# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 { testEnv, pkgs, depot, hostPkgs, ... }: with pkgs; testEnv.mkTest { name = "driver_manager"; meta.maintainers = with pkgs.stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ ehmry ]; testEnv = { drivers = ./../compositions/pc-drivers.dhall; }; testInputs = (with pkgs; [ genodeTests driver_manager ]) ++ (with depot; [ boot_fb_drv intel_fb_drv usb_drv vesa_drv ]); testScript = '' catch { exec dd if=/dev/zero of=hdd_disk.raw bs=1M count=32 } catch { exec ${hostPkgs.e2fsprogs}/bin/mke2fs -F bin/hdd_disk.raw } run_genode_until {.*all expected devices present and accessible.*} 120 ''; testConfig = '' { config = ${./driver_manager.dhall} , rom = ${./driver_manager.rom.dhall} } ''; qemuArgs = [ "-device ahci,id=ahci" "-drive id=hdd,file=hdd_disk.raw,format=raw,if=none" "-device ide-hd,drive=hdd,bus=ahci.1"]; }