Christian Helmuth cb43e04691 ldso: defer execution of static constructors
Ldso now does not automatically execute static constructors of the
binary and shared libraries the binary depends on. If static
construction is required (e.g., if a shared library with constructor is
used or a compilation unit contains global statics) the component needs
to execute the constructors explicitly in Component::construct() via

In the case of libc components this is done by the libc startup code
(i.e., the Component::construct() implementation in the libc).

The loading of shared objects at runtime is not affected by this change
and constructors of those objects are executed immediately.

Fixes #2332
2017-03-24 16:20:04 +01:00

506 lines
12 KiB

* \brief Nitpicker-based logging service
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2006-09-18
* Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
#include <util/arg_string.h>
#include <base/component.h>
#include <base/heap.h>
#include <base/rpc_server.h>
#include <base/session_label.h>
#include <root/component.h>
#include <log_session/log_session.h>
#include <nitpicker_session/connection.h>
#include <timer_session/connection.h>
#include <input/event.h>
#include <os/pixel_rgb565.h>
* Nitpicker's graphics backend
#include <nitpicker_gfx/text_painter.h>
#include <nitpicker_gfx/box_painter.h>
enum { LOG_W = 80 }; /* number of visible characters per line */
enum { LOG_H = 25 }; /* number of lines of log window */
typedef Text_painter::Font Font;
typedef Genode::Surface_base::Point Point;
typedef Genode::Surface_base::Area Area;
typedef Genode::Surface_base::Rect Rect;
typedef Genode::Color Color;
* Font initialization
extern char _binary_mono_tff_start;
Font default_font(&_binary_mono_tff_start);
namespace Nitlog {
class Session_component;
class Root;
struct Main;
using namespace Genode;
* Pixel-type-independent interface to graphics backend
struct Canvas_base
virtual void draw_string(Point, Font const &, Color, char const *) = 0;
virtual void draw_box(Rect, Color) = 0;
* Pixel-type-specific graphics backend
template <typename PT>
class Canvas : public Canvas_base
Genode::Surface<PT> _surface;
Canvas(PT *base, Area size) : _surface(base, size) { }
void clip(Rect rect) { _surface.clip(rect); }
void draw_string(Point p, Font const &font, Color color,
char const *sstr)
Text_painter::paint(_surface, p, font, color, sstr);
void draw_box(Rect rect, Color color)
Box_painter::paint(_surface, rect, color);
class Log_entry
typedef Genode::Color Color;
char _label[64];
char _text[LOG_W];
char _attr[LOG_W];
Color _color;
int _label_len;
int _text_len;
int _id;
* Constructors
* The default constructor is used to build an array of log entries.
Log_entry() { }
Log_entry(Genode::Color color, const char *label, const char *log_text, const char *log_attr, int id):
_color(color), _id(id)
Genode::strncpy(_label, label, sizeof(_label));
Genode::strncpy(_text, log_text, sizeof(_text));
_label_len = Genode::strlen(_label);
_text_len = Genode::strlen(_text);
/* replace line feed at the end of the text with a blank */
if (_text_len > 0 && _text[_text_len - 1] == '\n')
_text[_text_len - 1] = ' ';
Genode::memcpy(_attr, log_attr, _text_len);
* Draw entry
* An entry consists of a label and text. The argument 'new_section'
* marks a transition of output from one session to another. This
* information is used to separate sessions visually.
void draw(Canvas_base &canvas, int y, int new_section = false)
Color label_fgcol = Color(Genode::min(255, _color.r + 200),
Genode::min(255, _color.g + 200),
Genode::min(255, _color.b + 200));
Color label_bgcol = Color(_color.r, _color.g, _color.b);
Color text_fgcol = Color(180, 180, 180);
Color text_bgcol = Color(_color.r / 2, _color.g / 2, _color.b / 2);
/* calculate label dimensions */
int label_w = default_font.str_w(_label);
int label_h = default_font.str_h(_label);
if (new_section) {
canvas.draw_box(Rect(Point(1, y), Area(label_w + 2, label_h - 1)), label_bgcol);
canvas.draw_string(Point(1, y - 1), default_font, label_fgcol, _label);
canvas.draw_box(Rect(Point(1, y + label_h - 1), Area(label_w + 2, 1)), Color(0, 0, 0));
canvas.draw_box(Rect(Point(label_w + 2, y), Area(1, label_h - 1)), _color);
canvas.draw_box(Rect(Point(label_w + 3, y), Area(1, label_h - 1)), Color(0, 0, 0));
canvas.draw_box(Rect(Point(label_w + 4, y), Area(1000, label_h)), text_bgcol);
canvas.draw_box(Rect(Point(label_w + 4, y), Area(1000, 1)), Color(0, 0, 0));
} else
canvas.draw_box(Rect(Point(1, y), Area(1000, label_h)), text_bgcol);
/* draw log text */
canvas.draw_string(Point(label_w + 6, y), default_font, text_fgcol, _text);
* Accessors
int label_len() { return _label_len; }
int id() { return _id; }
class Log_window
Canvas_base &_canvas;
Log_entry _entries[LOG_H]; /* log entries */
int _dst_entry; /* destination entry for next write */
int _view_pos; /* current view port on the entry array */
bool _scroll; /* scroll mode (when text hits bottom) */
char _attr[LOG_W]; /* character attribute buffer */
bool _dirty; /* schedules the log window for a redraw */
Genode::Lock _dirty_lock;
* Constructor
Log_window(Canvas_base &canvas)
: _canvas(canvas), _dst_entry(0), _view_pos(0), _dirty(true)
{ }
* Write log entry
* \param color base color for highlighting the session.
* \param sid unique ID of the log session. This ID is used to
* determine section transitions in the log output.
void write(Genode::Color color, const char *label,
const char *log_text, int sid)
_entries[_dst_entry] = Log_entry(color, label, log_text, _attr, sid);
if (_scroll)
/* cycle through log entries */
_dst_entry = (_dst_entry + 1) % LOG_H;
/* start scrolling when the dst entry wraps for the first time */
if (_dst_entry == 0)
_scroll = true;
/* schedule log window for redraw */
Genode::Lock::Guard lock_guard(_dirty_lock);
_dirty |= 1;
* Draw log window
* \retval true drawing operations had been performed
bool draw()
Genode::Lock::Guard lock_guard(_dirty_lock);
if (!_dirty) return false;
_dirty = false;
int line_h = default_font.str_h(" ");
int curr_session_id = -1;
for (int i = 0, y = 0; i < LOG_H; i++, y += line_h) {
Log_entry *le = &_entries[(i + _view_pos) % LOG_H];
le->draw(_canvas, y, curr_session_id != le->id());
curr_session_id = le->id();
return true;
class Nitlog::Session_component : public Rpc_object<Log_session>
Log_window &_log_window;
Session_label const _label;
int const _id;
static int _bit(int v, int bit_num) { return (v >> bit_num) & 1; }
* Compute session color
static Color _session_color(int id)
int const scale = 32;
int const offset = 64;
int r = (_bit(id, 3) + 2*_bit(id, 0))*scale + offset;
int g = (_bit(id, 4) + 2*_bit(id, 1))*scale + offset;
int b = (_bit(id, 5) + 2*_bit(id, 2))*scale + offset;
return Color(r, g, b);
Color const _color = _session_color(_id);
* Constructor
Session_component(Session_label const &label,
Log_window &log_window, int &cnt)
_log_window(log_window), _label(label), _id(cnt++)
{ }
** Log session interface **
size_t write(String const &log_text)
if (!log_text.valid_string()) {
error("corrupted string");
return 0;
_log_window.write(_color, _label.string(), log_text.string(), _id);
return strlen(log_text.string());
class Nitlog::Root : public Root_component<Session_component>
Log_window &_log_window;
/* session counter, used as a key to generate session colors */
int _session_cnt = 0;
Session_component *_create_session(const char *args)
log("create log session args: ", args);
return new (md_alloc())
_log_window, _session_cnt);
* Constructor
Root(Entrypoint &ep, Allocator &md_alloc, Log_window &log_window)
Root_component<Session_component>(ep, md_alloc),
{ }
class Log_view
Nitpicker::Session_client &_nitpicker;
Nitpicker::Point _pos;
Nitpicker::Area _size;
Nitpicker::Session::View_handle _handle;
typedef Nitpicker::Session::Command Command;
Log_view(Nitpicker::Session_client &nitpicker, Nitpicker::Rect geometry)
void top()
void move(Nitpicker::Point pos)
_pos = pos;
Nitpicker::Rect rect(_pos, _size);
_nitpicker.enqueue<Command::Geometry>(_handle, rect);
Nitpicker::Point pos() const { return _pos; }
struct Nitlog::Main
Env &_env;
/* calculate size of log view in pixels */
unsigned const _win_w = default_font.str_w(" ") * LOG_W + 2;
unsigned const _win_h = default_font.str_h(" ") * LOG_H + 2;
/* init sessions to the required external services */
Nitpicker::Connection _nitpicker { _env };
Timer::Connection _timer { _env };
void _init_nitpicker_buffer()
_nitpicker.buffer(Framebuffer::Mode(_win_w, _win_h,
Framebuffer::Mode::RGB565), false);
bool const _nitpicker_buffer_initialized = (_init_nitpicker_buffer(), true);
Sliced_heap _sliced_heap { _env.ram(), _env.rm() };
/* create log window */
Attached_dataspace _fb_ds { _env.rm(), _nitpicker.framebuffer()->dataspace() };
Canvas<Pixel_rgb565> _canvas { _fb_ds.local_addr<Pixel_rgb565>(),
::Area(_win_w, _win_h) };
Log_window _log_window { _canvas };
void _init_canvas()
* We clip a border of one pixel off the canvas. This way, the
* border remains unaffected by the drawing operations and
* acts as an outline for the log window.
_canvas.clip(::Rect(::Point(1, 1), ::Area(_win_w - 2, _win_h - 2)));
bool const _canvas_initialized = (_init_canvas(), true);
/* create view for log window */
Nitpicker::Rect const _view_geometry { Nitpicker::Point(20, 20),
Nitpicker::Area(_win_w, _win_h) };
Log_view _view { _nitpicker, _view_geometry };
/* create root interface for service */
Root _root { _env.ep(), _sliced_heap, _log_window };
Attached_dataspace _ev_ds { _env.rm(), _nitpicker.input()->dataspace() };
Nitpicker::Point _old_mouse_pos;
unsigned _key_cnt = 0;
Signal_handler<Main> _input_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_input };
void _handle_input()
Input::Event const *ev_buf = _ev_ds.local_addr<Input::Event const>();
for (int i = 0, num_ev = _nitpicker.input()->flush(); i < num_ev; i++) {
Input::Event const &ev = ev_buf[i];
if (ev.type() == Input::Event::PRESS) _key_cnt++;
if (ev.type() == Input::Event::RELEASE) _key_cnt--;
Nitpicker::Point mouse_pos(, ev.ay());
/* move view */
if (ev.type() == Input::Event::MOTION && _key_cnt > 0)
_view.move(_view.pos() + mouse_pos - _old_mouse_pos);
/* find selected view and bring it to front */
if (ev.type() == Input::Event::PRESS && _key_cnt == 1);
_old_mouse_pos = mouse_pos;
Signal_handler<Main> _timer_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_timer };
void _handle_timer()
if (_log_window.draw())
_nitpicker.framebuffer()->refresh(0, 0, _win_w, _win_h);
Main(Env &env) : _env(env)
/* announce service at our parent */
void Component::construct(Genode::Env &env)
/* XXX execute constructors of global statics */
static Nitlog::Main main(env);