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2023-09-30 10:47:15 +02:00
# Copyright (C) Dominik Picheta. All rights reserved.
# BSD License. Look at license.txt for more info.
# Stdlib imports
import system except TResult
import hashes, json, strutils, os, sets, tables, httpclient
# Local imports
import version, tools, common, options, cli, config
Package* = object ## Definition of package from packages.json.
# Required fields in a package.
name*: string
url*: string # Download location.
license*: string
downloadMethod*: string
description*: string
tags*: seq[string] # Even if empty, always a valid non nil seq. \
# From here on, optional fields set to the empty string if not available.
version*: string
dvcsTag*: string
web*: string # Info url for humans.
alias*: string ## A name of another package, that this package aliases.
MetaData* = object
url*: string
NimbleLink* = object
nimbleFilePath*: string
packageDir*: string
proc initPackageInfo*(path: string): PackageInfo =
result.myPath = path
result.specialVersion = ""
# reasonable default: =
result.version = "" = ""
result.description = ""
result.license = ""
result.skipDirs = @[]
result.skipFiles = @[]
result.skipExt = @[]
result.installDirs = @[]
result.installFiles = @[]
result.installExt = @[]
result.requires = @[]
result.foreignDeps = @[]
result.bin = @[]
result.srcDir = ""
result.binDir = ""
result.backend = "c"
proc toValidPackageName*(name: string): string =
result = ""
for c in name:
case c
of '_', '-':
if result[^1] != '_': result.add('_')
of AllChars - IdentChars - {'-'}: discard
else: result.add(c)
proc getNameVersion*(pkgpath: string): tuple[name, version: string] =
## Splits ``pkgpath`` in the format ``/home/user/.nimble/pkgs/package-0.1``
## into ``(packagea, 0.1)``
## Also works for file paths like:
## ``/home/user/.nimble/pkgs/package-0.1/package.nimble``
if pkgPath.splitFile.ext in [".nimble", ".nimble-link", ".babel"]:
return getNameVersion(pkgPath.splitPath.head) = ""
result.version = ""
let tail = pkgpath.splitPath.tail
const specialSeparator = "-#"
var sepIdx = tail.find(specialSeparator)
if sepIdx == -1:
sepIdx = tail.rfind('-')
if sepIdx == -1: = tail
return = tail[0 .. sepIdx - 1]
result.version = tail.substr(sepIdx + 1)
proc optionalField(obj: JsonNode, name: string, default = ""): string =
## Queries ``obj`` for the optional ``name`` string.
## Returns the value of ``name`` if it is a valid string, or aborts execution
## if the field exists but is not of string type. If ``name`` is not present,
## returns ``default``.
if hasKey(obj, name):
if obj[name].kind == JString:
return obj[name].str
raise newException(NimbleError, "Corrupted packages.json file. " & name &
" field is of unexpected type.")
else: return default
proc requiredField(obj: JsonNode, name: string): string =
## Queries ``obj`` for the required ``name`` string.
## Aborts execution if the field does not exist or is of invalid json type.
result = optionalField(obj, name)
if result.len == 0:
raise newException(NimbleError,
"Package in packages.json file does not contain a " & name & " field.")
proc fromJson(obj: JSonNode): Package =
## Constructs a Package object from a JSON node.
## Aborts execution if the JSON node doesn't contain the required fields. = obj.requiredField("name")
if obj.hasKey("alias"):
result.alias = obj.requiredField("alias")
result.alias = ""
result.version = obj.optionalField("version")
result.url = obj.optionalField("url")
result.downloadMethod = obj.optionalField("method")
result.dvcsTag = obj.optionalField("dvcs-tag")
result.license = obj.requiredField("license")
result.tags = @[]
for t in obj["tags"]:
result.description = obj.requiredField("description")
result.web = obj.optionalField("web")
proc readMetaData*(path: string): MetaData =
## Reads the metadata present in ``~/.nimble/pkgs/pkg-0.1/nimblemeta.json``
var bmeta = path / "nimblemeta.json"
if not existsFile(bmeta):
result.url = ""
display("Warning:", "No nimblemeta.json file found in " & path,
Warning, HighPriority)
# TODO: Make this an error.
let cont = readFile(bmeta)
let jsonmeta = parseJson(cont)
result.url = jsonmeta["url"].str
proc readNimbleLink*(nimbleLinkPath: string): NimbleLink =
let s = readFile(nimbleLinkPath).splitLines()
result.nimbleFilePath = s[0]
result.packageDir = s[1]
proc writeNimbleLink*(nimbleLinkPath: string, contents: NimbleLink) =
let c = contents.nimbleFilePath & "\n" & contents.packageDir
writeFile(nimbleLinkPath, c)
proc needsRefresh*(options: Options): bool =
## Determines whether a ``nimble refresh`` is needed.
## In the future this will check a stored time stamp to determine how long
## ago the package list was refreshed.
result = true
for name, list in options.config.packageLists:
if fileExists(options.getNimbleDir() / "packages_" & name & ".json"):
result = false
proc validatePackagesList(path: string): bool =
## Determines whether package list at ``path`` is valid.
let pkgList = parseFile(path)
if pkgList.kind == JArray:
if pkgList.len == 0:
display("Warning:", path & " contains no packages.", Warning,
return true
except ValueError, JsonParsingError:
return false
proc fetchList*(list: PackageList, options: Options) =
## Downloads or copies the specified package list and saves it in $nimbleDir.
let verb = if list.urls.len > 0: "Downloading" else: "Copying"
display(verb, & " package list", priority = HighPriority)
lastError = ""
copyFromPath = ""
if list.urls.len > 0:
for i in 0 ..< list.urls.len:
let url = list.urls[i]
display("Trying", url)
let tempPath = options.getNimbleDir() / "packages_temp.json"
# Grab the proxy
let proxy = getProxy(options)
if not proxy.isNil:
var maskedUrl = proxy.url
if maskedUrl.password.len > 0: maskedUrl.password = "***"
display("Connecting", "to proxy at " & $maskedUrl,
priority = LowPriority)
let client = newHttpClient(proxy = proxy)
client.downloadFile(url, tempPath)
let message = "Could not download: " & getCurrentExceptionMsg()
display("Warning:", message, Warning)
lastError = message
if not validatePackagesList(tempPath):
lastError = "Downloaded packages.json file is invalid"
display("Warning:", lastError & ", discarding.", Warning)
copyFromPath = tempPath
display("Success", "Package list downloaded.", Success, HighPriority)
lastError = ""
elif list.path != "":
if not validatePackagesList(list.path):
lastError = "Copied packages.json file is invalid"
display("Warning:", lastError & ", discarding.", Warning)
copyFromPath = list.path
display("Success", "Package list copied.", Success, HighPriority)
if lastError.len != 0:
raise newException(NimbleError, "Refresh failed\n" & lastError)
if copyFromPath.len > 0:
options.getNimbleDir() / "packages_$1.json" %
proc readPackageList(name: string, options: Options): JsonNode =
# If packages.json is not present ask the user if they want to download it.
if needsRefresh(options):
if options.prompt("No local packages.json found, download it from " &
for name, list in options.config.packageLists:
fetchList(list, options)
# The user might not need a package list for now. So let's try
# going further.
return newJArray()
return parseFile(options.getNimbleDir() / "packages_" &
name.toLowerAscii() & ".json")
proc getPackage*(pkg: string, options: Options, resPkg: var Package): bool
proc resolveAlias(pkg: Package, options: Options): Package =
result = pkg
# Resolve alias.
if pkg.alias.len > 0:
display("Warning:", "The $1 package has been renamed to $2" %
[, pkg.alias], Warning, HighPriority)
if not getPackage(pkg.alias, options, result):
raise newException(NimbleError, "Alias for package not found: " &
proc getPackage*(pkg: string, options: Options, resPkg: var Package): bool =
## Searches any packages.json files defined in ``options.config.packageLists``
## Saves the found package into ``resPkg``.
## Pass in ``pkg`` the name of the package you are searching for. As
## convenience the proc returns a boolean specifying if the ``resPkg`` was
## successfully filled with good data.
## Aliases are handled and resolved.
for name, list in options.config.packageLists:
display("Reading", "$1 package list" % name, priority = LowPriority)
let packages = readPackageList(name, options)
for p in packages:
if normalize(p["name"].str) == normalize(pkg):
resPkg = p.fromJson()
resPkg = resolveAlias(resPkg, options)
return true
proc getPackageList*(options: Options): seq[Package] =
## Returns the list of packages found in the downloaded packages.json files.
result = @[]
var namesAdded = initHashSet[string]()
for name, list in options.config.packageLists:
let packages = readPackageList(name, options)
for p in packages:
let pkg: Package = p.fromJson()
if notin namesAdded:
proc findNimbleFile*(dir: string; error: bool): string =
result = ""
var hits = 0
for kind, path in walkDir(dir):
if kind in {pcFile, pcLinkToFile}:
let ext = path.splitFile.ext
case ext
of ".babel", ".nimble", ".nimble-link":
result = path
inc hits
else: discard
if hits >= 2:
raise newException(NimbleError,
"Only one .nimble file should be present in " & dir)
elif hits == 0:
if error:
raise newException(NimbleError,
"Specified directory ($1) does not contain a .nimble file." % dir)
display("Warning:", "No .nimble or .nimble-link file found for " &
dir, Warning, HighPriority)
if result.splitFile.ext == ".nimble-link":
# Return the path of the real .nimble file.
result = readNimbleLink(result).nimbleFilePath
if not fileExists(result):
let msg = "The .nimble-link file is pointing to a missing file: " & result
let hintMsg =
"Remove '$1' or restore the file it points to." % dir
display("Warning:", msg, Warning, HighPriority)
display("Hint:", hintMsg, Warning, HighPriority)
proc getInstalledPkgsMin*(libsDir: string, options: Options):
seq[tuple[pkginfo: PackageInfo, meta: MetaData]] =
## Gets a list of installed packages. The resulting package info is
## minimal. This has the advantage that it does not depend on the
## ``packageparser`` module, and so can be used by ``nimscriptwrapper``.
## ``libsDir`` is in most cases: ~/.nimble/pkgs/ (options.getPkgsDir)
result = @[]
for kind, path in walkDir(libsDir):
if kind == pcDir:
let nimbleFile = findNimbleFile(path, false)
if nimbleFile != "":
let meta = readMetaData(path)
let (name, version) = getNameVersion(path)
var pkg = initPackageInfo(nimbleFile) = name
pkg.version = version
pkg.specialVersion = version
pkg.isMinimal = true
pkg.isInstalled = true
let nimbleFileDir = nimbleFile.splitFile().dir
pkg.isLinked = cmpPaths(nimbleFileDir, path) != 0
# Read the package's 'srcDir' (this is stored in the .nimble-link so
# we can easily grab it)
if pkg.isLinked:
let nimbleLinkPath = path / name.addFileExt("nimble-link")
let realSrcPath = readNimbleLink(nimbleLinkPath).packageDir
assert realSrcPath.startsWith(nimbleFileDir)
pkg.srcDir = realSrcPath.replace(nimbleFileDir)
result.add((pkg, meta))
proc withinRange*(pkgInfo: PackageInfo, verRange: VersionRange): bool =
## Determines whether the specified package's version is within the
## specified range. The check works with ordinary versions as well as
## special ones.
return withinRange(newVersion(pkgInfo.version), verRange) or
withinRange(newVersion(pkgInfo.specialVersion), verRange)
proc resolveAlias*(dep: PkgTuple, options: Options): PkgTuple =
## Looks up the specified ```` in the packages.json files to resolve
## a potential alias into the package's real name.
result = dep
var pkg: Package
# TODO: This needs better caching.
if getPackage(, options, pkg):
# The resulting ``pkg`` will contain the resolved name or the original if
# no alias is present. =
proc findPkg*(pkglist: seq[tuple[pkgInfo: PackageInfo, meta: MetaData]],
dep: PkgTuple,
r: var PackageInfo): bool =
## Searches ``pkglist`` for a package of which version is within the range
## of ``dep.ver``. ``True`` is returned if a package is found. If multiple
## packages are found the newest one is returned (the one with the highest
## version number)
## **Note**: here could be a URL, hence the need for pkglist.meta.
for pkg in pkglist:
if cmpIgnoreStyle(, != 0 and
cmpIgnoreStyle(pkg.meta.url, != 0: continue
if withinRange(pkg.pkgInfo, dep.ver):
let isNewer = newVersion(r.version) < newVersion(pkg.pkginfo.version)
if not result or isNewer:
r = pkg.pkginfo
result = true
proc findAllPkgs*(pkglist: seq[tuple[pkgInfo: PackageInfo, meta: MetaData]],
dep: PkgTuple): seq[PackageInfo] =
## Searches ``pkglist`` for packages of which version is within the range
## of ``dep.ver``. This is similar to ``findPkg`` but returns multiple
## packages if multiple are found.
result = @[]
for pkg in pkglist:
if cmpIgnoreStyle(, != 0 and
cmpIgnoreStyle(pkg.meta.url, != 0: continue
if withinRange(pkg.pkgInfo, dep.ver):
result.add pkg.pkginfo
proc getRealDir*(pkgInfo: PackageInfo): string =
## Returns the directory containing the package source files.
if pkgInfo.srcDir != "" and (not pkgInfo.isInstalled or pkgInfo.isLinked):
result = pkgInfo.mypath.splitFile.dir / pkgInfo.srcDir
result = pkgInfo.mypath.splitFile.dir
proc getOutputDir*(pkgInfo: PackageInfo, bin: string): string =
## Returns a binary output dir for the package.
if pkgInfo.binDir != "":
result = pkgInfo.mypath.splitFile.dir / pkgInfo.binDir / bin
result = pkgInfo.mypath.splitFile.dir / bin
proc echoPackage*(pkg: Package) =
echo( & ":")
if pkg.alias.len > 0:
echo(" Alias for ", pkg.alias)
echo(" url: " & pkg.url & " (" & pkg.downloadMethod & ")")
echo(" tags: " & pkg.tags.join(", "))
echo(" description: " & pkg.description)
echo(" license: " & pkg.license)
if pkg.web.len > 0:
echo(" website: " & pkg.web)
func toJson*(pkg: Package, queryVersions = false): JsonNode =
result = %*{
"url": %pkg.url,
"method": %pkg.downloadMethod,
"tags": %pkg.tags,
"description": %pkg.description,
"license": %pkg.license,
if pkg.web.len > 0:
result["web"] = %pkg.web
proc getDownloadDirName*(pkg: Package, verRange: VersionRange): string =
result =
let verSimple = getSimpleString(verRange)
if verSimple != "":
result.add "_"
result.add verSimple
proc checkInstallFile(pkgInfo: PackageInfo,
origDir, file: string): bool =
## Checks whether ``file`` should be installed.
## ``True`` means file should be skipped.
for ignoreFile in pkgInfo.skipFiles:
if ignoreFile.endswith("nimble"):
raise newException(NimbleError, ignoreFile & " must be installed.")
if samePaths(file, origDir / ignoreFile):
result = true
for ignoreExt in pkgInfo.skipExt:
if file.splitFile.ext == ('.' & ignoreExt):
result = true
if file.splitFile().name[0] == '.': result = true
proc checkInstallDir(pkgInfo: PackageInfo,
origDir, dir: string): bool =
## Determines whether ``dir`` should be installed.
## ``True`` means dir should be skipped.
for ignoreDir in pkgInfo.skipDirs:
if samePaths(dir, origDir / ignoreDir):
result = true
let thisDir = splitPath(dir).tail
assert thisDir != ""
if thisDir[0] == '.': result = true
if thisDir == "nimcache": result = true
proc iterFilesWithExt(dir: string, pkgInfo: PackageInfo,
action: proc (f: string)) =
## Runs `action` for each filename of the files that have a whitelisted
## file extension.
for kind, path in walkDir(dir):
if kind == pcDir:
iterFilesWithExt(path, pkgInfo, action)
if path.splitFile.ext.substr(1) in pkgInfo.installExt:
proc iterFilesInDir(dir: string, action: proc (f: string)) =
## Runs `action` for each file in ``dir`` and any
## subdirectories that are in it.
for kind, path in walkDir(dir):
if kind == pcDir:
iterFilesInDir(path, action)
proc iterInstallFiles*(realDir: string, pkgInfo: PackageInfo,
options: Options, action: proc (f: string)) =
## Runs `action` for each file within the ``realDir`` that should be
## installed.
let whitelistMode =
pkgInfo.installDirs.len != 0 or
pkgInfo.installFiles.len != 0 or
pkgInfo.installExt.len != 0
if whitelistMode:
for file in pkgInfo.installFiles:
let src = realDir / file
if not src.existsFile():
if options.prompt("Missing file " & src & ". Continue?"):
raise NimbleQuit(msg: "")
for dir in pkgInfo.installDirs:
# TODO: Allow skipping files inside dirs?
let src = realDir / dir
if not src.existsDir():
if options.prompt("Missing directory " & src & ". Continue?"):
raise NimbleQuit(msg: "")
iterFilesInDir(src, action)
iterFilesWithExt(realDir, pkgInfo, action)
for kind, file in walkDir(realDir):
if kind == pcDir:
let skip = pkgInfo.checkInstallDir(realDir, file)
if skip: continue
# we also have to stop recursing if we reach an in-place nimbleDir
if file == options.getNimbleDir().expandFilename(): continue
iterInstallFiles(file, pkgInfo, options, action)
let skip = pkgInfo.checkInstallFile(realDir, file)
if skip: continue
proc getPkgDest*(pkgInfo: PackageInfo, options: Options): string =
let versionStr = '-' & pkgInfo.specialVersion
let pkgDestDir = options.getPkgsDir() / ( & versionStr)
return pkgDestDir
proc `==`*(pkg1: PackageInfo, pkg2: PackageInfo): bool =
if == and pkg1.myPath == pkg2.myPath:
return true
proc hash*(x: PackageInfo): Hash =
var h: Hash = 0
h = h !& hash(x.myPath)
result = !$h
when isMainModule:
doAssert getNameVersion("/home/user/.nimble/libs/packagea-0.1") ==
("packagea", "0.1")
doAssert getNameVersion("/home/user/.nimble/libs/package-a-0.1") ==
("package-a", "0.1")
doAssert getNameVersion("/home/user/.nimble/libs/package-a-0.1/package.nimble") ==
("package-a", "0.1")
doAssert getNameVersion("/home/user/.nimble/libs/package-#head") ==
("package", "#head")
doAssert getNameVersion("/home/user/.nimble/libs/package-#branch-with-dashes") ==
("package", "#branch-with-dashes")
# readPackageInfo (and possibly more) depends on this not raising.
doAssert getNameVersion("/home/user/.nimble/libs/package") == ("package", "")
doAssert toValidPackageName("foo__bar") == "foo_bar"
doAssert toValidPackageName("jhbasdh!£$@%#^_&*_()qwe") == "jhbasdh_qwe"
echo("All tests passed!")