
54 lines
952 B

* \brief Startup code for Genode programs on Cortex A9
* \author Martin Stein
* \date 2011-10-01
* Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
.section .text
/* ELF entry symbol */
.global _start
/* fetch thread-entry arguments to their destinations in BSS */
ldr r1, =_main_utcb
str r0, [r1]
/* call _main routine */
ldr sp, =_stack_high
.extern _main
bl _main
1: b 1b
/* dynamic symbol object handle */
.p2align 2
.global __dso_handle
__dso_handle: .long 0
.global __initial_sp
__initial_sp: .long 0
.section .bss
/* main-thread stack */
.p2align 2
.global _stack_low
.space 64*1024
.global _stack_high
/* main-thread UTCB-pointer for the Genode thread-API */
.p2align 2
.global _main_utcb
_main_utcb: .long 0