Norman Feske 366bba0227 Exclude higher-level repos from strict warnings
This is a follow-up commit to "Increase default warning level", which
overrides Genode's new default warning level for targets contained in
higher-level repositories. By explicitly whitelisting all those targets,
we can selectively adjust them to the new strictness over time - by
looking out for 'CC_CXX_WARN_STRICT' in the target description files.

Issue #465
2018-01-17 12:14:36 +01:00

28 lines
817 B

# Pseudo library to generate a symlink for each header file included by the
# contrib code. Each symlink points to the same 'bsd_emul.h' file, which
# provides our emulation of the OpenBSD kernel API.
ifeq ($(called_from_lib_mk),yes)
BSD_CONTRIB_DIR := $(call select_from_ports,dde_bsd)/src/lib/audio
BSD_EMUL_H := $(REP_DIR)/src/lib/audio/include/bsd_emul.h
SCAN_DIRS := $(addprefix $(BSD_CONTRIB_DIR)/, dev sys)
GEN_INCLUDES := $(shell grep -rIh "^\#include .*" $(SCAN_DIRS) |\
sed "s/^\#include [^<\"]*[<\"]\([^>\"]*\)[>\"].*/\1/" | sort | uniq)
GEN_INC := $(shell pwd)/include
GEN_INCLUDES := $(addprefix $(GEN_INC)/,$(GEN_INCLUDES))
$(VERBOSE)mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(VERBOSE)ln -sf $(BSD_EMUL_H) $@