Norman Feske 7791937e84 init: reduce report latency for resource requests
In contrast to most information of init's state reports, which can be
monitored at a relatively low rate (like 2 seconds in Sculpt's runtime),
resource requests call for an immediate response by the consumer of the
report. Otherwise the requesting child stays unnecessarily blocked until
the next rate-limited state report is due. This patch adds a fast lane
for such low-latency state updates to init.
2018-06-12 12:11:38 +02:00

198 lines
5.1 KiB

* \brief Init-state reporting mechanism
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2017-03-03
* Copyright (C) 2017 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
/* Genode includes */
#include <os/reporter.h>
#include <timer_session/connection.h>
/* local includes */
#include "report.h"
namespace Init { class State_reporter; }
class Init::State_reporter : public Report_update_trigger
struct Producer : Interface
virtual void produce_state_report(Xml_generator &xml,
Report_detail const &) const = 0;
Env &_env;
Producer &_producer;
Constructible<Reporter> _reporter { };
size_t _buffer_size = 0;
Reconstructible<Report_detail> _report_detail { };
unsigned _report_delay_ms = 0;
/* interval used when child-ram reporting is enabled */
unsigned _report_period_ms = 0;
/* version string from config, to be reflected in the report */
typedef String<64> Version;
Version _version { };
Constructible<Timer::Connection> _timer { };
Constructible<Timer::Connection> _timer_periodic { };
Signal_handler<State_reporter> _timer_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &State_reporter::_handle_timer };
Signal_handler<State_reporter> _timer_periodic_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &State_reporter::_handle_timer };
Signal_handler<State_reporter> _immediate_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &State_reporter::_handle_timer };
bool _scheduled = false;
void _handle_timer()
_scheduled = false;
try {
Reporter::Xml_generator xml(*_reporter, [&] () {
if (_version.valid())
xml.attribute("version", _version);
_producer.produce_state_report(xml, *_report_detail);
catch(Xml_generator::Buffer_exceeded) {
error("state report exceeds maximum size");
/* try to reflect the error condition as state report */
try {
Reporter::Xml_generator xml(*_reporter, [&] () {
xml.attribute("error", "report buffer exceeded"); });
catch (...) { }
State_reporter(Env &env, Producer &producer)
_env(env), _producer(producer)
{ }
void apply_config(Xml_node config)
try {
Xml_node report = config.sub_node("report");
/* (re-)construct reporter whenever the buffer size is changed */
Number_of_bytes const buffer_size =
report.attribute_value("buffer", Number_of_bytes(4096));
if (buffer_size != _buffer_size || !_reporter.constructed()) {
_buffer_size = buffer_size;
_reporter.construct(_env, "state", "state", _buffer_size);
_report_delay_ms = report.attribute_value("delay_ms", 100UL);
catch (Xml_node::Nonexistent_sub_node) {
_report_delay_ms = 0;
if (_reporter.constructed())
bool trigger_update = false;
Version const version = config.attribute_value("version", Version());
if (version != _version) {
_version = version;
trigger_update = true;
if (_report_delay_ms) {
if (!_timer.constructed()) {
trigger_update = true;
if (trigger_update)
* If the report features information about child-RAM quotas, we
* update the report periodically. Even in the absence of any other
* report-triggering event, a child may consume/free RAM from its
* RAM session without any interplay with init. The periodic
* reports ensure that such changes are reflected by init's state
* report.
* By default, the interval is one second. However, when the
* 'delay_ms' attribute is defined with a higher value than that,
* the user intends to limit the rate of state reports. If so, we
* use the value of 'delay_ms' as interval.
unsigned const period_ms = max(1000U, _report_delay_ms);
bool const period_changed = (_report_period_ms != period_ms);
bool const report_periodically = _report_detail->child_ram()
|| _report_detail->child_caps();
if (report_periodically && !_timer_periodic.constructed()) {
if (!report_periodically && _timer_periodic.constructed()) {
_report_period_ms = 0;
if (period_changed && _timer_periodic.constructed()) {
_report_period_ms = period_ms;
void trigger_report_update() override
if (!_scheduled && _timer.constructed() && _report_delay_ms) {
_scheduled = true;
void trigger_immediate_report_update() override
if (_report_delay_ms)
#endif /* _SRC__INIT__STATE_REPORTER_H_ */