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Update dhall-haskell, enable tests for Hydra

This commit is contained in:
Ehmry - 2019-10-09 16:51:06 +02:00
parent fbc11b0698
commit ae10abc7f2
8 changed files with 107 additions and 26 deletions

.gitmodules vendored
View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
[submodule "dhall-haskell"]
path = dhall-haskell
url = https://github.com/ehmry/dhall-haskell.git

View File

@ -16,9 +16,7 @@ let
toolchainOverlay = import ./toolchain-overlay;
# Overlay of toolchain patches
nixpkgs' = import ./nixpkgs.nix;
in { nixpkgs ? nixpkgs', dhall-haskell ? ./dhall-haskell.nix }:
in { nixpkgs ? import ./nixpkgs.nix }:
import nixpkgs {
# Evaluate an overlayed Nixpkgs for a Genode target
@ -28,5 +26,5 @@ import nixpkgs {
isGenode = true;
imports = [ ./platform.nix ];
overlays = [ (toolchainOverlay dhall-haskell) pkgOverlay ];
overlays = [ toolchainOverlay pkgOverlay ];

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit 7b36df7725a5ed40ef7bd803bb0d3eabbbbde74a

dhall-haskell.nix Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
let dhall-haskell = import <dhall-haskell>;
in { linux-dhall = dhall-haskell.dhall; }

dhallPinnedNixpkgs.nix Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
fetchNixpkgs =
{ rev # The Git revision of nixpkgs to fetch
, owner ? "NixOS" # Owner of the Github repository
, sha256 # The SHA256 hash of the unpacked archive
, system ? builtins.currentSystem # This is overridable if necessary
if (0 <= builtins.compareVersions builtins.nixVersion "1.12")
# In Nix 1.12, we can just give a `sha256` to `builtins.fetchTarball`.
(builtins.fetchTarball {
url = "https://github.com/${owner}/nixpkgs/archive/${rev}.tar.gz";
inherit sha256;
# This hack should at least work for Nix 1.11
((rec {
tarball = import <nix/fetchurl.nix> {
url = "https://github.com/${owner}/nixpkgs/archive/${rev}.tar.gz";
sha256 = null;
builtin-paths = import <nix/config.nix>;
script = builtins.toFile "nixpkgs-unpacker" ''
"$coreutils/mkdir" "$out"
cd "$out"
"$gzip" --decompress < "$tarball" | "$tar" -x --strip-components=1
nixpkgs = builtins.derivation ({
name = "nixpkgs-${builtins.substring 0 6 rev}";
builder = builtins.storePath builtin-paths.shell;
args = [ script ];
inherit tarball system;
tar = builtins.storePath builtin-paths.tar;
gzip = builtins.storePath builtin-paths.gzip;
coreutils = builtins.storePath builtin-paths.coreutils;
} // (if null == sha256 then
{ }
else {
outputHashMode = "recursive";
outputHashAlgo = "sha256";
outputHash = sha256;
in {
nixpkgs = fetchNixpkgs {
rev = "1d4de0d552ae9aa66a5b8dee5fb0650a4372d148";
sha256 = "0xpqc1fhkvvv5dv1zmas2j1q27mi7j7dgyjcdh82mlgl1q63i660";
nixpkgsStaticLinux = fetchNixpkgs {
owner = "nh2";
rev = "925aac04f4ca58aceb83beef18cb7dae0715421b";
sha256 = "1zr8lscjl2a5cz61f0ibyx55a94v8yyp6sjzjl2gkqjrjbg99abx";

View File

@ -2,16 +2,30 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Hippocratic-1.1
{ genodepkgs ? builtins.fetchGit ./., nixpkgs ? <nixpkgs>
, dhall-haskell ? ./dhall-haskell.nix }:
let dhallPinned = import ./dhallPinnedNixpkgs.nix; in
let pkgs = import ./default.nix { inherit nixpkgs; };
{ genodepkgs ? ./default.nix
, nixpkgs ? import ./nixpkgs.nix
, dhall-haskell ? <dhall-haskell>
, dhallNixpkgs ? dhallPinned.nixpkgs
, dhallNixpkgsStaticLinux ? dhallPinned.nixpkgsStaticLinux
pkgs = import genodepkgs { inherit nixpkgs; };
dhall-haskell' = import (dhall-haskell + "/release.nix") {
nixpkgs = dhallNixpkgs;
nixpkgsStaticLinux = dhallNixpkgsStaticLinux;
in {
build.x86_64 = {
inherit (pkgs) nova stdenv solo5;
genode = removeAttrs pkgs.genode [ "override" "overrideDerivation" ];
# tests.x86_64 = import ./tests { inherit pkgs; };
# Disable tests because of Dhall issues
tests = import ./tests {
inherit nixpkgs;
genodepkgs = pkgs;
dhall-haskell = dhall-haskell';

View File

@ -11,18 +11,24 @@ let
solo5 = call ./solo5.nix { };
solo5-ping = call ./solo5-ping.nix { };
nixpkgs' = import ./../nixpkgs.nix;
in { nixpkgs ? nixpkgs' }:
{ genodepkgs ? import ./../default.nix { }
, nixpkgs ? import ./../nixpkgs.nix
, dhall-haskell
hostPkgs = import nixpkgs { };
testPkgs = import ./.. { inherit nixpkgs; };
hostPkgs = import nixpkgs {
overlays = [ (self: super: { dhall = dhall-haskell.linux-dhall; }) ];
testPkgs = genodepkgs;
lib = hostPkgs.lib // {
renderDhallInit = path: args:
hostPkgs.runCommand "init.xml" {
buildInputs = [ testPkgs.buildPackages.linux-dhall ];
buildInputs = [ hostPkgs.dhall ];
initConfig = path;
initArgs = args;
DHALL_PRELUDE = "${testPkgs.dhallPackages.prelude}/package.dhall";
@ -36,8 +42,10 @@ let
in {
linux = tests
(import ./driver-linux.nix { inherit testPkgs hostPkgs lib; }).callTest;
nova = tests
(import ./driver-nova.nix { inherit testPkgs hostPkgs lib; }).callTest;
x86_64 = {
linux = tests
(import ./driver-linux.nix { inherit testPkgs hostPkgs lib; }).callTest;
nova = tests
(import ./driver-nova.nix { inherit testPkgs hostPkgs lib; }).callTest;

View File

@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Hippocratic-1.1
self: super:
@ -35,8 +33,6 @@ in {
inherit (import dhall-haskell) linux-dhall;
genodeHeaders = self.callPackage ./headers { };
inherit genodelibc;