
436 lines
10 KiB

* \brief Input-event filter
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2017-02-01
* Copyright (C) 2017 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
/* Genode includes */
#include <input/component.h>
#include <os/static_root.h>
#include <base/component.h>
#include <base/attached_rom_dataspace.h>
#include <base/heap.h>
#include <timer_session/connection.h>
/* local includes */
#include <input_source.h>
#include <remap_source.h>
#include <merge_source.h>
#include <chargen_source.h>
namespace Input_filter { struct Main; }
struct Input_filter::Main : Input_connection::Avail_handler,
Env &_env;
Attached_rom_dataspace _config { _env, "config" };
Heap _heap { _env.ram(), _env.rm() };
Registry<Registered<Input_connection> > _input_connections;
typedef String<Session_label::capacity()> Label;
* Mechanism to construct a 'Timer' on demand
* By lazily constructing the timer, the input-filter does not depend
* on a timer service unless its configuration defines time-related
* filtering operations like key repeat.
struct Timer_accessor : Input_filter::Timer_accessor
struct Lazy
Timer::Connection timer;
Lazy(Env &env) : timer(env) { }
Env &_env;
Constructible<Lazy> lazy;
Timer_accessor(Env &env) : _env(env) { }
* Timer_accessor interface
Timer::Connection &timer() override
if (!lazy.constructed())
return lazy->timer;
} _timer_accessor { _env };
* Pool of configuration include snippets, obtained as ROM modules
struct Include_accessor : Input_filter::Include_accessor
struct Rom
typedef Include_accessor::Name Name;
Registry<Rom>::Element _reg_elem;
Name const _name;
Attached_rom_dataspace _dataspace;
Signal_context_capability _reconfig_sigh;
void _handle_rom_update()
/* trigger reconfiguration */
Signal_handler<Rom> _rom_update_handler;
Rom(Registry<Rom> &registry, Env &env,
Name const &name, Type const &type,
Signal_context_capability reconfig_sigh)
_reg_elem(registry, *this), _name(name),
_dataspace(env, name.string()), _reconfig_sigh(reconfig_sigh),
_rom_update_handler(env.ep(), *this, &Rom::_handle_rom_update)
/* validate top-level node type */
/* respond to ROM updates */
bool has_name(Name const &name) const { return _name == name; }
* Return ROM content as XML
* \throw Include_unavailable
Xml_node xml(Include_accessor::Type const &type) const
Xml_node const node = _dataspace.xml();
if (node.type() == type)
return node;
error("unexpected <", node.type(), "> node " "in included "
"ROM \"", _name, "\", expected, <", type, "> node");
throw Include_unavailable();
Env &_env;
Allocator &_alloc;
Signal_context_capability _sigh;
Registry<Rom> _registry;
* Return true if registry contains an include with the given name
bool _exists(Rom::Name const &name)
bool exists = false;
_registry.for_each([&] (Rom const &rom) {
if (rom.has_name(name))
exists = true; });
return exists;
* Constructor
* \param sigh signal handler that responds to new ROM versions
Include_accessor(Env &env, Allocator &alloc, Signal_context_capability sigh)
_env(env), _alloc(alloc), _sigh(sigh)
{ }
_registry.for_each([&] (Rom &rom) { destroy(_alloc, &rom); });
void _apply_include(Name const &name, Type const &type, Functor const &fn) override
/* populate registry on demand */
if (!_exists(name)) {
try { new (_alloc) Rom(_registry, _env, name, type, _sigh); }
catch (...) {
error("include \"", name, "\" unavailable");
throw Include_unavailable();
/* call 'fn' with the XML content of the named include */
Rom const *matching_rom = nullptr;
_registry.for_each([&] (Rom const &rom) {
if (rom.has_name(name))
matching_rom = &rom; });
/* this condition should never occur */
if (!matching_rom)
throw Include_unavailable();
* Maximum nesting depth of input sources, for limiting the stack usage
unsigned _create_source_max_nesting_level = 16;
* Source::Factory interface
* \throw Source::Invalid_config
Source &create_source(Source::Owner &owner, Xml_node node, Source::Sink &sink) override
* Guard for the protection against too deep recursions while
* processing the configuration.
struct Nesting_level_guard
unsigned &level;
Nesting_level_guard(unsigned &level) : level(level)
if (level == 0) {
error("too many nested input sources");
throw Source::Invalid_config();
~Nesting_level_guard() { level++; }
} nesting_level_guard { _create_source_max_nesting_level };
/* return input source with the matching name */
if (node.type() == Input_source::name()) {
Label const label = node.attribute_value("name", Label());
Input_connection *match = nullptr;
_input_connections.for_each([&] (Input_connection &connection) {
if (connection.label() == label)
match = &connection; });
if (match)
return *new (_heap) Input_source(owner, *match, sink);
error("input named '", label, "' does not exist");
throw Source::Invalid_config();
/* create regular filter */
if (node.type() == Remap_source::name())
return *new (_heap) Remap_source(owner, node, sink, *this);
if (node.type() == Merge_source::name())
return *new (_heap) Merge_source(owner, node, sink, *this);
if (node.type() == Chargen_source::name())
return *new (_heap) Chargen_source(owner, node, sink, *this, _heap,
_timer_accessor, _include_accessor);
error("unknown <", node.type(), "> input-source node type");
throw Source::Invalid_config();
* Source::Factory interface
void destroy_source(Source &source) override { destroy(_heap, &source); }
* Flag used to defer configuration updates until all input sources are
* in their default state.
bool _config_update_pending = false;
* Return true if all input sources are in their default state
bool _input_connections_idle() const
bool idle = true;
_input_connections.for_each([&] (Input_connection const &connection) {
if (!connection.idle())
idle = false; });
return idle;
struct Output
Source::Owner _owner;
Source &_top_level;
* Constructor
* \throw Source::Invalid_config
* \throw Genode::Out_of_memory
Output(Xml_node output, Source::Sink &sink, Source::Factory &factory)
_top_level(factory.create_source(_owner, Source::input_sub_node(output), sink))
{ }
void generate() { _top_level.generate(); }
Constructible<Output> _output;
* Input session provided to our client
Input::Session_component _input_session { _env, _env.ram() };
/* process events */
struct Final_sink : Source::Sink
Input::Session_component &_input_session;
Final_sink(Input::Session_component &input_session)
: _input_session(input_session) { }
void submit_event(Input::Event const &event) override {
_input_session.submit(event); }
} _final_sink { _input_session };
* Input_connection::Avail_handler
void handle_input_avail() override
for (;;) {
/* fetch events in input sources */
_input_connections.for_each([&] (Input_connection &connection) {
connection.flush(); });
bool pending = false;
_input_connections.for_each([&] (Input_connection &connection) {
pending |= connection.pending(); });
if (pending && _output.constructed())
if (_config_update_pending && _input_connections_idle())
/* stop if no events are pending */
if (!pending)
Static_root<Input::Session> _input_root { _env.ep().manage(_input_session) };
void _handle_config()
bool const force = _config.xml().attribute_value("force", false);
bool const idle = _input_connections_idle();
/* defer reconfiguration until all sources are idle */
if (!idle && !force) {
_config_update_pending = true;
if (!idle)
warning("force reconfiguration while input state is not idle");
void _apply_config()
_input_connections.for_each([&] (Registered<Input_connection> &conn) {
destroy(_heap, &conn); });
_config.xml().for_each_sub_node("input", [&] (Xml_node input_node) {
try {
Label const label =
input_node.attribute_value("label", Label());
try {
new (_heap)
Registered<Input_connection>(_input_connections, _env,
label, *this, _heap);
} catch (Genode::Service_denied) {
error("parent denied input source '", label, "'");
} catch (Xml_node::Nonexistent_attribute) {
error("ignoring invalid input node '", input_node);
try {
if (_config.xml().has_sub_node("output"))
_final_sink, *this);
} catch (Source::Invalid_config) {
error("invalid <output> configuration");
} catch (Allocator::Out_of_memory) {
error("out of memory while constructing filter chain"); }
_config_update_pending = false;
Signal_handler<Main> _config_handler
{ _env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_config };
Include_accessor _include_accessor { _env, _heap, _config_handler };
* Constructor
Main(Genode::Env &env) : _env(env)
* Apply initial configuration
* Announce service
void Component::construct(Genode::Env &env) { static Input_filter::Main inst(env); }