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diff --git a/ELF/Driver.cpp b/ELF/Driver.cpp
index bce9d944a..cf42193f9 100644
--- a/ELF/Driver.cpp
+++ b/ELF/Driver.cpp
@@ -235,12 +235,8 @@ void LinkerDriver::addFile(StringRef Path, bool WithLOption) {
// file has a DT_SONAME or not because we haven't parsed it yet.
// Here, we set the default soname for the file because we might
// need it later.
- //
- // If a file was specified by -lfoo, the directory part is not
- // significant, as a user did not specify it. This behavior is
- // compatible with GNU.
- createSharedFile(MBRef, WithLOption ? path::filename(Path) : Path));
+ createSharedFile(MBRef, Path));
case file_magic::bitcode:
case file_magic::elf_relocatable:
diff --git a/ELF/DriverUtils.cpp b/ELF/DriverUtils.cpp
index e51d02e38..259ea8053 100644
--- a/ELF/DriverUtils.cpp
+++ b/ELF/DriverUtils.cpp
@@ -194,14 +194,16 @@ std::string elf::createResponseFile(const opt::InputArgList &Args) {
// Find a file by concatenating given paths. If a resulting path
// starts with "=", the character is replaced with a --sysroot value.
static Optional<std::string> findFile(StringRef Path1, const Twine &Path2) {
- SmallString<128> S;
+ SmallString<256> S;
if (Path1.startswith("="))
path::append(S, Config->Sysroot, Path1.substr(1), Path2);
path::append(S, Path1, Path2);
- if (fs::exists(S))
- return S.str().str();
+ SmallString<256> RealPath;
+ fs::real_path(S, RealPath);
+ if (fs::exists(RealPath))
+ return RealPath.str().str();
return None;
@@ -220,8 +222,19 @@ Optional<std::string> elf::searchLibrary(StringRef Name) {
for (StringRef Dir : Config->SearchPaths) {
if (!Config->Static)
- if (Optional<std::string> S = findFile(Dir, "lib" + Name + ".so"))
- return S;
+ if (Name.size() == 1) {
+ if (Optional<std::string> S = findFile(Dir, "lib" + Name + ".lib.so"))
+ return S;
+ if (Optional<std::string> S = findFile(Dir, "lib" + Name + ".so"))
+ return S;
+ } else {
+ if (Optional<std::string> S = findFile(Dir, Name + ".lib.so"))
+ return S;
+ if (Optional<std::string> S = findFile(Dir, "lib" + Name + ".so"))
+ return S;
+ }
+ if (Optional<std::string> S = findFile(Dir, Name + ".lib.a"))
+ return S;
if (Optional<std::string> S = findFile(Dir, "lib" + Name + ".a"))
return S;