Norman Feske eba9c15746 Follow practices suggested by "Effective C++"
The patch adjust the code of the base, base-<kernel>, and os repository.
To adapt existing components to fix violations of the best practices
suggested by "Effective C++" as reported by the -Weffc++ compiler
argument. The changes follow the patterns outlined below:

* A class with virtual functions can no longer publicly inherit base
  classed without a vtable. The inherited object may either be moved
  to a member variable, or inherited privately. The latter would be
  used for classes that inherit 'List::Element' or 'Avl_node'. In order
  to enable the 'List' and 'Avl_tree' to access the meta data, the
  'List' must become a friend.

* Instead of adding a virtual destructor to abstract base classes,
  we inherit the new 'Interface' class, which contains a virtual
  destructor. This way, single-line abstract base classes can stay
  as compact as they are now. The 'Interface' utility resides in

* With the new warnings enabled, all member variables must be explicitly
  initialized. Basic types may be initialized with '='. All other types
  are initialized with braces '{ ... }' or as class initializers. If
  basic types and non-basic types appear in a row, it is nice to only
  use the brace syntax (also for basic types) and align the braces.

* If a class contains pointers as members, it must now also provide a
  copy constructor and assignment operator. In the most cases, one
  would make them private, effectively disallowing the objects to be
  copied. Unfortunately, this warning cannot be fixed be inheriting
  our existing 'Noncopyable' class (the compiler fails to detect that
  the inheriting class cannot be copied and still gives the error).
  For now, we have to manually add declarations for both the copy
  constructor and assignment operator as private class members. Those
  declarations should be prepended with a comment like this:

         * Noncopyable
        Thread(Thread const &);
        Thread &operator = (Thread const &);

  In the future, we should revisit these places and try to replace
  the pointers with references. In the presence of at least one
  reference member, the compiler would no longer implicitly generate
  a copy constructor. So we could remove the manual declaration.

Issue #465
2018-01-17 12:14:35 +01:00

435 lines
12 KiB

* \brief Init component
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2010-04-27
* Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
/* Genode includes */
#include <base/component.h>
#include <base/attached_rom_dataspace.h>
/* local includes */
#include <child_registry.h>
#include <child.h>
#include <alias.h>
#include <state_reporter.h>
#include <server.h>
namespace Init { struct Main; }
struct Init::Main : State_reporter::Producer, Child::Default_route_accessor,
Child::Default_caps_accessor, Child::Ram_limit_accessor
Env &_env;
Registry<Init::Parent_service> _parent_services { };
Registry<Routed_service> _child_services { };
Child_registry _children { };
Heap _heap { _env.ram(), _env.rm() };
Attached_rom_dataspace _config { _env, "config" };
Xml_node _config_xml = _config.xml();
Reconstructible<Verbose> _verbose { _config_xml };
Constructible<Buffered_xml> _default_route { };
Cap_quota _default_caps { 0 };
unsigned _child_cnt = 0;
static Ram_quota _preserved_ram_from_config(Xml_node config)
Number_of_bytes preserve { 40*sizeof(long)*1024 };
config.for_each_sub_node("resource", [&] (Xml_node node) {
if (node.attribute_value("name", String<16>()) == "RAM")
preserve = node.attribute_value("preserve", preserve); });
return Ram_quota { preserve };
Ram_quota _avail_ram()
Ram_quota const preserved_ram = _preserved_ram_from_config(_config_xml);
Ram_quota avail_ram = _env.ram().avail_ram();
if (preserved_ram.value > avail_ram.value) {
error("RAM preservation exceeds available memory");
return Ram_quota { 0 };
/* deduce preserved quota from available quota */
return Ram_quota { avail_ram.value - preserved_ram.value };
static Cap_quota _preserved_caps_from_config(Xml_node config)
size_t preserve = 20;
config.for_each_sub_node("resource", [&] (Xml_node node) {
if (node.attribute_value("name", String<16>()) == "CAP")
preserve = node.attribute_value("preserve", preserve); });
return Cap_quota { preserve };
Cap_quota _avail_caps()
Cap_quota const preserved_caps = _preserved_caps_from_config(_config_xml);
Cap_quota avail_caps { _env.pd().avail_caps().value };
if (preserved_caps.value > avail_caps.value) {
error("Capability preservation exceeds available capabilities");
return Cap_quota { 0 };
/* deduce preserved quota from available quota */
return Cap_quota { avail_caps.value - preserved_caps.value };
* Child::Ram_limit_accessor interface
Ram_quota ram_limit() override { return _avail_ram(); }
void _handle_resource_avail() { }
void produce_state_report(Xml_generator &xml, Report_detail const &detail) const
if (detail.init_ram())
xml.node("ram", [&] () { generate_ram_info (xml, _env.ram()); });
if (detail.init_caps())
xml.node("caps", [&] () { generate_caps_info(xml, _env.pd()); });
if (detail.children())
_children.report_state(xml, detail);
* Default_route_accessor interface
Xml_node default_route() override
return _default_route.constructed() ? _default_route->xml()
: Xml_node("<empty/>");
* Default_caps_accessor interface
Cap_quota default_caps() override { return _default_caps; }
State_reporter _state_reporter { _env, *this };
Signal_handler<Main> _resource_avail_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_resource_avail };
void _update_aliases_from_config();
void _update_parent_services_from_config();
void _abandon_obsolete_children();
void _update_children_config();
void _destroy_abandoned_parent_services();
void _handle_config();
Signal_handler<Main> _config_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_config };
Server _server { _env, _heap, _child_services, _state_reporter };
Main(Env &env) : _env(env)
/* prevent init to block for resource upgrades (never satisfied by core) */
void Init::Main::_update_parent_services_from_config()
Xml_node const node = _config_xml.has_sub_node("parent-provides")
? _config_xml.sub_node("parent-provides")
: Xml_node("<empty/>");
/* remove services that are no longer present in config */
_parent_services.for_each([&] (Parent_service &service) {
Service::Name const name =;
bool obsolete = true;
node.for_each_sub_node("service", [&] (Xml_node service) {
if (name == service.attribute_value("name", Service::Name())) {
obsolete = false; }});
if (obsolete)
/* used to prepend the list of new parent services with title */
bool first_log = true;
/* register new services */
node.for_each_sub_node("service", [&] (Xml_node service) {
Service::Name const name = service.attribute_value("name", Service::Name());
bool registered = false;
_parent_services.for_each([&] (Parent_service const &service) {
if ( == name)
registered = true; });
if (!registered) {
new (_heap) Init::Parent_service(_parent_services, _env, name);
if (_verbose->enabled()) {
if (first_log)
log("parent provides");
log(" service \"", name, "\"");
first_log = false;
void Init::Main::_destroy_abandoned_parent_services()
_parent_services.for_each([&] (Parent_service &service) {
if (service.abandoned())
destroy(_heap, &service); });
void Init::Main::_update_aliases_from_config()
/* remove all known aliases */
while (_children.any_alias()) {
Init::Alias *alias = _children.any_alias();
destroy(_heap, alias);
/* create aliases */
_config_xml.for_each_sub_node("alias", [&] (Xml_node alias_node) {
try {
_children.insert_alias(new (_heap) Alias(alias_node)); }
catch (Alias::Name_is_missing) {
warning("missing 'name' attribute in '<alias>' entry"); }
catch (Alias::Child_is_missing) {
warning("missing 'child' attribute in '<alias>' entry"); }
void Init::Main::_abandon_obsolete_children()
_children.for_each_child([&] (Child &child) {
Child_policy::Name const name =;
bool obsolete = true;
_config_xml.for_each_sub_node("start", [&] (Xml_node node) {
if (node.attribute_value("name", Child_policy::Name()) == name)
obsolete = false; });
if (obsolete)
void Init::Main::_update_children_config()
for (;;) {
* Children are abandoned if any of their client sessions can no longer
* be routed or result in a different route. As each child may be a
* service, an avalanche effect may occur. It stops if no update causes
* a potential side effect in one iteration over all chilren.
bool side_effects = false;
_config_xml.for_each_sub_node("start", [&] (Xml_node node) {
Child_policy::Name const start_node_name =
node.attribute_value("name", Child_policy::Name());
_children.for_each_child([&] (Child &child) {
if ( == start_node_name) {
switch (child.apply_config(node)) {
case Child::NO_SIDE_EFFECTS: break;
case Child::MAY_HAVE_SIDE_EFFECTS: side_effects = true; break;
if (!side_effects)
void Init::Main::_handle_config()
_config_xml = _config.xml();
/* determine default route for resolving service requests */
try {
_default_route.construct(_heap, _config_xml.sub_node("default-route")); }
catch (...) { }
_default_caps = Cap_quota { 0 };
try {
_default_caps = Cap_quota { _config_xml.sub_node("default")
.attribute_value("caps", 0UL) }; }
catch (...) { }
Prio_levels const prio_levels = prio_levels_from_xml(_config_xml);
Affinity::Space const affinity_space = affinity_space_from_xml(_config_xml);
/* kill abandoned children */
_children.for_each_child([&] (Child &child) {
if (child.abandoned()) {
destroy(_heap, &child);
/* initial RAM and caps limit before starting new children */
Ram_quota const avail_ram = _avail_ram();
Cap_quota const avail_caps = _avail_caps();
/* variable used to track the RAM and caps taken by new started children */
Ram_quota used_ram { 0 };
Cap_quota used_caps { 0 };
/* create new children */
try {
_config_xml.for_each_sub_node("start", [&] (Xml_node start_node) {
/* skip start node if corresponding child already exists */
bool exists = false;
_children.for_each_child([&] (Child const &child) {
if ( == start_node.attribute_value("name", Child_policy::Name()))
exists = true; });
if (exists) {
if (used_ram.value > avail_ram.value) {
error("RAM exhausted while starting childen");
throw Out_of_ram();
if (used_caps.value > avail_caps.value) {
error("capabilities exhausted while starting childen");
throw Out_of_caps();
try {
Init::Child &child = *new (_heap)
Init::Child(_env, _heap, *_verbose,
Init::Child::Id { ++_child_cnt }, _state_reporter,
start_node, *this, *this, _children,
Ram_quota { avail_ram.value - used_ram.value },
Cap_quota { avail_caps.value - used_caps.value },
*this, prio_levels, affinity_space,
_parent_services, _child_services);
/* account for the start XML node buffered in the child */
size_t const metadata_overhead = start_node.size()
+ sizeof(Init::Child);
/* track used memory and RAM limit */
used_ram = Ram_quota { used_ram.value
+ child.ram_quota().value
+ metadata_overhead };
used_caps = Cap_quota { used_caps.value
+ child.cap_quota().value };
catch (Rom_connection::Rom_connection_failed) {
* The binary does not exist. An error message is printed
* by the Rom_connection constructor.
catch (Out_of_ram) {
warning("memory exhausted during child creation"); }
catch (Out_of_caps) {
warning("local capabilities exhausted during child creation"); }
catch (Child::Missing_name_attribute) {
warning("skipped startup of nameless child"); }
catch (Region_map::Region_conflict) {
warning("failed to attach dataspace to local address space "
"during child construction"); }
catch (Region_map::Invalid_dataspace) {
warning("attempt to attach invalid dataspace to local address space "
"during child construction"); }
catch (Service_denied) {
warning("failed to create session during child construction"); }
catch (Xml_node::Nonexistent_sub_node) { error("no children to start"); }
catch (Xml_node::Invalid_syntax) { error("config has invalid syntax"); }
catch (Init::Child_registry::Alias_name_is_not_unique) { }
* Initiate RAM sessions of all new children
_children.for_each_child([&] (Child &child) {
child.initiate_env_ram_session(); });
* Initiate remaining environment sessions of all new children
_children.for_each_child([&] (Child &child) {
child.initiate_env_sessions(); });
* (Re-)distribute RAM among the childen, given their resource assignments
* and the available slack memory. We first apply possible downgrades to
* free as much memory as we can. This memory is then incorporated in the
* subsequent upgrade step.
_children.for_each_child([&] (Child &child) { child.apply_ram_downgrade(); });
_children.for_each_child([&] (Child &child) { child.apply_ram_upgrade(); });
void Component::construct(Genode::Env &env) { static Init::Main main(env); }