From f3071fbbcfb61b9499d832831c4b9fdd223032a1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Emery Hemingway Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2020 23:44:33 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Add all Genode Labs depot packages to target list This is to make it possible to refer to any of the depot packages externally via the flake. Not everything will build, but what should build can be enumerated now. Some packages are missing a required "portInputs" attribute, and in some cases those ports will be missing. --- packages/genodelabs/depot-targets.nix | 258 +++++++++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 212 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/genodelabs/depot-targets.nix b/packages/genodelabs/depot-targets.nix index efe62bf..016b03f 100644 --- a/packages/genodelabs/depot-targets.nix +++ b/packages/genodelabs/depot-targets.nix @@ -18,9 +18,10 @@ let portInputs = [ libc libiconv qemu-usb stdcxx virtualbox5 ]; }; in { - acpi_drv = { }; - + acpica = { }; + ahci_drv = { }; + backdrop.portInputs = with ports; [ libc libpng zlib ]; bash = { enableParallelBuilding = false; nativeBuildInputs = with buildPackages; [ autoconf ]; @@ -30,9 +31,15 @@ in { rm "''${!outputBin}/bin/bashbug" ''; }; - + binutils_x86 = { }; + block_cache = { }; + block_tester = { }; + boot_fb_drv = { }; + bsd_audio_drv = { }; cached_fs_rom.patches = [ ./patches/cached_fs_rom.patch ]; - + chroot = { }; + clipboard = { }; + = { }; coreutils = { enableParallelBuilding = false; portInputs = with ports; [ coreutils libc ]; @@ -40,102 +47,261 @@ in { find depot/genodelabs/bin/ -name '*.tar' -exec tar xf {} -C $out \; ''; }; - + cpu_burner = { }; + cpu_load_display = { }; + curl = { }; + decorator = { }; + demo = { }; + depot_deploy = { }; + depot_download_manager = { }; + depot_query = { }; + driver_manager = { }; + drm = { }; + dummy = { }; + dynamic_rom = { }; + e2fsprogs = { }; + e2fsprogs-minimal = { }; + event_filter.patches = [ ./patches/event_filter.patch ]; + exec_terminal = { }; + expat = { }; + extract = { }; fb_sdl = with buildPackages; { nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig ]; buildInputs = [ SDL ]; HOST_INC_DIR = [ hostLibcInc (includeDir SDL) ]; }; - + fec_nic_drv = { }; + fetchurl = { }; + file_terminal = { }; + findutils = { }; + freetype = { }; + fs_log = { }; + fs_query = { }; + fs_report = { }; + fs_rom = { }; + fs_tool = { }; + fs_utils = { }; + gcc_x86 = { }; + gcov = { }; + global_keys_handler = { }; + gmp = { }; + gnumake = { }; gpt_write.portInputs = [ jitterentropy ]; - + grep = { }; + gui_fader = { }; + gui_fb = { }; + icu = { }; + imx53_qsb_drivers = { }; + imx8_fb_drv = { }; + imx8q_evk_drivers = { }; init.patches = [ ./patches/sandbox.patch ./patches/xml-fail.patch ]; - - event_filter.patches = [ ./patches/event_filter.patch ]; - + input_event_bridge = { }; intel_fb_drv = { BOARD = "pc"; portInputs = [ dde_linux ]; }; - ipxe_nic_drv.portInputs = [ dde_ipxe ]; - + jbig2dec = { }; + jpeg = { }; + lan9118_nic_drv = { }; + libarchive = { }; libc = { buildInputs = [ self.vfs ]; portInputs = [ libc ]; patches = [ ./patches/libc.patch ]; }; - + libcrypto = { }; libiconv.portInputs = [ libc libiconv ]; - + liblzma = { }; + libpng = { }; + libqgenodeviewwidget = { }; + libqpluginwidget = { }; + libsparkcrypto = { }; + libssh = { }; + libssl = { }; + lighttpd = { }; linux_nic_drv.HOST_INC_DIR = [ hostLibcInc ]; - + linux_rtc_drv = { }; + loader = { }; + log_core = { }; + log_terminal = { }; lx_block.HOST_INC_DIR = [ hostLibcInc ]; - + lx_fs = { }; + menu_view = { }; + mesa = { }; + mixer = { }; + mixer_gui_qt = { }; + mpc = { }; + mpfr = { }; + mupdf = { }; + nano3d = { }; + ncurses = { }; nic_bridge = { }; - nic_loopback = { }; - nic_router = { }; - - noux.portInputs = [ libc ]; - + nit_focus = { }; + nitpicker = { }; + nvme_drv = { }; + openjpeg = { }; + part_block = { }; + pbxa9_drivers = { }; + pcre = { }; + pcre16 = { }; + pdf_view = { }; platform_drv.patches = [ ./patches/platform_drv.patch ]; - posix = { buildInputs = [ self.libc ]; portInputs = [ ports.libc ]; }; - + ps2_drv = { }; + qt5_base = { }; + qt5_calculatorform = { }; + qt5_component = { }; + qt5_declarative = { }; + qt5_launchpad = { }; + qt5_openglwindow = { }; + qt5_quickcontrols = { }; + qt5_quickcontrols2 = { }; + qt5_samegame = { }; + qt5_svg = { }; + qt5_testqstring = { }; + qt5_tetrix = { }; + qt5_textedit = { }; + qt5_virtualkeyboard = { }; + qt5_virtualkeyboard_example = { }; report_rom = { }; - + rom_filter = { }; rom_logger = { }; - - rtc_drv.meta.platforms = [ "x86_64-genode" ]; - + rom_reporter = { }; + rom_to_file = { }; + rpi_fb_drv = { }; + rtc_drv = { }; rump = { portInputs = [ dde_rump ]; buildInputs = with buildPackages; [ zlib ]; }; - + sandbox = { }; + sanitizer = { }; + sculpt_manager = { }; + sed = { }; + seoul = { }; sequence = { }; - + spark = { }; + ssh_terminal.portInputs = [ libc libssh ]; stdcxx.portInputs = [ libc stdcxx ]; - - # The following are tests are patched to exit at completion - - "test-log".patches = [ ./patches/test-log.patch ]; - - "test-signal".patches = [ ./patches/test-signal.patch ]; - + stdin2out = { }; + system_rtc = { }; + tar = { }; + tclsh = { }; + terminal = { }; + terminal_crosslink = { }; + terminal_log = { }; + test-block = { }; + test-bomb = { }; + test-clipboard = { }; + test-ds_ownership = { }; + test-dynamic_config = { }; + test-entrypoint = { }; + test-expat = { }; + test-fault_detection = { }; + test-fs_packet = { }; + test-fs_report = { }; + test-immutable_rom = { }; + test-init = { }; + test-init_loop = { }; + test-ldso = { }; + test-libc = { }; + test-libc_connect = { }; + test-libc_counter = { }; + test-libc_execve = { }; + test-libc_fork = { }; + test-libc_getenv = { }; + test-libc_pipe = { }; + test-libc_vfs = { }; + test-libc_vfs_block = { }; + test-log.patches = [ ./patches/test-log.patch ]; + test-magic_ring_buffer = { }; + test-mmio = { }; + test-netty = { }; + test-new_delete = { }; + test-nic_loopback = { }; + test-pthread = { }; + test-qpluginwidget = { }; + test-qt_core = { }; + test-qt_quick = { }; + test-ram_fs_chunk = { }; + test-reconstructible = { }; + test-registry = { }; + test-report_rom = { }; + test-resource_request = { }; + test-resource_yield = { }; + test-rm_fault = { }; + test-rm_nested = { }; + test-rm_stress = { }; + test-rtc = { }; + test-sanitizer = { }; + test-segfault = { }; + test-signal.patches = [ ./patches/test-signal.patch ]; + test-slab = { }; + test-spark = { }; + test-spark_exception = { }; + test-spark_secondary_stack = { }; + test-stack_smash = { }; + test-stdcxx = { }; + test-synced_interface = { }; + test-tcp = { }; + test-terminal_crosslink = { }; + test-tiled_wm = { }; + test-timer = { }; + test-tls = { }; + test-token = { }; + test-trace = { }; + test-trace_logger = { }; + test-utf8 = { }; + test-vfs_stress = { }; + test-weak_ptr = { }; + test-xml_generator = { }; + test-xml_node = { }; + text_area = { }; + themed_decorator = { }; + top = { }; + trace_logger = { }; + trace_policy = { }; + trace_subject_reporter = { }; + usb_block_drv = { }; usb_drv.portInputs = [ dde_linux ]; - + usb_hid_drv = { }; + usb_host_drv = { }; vbox5 = vbox5'; - vbox5-nova = vbox5'; - + verify = { }; vesa_drv.portInputs = [ libc x86emu ]; - vfs.outputs = [ "out" "lib" ]; vfs_audit = { }; vfs_block = { }; + vfs_fatfs = { }; vfs_import.patches = [ ./patches/vfs_import.patch ]; vfs_jitterentropy.portInputs = [ jitterentropy libc ]; - vfs_pipe = { }; - vfs_ttf.portInputs = [ libc stb ]; vfs_lwip = { patches = [ ./patches/lwip.patch ]; portInputs = [ lwip ]; }; vfs_lxip.portInputs = [ dde_linux ]; - + vfs_oss = { }; + vfs_pipe = { }; + vfs_trace = { }; + vfs_ttf.portInputs = [ libc stb ]; + vim = { }; + vim-minimal = { }; virtdev_rom = { }; - virtio_nic_drv = { patches = [ ./patches/virtio_net.patch ]; postInstall = "mv $out/bin/virtio_*_nic $out/bin/$pname"; }; - + which = { }; wifi_drv.portInputs = [ dde_linux libc openssl ]; - + window_layouter = { }; + wm = { }; + zlib = { }; + zynq_nic_drv = { }; }