포크 0

nixos: boot from AHCI

This commit is contained in:
Ehmry - 2020-12-30 21:07:30 +01:00
부모 085ce919d3
커밋 26d4f6b62e
8개의 변경된 파일195개의 추가작업 그리고 350개의 파일을 삭제

파일 보기

@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
{ flake }:
baseModules =
[ ./genode-core.nix ./genode-init.nix ./gui ./hardware.nix ./systemd.nix ];
in {
x86_64 = {
imports = [ baseModules ];
imports = [
nixpkgs = rec {
localSystem = "x86_64-linux";
crossSystem = "x86_64-genode";

파일 보기

@ -98,13 +98,22 @@ in {
storeBackend = mkOption {
type = types.enum [ "tarball" "usb" ]; # "parent"?
type = types.enum [ "ahci" "tarball" "usb" ]; # "parent"?
default = "tarball";
description = ''
Backend for the initial /nix/store file-system.
An EXT2 file-system backed by SATA storage.
@ -188,12 +197,12 @@ in {
genode.core.basePackages =
lib.optional (config.genode.boot.storeBackend == "usb")
lib.optional (config.genode.boot.storeBackend != "tarball")
genode.core.children =
# Component to steer the store_fs to a specific partition
(if config.genode.boot.storeBackend == "usb" then {
(if config.genode.boot.storeBackend != "tarball" then {
part_block.configFile = builtins.toFile "part_block.dhall" ''
let Genode = env:DHALL_GENODE
@ -223,18 +232,25 @@ in {
{ }) // {
store_fs.configFile = let
storeVfsConfig = {
storeVfsConfig = let
rumpExt2 = ''
VFS.vfs [ VFS.leafAttrs "rump" (toMap { fs = "ext2fs", ram="12M" }) ]
in {
ahci = rumpExt2;
tarball = ''
VFS.vfs [ VFS.leafAttrs "tar" (toMap { name = "${config.system.build.tarball.fileName}.tar" }) ]
usb = ''
VFS.vfs [ VFS.leafAttrs "rump" (toMap { fs = "ext2fs", ram="12M" }) ]
usb = rumpExt2;
storeResources = {
storeResources = let
rumpExt2 =
"Init.Resources::{ caps = 256, ram = Genode.units.MiB 16 }";
in {
ahci = rumpExt2;
tarball = "Init.Resources.default";
usb = "Init.Resources::{ caps = 256, ram = Genode.units.MiB 16 }";
usb = rumpExt2;
in builtins.toFile "store_fs.dhall" ''
@ -272,6 +288,7 @@ in {
storeBackendInputs = {
ahci = [ pkgs.genodePackages.rump ];
tarball = [ config.system.build.tarball ];
usb = [ pkgs.genodePackages.rump ];
@ -370,7 +387,7 @@ in {
xmllint --noout $out
system.build.bootDriveImage = let
virtualisation.diskImage = let
espImage = import ./lib/make-esp-fs.nix { inherit config pkgs; };
storeFsImage =
pkgs.callPackage ./lib/make-ext2-fs.nix { inherit config pkgs; };
@ -382,12 +399,15 @@ in {
# virtualisation.useEFIBoot = config.genode.boot.storeBackend == "usb";
virtualisation.qemu.options =
lib.optionals (config.genode.boot.storeBackend == "usb") [
"-bios ${pkgs.buildPackages.OVMF.fd}/FV/OVMF.fd"
"-drive id=usbdisk,file=${config.system.build.bootDriveImage},if=none,readonly"
"-device usb-storage,drive=usbdisk"
let blockCommon = [ "-bios ${pkgs.buildPackages.OVMF.fd}/FV/OVMF.fd" ];
in {
tarball = [ ];
ahci = blockCommon;
usb = blockCommon ++ [
"-drive id=usbdisk,file=${config.system.build.bootDriveImage},if=none,readonly"
"-device usb-storage,drive=usbdisk"

파일 보기

@ -36,6 +36,16 @@ with lib;
hardware.genode = {
ahci.enable = lib.mkEnableOption "AHCI (SATA) block driver";
framebuffer = {
enable = lib.mkEnableOption "framebuffer driver";
driver = mkOption {
type = types.enum [ "boot" "vesa" ];
default = "vesa";
usb = {
enable = lib.mkEnableOption "USB driver";
@ -48,14 +58,6 @@ with lib;
framebuffer = {
enable = lib.mkEnableOption "framebuffer driver";
driver = mkOption {
type = types.enum [ "boot" "vesa" ];
default = "vesa";
@ -92,6 +94,8 @@ with lib;
hardware.genode.ahci.enable = config.genode.boot.storeBackend == "ahci";
hardware.genode.usb.storage.enable = config.genode.boot.storeBackend
== "usb";
@ -115,31 +119,43 @@ with lib;
'') (builtins.attrNames config.networking.interfaces)
++ lib.optional config.hardware.genode.framebuffer.enable
(builtins.toFile ("framebuffer.platform-policy.dhall") ''
let Genode = env:DHALL_GENODE
++ (lib.optional config.hardware.genode.ahci.enable
(builtins.toFile ("ahci.platform-policy.dhall") ''
let Genode = env:DHALL_GENODE
in Genode.Init.Config.Policy::{
, service = "Platform"
, label = Genode.Init.LabelSelector.prefix "fb_drv"
, content =
[ Genode.Prelude.XML.leaf
{ name = "pci", attributes = toMap { class = "VGA" } }
'') ++ lib.optional config.hardware.genode.usb.enable
(builtins.toFile ("usb.platform-policy.dhall") ''
let Genode = env:DHALL_GENODE
in Genode.Init.Config.Policy::{
, service = "Platform"
, label = Genode.Init.LabelSelector.prefix "ahci_drv"
, content =
[ Genode.Prelude.XML.leaf
{ name = "pci", attributes = toMap { class = "AHCI" } }
'')) ++ (lib.optional config.hardware.genode.framebuffer.enable
(builtins.toFile ("framebuffer.platform-policy.dhall") ''
let Genode = env:DHALL_GENODE
in Genode.Init.Config.Policy::{
, service = "Platform"
, label = Genode.Init.LabelSelector.prefix "usb_drv"
, content =
[ Genode.Prelude.XML.leaf
{ name = "pci", attributes = toMap { class = "USB" } }
in Genode.Init.Config.Policy::{
, service = "Platform"
, label = Genode.Init.LabelSelector.prefix "fb_drv"
, content =
[ Genode.Prelude.XML.leaf
{ name = "pci", attributes = toMap { class = "VGA" } }
'')) ++ (lib.optional config.hardware.genode.usb.enable
(builtins.toFile ("usb.platform-policy.dhall") ''
let Genode = env:DHALL_GENODE
in Genode.Init.Config.Policy::{
, service = "Platform"
, label = Genode.Init.LabelSelector.prefix "usb_drv"
, content =
[ Genode.Prelude.XML.leaf
{ name = "pci", attributes = toMap { class = "USB" } }
genode.init.children = let
@ -280,6 +296,40 @@ with lib;
in lib.filterAttrs (n: v: v != null) (nics // sockets);
genode.core.children.ahci_drv = {
inputs = [ pkgs.genodePackages.ahci_drv ];
configFile = pkgs.writeText "ahci_drv.dhall" ''
let Genode = env:DHALL_GENODE
let Init = Genode.Init
in Init.Child.flat
, binary = "ahci_drv"
, resources = Init.Resources::{
, caps = 400
, ram = Genode.units.MiB 10
, constrainPhys = True
, romReports = [ { local = "ports", route = "ahci_ports" } ]
, routes =
[ Init.ServiceRoute.parent "IRQ"
, Init.ServiceRoute.parent "IO_MEM"
, Init.ServiceRoute.parent "IO_PORT"
, config = Init.Config::{
, policies =
[ Init.Config.Policy::{
, service = "Block"
, label = Init.LabelSelector.prefix "part_block"
, attributes = toMap { device = "0", writeable = "yes" }
genode.core.children.acpi_drv = {
inputs = [ pkgs.genodePackages.acpi_drv ];
configFile = pkgs.writeText "acpi_drv.dhall" ''
@ -452,6 +502,8 @@ with lib;
virtualisation.useBootLoader = config.genode.boot.storeBackend != "tarball";
virtualisation.qemu.options = lib.optional config.hardware.genode.usb.enable
(lib.optional (pkgs.stdenv.isi686 || pkgs.stdenv.isx86_64) "-usb"
++ lib.optional (pkgs.stdenv.isAarch32 || pkgs.stdenv.isAarch64)

파일 보기

@ -64,6 +64,6 @@ pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
start=$espSectorOffset, type=$efiUuid
qemu-img convert $img $out
qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 $img $out

파일 보기

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ in {
genode.boot.storePaths =
lib.optional (config.genode.boot.storeBackend == "usb") bootDir;
lib.optional (config.genode.boot.storeBackend != "tarball") bootDir;
virtualisation.qemu.options =
lib.optionals (!config.virtualisation.useBootLoader) [
@ -39,6 +39,12 @@ in {
"-initrd '${pkgs.genodePackages.NOVA}/hypervisor-x86_64 arg=iommu logmem novpid serial,${config.genode.boot.image}/image.elf'"
virtualisation.qemu.kernel = "${pkgs.genodePackages.bender}/share/bender/bender";
virtualisation.qemu.initrd = "${pkgs.genodePackages.NOVA}/hypervisor-x86_64";
virtualisation.qemu.cmdline = "arg=iommu logmem novpid serial,${config.genode.boot.image}/image.elf";
boot.loader.grub.extraEntries = ''
menuentry 'Genode on NOVA' {
insmod multiboot2

파일 보기

@ -11,77 +11,6 @@ let
consoles = lib.concatMapStringsSep " " (c: "console=${c}") cfg.qemu.consoles;
driveOpts = { ... }: {
options = {
file = mkOption {
type = types.str;
description = "The file image used for this drive.";
driveExtraOpts = mkOption {
type = types.attrsOf types.str;
default = { };
description = "Extra options passed to drive flag.";
deviceExtraOpts = mkOption {
type = types.attrsOf types.str;
default = { };
description = "Extra options passed to device flag.";
name = mkOption {
type = types.nullOr types.str;
default = null;
description =
"A name for the drive. Must be unique in the drives list. Not passed to qemu.";
driveCmdline = idx:
{ file, driveExtraOpts, deviceExtraOpts, ... }:
drvId = "drive${toString idx}";
mkKeyValue = generators.mkKeyValueDefault { } "=";
mkOpts = opts: concatStringsSep "," (mapAttrsToList mkKeyValue opts);
driveOpts = mkOpts (driveExtraOpts // {
index = idx;
id = drvId;
"if" = "none";
inherit file;
deviceOpts = mkOpts (deviceExtraOpts // { drive = drvId; });
device = if cfg.qemu.diskInterface == "scsi" then
"-device lsi53c895a -device scsi-hd,${deviceOpts}"
"-device virtio-blk-pci,${deviceOpts}";
in "-drive ${driveOpts} ${device}";
drivesCmdLine = drives: concatStringsSep " " (imap1 driveCmdline drives);
# Creates a device name from a 1-based a numerical index, e.g.
# * `driveDeviceName 1` -> `/dev/vda`
# * `driveDeviceName 2` -> `/dev/vdb`
driveDeviceName = idx:
let letter = elemAt lowerChars (idx - 1);
in if cfg.qemu.diskInterface == "scsi" then
lookupDriveDeviceName = driveName: driveList:
(findSingle (drive: drive.name == driveName)
(throw "Drive ${driveName} not found")
(throw "Multiple drives named ${driveName}") driveList).device;
addDeviceNames =
imap1 (idx: drive: drive // { device = driveDeviceName idx; });
efiPrefix = if (pkgs.stdenv.isi686 || pkgs.stdenv.isx86_64) then
else if pkgs.stdenv.isAarch64 then
@ -97,6 +26,11 @@ let
NIX_DISK_IMAGE=$(readlink -f ''${NIX_DISK_IMAGE:-${config.virtualisation.diskImage}})
if ! test -w "$NIX_DISK_IMAGE"; then
${qemu}/bin/qemu-img create -f qcow2 -b $NIX_DISK_IMAGE $TMPDIR/disk.img || exit 1
if ! test -e "$NIX_DISK_IMAGE"; then
${qemu}/bin/qemu-img create -f qcow2 "$NIX_DISK_IMAGE" \
${toString config.virtualisation.diskSize}M || exit 1
@ -107,131 +41,19 @@ let
TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d nix-vm.XXXXXXXXXX --tmpdir)
# Create a directory for exchanging data with the VM.
mkdir -p $TMPDIR/xchg
${if cfg.useBootLoader then ''
# Create a writable copy/snapshot of the boot disk.
# A writable boot disk can be booted from automatically.
${qemu}/bin/qemu-img create -f qcow2 -b ${bootDisk}/disk.img $TMPDIR/disk.img || exit 1
NIX_EFI_VARS=$(readlink -f ''${NIX_EFI_VARS:-${cfg.efiVars}})
${if cfg.useEFIBoot then ''
# VM needs writable EFI vars
if ! test -e "$NIX_EFI_VARS"; then
cp ${bootDisk}/efi-vars.fd "$NIX_EFI_VARS" || exit 1
chmod 0644 "$NIX_EFI_VARS" || exit 1
'' else
'' else
${flip concatMapStrings cfg.emptyDiskImages (size: ''
if ! test -e "empty$idx.qcow2"; then
${qemu}/bin/qemu-img create -f qcow2 "empty$idx.qcow2" "${
toString size
idx=$((idx + 1))
# Start QEMU.
set -v
exec ${qemuBinary qemu} \
-name ${config.system.name} \
-m ${toString config.virtualisation.memorySize} \
-smp ${toString config.virtualisation.cores} \
-device virtio-rng-pci \
${concatStringsSep " " config.virtualisation.qemu.networkingOptions} \
-virtfs local,path=/nix/store,security_model=none,mount_tag=store \
-virtfs local,path=$TMPDIR/xchg,security_model=none,mount_tag=xchg \
-virtfs local,path=''${SHARED_DIR:-$TMPDIR/xchg},security_model=none,mount_tag=shared \
${drivesCmdLine config.virtualisation.qemu.drives} \
${toString config.virtualisation.qemu.options} \
regInfo =
pkgs.closureInfo { rootPaths = config.virtualisation.pathsInNixDB; };
# Generate a hard disk image containing a /boot partition and GRUB
# in the MBR. Used when the `useBootLoader' option is set.
# Uses `runInLinuxVM` to create the image in a throwaway VM.
# See note [Disk layout with `useBootLoader`].
# FIXME: use nixos/lib/make-disk-image.nix.
bootDisk = pkgs.vmTools.runInLinuxVM (pkgs.runCommand "nixos-boot-disk" {
preVM = ''
mkdir $out
${qemu}/bin/qemu-img create -f qcow2 $diskImage "60M"
${if cfg.useEFIBoot then ''
cp ${efiVarsDefault} $efiVars
chmod 0644 $efiVars
'' else
buildInputs = [ pkgs.utillinux ];
QEMU_OPTS = "-nographic -serial stdio -monitor none"
+ lib.optionalString cfg.useEFIBoot
(" -drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=0,readonly=on,file=${efiFirmware}"
+ " -drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=1,file=$efiVars");
} ''
# Create a /boot EFI partition with 60M and arbitrary but fixed GUIDs for reproducibility
${pkgs.gptfdisk}/bin/sgdisk \
--set-alignment=1 --new=1:34:2047 --change-name=1:BIOSBootPartition --typecode=1:ef02 \
--set-alignment=512 --largest-new=2 --change-name=2:EFISystem --typecode=2:ef00 \
--attributes=1:set:1 \
--attributes=2:set:2 \
--disk-guid=97FD5997-D90B-4AA3-8D16-C1723AEA73C1 \
--partition-guid=1:1C06F03B-704E-4657-B9CD-681A087A2FDC \
--partition-guid=2:970C694F-AFD0-4B99-B750-CDB7A329AB6F \
--hybrid 2 \
--recompute-chs /dev/vda
${optionalString (config.boot.loader.grub.device != "/dev/vda")
# In this throwaway VM, we only have the /dev/vda disk, but the
# actual VM described by `config` (used by `switch-to-configuration`
# below) may set `boot.loader.grub.device` to a different device
# that's nonexistent in the throwaway VM.
# Create a symlink for that device, so that the `grub-install`
# by `switch-to-configuration` will hit /dev/vda anyway.
ln -s /dev/vda ${config.boot.loader.grub.device}
${pkgs.dosfstools}/bin/mkfs.fat -F16 /dev/vda2
${pkgs.mtools}/bin/mlabel -i /dev/vda2 ::boot
mkdir /boot
mount /dev/vda2 /boot
${optionalString config.boot.loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables ''
mount -t efivarfs efivarfs /sys/firmware/efi/efivars
# This is needed for GRUB 0.97, which doesn't know about virtio devices.
mkdir /boot/grub
echo '(hd0) /dev/vda' > /boot/grub/device.map
# This is needed for systemd-boot to find ESP, and udev is not available here to create this
mkdir -p /dev/block
ln -s /dev/vda2 /dev/block/254:2
# Install bootloader
touch /etc/NIXOS
${config.system.build.toplevel}/bin/switch-to-configuration boot
umount /boot
'' # */
in {
options = {
@ -258,14 +80,6 @@ in {
virtualisation.bootDevice = mkOption {
type = types.str;
example = "/dev/vda";
description = ''
The disk to be used for the root filesystem.
virtualisation.emptyDiskImages = mkOption {
default = [ ];
type = types.listOf types.int;
@ -384,26 +198,28 @@ in {
drives = mkOption {
type = types.listOf (types.submodule driveOpts);
description = "Drives passed to qemu.";
apply = addDeviceNames;
diskInterface = mkOption {
default = "virtio";
example = "scsi";
type = types.enum [ "virtio" "scsi" "ide" ];
default = "ahci";
example = "usb";
type = types.enum [ "ahci" "usb" "virtio" ];
description = "The interface used for the virtual hard disks.";
guestAgent.enable = mkOption {
default = true;
type = types.bool;
description = ''
Enable the Qemu guest agent.
kernel = mkOption {
type = types.path;
description = "Guest kernel.";
initrd = mkOption {
type = types.path;
description = "Guest initrd.";
cmdline = mkOption {
type = types.str;
description = "Command line options to pass to guest.";
virtualisation.useBootLoader = mkOption {
@ -449,73 +265,8 @@ in {
config = {
# Note [Disk layout with `useBootLoader`]
# If `useBootLoader = true`, we configure 2 drives:
# `/dev/?da` for the root disk, and `/dev/?db` for the boot disk
# which has the `/boot` partition and the boot loader.
# Concretely:
# * The second drive's image `disk.img` is created in `bootDisk = ...`
# using a throwaway VM. Note that there the disk is always `/dev/vda`,
# even though in the final VM it will be at `/dev/*b`.
# * The disks are attached in `virtualisation.qemu.drives`.
# Their order makes them appear as devices `a`, `b`, etc.
# * `fileSystems."/boot"` is adjusted to be on device `b`.
# If `useBootLoader`, GRUB goes to the second disk, see
# note [Disk layout with `useBootLoader`].
boot.loader.grub.device = mkVMOverride (if cfg.useBootLoader then
driveDeviceName 2 # second disk
boot.initrd.extraUtilsCommands = ''
# We need mke2fs in the initrd.
copy_bin_and_libs ${pkgs.e2fsprogs}/bin/mke2fs
boot.initrd.postDeviceCommands = ''
# If the disk image appears to be empty, run mke2fs to
# initialise.
FSTYPE=$(blkid -o value -s TYPE ${cfg.bootDevice} || true)
if test -z "$FSTYPE"; then
mke2fs -t ext4 ${cfg.bootDevice}
boot.initrd.postMountCommands = ''
# Mark this as a NixOS machine.
mkdir -p $targetRoot/etc
echo -n > $targetRoot/etc/NIXOS
# Fix the permissions on /tmp.
chmod 1777 $targetRoot/tmp
mkdir -p $targetRoot/boot
${optionalString cfg.writableStore ''
echo "mounting overlay filesystem on /nix/store..."
mkdir -p 0755 $targetRoot/nix/.rw-store/store $targetRoot/nix/.rw-store/work $targetRoot/nix/store
mount -t overlay overlay $targetRoot/nix/store \
-o lowerdir=$targetRoot/nix/.ro-store,upperdir=$targetRoot/nix/.rw-store/store,workdir=$targetRoot/nix/.rw-store/work || fail
virtualisation.bootDevice = mkDefault (driveDeviceName 1);
# FIXME: Consolidate this one day.
virtualisation.qemu.options = mkMerge [
(mkIf (pkgs.stdenv.isi686 || pkgs.stdenv.isx86_64) [
"-device usb-tablet,bus=usb-bus.0"
(mkIf (pkgs.stdenv.isAarch32 || pkgs.stdenv.isAarch64) [
"-device virtio-gpu-pci"
"-device usb-ehci,id=usb0"
"-device usb-kbd"
"-device usb-tablet"
(mkIf cfg.useEFIBoot [
"-drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=0,readonly,file=${efiFirmware}"
"-drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=1,file=$NIX_EFI_VARS"
@ -524,29 +275,6 @@ in {
(mkIf (!cfg.graphics) [ "-nographic" ])
virtualisation.qemu.drives = mkMerge [
name = "root";
file = "$NIX_DISK_IMAGE";
driveExtraOpts.cache = "writeback";
driveExtraOpts.werror = "report";
(mkIf cfg.useBootLoader [
# The order of this list determines the device names, see
# note [Disk layout with `useBootLoader`].
name = "boot";
file = "$TMPDIR/disk.img";
driveExtraOpts.media = "disk";
deviceExtraOpts.bootindex = "1";
(imap0 (idx: _: {
file = "$(pwd)/empty${toString idx}.qcow2";
driveExtraOpts.werror = "report";
}) cfg.emptyDiskImages)
system.build.vm = pkgs.runCommand "nixos-vm" { preferLocalBuild = true; } ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
ln -s ${

tests/ahci.nix Normal file
파일 보기

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
name = "ahci";
machine = { pkgs, ... }: {
genode.boot.storeBackend = "ahci";
genode.init.children.hello = {
inputs = [ pkgs.hello pkgs.genodePackages.vfs.lib ];
configFile = pkgs.writeText "ahci-hello.child.dhall" ''
let Genode = env:DHALL_GENODE
let Init = Genode.Init
let Child = Init.Child
let Libc = Genode.Libc
in Child.flat
, binary = "hello"
, exitPropagate = True
, resources = Genode.Init.Resources::{
, caps = 500
, ram = Genode.units.MiB 10
, config =
Libc::{ args = [ "hello", "-g", "Hello from AHCI test" ] }
testScript = ''
machine.wait_until_serial_output("Hello from AHCI test")

파일 보기

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ let
testingPython = import ./lib/testing-python.nix;
testSpecs = map (p: import p) [