# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Emery Hemingway # # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Hippocratic-1.1 { testPkgs, hostPkgs, lib, depot }: let testDriver = with hostPkgs; stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "genode-test-driver"; preferLocalBuild = true; buildInputs = [ makeWrapper expect ]; dontUnpack = true; installPhase = '' install -Dm555 ${./test-driver.exp} $out/bin/genode-test-driver wrapProgram $out/bin/genode-test-driver \ --prefix PATH : "${lib.makeBinPath [ expect coreutils ]}" ''; }; runTests = driver: hostPkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "linux-"+driver.testName; preferLocalBuild = true; buildCommand = '' mkdir -p $out/nix-support ${driver}/bin/genode-test-driver | tee $out/log touch $out/nix-support echo "report testlog $out log" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products ''; }; mkTest = { name ? "unamed", testScript, testConfig, bootModules, ... }@t: with testPkgs; let bootModules' = { inherit testConfig; config = ./driver-config.xml; core = "${base-linux}/bin/core-linux"; init = "${os}/bin/init"; "ld.lib.so" = "${depot.base-linux}/lib/ld.lib.so"; timer = "${base-linux}/bin/linux_timer_drv"; } // bootModules; baseSetup = with builtins; lib.concatStrings (map (name: '' file link -s ${name} ${getAttr name bootModules'} '') (attrNames bootModules')) + '' source ${./common-test-driver.exp} ''; driver = with hostPkgs; runCommand "genode-test-driver-${name}" { buildInputs = [ makeWrapper expect ]; inherit baseSetup testConfig testScript; preferLocalBuild = true; testName = name; } '' mkdir -p $out/bin echo "$testConfig" > $out/test.config echo "$testScript" > $out/test-script echo "$baseSetup" > $out/base-setup ln -s ${testDriver}/bin/genode-test-driver $out/bin/ wrapProgram $out/bin/genode-test-driver \ --run "export testConfig=\"$testConfig\"" \ --run "export testScript=\"\$(cat $out/test-script)\"" \ --run "export baseSetup=\"\$(cat $out/base-setup)\"" \ ''; passMeta = drv: drv // lib.optionalAttrs (t ? meta) { meta = (drv.meta or { }) // t.meta; }; test = passMeta (runTests driver); in test // { inherit driver test; }; in { callTest = path: args: (import path ({ testEnv = { inherit mkTest lib; isLinux = true; isNova = false; }; pkgs = testPkgs; inherit depot; } // args)); }