Christian Helmuth 555ebe1ffe okl4: copy elfweaver tool to build directory
When using the elfweaver to generate boot images, python stores
precompiled modules in the source directory besides the .py files. This
changed the contrib source tree with binary files specific to the build
host. As a result the depot create tool picked up the changed source
tree and produced strange new hashes. Now, the tool sources are copied
to the build directory where python can do its optimizations and the
depot stays clean.
2017-09-07 11:47:16 +02:00

65 lines
2.1 KiB

# Execute the rules in this file only at the second build stage when we know
# about the complete build settings, e.g., the 'CROSS_DEV_PREFIX'.
ifeq ($(called_from_lib_mk),yes)
include $(REP_DIR)/lib/import/
# Make OKL4 kernel API headers available to the Genode build system
# We have to create a symbolic link of OKL's 'include/l4' directory into our
# local build directory. If we just added the original 'iguana/include'
# directory to the include-search locations, we would pollute the include
# search space with all Iguana include files, not just the OKL4 API includes.
OKL4_L4_INCLUDES = arch.h cache.h caps.h config.h interrupt.h ipc.h kdebug.h \
macros.h map.h memregion.h message.h misc.h mutex.h \
pagefault.h procdesc.h profile.h schedule.h security.h \
space.h thread.h time.h types.h utcb.h
OKL4_INCLUDE_SYMLINKS += $(addprefix include/l4/,$(OKL4_L4_INCLUDES))
OKL4_INCLUDE_SYMLINKS += $(addprefix include/,compat bootinfo)
# make sure to create the 'include/l4' directory before the symbolic links
$(OKL4_INCLUDE_SYMLINKS): $(filter-out $(wildcard $(OKL4_INCLUDE_DIRS)), $(OKL4_INCLUDE_DIRS))
$(VERBOSE)mkdir -p $@
$(VERBOSE)$(ECHO) "--> Please, execute './tool/ports/prepare_port okl4' in $(GENODE_DIR)"
$(VERBOSE)$(ECHO) "--> before compiling Genode apps for OKL4."
$(VERBOSE)exit 1
$(OKL4_DIR)/%: $(filter-out $(wildcard $(OKL4_DIR)), $(OKL4_DIR))
include/l4/%.h: $(OKL4_DIR)/libs/l4/include/%.h
$(VERBOSE)ln -sf $< $@
include/compat: $(OKL4_DIR)/libs/compat/include/compat
$(VERBOSE)ln -sf $< $@
include/bootinfo: $(OKL4_DIR)/libs/bootinfo/include
$(VERBOSE)ln -sf $< $@
# Create symlink to elfweaver so that the run tool can use it from within the
# build directory.
HOST_TOOLS += $(BUILD_BASE_DIR)/tool/okl4/elfweaver
mkdir -p $(dir $@)
cp -a $(OKL4_DIR)/tools/pyelf $(dir $@)/
ln -sf pyelf/elfweaver $@