Norman Feske f8349b5bc7 os/slave.h: Remove use of global allocator
This patch eliminates the need for a global allocator by passing the
parent-service registry as argument to the 'Slave::Policy' constructor.

Fixes #2269
2017-02-07 11:12:28 +01:00

348 lines
7.8 KiB

* \brief Test for yielding resources
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2013-10-05
* This test exercises the protocol between a parent and child, which is used
* by the parent to regain resources from a child subsystem.
* The program acts in either one of two roles, the parent or the child. The
* role is determined by reading a config argument.
* The child periodically allocates chunks of RAM until its RAM quota is
* depleted. Once it observes a yield request from the parent, however, it
* cooperatively releases as much resources as requested by the parent.
* The parent wait a while to give the child the chance to allocate RAM. It
* then sends a yield request and waits for a response. When getting the
* response, it validates whether the child complied to the request or not.
* Copyright (C) 2013 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
/* Genode includes */
#include <util/arg_string.h>
#include <base/component.h>
#include <base/attached_rom_dataspace.h>
#include <base/log.h>
#include <base/signal.h>
#include <timer_session/connection.h>
#include <os/static_parent_services.h>
#include <os/slave.h>
namespace Test {
class Child;
class Parent;
using namespace Genode;
** Child role **
* The child eats more and more RAM. However, when receiving a yield request,
* it releases the requested amount of resources.
class Test::Child
struct Ram_chunk : List<Ram_chunk>::Element
Env &env;
size_t const size;
Ram_dataspace_capability ds_cap;
Ram_chunk(Env &env, size_t size)
env(env),size(size), ds_cap(env.ram().alloc(size))
{ }
~Ram_chunk() { env.ram().free(ds_cap); }
Env &_env;
Heap _heap { _env.ram(), _env.rm() };
bool const _expand;
List<Ram_chunk> _ram_chunks;
Timer::Connection _timer { _env };
Signal_handler<Child> _periodic_timeout_handler;
Signal_handler<Child> _yield_handler;
unsigned long const _period_ms;
void _handle_periodic_timeout();
void _handle_yield();
void _schedule_next_timeout()
Child(Env &, Xml_node);
void main();
void Test::Child::_handle_periodic_timeout()
size_t const chunk_size = 1024*1024;
if (_env.ram().avail() < chunk_size) {
if (_expand) {
log("quota consumed, request additional resources");
* The attempt to allocate RAM will result in a resource request to
* the parent. The resource request will block until the parent
* responds.
} else {
log("consumed all of our quota, stop allocating");
/* perform allocation and remember chunk in list */
_ram_chunks.insert(new (_heap) Ram_chunk(_env, chunk_size));
log("allocated chunk of ", chunk_size / 1024, " KiB");
void Test::Child::_handle_yield()
/* request yield request arguments */
Genode::Parent::Resource_args const args = _env.parent().yield_request();
log("yield request: ", args.string());
size_t const requested_ram_quota =
Arg_string::find_arg(args.string(), "ram_quota").ulong_value(0);
/* free chunks of RAM to comply with the request */
size_t released_quota = 0;
while (released_quota < requested_ram_quota) {
Ram_chunk *chunk = _ram_chunks.first();
if (!chunk) {
warning("no chunk left to release");
size_t const chunk_size = chunk->size;
destroy(_heap, chunk);
released_quota += chunk_size;
log("released chunk of ", chunk_size, " bytes");
/* acknowledge yield request */
Test::Child::Child(Env &env, Xml_node config)
_expand(config.attribute_value("expand", false)),
_periodic_timeout_handler(_env.ep(), *this, &Child::_handle_periodic_timeout),
_yield_handler(_env.ep(), *this, &Child::_handle_yield),
_period_ms(config.attribute_value("period_ms", 500UL))
/* register yield signal handler */
/* register timeout signal handler and schedule periodic timeouts */
** Parent role **
* The parent grants resource requests as long as it has free resources.
* Once in a while, it politely requests the child to yield resources.
class Test::Parent
Env &_env;
Timer::Connection _timer { _env };
Lock _yield_blockade;
void _print_status()
log("quota: ", _child.ram().quota() / 1024, " KiB "
"used: ", _child.ram().used() / 1024, " KiB");
size_t _used_ram_prior_yield = 0;
/* perform the test three times */
unsigned _cnt = 3;
unsigned const _wait_secs = 5;
unsigned _wait_cnt = 0;
State _state = WAIT;
void _schedule_one_second_timeout()
log("wait ", _wait_cnt, "/", _wait_secs);
void _init()
_state = WAIT;
_wait_cnt = 0;
void _request_yield()
/* remember quantum of resources used by the child */
_used_ram_prior_yield = _child.ram().used();
log("request yield (ram prior yield: ", _used_ram_prior_yield);
/* issue yield request */
Genode::Parent::Resource_args yield_args("ram_quota=5M");
void _handle_timeout()
if (_wait_cnt >= _wait_secs) {
} else {
void _yield_response()
log("got yield response");
/* validate that the amount of yielded resources matches the request */
size_t const used_after_yield = _child.ram().used();
if (used_after_yield + 5*1024*1024 > _used_ram_prior_yield) {
error("child has not yielded enough resources");
throw Insufficient_yield();
if (_cnt-- > 0) {
} else {
log("--- test-resource_yield finished ---");
Signal_handler<Parent> _timeout_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Parent::_handle_timeout };
struct Policy
private Static_parent_services<Ram_session, Pd_session,
Cpu_session, Rom_session,
Log_session, Timer::Session>,
public Slave::Policy
Parent &_parent;
enum { SLAVE_QUOTA = 10*1024*1024 };
void yield_response() override
Policy(Parent &parent, Env &env)
Slave::Policy(Label("child"), "test-resource_yield",
*this, env.ep().rpc_ep(), env.rm(),
env.ram_session_cap(), SLAVE_QUOTA),
configure("<config child=\"yes\" />");
Policy _policy { *this, _env };
Genode::Child _child { _env.rm(), _env.ep().rpc_ep(), _policy };
class Insufficient_yield { };
* Constructor
Parent(Env &env) : _env(env)
** Component **
void Component::construct(Genode::Env &env)
using namespace Genode;
* Read value '<config child="" />' attribute to decide whether to perform
* the child or the parent role.
static Attached_rom_dataspace config(env, "config");
bool const is_child = config.xml().attribute_value("child", false);
if (is_child) {
log("--- test-resource_yield child role started ---");
static Test::Child child(env, config.xml());
} else {
log("--- test-resource_yield parent role started ---");
static Test::Parent parent(env);