# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 { pkgs, localPackages, ... }: { name = "vmm_arm"; constraints = specs: with builtins; all (f: any f specs) [ (spec: spec == "aarch64") ]; machine = { config = with localPackages; let dtb = runCommand "arm_v8.vmm.db" { buildInputs = [ dtc ]; } "dtc ${pkgs.genodeSources}/repos/os/src/server/vmm/spec/arm_v8/virt.dts > $out"; linux = fetchurl { url = "http://genode.org/files/release-20.02/linux-arm64"; hash = "sha256-H6FhNGgkApouy+PyjxrgAPnJSc4BIlWlpg+VhWiUI6o="; }; initrd = fetchurl { url = "http://genode.org/files/release-20.02/initrd-arm64"; hash = "sha256-iOKd2X2zgDIGeuLEDSSTLSw/Ywi7mDET36J1NAqgqls="; }; guest = writeText "guest.dhall" '' { dtb = "${dtb}", linux = "${linux}", initrd = "${initrd}" } ''; in "${./vmm_arm.dhall} ${guest}"; inputs = with pkgs; let vmm' = genodeSources.buildUpstream { name = "vmm_arm"; targets = [ "server/vmm" ]; KERNEL = "hw"; }; in [ vmm' ] ++ map genodeSources.depot [ "log_terminal" "nic_router" "terminal_crosslink" ] ++ map genodeSources.make [ "test/terminal_expect_send" ]; }; testScript = '' start_all() machine.wait_until_serial_output("linuxrc") ''; }