Fork 0

122 lines
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
{ self }:
{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
options.genodeGuests = with lib;
with lib.types;
genodeOpts = { ... }: {
options = {
name = mkOption {
example = "webserver";
type = str;
description = "Name of the Genode subsystem.";
config = mkOption {
type = oneOf [ str path ];
example = ''
let Genode = env:DHALL_GENODE
in Genode.Init::{=}
description = ''
Configuration of the Genode subsystem in Dhall.
The type of the expression must be <literal>Genode.Init.Type<literal>,
where the <literal>Genode<literal> is library available at
rom = mkOption {
default = pkgs: { };
description = ''
Function taking a package set and returning an attrset of name to store
path mappings. Note that this set is the Nixpkgs collection, the native
Genode packages are found within this set at "genodePackages".
example = literalExample ''
pkgs: {
nic_drv = "${pkgs.genodePackages.linux_nic_drv}/bin/linux_nic_drv";
nics = mkOption {
type = with types; listOf str;
default = [ ];
example = [ "tap0" "tap1" ];
description = ''
TAP interfaces to pass from NixOS into the Genode guest.
in mkOption {
type = loaOf (submodule genodeOpts);
default = { };
example = {
foobar = {
config = "";
rom = pkgs: { };
description = "Configurations of Genode subsystems.";
config = let
crossSystem = config.nixpkgs.localSystem.system + "-"
+ pkgs.targetPlatform.platform.kernelArch + "-genode";
crossPkgs = builtins.trace crossSystem self.legacyPackages.${crossSystem};
in {
systemd.services = let
inherit (crossPkgs.genodePackages) base-linux;
toService = name: cfg: {
description = "Genode subsystem";
after = [ "network.target" ];
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
preStart = let
config' =
self.lib.${crossSystem}.runDhallCommand "${name}.config" { } ''
set -e
exec ${self.apps.${crossSystem}.render-init.program} > $out << EOF
{ guest = ${cfg.config}
, nics = [ "${builtins.concatStringsSep ''", "'' cfg.nics}" ]
rom' = with crossPkgs.genodePackages;
init = "${init}/init";
"ld.lib.so" = "${base-linux}/lib/ld.lib.so";
timer_drv = "${base-linux}/timer_drv";
config = config';
linux_nic_drv = "${
crossPkgs.genodeSources.depot "linux_nic_drv"
} // (cfg.rom crossPkgs);
in builtins.concatStringsSep "\n"
(lib.mapAttrsToList (name: value: "ln -sv ${value} ${name}") rom');
serviceConfig = {
DynamicUser = true;
RuntimeDirectory = "genode/" + name;
WorkingDirectory = "/run/genode/" + name;
ExecStart = "${base-linux}/core-linux";
in lib.mapAttrs toService config.genodeGuests;