Emery Hemingway 48150a706b update Reporter constructors
The Reporter utility needs a reference to the environment at
construction to establish Report connections.

Ref #1987
Fix #2232
2017-02-07 19:20:29 +01:00

828 lines
21 KiB

* \brief Usb session to Block session translator
* \author Josef Soentgen
* \date 2016-02-08
* Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
/* Genode includes */
#include <base/allocator_avl.h>
#include <base/attached_rom_dataspace.h>
#include <base/component.h>
#include <base/log.h>
#include <base/heap.h>
#include <block/component.h>
#include <block/driver.h>
#include <block_session/connection.h>
#include <os/reporter.h>
#include <timer_session/connection.h>
#include <usb/usb.h>
/* used by cbw_csw.h so declare it here */
static bool verbose_scsi = false;
/* local includes */
#include <cbw_csw.h>
namespace Usb {
using namespace Genode;
struct Block_driver;
struct Main;
** USB Mass Storage (BBB) Block::Driver implementation **
struct Usb::Block_driver : Usb::Completion,
Env &env;
Entrypoint &ep;
Signal_context_capability announce_sigh;
* Pending block request
struct Block_request
Block::Packet_descriptor packet;
Block::sector_t lba;
char *buffer;
size_t size;
bool read;
bool pending = false;
} req;
bool initialized = false;
bool device_plugged = false;
* Handle stage change signal
void handle_state_change()
if (!usb.plugged()) {
Genode::log("Device unplugged");
device_plugged = false;
if (initialized) {
Genode::error("Device was already initialized");
Genode::log("Device plugged");
if (!initialize()) {
/* all is well, announce the device */
Signal_handler<Block_driver> state_change_dispatcher = {
ep, *this, &Block_driver::handle_state_change };
* Config ROM
Attached_rom_dataspace config { env, "config" };
* Read Usb session label from the configuration
static char const *get_label(Xml_node node)
static Genode::String<256> usb_label;
try {
return usb_label.string();
} catch (...) { }
return "usb_storage";
* USB session
Allocator_avl alloc;
Usb::Connection usb { env, &alloc, get_label(config.xml()), 2 * (1<<20), state_change_dispatcher };
Usb::Device device;
* Reporter
Reporter reporter { env, "devices" };
bool _report_device = false;
* Block session
Block::Session::Operations _block_ops;
Block::sector_t _block_count;
size_t _block_size;
bool _writeable = false;
bool force_cmd_10 = false;
uint8_t active_interface = 0;
uint8_t active_lun = 0;
uint32_t active_tag = 0;
uint32_t new_tag() { return ++active_tag % 0xffffffu; }
enum Tags {
INQ_TAG = 0x01, RDY_TAG = 0x02, CAP_TAG = 0x04,
REQ_TAG = 0x08, SS_TAG = 0x10
enum Endpoints { IN = 0, OUT = 1 };
* Completion used while initializing the device
struct Init_completion : Usb::Completion
bool inquiry = false;
bool unit_ready = false;
bool read_capacity = false;
bool request_sense = false;
bool no_medium = false;
bool try_again = false;
Usb::Device &device;
uint8_t interface;
Block::sector_t block_count;
size_t block_size;
char vendor[Scsi::Inquiry_response::Vid::ITEMS+1];
char product[Scsi::Inquiry_response::Pid::ITEMS+1];
Init_completion(Usb::Device &device, uint8_t interface)
: device(device), interface(interface) { }
void complete(Packet_descriptor &p)
Interface iface = device.interface(interface);
if (p.type != Packet_descriptor::BULK) {
Genode::error("Can only handle BULK packets");
if (!p.succeded) {
Genode::error("init complete error: packet not succeded");
/* OUT transfer finished */
if (!p.read_transfer()) {
int const actual_size = p.transfer.actual_size;
char * const data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(iface.content(p));
using namespace Scsi;
switch (actual_size) {
case 36: /* min INQUIRY data size */
case Inquiry_response::LENGTH:
Inquiry_response r((addr_t)data);
if (verbose_scsi) r.dump();
if (!r.sbc()) {
Genode::warning("Device does not use SCSI Block Commands and may not work");
r.get_id<Inquiry_response::Vid>(vendor, sizeof(vendor));
r.get_id<Inquiry_response::Pid>(product, sizeof(product));
case Capacity_response_10::LENGTH:
Capacity_response_10 r((addr_t)data);
if (verbose_scsi) r.dump();
block_count = r.block_count();
block_size = r.block_size();
case Capacity_response_16::LENGTH:
Capacity_response_16 r((addr_t)data);
if (verbose_scsi) r.dump();
block_count = r.block_count();
block_size = r.block_size();
case Request_sense_response::LENGTH:
Request_sense_response r((addr_t)data);
if (verbose_scsi) r.dump();
uint8_t const asc =<Request_sense_response::Asc>();
uint8_t const asq =<Request_sense_response::Asq>();
switch (asc) {
Genode::error("Not ready - medium not present");
no_medium = true;
case NOT_READY_TO_READY_CHANGE: /* asq == 0x00 */
Genode::warning("Not ready - try again");
try_again = true;
Genode::error("Request_sense_response asc: ",
Hex(asc, Hex::PREFIX, Hex::PAD),
" asq: ", Hex(asq, Hex::PREFIX, Hex::PAD));
case Csw::LENGTH:
Csw csw((addr_t)data);
uint32_t const sig = csw.sig();
if (sig != Csw::SIG) {
Genode::error("CSW signature does not match: ",
Hex(sig, Hex::PREFIX, Hex::PAD));
uint32_t const tag = csw.tag();
uint8_t const status = csw.sts();
if (status != Csw::PASSED) {
Genode::error("CSW failed: ", Hex(status, Hex::PREFIX, Hex::PAD),
" tag: ", tag);
inquiry |= tag & INQ_TAG;
unit_ready |= tag & RDY_TAG;
read_capacity |= tag & CAP_TAG;
request_sense |= tag & REQ_TAG;
default: break;
} init { device, active_interface };
* Send CBW
void cbw(void *cb, Completion &c, bool block = false)
enum { CBW_VALID_SIZE = Cbw::LENGTH };
Usb::Interface &iface = device.interface(active_interface);
Usb::Endpoint &ep = iface.endpoint(OUT);
Usb::Packet_descriptor p = iface.alloc(CBW_VALID_SIZE);
memcpy(iface.content(p), cb, CBW_VALID_SIZE);
iface.bulk_transfer(p, ep, block, &c);
* Receive CSW
void csw(Completion &c, bool block = false)
enum { CSW_VALID_SIZE = Csw::LENGTH };
Usb::Interface &iface = device.interface(active_interface);
Usb::Endpoint &ep = iface.endpoint(IN);
Usb::Packet_descriptor p = iface.alloc(CSW_VALID_SIZE);
iface.bulk_transfer(p, ep, block, &c);
* Receive response
void resp(size_t size, Completion &c, bool block = false)
Usb::Interface &iface = device.interface(active_interface);
Usb::Endpoint &ep = iface.endpoint(IN);
Usb::Packet_descriptor p = iface.alloc(size);
iface.bulk_transfer(p, ep, block, &c);
* Report block device
void report_device(char const *vendor, char const *product,
Block::sector_t count, size_t size)
try {
Genode::Reporter::Xml_generator xml(reporter, [&] () {
xml.node("device", [&] () {
xml.attribute("vendor", vendor);
xml.attribute("product", product);
xml.attribute("block_count", count);
xml.attribute("block_size", size);
xml.attribute("writeable", _writeable);
} catch (...) { Genode::warning("Could not report block device"); }
* Initialize device
* All USB transfers in this method are done synchronously. First we reset
* the device, than we query the max LUN. Afterwards we start sending CBWs.
* Since it might take some time for the device to get ready to use, we
* have to check the SCSI logical unit several times.
bool initialize()
Interface &iface = device.interface(active_interface);
try { iface.claim(); }
catch (Usb::Session::Interface_already_claimed) {
Genode::error("Device already claimed");
return false;
} catch (Usb::Session::Interface_not_found) {
Genode::error("Interface not found");
return false;
enum {
try {
Alternate_interface &alt_iface = iface.alternate_interface(0);
if (alt_iface.iclass != ICLASS_MASS_STORAGE
|| alt_iface.isubclass != ISUBCLASS_SCSI
|| alt_iface.iprotocol != IPROTO_BULK_ONLY) {
Genode::error("No mass storage SCSI bulk-only device");
return false;
} catch (Usb::Session::Interface_not_found) {
Genode::error("Interface not found");
return false;
try {
/* reset */
Usb::Packet_descriptor p = iface.alloc(0);
iface.control_transfer(p, 0x21, 0xff, 0, active_interface, 100);
if (!p.succeded) {
Genode::error("Could not reset device");
throw -1;
* Let us do GetMaxLUN and simply ignore the return value because none
* of the devices that were tested did infact report another value than 0.
p = iface.alloc(1);
iface.control_transfer(p, 0xa1, 0xfe, 0, active_interface, 100);
uint8_t max_lun = *(uint8_t*)iface.content(p);
if (p.succeded && max_lun == 0) { max_lun = 1; }
* Query device
char cbw_buffer[Cbw::LENGTH];
* We should probably execute the SCSI REPORT_LUNS command first
* but we will receive LOGICAL UNIT NOT SUPPORTED if we try to
* access an invalid unit. The user has to specify the LUN in
* the configuration anyway.
/* Scsi::Opcode::INQUIRY */
Inquiry inq((addr_t)cbw_buffer, INQ_TAG, active_lun);
cbw(cbw_buffer, init, true);
resp(Scsi::Inquiry_response::LENGTH, init, true);
csw(init, true);
if (!init.inquiry) {
Genode::warning("Inquiry_cmd failed");
throw -1;
/* Scsi::Opcode::TEST_UNIT_READY */
Timer::Connection timer { env };
* It might take some time for devices to get ready (e.g. the ZTE Open C
* takes 3 retries to actually present us a medium and another try to
* let us use the medium.
enum { MAX_RETRIES = 10 };
int retries;
for (retries = 0; retries < MAX_RETRIES; retries++) {
Test_unit_ready unit_ready((addr_t)cbw_buffer, RDY_TAG, active_lun);
cbw(cbw_buffer, init, true);
csw(init, true);
if (!init.unit_ready) {
Request_sense sense((addr_t)cbw_buffer, REQ_TAG, active_lun);
cbw(cbw_buffer, init, true);
resp(Scsi::Request_sense_response::LENGTH, init, true);
csw(init, true);
if (!init.request_sense) {
Genode::warning("Request_sense failed");
throw -1;
if (init.no_medium) {
/* do nothing for now */
} else if (init.try_again) {
init.try_again = false;
} else break;
} else break;
if (retries == MAX_RETRIES) {
Genode::warning("Test_unit_ready_cmd failed");
throw -1;
/* Scsi::Opcode::READ_CAPACITY_16 */
Read_capacity_16 read_cap((addr_t)cbw_buffer, CAP_TAG, active_lun);
cbw(cbw_buffer, init, true);
resp(Scsi::Capacity_response_16::LENGTH, init, true);
csw(init, true);
if (!init.read_capacity) {
/* try Scsi::Opcode::READ_CAPACITY_10 next */
Read_capacity_10 read_cap((addr_t)cbw_buffer, CAP_TAG, active_lun);
cbw(cbw_buffer, init, true);
resp(Scsi::Capacity_response_10::LENGTH, init, true);
csw(init, true);
if (!init.read_capacity) {
Genode::warning("Read_capacity_cmd failed");
throw -1;
Genode::warning("Device does not support CDB 16-byte commands, force 10-byte commands");
force_cmd_10 = true;
_block_size = init.block_size;
_block_count = init.block_count;
initialized = true;
device_plugged = true;
char vendor[32];
char product[32];
device.manufactorer_string.to_char(vendor, sizeof(vendor));
device.product_string.to_char(product, sizeof(product));
Genode::log("Found USB device: ", (char const*)vendor, " (",
(char const*)product, ") block size: ", _block_size,
" count: ", _block_count);
if (_report_device)
report_device(init.vendor, init.product,
init.block_count, init.block_size);
return true;
} catch (int) {
/* handle command failures */
Genode::error("Could not initialize storage device");
return false;
} catch (...) {
/* handle Usb::Session failures */
Genode::error("Could not initialize storage device");
return false;
* Execute pending request
* Called after the CBW has been successfully received by the device
* to initiate read/write transaction.
bool execute_pending_request()
Usb::Interface &iface = device.interface(active_interface);
Usb::Endpoint ep = iface.endpoint( ? IN : OUT);
Usb::Packet_descriptor p = iface.alloc(req.size);
if (! memcpy(iface.content(p), req.buffer, req.size);
iface.bulk_transfer(p, ep, false, this);
return true;
* Acknowledge currently pending request
* After receiving the CSW ack the request at the Block session.
void ack_pending_request(bool success = true)
* Needs to be reset bevor calling ack_packet to prevent getting a new
* request imediately and throwing Request_congestion() in io() again.
req.pending = false;
Block::Packet_descriptor p = req.packet;
ack_packet(p, success);
* Handle packet completion
* This method is called several times while doing one transaction. First
* the CWB is sent, than the payload read or written. At the end, the CSW
* is requested.
void complete(Packet_descriptor &p)
Interface iface = device.interface(active_interface);
if (p.type != Packet_descriptor::BULK) {
Genode::error("No BULK packet");
if (!p.succeded) {
Genode::error("complete error: packet not succeded");
if (req.pending) {
Genode::error("request pending: tag: ", active_tag, " read: ",
(int), " buffer: ", (void *)req.buffer, " lba: ",
req.lba, " size: ", req.size);
static bool request_executed = false;
if (!p.read_transfer()) {
/* send read/write request */
if (req.pending) {
* The CBW was successfully sent to the device, now read/write the
* actual content.
if (!request_executed) {
request_executed = execute_pending_request();
} else {
/* the content was successfully written, get the CSW */
int actual_size = p.transfer.actual_size;
if (actual_size < 0) {
Genode::error("Transfer actual size: ", actual_size);
actual_size = 0;
/* the size indicates an IN I/O packet */
if ((uint32_t)actual_size >= _block_size) {
if (req.pending) {
/* the content was successfully read, get the CSW */
memcpy(req.buffer, iface.content(p), actual_size);
/* when ending up here, we should have gotten an CSW packet */
if (actual_size != Csw::LENGTH)
Genode::warning("This is not the actual size you are looking for");
do {
Csw csw((addr_t)iface.content(p));
uint32_t const sig = csw.sig();
if (sig != Csw::SIG) {
Genode::error("CSW signature does not match: ",
Hex(sig, Hex::PREFIX, Hex::PAD));
uint32_t const tag = csw.tag();
if (tag != active_tag) {
Genode::error("CSW tag mismatch. Got ", tag, " expected: ",
uint8_t const status = csw.sts();
if (status != Csw::PASSED) {
Genode::error("CSW failed: ", Hex(status, Hex::PREFIX, Hex::PAD),
" read: ", (int), " buffer: ", (void *)req.buffer,
" lba: ", req.lba, " size: ", req.size);
uint32_t const dr = csw.dr();
if (dr) {
Genode::warning("CSW data residue: ", dr, " not considered");
/* ack Block::Packet_descriptor */
request_executed = false;
} while (0);
* Parse configuration
void parse_config(Xml_node node)
_writeable = node.attribute_value<bool>("writeable", false);
if (_writeable)
_report_device = node.attribute_value<bool>("report", false);
active_interface = node.attribute_value<unsigned long>("interface", 0);
active_lun = node.attribute_value<unsigned long>("lun", 0);
verbose_scsi = node.attribute_value<bool>("verbose_scsi", false);
* Constructor
* \param alloc allocator used by Usb::Connection
* \param ep Server::Endpoint
* \param sigh signal context used for annoucing Block service
Block_driver(Env &env, Genode::Allocator &alloc,
Genode::Signal_context_capability sigh)
env(env), ep(env.ep()), announce_sigh(sigh), alloc(&alloc),
device(&alloc, usb, ep)
/* USB device gets initialized by handle_state_change() */
* Send CBW
void send_cbw(Block::sector_t lba, size_t len, bool read)
uint32_t const t = new_tag();
char cb[Cbw::LENGTH];
if (read) {
if (!force_cmd_10) Read_16 r((addr_t)cb, t, active_lun, lba, len, _block_size);
else Read_10 r((addr_t)cb, t, active_lun, lba, len, _block_size);
} else {
if (!force_cmd_10) Write_16 w((addr_t)cb, t, active_lun, lba, len, _block_size);
else Write_10 w((addr_t)cb, t, active_lun, lba, len, _block_size);
cbw(cb, *this);
* Perform IO/ request
* \param read set to true when reading, false when writting
* \param lba address of the starting block
* \param buffer source/destination buffer
* \param p Block::Packet_descriptor
void io(bool read, Block::sector_t lba, size_t count,
char *buffer, Block::Packet_descriptor &p)
if (!device_plugged) throw Io_error();
if (lba+count > _block_count) throw Io_error();
if (req.pending) throw Request_congestion();
req.pending = true;
req.packet = p;
req.lba = lba;
req.size = count * _block_size;
req.buffer = buffer; = read;
send_cbw(lba, count, read);
** Block::Driver interface **
size_t block_size() override { return _block_size; }
Block::sector_t block_count() override { return _block_count; }
Block::Session::Operations ops() override { return _block_ops; }
void read(Block::sector_t lba, size_t count,
char *buffer, Block::Packet_descriptor &p) override {
io(true, lba, count, buffer, p); }
void write(Block::sector_t lba, size_t count,
char const *buffer, Block::Packet_descriptor &p) override {
io(false, lba, count, const_cast<char*>(buffer), p); }
void sync() override { /* maybe implement SYNCHRONIZE_CACHE_10/16? */ }
struct Usb::Main
Env &env;
Heap heap { env.ram(), env.rm() };
void announce()
Signal_handler<Main> announce_dispatcher {
env.ep(), *this, &Usb::Main::announce };
struct Factory : Block::Driver_factory
Env &env;
Allocator &alloc;
Signal_context_capability sigh;
Usb::Block_driver *driver = nullptr;
Factory(Env &env, Allocator &alloc,
Signal_context_capability sigh)
: env(env), alloc(alloc), sigh(sigh)
driver = new (&alloc) Usb::Block_driver(env, alloc, sigh);
Block::Driver *create() { return driver; }
void destroy(Block::Driver *driver) { }
Factory factory { env, heap, announce_dispatcher };
Block::Root root { env.ep(), heap, env.rm(), factory };
Main(Env &env) : env(env) { }
void Component::construct(Genode::Env &env) { static Usb::Main main(env); }