# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 { testEnv, pkgs, legacyPackages, ... }: with pkgs; let inherit (legacyPackages) bash coreutils; script = with legacyPackages; writeTextFile { name = "posix.sh"; text = '' export PATH=${ lib.makeSearchPathOutput "bin" "bin" (with legacyPackages; [ bash hello coreutils ]) } set -v time ls -lR /nix sleep 1 hello -v sleep 1 uname -a ''; }; in testEnv.mkTest rec { name = "posix"; testConfig = '' ${ ./posix.dhall } { bash = \"${bash}\", coreutils = \"${coreutils}\", script = \"${script}\" }''; testInputs = map pkgs.genodeSources.depot [ "libc" "posix" "vfs_pipe" "vfs" ] ++ [ bash ]; extraPaths = [ script ] ++ (with legacyPackages; [ coreutils hello ]); meta.maintainers = with pkgs.stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ ehmry ]; }