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2023-09-30 10:47:15 +02:00
# Copyright (C) Dominik Picheta. All rights reserved.
# BSD License. Look at license.txt for more info.
## This module is implicitly imported in NimScript .nimble files.
import system except getCommand, setCommand, switch, `--`
import strformat, strutils, tables
when not defined(nimscript):
import os
packageName* = "" ## Set this to the package name. It
## is usually not required to do that, nims' filename is
## the default.
version*: string ## The package's version.
author*: string ## The package's author.
description*: string ## The package's description.
license*: string ## The package's license.
srcdir*: string ## The package's source directory.
binDir*: string ## The package's binary directory.
backend*: string ## The package's backend.
skipDirs*, skipFiles*, skipExt*, installDirs*, installFiles*,
installExt*, bin*: seq[string] = @[] ## Nimble metadata.
requiresData*: seq[string] = @[] ## The package's dependencies.
foreignDeps*: seq[string] = @[] ## The foreign dependencies. Only
## exported for 'distros.nim'.
beforeHooks: seq[string] = @[]
afterHooks: seq[string] = @[]
commandLineParams: seq[string] = @[]
flags: TableRef[string, seq[string]]
command = "e"
project = ""
success = false
retVal = true
projectFile = ""
outFile = ""
proc requires*(deps: varargs[string]) =
## Call this to set the list of requirements of your Nimble
## package.
for d in deps: requiresData.add(d)
proc foreignDep*(deps: varargs[string]) =
## Call this to set the list of external dependencies of your Nimble
## package.
for d in deps: foreignDeps.add(d)
proc getParams() =
# Called by nimscriptwrapper.nim:execNimscript()
# nim e --flags /full/path/to/file.nims /full/path/to/file.out action
for i in 2 .. paramCount():
param = paramStr(i)
if param[0] != '-':
if projectFile.len == 0:
projectFile = param
elif outFile.len == 0:
outFile = param
commandLineParams.add param.normalize
proc getCommand*(): string =
return command
proc setCommand*(cmd: string, prj = "") =
command = cmd
if prj.len != 0:
project = prj
proc switch*(key: string, value="") =
if flags.isNil:
flags = newTable[string, seq[string]]()
if flags.hasKey(key):
flags[key] = @[value]
template `--`*(key, val: untyped) =
switch(astToStr(key), strip astToStr(val))
template `--`*(key: untyped) =
switch(astToStr(key), "")
template printIfLen(varName) =
if varName.len != 0:
result &= astToStr(varName) & ": \"\"\"" & varName & "\"\"\"\n"
template printSeqIfLen(varName) =
if varName.len != 0:
result &= astToStr(varName) & ": \"" & varName.join(", ") & "\"\n"
proc printPkgInfo(): string =
if backend.len == 0:
backend = "c"
result = "[Package]\n"
if packageName.len != 0:
result &= "name: \"" & packageName & "\"\n"
printIfLen version
printIfLen author
printIfLen description
printIfLen license
printIfLen srcdir
printIfLen binDir
printIfLen backend
printSeqIfLen skipDirs
printSeqIfLen skipFiles
printSeqIfLen skipExt
printSeqIfLen installDirs
printSeqIfLen installFiles
printSeqIfLen installExt
printSeqIfLen bin
printSeqIfLen beforeHooks
printSeqIfLen afterHooks
if requiresData.len != 0 or foreignDeps.len != 0:
result &= "\n[Deps]\n"
if requiresData.len != 0:
result &= &"requires: \"{requiresData.join(\", \")}\"\n"
if foreignDeps.len != 0:
result &= &"foreignDeps: \"{foreignDeps.join(\", \")}\"\n"
proc onExit*() =
if "printPkgInfo".normalize in commandLineParams:
if outFile.len != 0:
writeFile(outFile, printPkgInfo())
output = ""
output &= "\"success\": " & $success & ", "
output &= "\"command\": \"" & command & "\", "
if project.len != 0:
output &= "\"project\": \"" & project & "\", "
if not flags.isNil and flags.len != 0:
output &= "\"flags\": {"
for key, val in flags.pairs:
output &= "\"" & key & "\": ["
for v in val:
let v = if v.len > 0 and v[0] == '"': strutils.unescape(v)
else: v
output &= v.escape & ", "
output = output[0 .. ^3] & "], "
output = output[0 .. ^3] & "}, "
output &= "\"retVal\": " & $retVal
if outFile.len != 0:
writeFile(outFile, "{" & output & "}")
# TODO: New release of Nim will move this `task` template under a
# `when not defined(nimble)`. This will allow us to override it in the future.
template task*(name: untyped; description: string; body: untyped): untyped =
## Defines a task. Hidden tasks are supported via an empty description.
## Example:
## .. code-block:: nim
## task build, "default build is via the C backend":
## setCommand "c"
proc `name Task`*() = body
if commandLineParams.len == 0 or "help" in commandLineParams:
success = true
echo(astToStr(name), " ", description)
elif astToStr(name).normalize in commandLineParams:
success = true
`name Task`()
template before*(action: untyped, body: untyped): untyped =
## Defines a block of code which is evaluated before ``action`` is executed.
proc `action Before`*(): bool =
result = true
beforeHooks.add astToStr(action)
if (astToStr(action) & "Before").normalize in commandLineParams:
success = true
retVal = `action Before`()
template after*(action: untyped, body: untyped): untyped =
## Defines a block of code which is evaluated after ``action`` is executed.
proc `action After`*(): bool =
result = true
afterHooks.add astToStr(action)
if (astToStr(action) & "After").normalize in commandLineParams:
success = true
retVal = `action After`()
proc getPkgDir*(): string =
## Returns the package directory containing the .nimble file currently
## being evaluated.
result = projectFile.rsplit(seps={'/', '\\', ':'}, maxsplit=1)[0]