builtins.fromJSON readFile
(builtins.getAttr "depends") fromJSON
(map ({ path, srcDir, ... }: ''path:"${path}/${srcDir}"'')) (getAttr "depends")
(filter ({ packages, ... }: !(any (pkg: elem pkg excludes) packages)))
(map ({ path, srcDir, ... }: ''path:"${storePath path}/${srcDir}"''))
lib.strings.concatLines lib.strings.concatLines
(pkgs.writeText "nim.cfg") (pkgs.writeText "nim.cfg")
] ]
@ -28,15 +31,17 @@ I manage all this with [Tup](
``` ```
# Tuprules.tup above my Nim projects # Tuprules.tup above my Nim projects
!nim_lk = |> nim_lk > %o |> lock.json !nim_lk = |> nim_lk | jq --compact-output --sort-keys > %o |> lock.json
NIXEXPRS_DIR = $(TUP_CWD)/nixexprs NIXEXPRS_DIR = $(TUP_CWD)/nixexprs
!nim_cfg = |> nix build --file $(NIXEXPRS_DIR)/configure.nix --argstr lockPath `pwd`/%f --out-link %o |> nim.cfg !nim_cfg = |> nix build --file $(NIXEXPRS_DIR)/configure.nix --out-link %o --arg lockPath `pwd`/%f --arg excludes '[$(NIM_LOCK_EXCLUDES)]' |> nim.cfg
``` ```
``` ```
# Tupfile in a Nim project # Tupfile in a Nim project
include_rules include_rules
# Omit the foobar library from nim.cfg.
: |> !nim_lk |> | ./<lock> : |> !nim_lk |> | ./<lock>
: lock.json |> !nim_cfg |> | ./<lock> : lock.json |> !nim_cfg |> | ./<lock>
``` ```

View File

@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) Dominik Picheta. All rights reserved.
# BSD License. Look at license.txt for more info.
import parseutils, os, osproc, strutils, tables, pegs, uri, json
import packageinfo, packageparser, version, tools, common, options, cli
from algorithm import SortOrder, sorted
from sequtils import toSeq, filterIt, map
DownloadMethod* {.pure.} = enum
git = "git", hg = "hg"
proc getSpecificDir(meth: DownloadMethod): string {.used.} =
case meth
of DownloadMethod.git:
of DownloadMethod.hg:
proc doCheckout(meth: DownloadMethod, downloadDir, branch: string) =
case meth
of DownloadMethod.git:
cd downloadDir:
# Force is used here because local changes may appear straight after a
# clone has happened. Like in the case of git on Windows where it
# messes up the damn line endings.
doCmd("git checkout --force " & branch)
doCmd("git submodule update --recursive")
of DownloadMethod.hg:
cd downloadDir:
doCmd("hg checkout " & branch)
proc doPull(meth: DownloadMethod, downloadDir: string) {.used.} =
case meth
of DownloadMethod.git:
doCheckout(meth, downloadDir, "")
cd downloadDir:
doCmd("git pull")
if existsFile(".gitmodules"):
doCmd("git submodule update")
of DownloadMethod.hg:
doCheckout(meth, downloadDir, "default")
cd downloadDir:
doCmd("hg pull")
proc doClone(meth: DownloadMethod, url, downloadDir: string, branch = "",
onlyTip = true) =
case meth
of DownloadMethod.git:
depthArg = if onlyTip: "--depth 1 " else: ""
branchArg = if branch == "": "" else: "-b " & branch & " "
doCmd("git clone --recursive " & depthArg & branchArg & url &
" " & downloadDir)
of DownloadMethod.hg:
tipArg = if onlyTip: "-r tip " else: ""
branchArg = if branch == "": "" else: "-b " & branch & " "
doCmd("hg clone " & tipArg & branchArg & url & " " & downloadDir)
proc getTagsList(dir: string, meth: DownloadMethod): seq[string] =
cd dir:
var output = execProcess("git tag")
case meth
of DownloadMethod.git:
output = execProcess("git tag")
of DownloadMethod.hg:
output = execProcess("hg tags")
if output.len > 0:
case meth
of DownloadMethod.git:
result = @[]
for i in output.splitLines():
if i == "": continue
of DownloadMethod.hg:
result = @[]
for i in output.splitLines():
if i == "": continue
var tag = ""
discard parseUntil(i, tag, ' ')
if tag != "tip":
result = @[]
proc getTagsListRemote*(url: string, meth: DownloadMethod): seq[string] =
url = url
uri = parseUri url
if uri.query != "":
uri.query = ""
url = $uri
result = @[]
case meth
of DownloadMethod.git:
var (output, exitCode) = doCmdEx("git ls-remote --tags " & url)
if exitCode != QuitSuccess:
raise newException(OSError, "Unable to query remote tags for " & url &
". Git returned: " & output)
for i in output.splitLines():
let refStart = i.find("refs/tags/")
# git outputs warnings, empty lines, etc
if refStart == -1: continue
let start = refStart+"refs/tags/".len
let tag = i[start .. i.len-1]
if not tag.endswith("^{}"): result.add(tag)
of DownloadMethod.hg:
raise newException(ValueError, "Hg doesn't support remote tag querying.")
proc getVersionList*(tags: seq[string]): OrderedTable[Version, string] =
## Return an ordered table of Version -> git tag label. Ordering is
## in descending order with the most recent version first.
let taggedVers: seq[tuple[ver: Version, tag: string]] =
.filterIt(it != "")
.map(proc(s: string): tuple[ver: Version, tag: string] =
# skip any chars before the version
let i = skipUntil(s, Digits)
# TODO: Better checking, tags can have any
# names. Add warnings and such.
result = (newVersion(s[i .. s.len-1]), s))
.sorted(proc(a, b: (Version, string)): int = cmp(a[0], b[0]),
result = toOrderedTable[Version, string](taggedVers)
proc getDownloadMethod*(meth: string): DownloadMethod =
case meth
of "git": return DownloadMethod.git
of "hg", "mercurial": return DownloadMethod.hg
raise newException(NimbleError, "Invalid download method: " & meth)
proc getHeadName*(meth: DownloadMethod): Version =
## Returns the name of the download method specific head. i.e. for git
## it's ``head`` for hg it's ``tip``.
case meth
of DownloadMethod.git: newVersion("#head")
of DownloadMethod.hg: newVersion("#tip")
proc checkUrlType*(url: string): DownloadMethod =
## Determines the download method based on the URL.
if doCmdEx("git ls-remote " & url).exitCode == QuitSuccess:
return DownloadMethod.git
elif doCmdEx("hg identify " & url).exitCode == QuitSuccess:
return DownloadMethod.hg
raise newException(NimbleError, "Unable to identify url: " & url)
proc getUrlData*(url: string): (string, Table[string, string]) =
var uri = parseUri(url)
# TODO: use uri.parseQuery once it lands... this code is quick and dirty.
var subdir = ""
if uri.query.startsWith("subdir="):
subdir = uri.query[7 .. ^1]
uri.query = ""
return ($uri, {"subdir": subdir}.toTable())
proc isURL*(name: string): bool =
name.startsWith(peg" @'://' ")
proc doDownload(url: string, downloadDir: string, verRange: VersionRange,
downMethod: DownloadMethod,
options: Options): Version =
## Downloads the repository specified by ``url`` using the specified download
## method.
## Returns the version of the repository which has been downloaded.
template getLatestByTag(meth: untyped) {.dirty.} =
# Find latest version that fits our ``verRange``.
var latest = findLatest(verRange, versions)
## Note: HEAD is not used when verRange.kind is verAny. This is
## intended behaviour, the latest tagged version will be used in this case.
# If no tagged versions satisfy our range latest.tag will be "".
# We still clone in that scenario because we want to try HEAD in that case.
if $latest.ver != "":
result = latest.ver
if verRange.kind == verSpecial:
# We want a specific commit/branch/tag here.
if verRange.spe == getHeadName(downMethod):
# Grab HEAD.
doClone(downMethod, url, downloadDir, onlyTip = not options.forceFullClone)
# Grab the full repo.
doClone(downMethod, url, downloadDir, onlyTip = false)
# Then perform a checkout operation to get the specified branch/commit.
# `spe` starts with '#', trim it.
doAssert(($verRange.spe)[0] == '#')
doCheckout(downMethod, downloadDir, substr($verRange.spe, 1))
result = verRange.spe
case downMethod
of DownloadMethod.git:
# For Git we have to query the repo remotely for its tags. This is
# necessary as cloning with a --depth of 1 removes all tag info.
result = getHeadName(downMethod)
let versions = getTagsListRemote(url, downMethod).getVersionList()
if versions.len > 0:
display("Cloning", "latest tagged version: " & latest.tag,
priority = MediumPriority)
doClone(downMethod, url, downloadDir, latest.tag,
onlyTip = not options.forceFullClone)
# If no commits have been tagged on the repo we just clone HEAD.
doClone(downMethod, url, downloadDir) # Grab HEAD.
of DownloadMethod.hg:
doClone(downMethod, url, downloadDir, onlyTip = not options.forceFullClone)
result = getHeadName(downMethod)
let versions = getTagsList(downloadDir, downMethod).getVersionList()
if versions.len > 0:
display("Switching", "to latest tagged version: " & latest.tag,
priority = MediumPriority)
doCheckout(downMethod, downloadDir, latest.tag)
proc downloadPkg*(url: string, verRange: VersionRange,
downMethod: DownloadMethod,
subdir: string,
options: Options,
downloadPath = ""): (string, Version) =
## Downloads the repository as specified by ``url`` and ``verRange`` using
## the download method specified.
## If `downloadPath` isn't specified a location in /tmp/ will be used.
## Returns the directory where it was downloaded (subdir is appended) and
## the concrete version which was downloaded.
let downloadDir =
if downloadPath == "":
(getNimbleTempDir() / getDownloadDirName(url, verRange))
var modUrl =
if url.startsWith("git://") and options.config.cloneUsingHttps:
"https://" & url[6 .. ^1]
else: url
# Fixes issue #204
# github + https + trailing url slash causes a
# checkout/ls-remote to fail with Repository not found
if modUrl.contains("") and modUrl.endswith("/"):
modUrl = modUrl[0 .. ^2]
if subdir.len > 0:
display("Downloading", "$1 using $2 (subdir is '$3')" %
[modUrl, $downMethod, subdir],
priority = HighPriority)
display("Downloading", "$1 using $2" % [modUrl, $downMethod],
priority = HighPriority)
result = (
downloadDir / subdir,
doDownload(modUrl, downloadDir, verRange, downMethod, options)
if verRange.kind != verSpecial:
## Makes sure that the downloaded package's version satisfies the requested
## version range.
let pkginfo = getPkgInfo(result[0], options)
if pkginfo.version.newVersion notin verRange:
raise newException(NimbleError,
"Downloaded package's version does not satisfy requested version " &
"range: wanted $1 got $2." %
[$verRange, $pkginfo.version])
proc echoPackageVersions*(pkg: Package) =
let downMethod = pkg.downloadMethod.getDownloadMethod()
case downMethod
of DownloadMethod.git:
let versions = getTagsListRemote(pkg.url, downMethod).getVersionList()
if versions.len > 0:
let sortedVersions = toSeq(values(versions))
echo(" versions: " & join(sortedVersions, ", "))
echo(" versions: (No versions tagged in the remote repository)")
except OSError:
of DownloadMethod.hg:
echo(" versions: (Remote tag retrieval not supported by " &
pkg.downloadMethod & ")")
proc packageVersionsJson*(pkg: Package): JsonNode =
result = newJArray()
let downMethod = pkg.downloadMethod.getDownloadMethod()
case downMethod
of DownloadMethod.git:
let versions = getTagsListRemote(pkg.url, downMethod).getVersionList()
for v in values(versions):
result.add %v
of DownloadMethod.hg:
result = %* { "exception": getCurrentExceptionMsg() }
when isMainModule:
# Test version sorting
let data = @["v9.0.0-taeyeon", "v9.0.1-jessica", "v9.2.0-sunny",
"v9.4.0-tiffany", "v9.4.2-hyoyeon"]
let expected = toOrderedTable[Version, string]({
newVersion("9.4.2-hyoyeon"): "v9.4.2-hyoyeon",
newVersion("9.4.0-tiffany"): "v9.4.0-tiffany",
newVersion("9.2.0-sunny"): "v9.2.0-sunny",
newVersion("9.0.1-jessica"): "v9.0.1-jessica",
newVersion("9.0.0-taeyeon"): "v9.0.0-taeyeon"
doAssert expected == getVersionList(data)
echo("Everything works!")