Emery Hemingway db7d458b5e Add package manifests at testing site
The manifests can be generated at late as possible. Also, in the future
a list of binaries in use by an init expression can be extracted and
selected from a list of input packages.
2020-03-31 23:10:32 +05:30

172 lines
5.3 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
{ system, apps, testPkgs, hostPkgs, lib, depot, addManifest }:
testDriver = with hostPkgs;
stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "hw-genode-test-driver";
preferLocalBuild = true;
buildInputs = [ makeWrapper expect ];
dontUnpack = true;
installPhase = ''
install -Dm555 ${./hw-test-driver.exp} $out/bin/genode-test-driver
wrapProgram $out/bin/genode-test-driver \
--prefix PATH : "${lib.makeBinPath [ expect coreutils ]}"
runTests = driver:
hostPkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "hw-" + driver.testName;
preferLocalBuild = true;
buildCommand = ''
mkdir -p $out/nix-support
${driver}/bin/genode-test-driver | tee $out/log
touch $out/nix-support
echo "report testlog $out log" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
defaultScript =
''run_genode_until {[init] child "harness" exited with exit value 0} 60'';
mkTest = { name ? "unamed", testScript ? defaultScript, testConfig
, testInputs ? [ ], testEnv ? { }, qemuArgs ? [ ], ... }@t:
manifest = lib.mergeManifests (map addManifest (with testPkgs;
[ base-hw-pc (genodeSources.make "init") sotest-producer ]
++ testInputs));
testConfig' = "${./test-wrapper.dhall} ${testConfig} (toMap ${manifest})";
testEnv' = {
DHALL_GENODE = "${testPkgs.dhallGenode}/source.dhall";
XDG_CACHE_HOME = "/tmp";
} // testEnv;
image = apps.hw-image.function testEnv' testConfig';
baseSetup = ''
# Wait for a specific output of a already running spawned proce
proc wait_for_output { wait_for_re timeout_value running_spawn_id } {
global output
if {$wait_for_re == "forever"} {
set timeout -1
interact {
\003 {
send_user "Expect: 'interact' received 'strg+c' and was cancelled\n";
-i $running_spawn_id
} else {
set timeout $timeout_value
expect {
-i $running_spawn_id -re $wait_for_re { }
eof { puts stderr "Error: Spawned process died unexpectedly"; exit -1 }
timeout { puts stderr "Error: Test execution timed out"; exit -1 }
set output $expect_out(buffer)
proc run_genode_until {{wait_for_re forever} {timeout_value 0} {running_spawn_id -1}} {
# If a running_spawn_id is specified, wait for the expected output
if {$running_spawn_id != -1} {
wait_for_output $wait_for_re $timeout_value $running_spawn_id
global env
global spawn_id
set TEST_MIB [expr (([file size ${image}] + $env(TEST_RAM)) >> 20) + 24]
spawn ${hostPkgs.qemu_test}/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 \
-machine q35 -serial mon:stdio -nographic \
-m size=$TEST_MIB \
-kernel "${testPkgs.bender}" \
-initrd "${image}" \
${toString qemuArgs}
wait_for_output $wait_for_re $timeout_value $spawn_id
# TODO: not in TCL
global env
set out $env(out)
driver = with hostPkgs;
buildPackages.runCommand "genode-test-driver-${name}" ({
buildInputs = [ makeWrapper expect ];
inherit baseSetup testScript;
preferLocalBuild = true;
testName = name;
} // testEnv') ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
echo "$testScript" > $out/test-script
echo "$baseSetup" > $out/base-setup
eval $(${apps.dhall-to-bash.program} --declare "TEST_RAM" \
<<< "${./boot-ram.dhall} (${testConfig'})")
ln -s ${testDriver}/bin/genode-test-driver $out/bin/
wrapProgram $out/bin/genode-test-driver \
--set testScript "$testScript" \
--set baseSetup "$baseSetup" \
passMeta = drv:
// lib.optionalAttrs (t ? meta) { meta = (drv.meta or { }) // t.meta; };
test = passMeta (runTests driver);
in test // {
inherit driver image test manifest;
config = hostPkgs.runCommand (name + ".dhall") testEnv' ''
${apps.dhall.program} <<< "${testConfig'}" > $out
iso = apps.hw-iso.function testEnv' testConfig';
xml = hostPkgs.runCommand (name + ".config") testEnv'
''${apps.render-init.program} <<< "(${testConfig'}).config" > $out'';
sotest = hostPkgs.runCommand "hw-${name}-sotest" testEnv' ''
cp "${testPkgs.bender}" bender
cp ${image} image.elf
mkdir -p $out/nix-support
${hostPkgs.zip}/bin/zip "$out/binaries.zip" \
bender image.elf
${apps.dhall-to-yaml.program} < ${
} > "$out/sotest_config.yaml"
echo file zip $out/binaries.zip >> "$out/nix-support/hydra-build-products"
echo file config $out/sotest_config.yaml >> "$out/nix-support/hydra-build-products"
in {
callTest = path: args:
(import path ({
testEnv = {
inherit mkTest lib;
isLinux = false;
isNova = true;
pkgs = testPkgs;
inherit depot hostPkgs;
} // args));