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2023-09-30 10:47:15 +02:00
# Copyright (C) Andreas Rumpf. All rights reserved.
# BSD License. Look at license.txt for more info.
## Implements 'nimble publish' to create a pull request against
## nim-lang/packages automatically.
import system except TResult
import httpclient, strutils, json, os, browsers, times, uri
import version, tools, common, cli, config, options
Auth = object
user: string
token: string ## Github access token
http: HttpClient ## http client for doing API requests
ApiKeyFile = "github_api_token"
ApiTokenEnvironmentVariable = "NIMBLE_GITHUB_API_TOKEN"
ReposUrl = ""
proc userAborted() =
raise newException(NimbleError, "User aborted the process.")
proc createHeaders(a: Auth) =
a.http.headers = newHttpHeaders({
"Authorization": "token $1" % a.token,
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Accept": "*/*"
proc requestNewToken(cfg: Config): string =
display("Info:", "Please create a new personal access token on Github in" &
" order to allow Nimble to fork the packages repository.",
priority = HighPriority)
display("Hint:", "Make sure to give the access token access to public repos" &
" (public_repo scope)!", Warning, HighPriority)
display("Info:", "Your default browser should open with the following URL: " &
"", priority = HighPriority)
let token = promptCustom("Personal access token?", "").strip()
# inform the user that their token will be written to disk
let tokenWritePath = cfg.nimbleDir / ApiKeyFile
display("Info:", "Writing access token to file:" & tokenWritePath,
priority = HighPriority)
writeFile(tokenWritePath, token)
return token
proc getGithubAuth(o: Options): Auth =
let cfg = o.config
result.http = newHttpClient(proxy = getProxy(o))
# always prefer the environment variable to asking for a new one
if existsEnv(ApiTokenEnvironmentVariable):
result.token = getEnv(ApiTokenEnvironmentVariable)
display("Info:", "Using the '" & ApiTokenEnvironmentVariable &
"' environment variable for the GitHub API Token.",
priority = HighPriority)
# try to read from disk, if it cannot be found write a new one
let apiTokenFilePath = cfg.nimbleDir / ApiKeyFile
result.token = readFile(apiTokenFilePath).strip()
display("Info:", "Using GitHub API Token in file: " & apiTokenFilePath,
priority = HighPriority)
except IOError:
result.token = requestNewToken(cfg)
let resp = result.http.getContent("").parseJson()
result.user = resp["login"].str
display("Success:", "Verified as " & result.user, Success, HighPriority)
proc isCorrectFork(j: JsonNode): bool =
# Check whether this is a fork of the nimble packages repo.
result = false
if j{"fork"}.getBool():
result = j{"parent"}{"full_name"}.getStr() == "nim-lang/packages"
proc forkExists(a: Auth): bool =
let x = a.http.getContent(ReposUrl & a.user & "/packages")
let j = parseJson(x)
result = isCorrectFork(j)
except JsonParsingError, IOError:
result = false
proc createFork(a: Auth) =
discard a.http.postContent(ReposUrl & "nim-lang/packages/forks")
except HttpRequestError:
raise newException(NimbleError, "Unable to create fork. Access token" &
" might not have enough permissions.")
proc createPullRequest(a: Auth, packageName, branch: string): string =
display("Info", "Creating PR", priority = HighPriority)
var body = a.http.postContent(ReposUrl & "nim-lang/packages/pulls",
body="""{"title": "Add package $1", "head": "$2:$3",
"base": "master"}""" % [packageName, a.user, branch])
var pr = parseJson(body)
return pr{"html_url"}.getStr()
proc `%`(s: openArray[string]): JsonNode =
result = newJArray()
for x in s: result.add(%x)
proc cleanupWhitespace(s: string): string =
## Removes trailing whitespace and normalizes line endings to LF.
result = newStringOfCap(s.len)
var i = 0
while i < s.len:
if s[i] == ' ':
var j = i+1
while s[j] == ' ': inc j
if s[j] == '\c':
inc j
if s[j] == '\L': inc j
result.add '\L'
i = j
elif s[j] == '\L':
result.add '\L'
i = j+1
result.add ' '
inc i
elif s[i] == '\c':
inc i
if s[i] == '\L': inc i
result.add '\L'
elif s[i] == '\L':
result.add '\L'
inc i
result.add s[i]
inc i
if result[^1] != '\L':
result.add '\L'
proc editJson(p: PackageInfo; url, tags, downloadMethod: string) =
var contents = parseFile("packages.json")
doAssert contents.kind == JArray
"url": url,
"method": downloadMethod,
"tags": tags.split(),
"description": p.description,
"license": p.license,
"web": url
writeFile("packages.json", contents.pretty.cleanupWhitespace)
proc publish*(p: PackageInfo, o: Options) =
## Publishes the package p.
let auth = getGithubAuth(o)
var pkgsDir = getNimbleUserTempDir() / "nimble-packages-fork"
if not forkExists(auth):
display("Info:", "Waiting 10s to let Github create a fork",
priority = HighPriority)
display("Info:", "Finished waiting", priority = LowPriority)
if dirExists(pkgsDir):
display("Removing", "old packages fork git directory.",
priority = LowPriority)
cd pkgsDir:
# Avoid git clone to prevent token from being stored in repo
display("Copying", "packages fork into: " & pkgsDir, priority = HighPriority)
doCmd("git init")
doCmd("git pull" & auth.user & "/packages")
# Make sure to update the fork
display("Updating", "the fork", priority = HighPriority)
doCmd("git pull master")
doCmd("git push https://" & auth.token & "" & auth.user & "/packages master")
if not dirExists(pkgsDir):
raise newException(NimbleError,
"Cannot find nimble-packages-fork git repository. Cloning failed.")
if not fileExists(pkgsDir / "packages.json"):
raise newException(NimbleError,
"No packages file found in cloned fork.")
# We need to do this **before** the cd:
# Determine what type of repo this is.
var url = ""
var downloadMethod = ""
if dirExists(os.getCurrentDir() / ".git"):
let (output, exitCode) = doCmdEx("git ls-remote --get-url")
if exitCode == 0:
url = output.string.strip
if url.endsWith(".git"): url.setLen(url.len - 4)
downloadMethod = "git"
let parsed = parseUri(url)
if parsed.scheme == "":
# Assuming that we got an ssh write/read URL.
let sshUrl = parseUri("ssh://" & url)
url = "https://" & sshUrl.hostname & "/" & sshUrl.port & sshUrl.path
elif dirExists(os.getCurrentDir() / ".hg"):
downloadMethod = "hg"
# TODO: Retrieve URL from hg.
raise newException(NimbleError,
"No .git nor .hg directory found. Stopping.")
if url.len == 0:
url = promptCustom("Github URL of " & & "?", "")
if url.len == 0: userAborted()
let tags = promptCustom(
"Whitespace separated list of tags? (For example: web library wrapper)",
cd pkgsDir:
editJson(p, url, tags, downloadMethod)
let branchName = "add-" & & getTime().utc.format("HHmm")
doCmd("git checkout -B " & branchName)
doCmd("git commit packages.json -m \"Added package " & & "\"")
display("Pushing", "to remote of fork.", priority = HighPriority)
doCmd("git push https://" & auth.token & "" & auth.user & "/packages " & branchName)
let prUrl = createPullRequest(auth,, branchName)
display("Success:", "Pull request successful, check at " & prUrl , Success, HighPriority)