20 21 ! 22 " 23 # 24 $ 25 % 26 & 27 ' 28 ( 29 ) 2a * 2b + 2c , 2d - 2e . 2f / 30 0 31 1 32 2 33 3 34 4 35 5 36 6 37 7 38 8 39 9 3a : 3b ; 3c < 3d = 3e > 3f ? 40 @ 41 A 42 B 43 C 44 D 45 E 46 F 47 G 48 H 49 I 4a J 4b K 4c L 4d M 4e N 4f O 50 P 51 Q 52 R 53 S 54 T 55 U 56 V 57 W 58 X 59 Y 5a Z 5b [ 5c \ 5d ] 5e ^ 5f _ 60 ` 61 a 62 b 63 c 64 d 65 e 66 f 67 g 68 h 69 i 6a j 6b k 6c l 6d m 6e n 6f o 70 p 71 q 72 r 73 s 74 t 75 u 76 v 77 w 78 x 79 y 7a z 7b { 7c | 7d } 7e ~ 7f  a possibility for the new development eine möglichkeit für die neue entwicklung Is it not obvious that there are always enough moral problems without also taking a moral stand on technological grounds? [...] Print is the extreme phase of alphabet culture that detribalizes or decollectivizes man in the first instance. Print raises the visual features of alphabet to highest intensity of definition. Thus print carries the individuating power of the phonetic alphabet much further than manuscript culture could ever do. Print is the technology of individualism. If men decided to modify this visual technology by an electric technology, individualism would also be modified. To raise a moral complaint about this is like cussing a buzz-saw for lopping off fingers. "But", someone says, "we didn't know it would happen." Yet even witlessness is not a moral issue. It is a problem, but not a moral problem; and it would be nice to clear away some of the moral fogs that surround our technologies. It would be good for morality Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy