# Mesh line-of-sight estimations This repository contains data for rough line-of-sight analysis of radio sites. To analyze a site, create a '*.qth' file and run the `tup` utility in the repo. The current analysis parameters are very rough guesses and over-estimates, please consult the documentation of SPLAT! before tweaking them. ## Dependecies * [Tup](https://gittup.org/tup) * [SPLAT!](https://www.qsl.net/kd2bd/splat.html) * [GraphicsMagick](http://www.graphicsmagick.org/) ## TODO - Use recent LIDAR [data](http://www.geotree.uni.edu/en/extension/iowa-lidar-mapping-project/) for topography rather than the 30-meter resolution [SRTM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shuttle_Radar_Topography_Mission) data. ## Example ![](./forest-view.png)