# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Emery Hemingway # # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Hippocratic-1.1 let nativeOverlay = self: super: # Overlay of locally defined packages with self; { depot = callPackage ./depot { }; dhallPackages = super.dhallPackages // (callPackage ./dhall { }); genode = (callPackage ./upstream { } // { libc = callPackage ./pkgs/libc { }; nic_bus = callPackage ./pkgs/nic_bus { }; }); nova = callPackage ./NOVA { }; solo5 = callPackage ./pkgs/solo5 { }; }; toolchainOverlay = import ./toolchain-overlay; # Overlay of toolchain patches in { nixpkgs ? ../nixpkgs, nim-overlay ? , extraOverlays ? [] }: import nixpkgs { # Evaluate an overlayed Nixpkgs for a Genode target config.allowUnsupportedSystem = true; crossSystem = { isx86_64 = true; isGenode = true; imports = [ ./platform.nix ]; }; overlays = [ toolchainOverlay nativeOverlay (import nim-overlay) ] ++ extraOverlays; }