Norman Feske 41575ad60d sculpt: update menu when folding condition changed
The storage dialog is folded when activating the runtime view (e.g., by
clicking on the Genode Logo). This should happen immediately as response
of the mouse click.
2019-03-18 15:56:24 +01:00

1266 lines
34 KiB

* \brief Sculpt system manager
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2018-04-30
* Copyright (C) 2018 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
/* Genode includes */
#include <base/component.h>
#include <base/heap.h>
#include <base/attached_rom_dataspace.h>
#include <os/reporter.h>
#include <nitpicker_session/connection.h>
/* included from depot_deploy tool */
#include <children.h>
/* local includes */
#include <model/runtime_state.h>
#include <model/child_exit_state.h>
#include <view/download_status.h>
#include <view/popup_dialog.h>
#include <gui.h>
#include <nitpicker.h>
#include <keyboard_focus.h>
#include <network.h>
#include <storage.h>
#include <deploy.h>
#include <graph.h>
namespace Sculpt { struct Main; }
struct Sculpt::Main : Input_event_handler,
Env &_env;
Heap _heap { _env.ram(), _env.rm() };
Constructible<Nitpicker::Connection> _nitpicker { };
Signal_handler<Main> _input_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_input };
void _handle_input()
_nitpicker->input()->for_each_event([&] (Input::Event const &ev) {
handle_input_event(ev); });
Signal_handler<Main> _nitpicker_mode_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_nitpicker_mode };
void _handle_nitpicker_mode();
Managed_config<Main> _fonts_config {
_env, "config", "fonts", *this, &Main::_handle_fonts_config };
void _handle_fonts_config(Xml_node config)
* Obtain font size from manually maintained fonts configuration
* so that we can adjust the GUI layout accordingly.
config.for_each_sub_node("vfs", [&] (Xml_node vfs) {
vfs.for_each_sub_node("dir", [&] (Xml_node dir) {
if (dir.attribute_value("name", String<16>()) == "fonts") {
dir.for_each_sub_node("dir", [&] (Xml_node type) {
if (type.attribute_value("name", String<16>()) == "text") {
type.for_each_sub_node("ttf", [&] (Xml_node ttf) {
float const px = ttf.attribute_value("size_px", 0.0);
if (px > 0.0)
_gui.font_size(px); }); } }); } }); });
Managed_config<Main> _input_filter_config {
_env, "config", "input_filter", *this, &Main::_handle_input_filter_config };
void _handle_input_filter_config(Xml_node)
Attached_rom_dataspace _nitpicker_hover { _env, "nitpicker_hover" };
Signal_handler<Main> _nitpicker_hover_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_nitpicker_hover };
void _handle_nitpicker_hover();
** Device discovery **
Attached_rom_dataspace _pci_devices { _env, "report -> drivers/pci_devices" };
Signal_handler<Main> _pci_devices_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_pci_devices };
Pci_info _pci_info { };
void _handle_pci_devices()
_pci_info.wifi_present = false;
_pci_devices.xml().for_each_sub_node("device", [&] (Xml_node device) {
/* detect Intel Wireless card */
if (device.attribute_value("class_code", 0UL) == 0x28000)
_pci_info.wifi_present = true;
** Configuration loading **
Prepare_version _prepare_version { 0 };
Prepare_version _prepare_completed { 0 };
bool _prepare_in_progress() const
return _prepare_version.value != _prepare_completed.value;
Storage _storage { _env, _heap, *this, *this, *this };
* Storage::Target_user interface
void use_storage_target(Storage_target const &target) override
_storage._sculpt_partition = target;
/* trigger loading of the configuration from the sculpt partition */
Network _network { _env, _heap, *this, *this, _runtime_state, _pci_info };
** Update **
Attached_rom_dataspace _update_state_rom {
_env, "report -> runtime/update/state" };
void _handle_update_state();
Signal_handler<Main> _update_state_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_update_state };
* Condition for spawning the update subsystem
bool _update_running() const
return _storage._sculpt_partition.valid()
&& !_prepare_in_progress()
&& _network.ready()
&& _deploy.update_needed();
Download_queue _download_queue { _heap };
** Depot query **
Depot_query::Version _query_version { 0 };
Expanding_reporter _depot_query_reporter { _env, "query", "depot_query"};
* Depot_query interface
Depot_query::Version depot_query_version() const override
return _query_version;
* Depot_query interface
void trigger_depot_query() override
if (_deploy._arch.valid()) {
_depot_query_reporter.generate([&] (Xml_generator &xml) {
xml.attribute("arch", _deploy._arch);
xml.attribute("version", _query_version.value);
/* update query for blueprints of all unconfigured start nodes */
** Blueprint query **
Attached_rom_dataspace _blueprint_rom { _env, "report -> runtime/depot_query/blueprint" };
Signal_handler<Main> _blueprint_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_blueprint };
void _handle_blueprint()
Xml_node const blueprint = _blueprint_rom.xml();
_runtime_state.apply_to_construction([&] (Component &component) {
_popup_dialog.apply_blueprint(component, blueprint); });
** Deploy **
Attached_rom_dataspace _launcher_listing_rom {
_env, "report -> /runtime/launcher_query/listing" };
Launchers _launchers { _heap };
Signal_handler<Main> _launcher_listing_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_launcher_listing };
void _handle_launcher_listing()
Xml_node listing = _launcher_listing_rom.xml();
if (listing.has_sub_node("dir")) {
Xml_node dir = listing.sub_node("dir");
/* let 'update_from_xml' iterate over <file> nodes */
Deploy _deploy { _env, _heap, _runtime_state, *this, *this, *this,
_launcher_listing_rom, _blueprint_rom, _download_queue };
Attached_rom_dataspace _manual_deploy_rom { _env, "config -> deploy" };
void _handle_manual_deploy()
Signal_handler<Main> _manual_deploy_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_manual_deploy };
** Global **
Gui _gui { _env };
Expanding_reporter _menu_dialog_reporter { _env, "dialog", "menu_dialog" };
Attached_rom_dataspace _hover_rom { _env, "menu_view_hover" };
Signal_handler<Main> _hover_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_hover };
struct Hovered { enum Dialog { NONE, LOGO, STORAGE, NETWORK, RUNTIME } value; };
Hovered::Dialog _hovered_dialog { Hovered::NONE };
template <typename FN>
void _apply_to_hovered_dialog(Hovered::Dialog dialog, FN const &fn)
if (dialog == Hovered::STORAGE) fn(_storage.dialog);
if (dialog == Hovered::NETWORK) fn(_network.dialog);
void _handle_hover();
* Dialog::Generator interface
void generate_dialog() override
_menu_dialog_reporter.generate([&] (Xml_generator &xml) {
xml.node("vbox", [&] () {
gen_named_node(xml, "frame", "logo", [&] () {
xml.node("float", [&] () {
xml.node("frame", [&] () {
xml.attribute("style", "logo"); }); }); });
if (_manually_managed_runtime)
bool const storage_dialog_expanded = _last_clicked == Hovered::STORAGE
|| !_storage.any_file_system_inspected();
_storage.dialog.generate(xml, storage_dialog_expanded);
gen_named_node(xml, "frame", "runtime", [&] () {
xml.node("vbox", [&] () {
gen_named_node(xml, "label", "title", [&] () {
xml.attribute("text", "Runtime");
xml.attribute("font", "title/regular");
bool const network_missing = _deploy.update_needed()
&& !_network._nic_state.ready();
bool const show_diagnostics =
_deploy.any_unsatisfied_child() || network_missing;
auto gen_network_diagnostics = [&] (Xml_generator &xml)
if (!network_missing)
gen_named_node(xml, "hbox", "network", [&] () {
gen_named_node(xml, "float", "left", [&] () {
xml.attribute("west", "yes");
xml.node("label", [&] () {
xml.attribute("text", "network needed for installation");
xml.attribute("font", "annotation/regular");
if (show_diagnostics) {
gen_named_node(xml, "frame", "diagnostics", [&] () {
xml.node("vbox", [&] () {
xml.node("label", [&] () {
xml.attribute("text", "Diagnostics"); });
xml.node("float", [&] () {
xml.node("vbox", [&] () {
Xml_node const state = _update_state_rom.xml();
if (_update_running() && state.attribute_value("progress", false))
gen_download_status(xml, state);
Attached_rom_dataspace _runtime_state_rom { _env, "report -> runtime/state" };
Runtime_state _runtime_state { _heap, _storage._sculpt_partition };
Managed_config<Main> _runtime_config {
_env, "config", "runtime", *this, &Main::_handle_runtime };
bool _manually_managed_runtime = false;
void _handle_runtime(Xml_node config)
_manually_managed_runtime = !config.has_type("empty");
void _generate_runtime_config(Xml_generator &) const;
* Runtime_config_generator interface
void generate_runtime_config() override
if (!_runtime_config.try_generate_manually_managed())
_runtime_config.generate([&] (Xml_generator &xml) {
_generate_runtime_config(xml); });
Signal_handler<Main> _runtime_state_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_runtime_state };
void _handle_runtime_state();
** Cached model of the runtime config **
* Even though the runtime configuration is generated by the sculpt
* manager, we still obtain it as a separate ROM session to keep the GUI
* part decoupled from the lower-level runtime configuration generator.
Attached_rom_dataspace _runtime_config_rom { _env, "config -> managed/runtime" };
Signal_handler<Main> _runtime_config_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_runtime_config };
Runtime_config _cached_runtime_config { _heap };
void _handle_runtime_config()
** Interactive operations **
Keyboard_focus _keyboard_focus { _env, _network.dialog, _network.wpa_passphrase };
Hovered::Dialog _last_clicked { Hovered::NONE };
* Input_event_handler interface
void handle_input_event(Input::Event const &ev) override
bool need_generate_dialog = false;
if (ev.key_press(Input::BTN_LEFT)) {
if (_hovered_dialog != _last_clicked && _hovered_dialog != Hovered::NONE) {
_last_clicked = _hovered_dialog;
need_generate_dialog = true;
if (_hovered_dialog == Hovered::STORAGE);
if (_hovered_dialog == Hovered::NETWORK);
if (_hovered_dialog == Hovered::RUNTIME);
/* remove popup dialog when clicking somewhere outside */
if (!_popup_dialog.hovered() && _popup.state == Popup::VISIBLE
&& !_graph.add_button_hovered()) {
_popup.state = Popup::OFF;
/* de-select '+' button */
/* remove popup window from window layout */
if (_graph.hovered())*this);
if (_popup_dialog.hovered())*this);
if (ev.key_release(Input::BTN_LEFT)) {
if (_hovered_dialog == Hovered::STORAGE) _storage.dialog.clack(_storage);
if (_graph.hovered()) _graph.clack(*this);
if (_popup_dialog.hovered()) _popup_dialog.clack(*this);
if ( == Keyboard_focus::WPA_PASSPHRASE)
ev.handle_press([&] (Input::Keycode, Codepoint code) {
_network.handle_key_press(code); });
if (
if (need_generate_dialog)
* Graph::Action interface
void remove_deployed_component(Start_name const &name) override
/* update config/managed/deploy with the component 'name' removed */
* Graph::Action interface
void toggle_launcher_selector(Rect anchor) override
_popup.anchor = anchor;
void _close_popup_dialog()
/* close popup menu */
_popup.state = Popup::OFF;
/* reset state of the '+' button */
* Popup_dialog::Action interface
void launch_global(Path const &launcher) override
_runtime_state.launch(launcher, launcher);
/* trigger change of the deployment */
Start_name new_construction(Component::Path const &pkg,
Component::Info const &info) override
return _runtime_state.new_construction(pkg, info);
void _apply_to_construction(Popup_dialog::Action::Apply_to &fn) override
_runtime_state.apply_to_construction([&] (Component &c) { fn.apply_to(c); });
void discard_construction() override { _runtime_state.discard_construction(); }
void launch_construction() override
/* trigger change of the deployment */
void trigger_download(Path const &path) override
/* incorporate new download-queue content into update */
* Popup_dialog::Construction_info interface
void _with_construction(Popup_dialog::Construction_info::With const &fn) const override
_runtime_state.with_construction([&] (Component const &c) { fn.with(c); });
Popup_dialog _popup_dialog { _env, _heap, _launchers,
_network._nic_state, _network._nic_target,
_runtime_state, _cached_runtime_config,
_download_queue, *this, *this };
Managed_config<Main> _fb_drv_config {
_env, "config", "fb_drv", *this, &Main::_handle_fb_drv_config };
void _handle_fb_drv_config(Xml_node)
Attached_rom_dataspace _nitpicker_displays { _env, "displays" };
Signal_handler<Main> _nitpicker_displays_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_nitpicker_displays };
void _handle_nitpicker_displays()
if (!_nitpicker_displays.xml().has_sub_node("display"))
if (_nitpicker.constructed())
* Since nitpicker has successfully issued the first 'displays' report,
* there is a good chance that the framebuffer driver is running. This
* is a good time to activate the GUI.
_nitpicker.construct(_env, "input");
* Adjust GUI parameters to initial nitpicker mode
* Avoid 'Constructible<Nitpicker::Root>' because it requires the
* definition of 'Nitpicker::Session_component'.
static Nitpicker::Root gui_nitpicker(_env, _heap, *this);
void _handle_window_layout();
template <size_t N, typename FN>
void _with_window(Xml_node window_list, String<N> const &match, FN const &fn)
window_list.for_each_sub_node("window", [&] (Xml_node win) {
if (win.attribute_value("label", String<N>()) == match)
fn(win); });
Attached_rom_dataspace _window_list { _env, "window_list" };
Signal_handler<Main> _window_list_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_window_layout };
Expanding_reporter _wm_focus { _env, "focus", "wm_focus" };
Attached_rom_dataspace _decorator_margins { _env, "decorator_margins" };
Signal_handler<Main> _decorator_margins_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_window_layout };
Expanding_reporter _window_layout { _env, "window_layout", "window_layout" };
** Runtime graph **
Popup _popup { };
Graph _graph { _env, _runtime_state, _cached_runtime_config,
_storage._sculpt_partition, _popup.state, _deploy._children };
Child_state _runtime_view_state {
"runtime_view", Ram_quota{8*1024*1024}, Cap_quota{200} };
Main(Env &env) : _env(env)
* Subscribe to reports
_update_state_rom .sigh(_update_state_handler);
_nitpicker_hover .sigh(_nitpicker_hover_handler);
_hover_rom .sigh(_hover_handler);
_pci_devices .sigh(_pci_devices_handler);
_window_list .sigh(_window_list_handler);
_decorator_margins .sigh(_decorator_margins_handler);
_blueprint_rom .sigh(_blueprint_handler);
* Generate initial configurations
* Import initial report content
* Generate initial config/managed/deploy configuration
void Sculpt::Main::_handle_window_layout()
struct Decorator_margins
unsigned top = 0, bottom = 0, left = 0, right = 0;
Decorator_margins(Xml_node node)
if (!node.has_sub_node("floating"))
Xml_node const floating = node.sub_node("floating");
top = floating.attribute_value("top", 0UL);
bottom = floating.attribute_value("bottom", 0UL);
left = floating.attribute_value("left", 0UL);
right = floating.attribute_value("right", 0UL);
/* read decorator margins from the decorator's report */
Decorator_margins const margins(_decorator_margins.xml());
unsigned const log_min_w = 400, log_min_h = 200;
if (!_nitpicker.constructed())
Framebuffer::Mode const mode = _nitpicker->mode();
/* area preserved for the menu */
Rect const menu(Point(0, 0), Area(_gui.menu_width, mode.height()));
/* available space on the right of the menu */
Rect avail(Point(_gui.menu_width, 0),
Point(mode.width() - 1, mode.height() - 1));
* When the screen width is at least twice the log width, place the
* log at the right side of the screen. Otherwise, with resolutions
* as low as 1024x768, place it to the bottom to allow the inspect
* window to use the available screen width to the maximum extend.
bool const log_at_right =
(avail.w() > 2*(log_min_w + margins.left + margins.right));
/* the upper-left point depends on whether the log is at the right or bottom */
Point const log_p1 =
log_at_right ? Point(avail.x2() - log_min_w - margins.right + 1,
: Point(_gui.menu_width + margins.left,
avail.y2() - log_min_h - margins.bottom + 1);
/* the lower-right point (p2) of the log is always the same */
Point const log_p2(mode.width() - margins.right - 1,
mode.height() - margins.bottom - 1);
/* position of the inspect window */
Point const inspect_p1(avail.x1() + margins.right,;
Point const inspect_p2 =
log_at_right ? Point(log_p1.x() - margins.right - margins.left - 1, log_p2.y())
: Point(log_p2.x(), log_p1.y() - margins.bottom - - 1);
typedef String<128> Label;
Label const inspect_label ("runtime -> leitzentrale -> inspect");
Label const runtime_view_label("runtime -> leitzentrale -> runtime_view");
_window_layout.generate([&] (Xml_generator &xml) {
Xml_node const window_list = _window_list.xml();
auto gen_window = [&] (Xml_node win, Rect rect) {
if (rect.valid()) {
xml.node("window", [&] () {
xml.attribute("id", win.attribute_value("id", 0UL));
xml.attribute("xpos", rect.x1());
xml.attribute("ypos", rect.y1());
xml.attribute("width", rect.w());
xml.attribute("height", rect.h());
xml.attribute("title", win.attribute_value("label", Label()));
auto win_size = [&] (Xml_node win) {
return Area(win.attribute_value("width", 0UL),
win.attribute_value("height", 0UL)); };
/* window size limited to space unobstructed by the menu and log */
auto constrained_win_size = [&] (Xml_node win) {
unsigned const inspect_w = inspect_p2.x() - inspect_p1.x(),
inspect_h = inspect_p2.y() - inspect_p1.y();
Area const size = win_size(win);
return Area(min(inspect_w, size.w()), min(inspect_h, size.h()));
_with_window(window_list, Label("gui -> menu -> "), [&] (Xml_node win) {
gen_window(win, menu); });
/* calculate centered runtime view within the available main (inspect) area */
Rect runtime_view;
_with_window(window_list, runtime_view_label, [&] (Xml_node win) {
Area const size = constrained_win_size(win);
Point const pos = Rect(inspect_p1, inspect_p2).center(size);
runtime_view = Rect(pos, size);
if (_popup.state == Popup::VISIBLE) {
_with_window(window_list, Label("gui -> popup -> "), [&] (Xml_node win) {
Area const size = win_size(win);
int const anchor_y_center = (_popup.anchor.y1() + _popup.anchor.y2())/2;
int const x = runtime_view.x1() + _popup.anchor.x2();
int const y = max(0, runtime_view.y1() + anchor_y_center - (int)size.h()/2);
gen_window(win, Rect(Point(x, y), size));
_with_window(window_list, Label("log"), [&] (Xml_node win) {
gen_window(win, Rect(log_p1, log_p2)); });
if (_last_clicked == Hovered::STORAGE) {
_with_window(window_list, inspect_label, [&] (Xml_node win) {
gen_window(win, Rect(inspect_p1, inspect_p2)); });
_with_window(window_list, runtime_view_label, [&] (Xml_node win) {
/* center runtime view within the available main (inspect) area */
Area const size = constrained_win_size(win);
Point const pos = Rect(inspect_p1, inspect_p2).center(size);
gen_window(win, Rect(pos, size));
/* define window-manager focus */
_wm_focus.generate([&] (Xml_generator &xml) {
_window_list.xml().for_each_sub_node("window", [&] (Xml_node win) {
Label const label = win.attribute_value("label", Label());
if (label == inspect_label)
xml.node("window", [&] () {
xml.attribute("id", win.attribute_value("id", 0UL)); });
void Sculpt::Main::_handle_nitpicker_mode()
if (!_nitpicker.constructed())
Framebuffer::Mode const mode = _nitpicker->mode();
if (!_fonts_config.try_generate_manually_managed()) {
float const text_size = (float)mode.height() / 60.0;
_fonts_config.generate([&] (Xml_generator &xml) {
xml.node("vfs", [&] () {
gen_named_node(xml, "rom", "Vera.ttf");
gen_named_node(xml, "rom", "VeraMono.ttf");
gen_named_node(xml, "dir", "fonts", [&] () {
auto gen_ttf_dir = [&] (char const *dir_name,
char const *ttf_path, float size_px) {
gen_named_node(xml, "dir", dir_name, [&] () {
gen_named_node(xml, "ttf", "regular", [&] () {
xml.attribute("path", ttf_path);
xml.attribute("size_px", size_px);
xml.attribute("cache", "256K");
gen_ttf_dir("title", "/Vera.ttf", text_size*1.25);
gen_ttf_dir("text", "/Vera.ttf", text_size);
gen_ttf_dir("annotation", "/Vera.ttf", text_size*0.8);
gen_ttf_dir("monospace", "/VeraMono.ttf", text_size);
xml.node("default-policy", [&] () { xml.attribute("root", "/fonts"); });
auto gen_color = [&] (unsigned index, Color color) {
xml.node("color", [&] () {
xml.attribute("index", index);
xml.attribute("bg", String<16>(color));
Color const background(0x1c, 0x22, 0x32);
gen_color(0, background);
gen_color(8, background);
void Sculpt::Main::_handle_hover()
Xml_node const hover = _hover_rom.xml();
Hovered::Dialog const orig_hovered_dialog = _hovered_dialog;
typedef String<32> Top_level_frame;
Top_level_frame const top_level_frame =
query_attribute<Top_level_frame>(hover, "dialog", "vbox", "frame", "name");
_hovered_dialog = Hovered::NONE;
if (top_level_frame == "network") _hovered_dialog = Hovered::NETWORK;
if (top_level_frame == "storage") _hovered_dialog = Hovered::STORAGE;
if (top_level_frame == "runtime") _hovered_dialog = Hovered::RUNTIME;
if (top_level_frame == "logo") _hovered_dialog = Hovered::LOGO;
if (orig_hovered_dialog != _hovered_dialog)
_apply_to_hovered_dialog(orig_hovered_dialog, [&] (Dialog &dialog) {
dialog.hover(Xml_node("<hover/>")); });
_apply_to_hovered_dialog(_hovered_dialog, [&] (Dialog &dialog) {
.sub_node("frame")); });
void Sculpt::Main::_handle_nitpicker_hover()
if (!_storage._discovery_state.discovery_in_progress())
/* check if initial user activity has already been evaluated */
if (_storage._discovery_state.user_state != Discovery_state::USER_UNKNOWN)
Xml_node const hover = _nitpicker_hover.xml();
if (!hover.has_type("hover"))
_storage._discovery_state.user_state = hover.attribute_value("active", false)
? Discovery_state::USER_INTERVENED
: Discovery_state::USER_IDLE;
/* trigger re-evaluation of default storage target */
void Sculpt::Main::_handle_update_state()
Xml_node const update_state = _update_state_rom.xml();
if (update_state.num_sub_nodes() == 0)
bool const popup_watches_downloads =
Xml_node const blueprint = _blueprint_rom.xml();
bool const new_depot_query_needed = popup_watches_downloads
|| blueprint_any_missing(blueprint)
|| blueprint_any_rom_missing(blueprint);
if (new_depot_query_needed)
if (popup_watches_downloads)
bool const installation_complete =
!update_state.attribute_value("progress", false);
if (installation_complete) {
void Sculpt::Main::_handle_runtime_state()
Xml_node state = _runtime_state_rom.xml();
bool reconfigure_runtime = false;
/* check for completed storage operations */
_storage._storage_devices.for_each([&] (Storage_device &device) {
device.for_each_partition([&] (Partition &partition) {
Storage_target const target { device.label, partition.number };
if (partition.check_in_progress) {
String<64> name(target.label(), ".fsck.ext2");
Child_exit_state exit_state(state, name);
if (exit_state.exited) {
if (exit_state.code != 0)
error("file-system check failed");
if (exit_state.code == 0)
log("file-system check succeeded");
partition.check_in_progress = 0;
reconfigure_runtime = true;
if (partition.format_in_progress) {
String<64> name(target.label(), ".mkfs.ext2");
Child_exit_state exit_state(state, name);
if (exit_state.exited) {
if (exit_state.code != 0)
error("file-system creation failed");
partition.format_in_progress = false;
partition.file_system.type = File_system::EXT2;
if (partition.whole_device())
reconfigure_runtime = true;
/* respond to completion of file-system resize operation */
if (partition.fs_resize_in_progress) {
Child_exit_state exit_state(state, Start_name(target.label(), ".resize2fs"));
if (exit_state.exited) {
partition.fs_resize_in_progress = false;
reconfigure_runtime = true;
}); /* for each partition */
/* respond to completion of GPT relabeling */
if (device.relabel_in_progress()) {
Child_exit_state exit_state(state, device.relabel_start_name());
if (exit_state.exited) {
reconfigure_runtime = true;
/* respond to completion of GPT expand */
if (device.gpt_expand_in_progress()) {
Child_exit_state exit_state(state, device.expand_start_name());
if (exit_state.exited) {
/* kick off resize2fs */
device.for_each_partition([&] (Partition &partition) {
if (partition.gpt_expand_in_progress) {
partition.gpt_expand_in_progress = false;
partition.fs_resize_in_progress = true;
reconfigure_runtime = true;
}); /* for each device */
/* remove prepare subsystem when finished */
Child_exit_state exit_state(state, "prepare");
if (exit_state.exited) {
_prepare_completed = _prepare_version;
/* trigger deployment */
/* trigger update and deploy */
reconfigure_runtime = true;
/* upgrade RAM and cap quota on demand */
state.for_each_sub_node("child", [&] (Xml_node child) {
/* use binary OR (|), not logical OR (||), to always execute all elements */
if (_storage._ram_fs_state.apply_child_state_report(child)
| _deploy.cached_depot_rom_state.apply_child_state_report(child)
| _deploy.uncached_depot_rom_state.apply_child_state_report(child)
| _runtime_view_state.apply_child_state_report(child)) {
reconfigure_runtime = true;
* Re-attempt NIC-router configuration as the uplink may have become
* available in the meantime.
if (_deploy.update_child_conditions()) {
reconfigure_runtime = true;
if (reconfigure_runtime)
void Sculpt::Main::_generate_runtime_config(Xml_generator &xml) const
xml.attribute("verbose", "yes");
xml.node("report", [&] () {
xml.attribute("init_ram", "yes");
xml.attribute("init_caps", "yes");
xml.attribute("child_ram", "yes");
xml.attribute("child_caps", "yes");
xml.attribute("delay_ms", 4*500);
xml.attribute("buffer", "64K");
xml.node("parent-provides", [&] () {
xml.node("start", [&] () {
gen_runtime_view_start_content(xml, _runtime_view_state, _gui.font_size()); });
* Load configuration and update depot config on the sculpt partition
if (_storage._sculpt_partition.valid() && _prepare_in_progress())
xml.node("start", [&] () {
gen_prepare_start_content(xml, _prepare_version); });
if (_storage.any_file_system_inspected())
gen_file_browser(xml, _storage._storage_devices, _storage._ram_fs_state,
* Spawn chroot instances for accessing '/depot' and '/public'. The
* chroot instances implicitly refer to the 'default_fs_rw'.
if (_storage._sculpt_partition.valid()) {
auto chroot = [&] (Start_name const &name, Path const &path, Writeable w) {
xml.node("start", [&] () {
gen_chroot_start_content(xml, name, path, w); }); };
if (_update_running()) {
chroot("depot_rw", "/depot", WRITEABLE);
chroot("public_rw", "/public", WRITEABLE);
chroot("depot", "/depot", READ_ONLY);
if (_update_running())
xml.node("start", [&] () {
gen_update_start_content(xml); });
if (_storage._sculpt_partition.valid() && !_prepare_in_progress()) {
xml.node("start", [&] () {
gen_launcher_query_start_content(xml); });
void Component::construct(Genode::Env &env)
static Sculpt::Main main(env);