
219 lines
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* \brief Heap partition
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2006-05-15
* Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
#include <util/list.h>
#include <ram_session/ram_session.h>
#include <rm_session/rm_session.h>
#include <base/allocator_avl.h>
#include <base/lock.h>
namespace Genode {
class Heap;
class Sliced_heap;
* Heap that uses dataspaces as backing store
* The heap class provides an allocator that uses a list of dataspaces of a RAM
* session as backing store. One dataspace may be used for holding multiple blocks.
class Genode::Heap : public Allocator
enum {
MIN_CHUNK_SIZE = 4*1024, /* in machine words */
MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 256*1024,
* Meta data includes the Dataspace structure and meta data of
* the AVL allocator.
META_DATA_SIZE = 1024, /* in bytes */
* Allocation sizes >= this value are considered as big
* allocations, which get their own dataspace. In contrast
* to smaller allocations, this memory is released to
* the RAM session when 'free()' is called.
BIG_ALLOCATION_THRESHOLD = 64*1024 /* in bytes */
class Dataspace : public List<Dataspace>::Element
Ram_dataspace_capability cap;
void *local_addr;
size_t size;
Dataspace(Ram_dataspace_capability c, void *local_addr, size_t size)
: cap(c), local_addr(local_addr), size(size) { }
inline void * operator new(Genode::size_t, void* addr) {
return addr; }
inline void operator delete(void*) { }
* This structure exists only to make sure that the dataspaces are
* destroyed after the AVL allocator.
struct Dataspace_pool : public List<Dataspace>
Ram_session *ram_session; /* RAM session for backing store */
Rm_session *rm_session; /* region manager */
Dataspace_pool(Ram_session *ram_session, Rm_session *rm_session)
: ram_session(ram_session), rm_session(rm_session) { }
* Destructor
void reassign_resources(Ram_session *ram, Rm_session *rm) {
ram_session = ram, rm_session = rm; }
* NOTE: The order of the member variables is important for
* the calling order of the destructors!
Lock _lock;
Dataspace_pool _ds_pool; /* list of dataspaces */
Allocator_avl _alloc; /* local allocator */
size_t _quota_limit;
size_t _quota_used;
size_t _chunk_size;
* Allocate a new dataspace of the specified size
* \param size number of bytes to allocate
* \param enforce_separate_metadata if true, the new dataspace
* will not contain any meta data
* \throw Rm_session::Invalid_dataspace,
* Rm_session::Region_conflict
* \return 0 on success or negative error code
Heap::Dataspace *_allocate_dataspace(size_t size, bool enforce_separate_metadata);
* Try to allocate block at our local allocator
* \return true on success
* This method is a utility used by '_unsynchronized_alloc' to
* avoid code duplication.
bool _try_local_alloc(size_t size, void **out_addr);
* Unsynchronized implementation of 'alloc'
bool _unsynchronized_alloc(size_t size, void **out_addr);
enum { UNLIMITED = ~0 };
Heap(Ram_session *ram_session,
Rm_session *rm_session,
size_t quota_limit = UNLIMITED,
void *static_addr = 0,
size_t static_size = 0)
_ds_pool(ram_session, rm_session),
_quota_limit(quota_limit), _quota_used(0),
if (static_addr)
_alloc.add_range((addr_t)static_addr, static_size);
* Reconfigure quota limit
* \return negative error code if new quota limit is higher than
* currently used quota.
int quota_limit(size_t new_quota_limit);
* Re-assign RAM and RM sessions
void reassign_resources(Ram_session *ram, Rm_session *rm) {
_ds_pool.reassign_resources(ram, rm); }
** Allocator interface **
bool alloc(size_t, void **) override;
void free(void *, size_t) override;
size_t consumed() const override { return _quota_used; }
size_t overhead(size_t size) const override { return _alloc.overhead(size); }
bool need_size_for_free() const override { return false; }
* Heap that allocates each block at a separate dataspace
class Genode::Sliced_heap : public Allocator
class Block;
Ram_session *_ram_session; /* RAM session for backing store */
Rm_session *_rm_session; /* region manager */
size_t _consumed; /* number of allocated bytes */
List<Block> _block_list; /* list of allocated blocks */
Lock _lock; /* serialize allocations */
* Constructor
Sliced_heap(Ram_session *ram_session, Rm_session *rm_session);
* Destructor
** Allocator interface **
bool alloc(size_t, void **);
void free(void *, size_t);
size_t consumed() const { return _consumed; }
size_t overhead(size_t size) const;
bool need_size_for_free() const override { return false; }
#endif /* _INCLUDE__BASE__HEAP_H_ */